West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1929, p. 4

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001C9893 a ~ 'gal +lnl f ')la !I;, i.@~ iI THE AVEST ] VAN 'EWS i~ tl "Prices Consistently Low," tlt j„']Ii -=-- -- 'NEIV{ YEAR'Sl DAY'iii"FREE DELIUERY jt( '"Ariangements have been made 1', Lr:I.P s 'l I THEi'RO~SEM~R 'i,'ji ~ rh ~ rh ik tr T ~w !ok,] 2 &~' fs&&g w b t pito maintain an hourly sei'v]ce on !$ ;:oi'tii novv]ng "-R t' " ] ' I I l I il I ' t I'q I',lln 1'I ll 4 I"j)"thel'err]es throughout New li~ „,„„„,,„,„,„,„...meal', Year's]Day. The first ferry„will t ~ g alldp thereafter ithere l wi]]]tbet a from shoes ':.= ~ -'. = l lGREENIVOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, j']]] fet'I'V, every.fhottt;]except at 11 1442 hIarine Drive 21st and I]larine Drive It ]]; P. m.'vhen the boat]leaving at the sugar betbveeni two ]ayers of I'till I'Ilv--est 16 '--,tweet'05]t ]tI'that time will be held untill 11'80 fruit and.the juice,wi]]]not boil ,'" I ]i]2442 ]afar]ne Driveil'l Te 1 ~ ~ l Ii p.', The l first feiry'rom the over. ' ~ . '~~„ i! 5'Iarce] 75c. Expert operator j WES/l In/ Offf'tuStomerS ftan a"Fnenas,e .', l City DOCk Wi]]'eaVe there at 6 80 .. 'l, P B coins APPolntrnent ]]I4I I T T. A ) ~ ~,xr,+ a r m rj r vr ~! ~ ] ~.l!4 = 'it'! a.'.'nd& an'ourly, service will. - ' h'ng '" "" " Ill' PHoNE„)UEsT '18+ VV 'I ~~'Ct""" @I~~! be~ kept lup~ from ' startingboii,the:ha]f }iours; l The .water l tap.'his|'harclens the ~ -=-==ri l '," WEEK"-END SPECIALSII'(Bot]]] Stores) ',"T",,',"„;;,,'; '„",,',"„"I'„"',2„"",d,"'g,",';:. =,D',"'.""'"',.'„'.".'I]k:,~""i I',,;='==.::.:= .="='n'= & sleaving'Ambleside at'7.a.m. = ~ fresh milk:=- =: - -- -- = ~ 'i Mi'S I@i'a22ei' 't!]I! Canned pens, No. S...;..'..2 tins 2ec'eckitt's Blue.'........... 2 pkts. for lie i i,B.'C. Gran. Buxnr...,....e ttbs. 4lc Rods Biscuits, piicket ....,.......... lpc 'll . Th .P t]Off."= = .]~K]tb, . When making CakeS that CO - ~ . ]nuttnARAVE ttONE,SAXERV] & I Cre4)n)ettes'............... 3 packets 25c Fry'sl Coco]I,'/I lb.'in............... 25c,~ p. " tain bakinghpOWder,"they, ShOu]dt's I f~ . D,C. G. Brol en Orange Pekoe Tea, -- Braid's Best Coffee, 1 lb.'in.'... 4oc I. „fiom 9.30.to 10.30 for the deliv-. be:put into~the oven'as'quickly .'& Next o p gper lb ....................................... 59c B: c. Honey, 12 oz. jar............. 19c '& ery of mai]'on'New'Year'sfDay.4i w& ' $ t )l ']PhoIIe.&Vest 366$ = 4 t ~ I Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tins 21c Cee-Gee Brand Flour, 7s.'........... 35c ~ "~s s .,] s ] s~ ~ & aS pOSSible after miXing.. I tip . ~ g fl;24s ------------- -------. st., SI. i "1]V]rs Gilntan, ]eft het., ott Sun To Prevent cakes from becom-!'1 Quick Quaker Oats packet,... 27c I r 'tgs .........,............." """ &~2.» Il li "S.. 1 nlailt e ere On'n- I y f l",, Royal city cut Green Beans, 'ure Lard;per 1 lb. pk&.....,.... jgc'.I] day for!a Xmas,visit&withtihei 'ngf sta]e,eputiai thick !slice of ~,!I ~ wishes you a]]i~............;;................ 2 tins for., 35c Sliced Pineapple, Singapore, -- = ~,i, pai'ents iii Seattle ~~ ~ breadfinithe tin& in]It which(they..o't', o '----.----- 9 for. 2dc ' ---- -.- -:.:"----.----- 4 tt» 29Clj, lt'areyikfept n]andf renewp~it~evet'y sf! I++Happyt!]Ilje fci eaY .':It& hlalkin's Best BakIng Powder,, l Oxo Cubes, per tin........ 10c and 24c It,LITERARy SOCIETy 'hird"day. ~jj ................................ 12 oz.,tin'5c cShaker Salt, carton'.................... -10c .' ~, ~ ' (+ i!'and, thanksher "customers [f.Empress Strawberry IJain" l '.Fresh Date.'.................. 3 Ibs, 25c liI !, -- .=. ~, -- Turpentine, l candle-ends,land'- ~---------- ~---- ~--- 4*» tiII 62c'&&yimeI BOIIple» C»cken'.~ l', ll'he lieXt meeting Of the &Lit- Shredded I SOapt,We]]'izedIqtO:. t fOr their pati'Onage,, rary, Society in, coitnection with. gether make the tUnited'IChurchi will~ be lheld stitute for fututiture polish. ~ "-, j! ' . ': Ittj! r don]'hursday l evening,] January+ c: bbage is quick]y removed fromfjgl i ]f, a~nd S,„VYIS/ling gOIIjIQll]l, i 2nd,"it hen an address wi]1]beg pans by~the add]t]ontof ai]itt]e (tjt']il A]]]HomebMadejl! jtl'given by Mrs."Secvood on Gelt's vinegar tojthe&nvvater inbwhichu i.-.~= ™= --a e .) A.Hallway ani]I]PIIPSPeIPIIS t]N~+,:,geaI ] S, tl "Annals':of the'Parish." I'This,they ar I ashed n. --. ea Scottish life in t}ie ]atter halfS, Moisten(stove Po ish',with a. K'T)TK",'l3)K') T)TWp'] I)'. Ting&" - I ', g of the i eighteenthi centum y.,with& few drops'of,vinegar'instead'of l [ uririval]ed ficle]ity and humor'is I]co]d(water and,very,'gently,rub: Itive:;w 'ishing Youl']]]4 '!'j Ill I l not as we]] known after the ]apse f bing,will produce a bright polish. of aihundred years as it should A" mixture of soapsrids i and j! '4, gQ~- ibe. Mrs.'Sehvood will give a seri: i ttuqtenriht]ne--alga]]on]of suds.toil]stj! ~ ++ PP04 e )of. illustrated/ readingst from& two teaspoonsfuls of jturpentine 'i ~~'= = " j,itIkCpKE,,pho&& &&UP orders for CpKE ',, the book in the course of her ad: =will]brighten! a)carpet after]l2gt,Itive ~P I] dress; encl I it',would'Ibe I difficult iibeating.t andgsIveeping in,itheeg~~]gggtgge +~eStt 2 3O/ ', 4 to'find'an]elocutionist more.fit- ~usus]:way. g ted'o do justice to this fine sub-' Rub ll a'] drop l of, o]ive ] oi] l on IMOVING and TRANSFER...'- Daily, Trips to:City, )! j ct by.'het voice,jmanner,land]],kt»to]ves a„d folks that ate to;bjfe 'Iil.'~ AI ='tc'.',rl eon appreciation of the author put i away 'nd/they wi]] ~retain]I!" j.pearCe';SgiDrygppfb j. I r th I Ib ight dlb f d I"I..: " 6 - ,- : E! I F 'I i CAPILANO GOES free i from, rust wheat requiredlllstj!: j: --. j] jthe. ]t ~ ]F wit~ ~ ti O 'MPAG ]l aga'"':-- .. "I 'etbveen 14th and'1166thiIi;,]'he heavy, rains]last Sunday, 'XMAS PARTY'FOR PUPILS ~,1'," lit " ]W= --4 n t 4Iand Mondaybxvhich together, with- OF &BELLEVUE. SCHOOLa!,warmi win was e i'away a m :NN]eedS) NO~~reaaaaumnS']]] .. (goodl]c]ea] lof,the]snobv ontithetl'he'yupils of Be]]evue school ]tffmountains resultec] inythe Capil-, 'eld!cthe ]closing exercises'iandl'noRiver going on the rampage]I Xmas tree last Frida aftetvtoon 't'-".=.--.=..=.=.=.--.=.-= -'--.'"'ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ itii » Cl»'I t s ."It I I'rh h li »,p ttlll'!I! -"-," ' i tll,~,,',ijtl b gg, t f1„d, '616,'.th,ed t d f;tl ' It t'I'. Iil BEssgn sf]t"'ll gipgf t.tl' „y 1ybl tf ' . II/II. II'h % hll -hklltd "d b I I -- .,th 6 t: hb:Fhijipith pI'-'dlglg,t .t I tby, Ipl,dl td'th,p ty., the roots came down on the rag= made suitable gifts to the soho]- .t, ---- -- ---- ---- -- ! $I', i „ ing torrent, and much"dof ]this.,l ars;$ C]ass! songs&were'sung iby ~I" E. MARSH' . piled up against'the P.G.E.'ail- ~Ithe who]e of the guests and vio= '.way'ridge. The piles on]which&& 'line solos were rendered by Roma!5 jl" -- --;v'y.,- -1 =- =--- . -- ~ @i )II~ ~ 6 gi the 'First Narrows'lighthouse is ldtW]]]ows," and'recitations by, Syl= t 'ttstgaaiaber]IShp~l jI &tbtti]t also came in for',a]heavy sdvia Morris, Maxirie PinderMoss i tt!I = -- --, . -- J'.os] " '6,, t bibattering. Thanks, ]however,tto &! and Masie McLennan.'= ~ li ' . ', "n" -"'"'. !~ j the straightening and deepening ~During the afternoon refresh- '- ' .Children.and! AIentt g of the l channel which fhas ibeen,'ents we.e served.'- ~-"=---=-jul ~.=.=--.:-==-=='.='.='=='=-'=-=-"=. )don l this fall l abovelland )be]ow ~'rd the Capilano bridge, the river did lil $ ~~~~%C~not overflow,its banks, and only ]' few,piles of the'false.work of i ']ttTHE'MANAGERIANDiSTAFF-'-"- -«P "= = Ii ll I,the tnebviCapi]ano]bridge,bvere I, extend'SIIto] alii itsj'friends!ancl 'AULTS I/SEE IN) MEI "' $ (09NES[~I!f~ ~ itsliBest 'Wishes for selc]om eyer see ---- -- $ IRWis]i our, patrons oF NorthIVEtrtcouver, ~ 9 , AVe R I e no w playing , l„= I feel condemned to fine ew„'zalea.r.. A'dbit of fault in anyone :, '~~&YVhen I'm&so fai behind.'-- ~ -- -- - ~ -- - f]I I fi'seo xo censure eveFi~one.J. 0 2 I;I Vvith Ruth" Chattertonlj, g ', 'l ttUnti] quite unexpectedly~ I got a glimpse of me.'Coming'next fMon -; Tues. - .W d. 'I. I tried to justify myself,'tCLAP,AIBOW in]lj And frame some alibi; i '"'"-'" "-'=-'" "'" lg )A'],G. 7O]jSEILClj lV S, Ig'. CAI I.AIIO]j,," ]t I!I]CO..".) ...--;,„-~„„,-„-;-„„...-„,„=.,4,jt „„, -- "N',."=-"'r%. If I dri". ~ ip '!'I" I kip Eg.Fpr:ikll Kinds,ef JDBIPTE'nting 16 dltl II »dldthl 6--' Just try it ancl you'l see--* " 4] 4, I l 4' '. N4I!„phoebe N ~tht] +3]]I To keep'from criticizing folk, Let each "I" look at ."Me": ]]f SROENjbKER] kfoLEIIN IR VEITDR. LTD.. PRINTER8. NOR'I'R tpjtsoouvan. --Herbert Buffmant!i