001C9893 d ~ .-- Ii:t. I ~R , Circulating $1.00 iper year. A 'IA'ee e. y "'.4 ews sa oel- tn t}ie District. nf., 'West Uancouver-- Amvbleside, Holi@burn, ]Cypress Park, Caulfeild,:Whytecliff, Etc. Weston, Dundaragje Newsstands 5ciper Copy Vol. 'I V IPAGES 'OLLYB U RN ' 0 'WEST VANCOUVER, B. .fl'Il'] g'., FRIDAY, DEC. 27th, 1929 g I;..S .5::Ilier No. 41 SPECIAL XMAS SHOW PFORiEX-SERVICE MEN' CHII DREN The, annual Christmas enter-„ tainment'i for ) ez-service l men' children put'ori by the Canadian ~II Legion,;West tVancouver, branch, wi]]~this yearttake the',form',of a special show at'he Hollyl&urn ~ Theatre t next 'onday ~ night at 7.30t o'lock. The lfilms shoivn wil])be especially jfor children, andI toys and candy ivill&be dis- !l! tributed at"the conclusion of the performance.-'All-the children of ez-service men are invited~to at- tend. EX-COUNCILLOR RAY 'RETURNS HOi&IE 'wEz-Counc i]or K. A. Ray and Vtlrs. Ray returned to their horne in AVest Vancouver last week encl after a fifteen months absence, during which time lthey visited Syria,ithe former home of &iIr. ~ ~ ~ Ray, as well as several other countries in Europe. '&His itiner- ! }! ary1inc]uded the British Isles, ! !" Germany, France and'Italy, anc] 8 he has l returned looking very ! much better for Ihis long holi- ]i day. Mrs Ray ha.s also benefit- ted!considerably from 'the 'trip. | The primary object of 5Ir. Ray's ,v!sit to&his native!country was ,to see his mother, who was in IIiindifferent health, and,who'has since passed away. IFQ 4g'~..~ if "44tte 'e 0 I ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ig& . ) COUN..'. riDDES' V.;V.,VINSON'i g,', ~It is my,privilege at this tinie -- 'to extend to all".the residents of IVest . Vancouver~my ii sincere . '~ At this time I wish to extend'ishes for a very prosperous and III i( l,o all the Season's Greetings and wish you a most prosperous yeai This'is" the seasori-,whent.we Totho; ho p.; „;,g , t'ouble and'iibu]ation I extend manifested'ndf close our eyes to one's short-comings. 'iLet usicarry this same feeling 'i,. ~Sss- ' . ~ special tgreeticgs'and)prayithat iiithroughout ~the entire l coming I1 .... ziti,e coming year ivitt be for year i and l endeavor t to) cultivate . ~'b"ighter and mole'cheerful. - j+ ~&/r~ & . -,-.'..'&.y,.:~.aigenuine community spirit fol r is on-tthe further advancement of our of tgreat development and t the ', lI &» z,p:,, )coming year will,'o doubt, prove '1 ~»," . ",,~,:,. ',.;",. "$~$ :, The new year will find'our dis- „most successful. 'he completion trict confronted, withIi, greaterg " ofi the Capilano Bridge and road,i1 ""'Kyjigi';: i+~pxz~:.'. , problems than'ever,before. 'Let $'nd the. prospect of an auto ferry, us approach& them I,with t confid- 'cross Howe Sound to link up theence i andi unitedt zeal,'nowing ~COUN.'DAVID'MORGAN li t future ahead of it =,-- .-- . --. 0coast line" and, possibly 'Powell itiCOUNCILLOR IV.'BLAIRI am']ad'o have this oPPor-. River, all imean greater l oppor: It tunity to wish the people of,West tunities for West .Vancouver as I wish evervone in AVest Van- MRS. M.'B. ROBINSON .Vancouver a'ery, HaPPy and & the most'ideal resiclential sector cc uver a very HaPPy ancl a Pros- School) Tr'ustee 'rosPerous New Year. us Ne~~ Yeal. ~Ou The year 1930,wi]],'f course, 'I wou]d urge that co-operation -'s 'vonderfully blest with natural Hearty Greetings and a goo(d ll 1 have its problems but by a spirit "be the watchword for.West Van: aclvantages. It needs on]y a spir- wishes~ for the New ear o aN Y t ll of ~ co-operation'and~ unity much~I;~i louver for "1930! 'nd that .we it of co-operation and ~ district residents-of our Municipa i y.1 t "p'l " d i t"e we]- ~)]earn)and(put)into,practice)the pride to makeithe year 1930 afare of the district. second 'reat & law &]aid I down by I! banner year in our history. I trust and hope that the corn- fi Christ, "Thou f sha]t; «]ove thv The coming year wi]l, I ezpec Iiing veer ivill be a bright one both 'tineighbor as thyself." .IVith this see niany iniportant, develop- '; for the municipality,.and" for a]]~eddic]ea'in mind~iWest Vancouver is ments. I trust there wi]l be a it its residents. )1 bound to prosper spirit of 'mity amongst our people and ~that full advantage will be taken of the opportunities'for the clevelopmerit and ive]fare of the District of EVest Vancou- JAS. Dl. EDINGTON ill School 'I'rustee II s COUÃ. W. ill. JACEi&IAN ~Vs regret much that owing to Mr. Sackman's serious sickness, we mere unable to get his New Year Greeting to the peop]e of TVest Vancouver. Air. Jackman ,- has been lin bed sick for bvo'eeks and whilst this condition shows improvement he is yet far 9from well. Hence, instead of his greeting as a 1Councillor„we want to greet him as citizens and friends. We wish iAEr. Sackman the- Compliments of the Season with the sincere hope that he ~wi]] have a quick recovei&- from his illness. In this wish we are sure all the!residents of West , Vancouver mi]l join. AIRS. SELWOOD School Trustee I wish you one and all a Happy'nd Prosperous New Year; Let us a]l endeavor toiworL-. iitngether in the comirig year. for ;the:health and education of our boys and girls. That oui schools may 'e 'he ~ centre of, allethat! is thighestiin education by deve]ooing the best ~~ in character as well as scholar,- ship is the New Year wish of «H. R. HARRISON School Trustee ,¹i- 'Wit 'ii . (s" 1i.--. y$ .t' g'IVEST,VANCOUVLR I)OAR IJ OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES The Post Office will be open from 9.30 to 10.80 for the deliv- ery of mail on Ne~v Year.'s Day. In this season of Peace and Goodwill it is a privilege ancl a pleasure for me to offer my good v;ishes to the residents of West QVallCOLlvel .As owe of your representatives ! on the Board of School Trustees ] sincerely wish vou a Happy and a Prosperous New Year. New 'Year's Day Postal Hours GERALD D. ELGAR Chairman of School Bo;&rd. 4ilay this Yuletide bring yoii every joy and may the Net Year be fillecl with happiness. Let us remember that "Only a thought in passing smile, ol encouraging worcl- Has lifted tmany a burden, no other giit could have stirred.'