West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1929, p. 8

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001C9893 fs 4 e „.sJ THE WEST IVAN)NEWS December '27, 1929 ~'s«II~V 'S g g ~ 0 g g~' ~g~ ~ ~ ~ NORTH«,VANCOUVER /i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ti i. ~ - g /We take this opportunity of, wishing our, it Police are endeavoring, to'llo- »,, Customers and 'Friends t 'j TWO RED" AND WHITE 'TORES' DUNDARAVE HOLLYBURN~i",, ,'".,d-.'i',".'";,'„'"" """""'"'4th and Marino !Im Phone: 3Vest 4G' g liliCler medical attentiOii fOr SeV- l hone:,9 est 4G9j,, Wishes theil Customers and all tlie presidents qLJ~~pn HI+ Pr+S~prOItg tgenf gp@r itis ~ i; the temPles. He was wearing , ijtts,lioggei's clothing "andia'felt'hat jli ts (Two Stores for your service) j i ~eel, @ncaa'Speciigs) ! . =-„--,, „,-- -=-- ----Ls,& „ i",,',-„' Y I!ra Store/%est'34 k d 7I,iI llarmalades ~lu ray's, i2 oz. ' ~ . I + H d l f t d) 'I ".:=-- ~ " Slue ~iOre A~ -. 'u™ea Hund&ed& pf )voices unite O' .. ':...,... I 1 I: 1 1 '. '/;-,'... I. -Idl»l t I I»l ldlr I tldi,,, I"...,,,'-, 1:- I'...: .;'Illl „.g „,I I I,'Ot I tIPt: -.'Sl ~,' » ~ 'S',"„„'g . I ',tt ts I 8 "--'=': ' "«" ' . 1. I ...,...,:1". " ' '"----------. ' ": ll'i»; 'tl 'Ir»o; c-skrscore; zs;-t-:::;-.-: lse 'tet't»e p""'m'n'" 7'b"""""g'"'„litt. 'irlffshmff: all& our I~ tarn, d 'f 's iiiill:st"mers,~and 'frie d .ii 'eaches, 2s, per tin'...................'5c Coffee,. 1& lb., tins........................t Gsc ~ Bruce leading the singe&'.s in77Vic-, '+4II -- ==--.---- -- ~ & ~,' ! Il t., Grapefruit, 2s,'in'.................... 30c: posettos; yss -'t'tt ----.----- o I i ~ 1 tcl'ia'eCOnd'nnual COmitiunitj I.i, gi,,„ork'oys t;» ' --'oo Domestic Skortomtlg t-ttt. pkt, iso 'ji " 1 ga; -- --~" =m+S'ltI ~ ' celeb'tion. t 1! i aihvay's 'econd i;Yuletide'esti- "LOS exuUS, ~ I !7 '!jr.val which is taking.piace at the ij!tt Empress hotel, the'i community, i'/+,e~y~, Ieg f, 0)eFl:sl i e::er4'ei s,» &-"-'-";-'--'='"=', -=-, ==='Thousands of lights gieamedgl '",gfgjQgtgp Qggogpep, &tom IIe1ot 0 '&t i ~ . ~~ . --, ~ =- 4~ }I lfrom &the specially"illuminated,tl,l'iSheS all;their-CIIStplIIers allfllj t iiuiitiings tandjttevergreenÃtraees tttI!" hand'~~~&~~"e ~ "LIMITED'a ~Phone West 115 !i dotting,the spacious lawns were lS jQ, ~Residence Phone:;Wrecst"898L. FriendS a .,t ablaze.withtcolored&lights.', ~ . -= =. ~ . =.-- ----', ~ =====- ~ ti H ~~ At the hotel a beautiful'Iiidiant~ appy anflltiProSperoIIS, i,,inativity,piay was produceti by,at!! Il '~I» talented cast..:-- ewjtpYear.,jl i 's The play, staged in the time of I. ~ II !'1 the earliest Canadian missionary'i- ce, is'based~on the Indian's love" & (f the nativity story in the Bible)II I We have a FRESH SUPPLY of First-Clasgspouitryt jthistory. FOR NEgr+yEAR'S D)NEER = g =+Written by Capt. Alexander.; ~ ~ ~'Home'ured 'Hams. IBacon and Sausaise " i limusic!by'PDi..'eaiey, IWiilan, a ',.--. -- ~,'; g:: ~.'-"a~&-'-'---,:" ."~4,.vr'.",q 'l the play tells a simple'beautiful) " rani ,p&ggfy, +,gpss " Soot AUill remove grease spots I THE NE)V~ YEAR I i( BOSWORTH, Mo., Dec. 27.-- Next Tuesday oldiFather Tinie will strike againswith his In the niches of the Hall of Fame sickle, ancl the'ear 1929&,will, sinks into the). cradle gf the . In th * year it is only natural for us to look back over the past twelve'f I'»'dge h "" '"'" ' '"'d'onths and strike a mentaltbalanceiof just,vrhat they have" I ~ Qg+ggt pgft+p brought us. And we iniWest,Vancouvei. have had a great deal, 'ttt His hand tvasi, "a!if.red,",so tto he thankful for. - = Stafford;the dealer, bid one dia- =- The year 1989twi]i go down in history.tprobabi as one of mondl"tvithout inspecting 'hts,,the most disastlotts yearstof,modernttimesr I'The,papers'ai- ' t,'-- c"rds closely. ~- .. ~...most every day have been full of catastrophies of every kind. 'f neatlitthe'gllome 'roof ttllis festtve$='"Just to get the game start'ed ttWestsVancouver.has suffered from none of these, things. It, tellohoday;season.tjj has been completed,andlwe now have a first-class road; indeeti i i Good4~11!6lls the hearts of men. . When Stafford looked ag '" one of the finest in the whole of Canada'tretching fiom end b'3 ha"d" fo""d 18 7'salts' to'end of the municipality. The new. bridge over. the Capilanot!l It 'o tlie other hearty igood,wishes you river, our link by, land with'Greater iVancouver, the spanning 'll 'recelv addttj o ()pf,which'has been a';veritable bugbear ever,sine IWest Van- ~cpuve came intp,'be g, is nea ing cpmpletipn, and accprding, p " ' 'o reports bothil the Marine 'Drive thighway anditheibridge) »bacltedtby a g'enuine desire to P'rovide"' are to be taken over,very shortly by the provincial government. .4%6e Don't waste sour, milk. For The large sales of property this fall for home building in,that!i i"making scones it is better than, west of the municipality show, very clearly just what the new, fresh milk. ~ "highwayiand'bridge'havel clone for usl'alreadytandtare!an indication of what can be expected in the immediate future. k it Nr ft1717 tj 171tt!7I@gfff !The establishment of a motor ferry across Howe Sound" from IIorseshoe Bay, wh'ch'it is expectetl will be put inioperation qoe~+, 1(i~ii'his summerwill develop, the up-coast points an'd incitientaiiy )tl K,West,Vancouver is bound to benefit very, materially, from this o'[ ' '"! 'Reviewing the whole situation without colored glasses and/ / id ) ...,, ~ i!, j iii',i Mar'inc&Drive at:16th 37Phone(West'99 '- IVest Vancouver by ciinlath and the beauty, of its surroundings ' ' tttj y~,=-- . -.y.= 'as by nature fitted above every other. part of Greater.Van= i .'lkrg tg, 'PQQ)Q .',I'tcouver for a residential sector, and in spite of, everything, it ll ji& Wishes alliits customers and'friendgtt!I Ssj if ,1 is slowly but surely coming into itsown.').!II, V. V. VINS()',rop. Il f.'II There are no major works that press for action on the part 'g 4 N 1 & K,th j'! 3ll If»tt„gs gt, West, !I't .I'! Of, the munioipaiity thiS COming year,lbut it'ie tO'be hcpeddttt I,, gi Qlfk L p „ that the'1980 council will do something towards the improve:. ,tlment of our beaches."smaiti.portioniof beach cleared at a '. ii . - - --.~-- ~ ttti; few strategic points, say at Ambieside, Hoiiyburniand'Dun- 1!i" t, ' . !' (darave, wouidl only cost a'ew ihundred'ollars, andkwouid 'jt!7 l,, Season's ~ "-'. g&, result,,we are satisfied, in attracting, large numbers of sVan- hoping thas ' 'l ~ couver,people to our shores, especially after the schools have t! closecl for the summer recess. This would meant increased" custom for our ferries and merchants. So far as the western . A Happy, and'j end of the municipality,is concerned there is boundito be a'" /t t 'es. -- ===- ~=. D kfcaTOtv LOCptL kl~&NYLGXIt;~ -- -- -i " large increase of summer and permanent resident as a result of the compie'tion of Marine Drive and the Capiiano.brtdge.= i!i andi wish to'- thank all",' PWe think that West Vancouver.will take a big ]ump for.- wardtduring the year 1930.'e expect to see considerablel II- -; ~ "'r ~~ .,--.=-9&--~ i!tt! --, -- I &9,dk,i! "activity in, the building of new homes and quite an influx of Ig: ~ . i ~ --~ l, ' + new residents during thai next ltweive months, and.w ifeeiill satisfied that every resident of;West Vancouver. can feel con- fident that 1980 will be in&iced "a happy New Year" for the) Needs .Np'i pge ~ s I . mun]cipality. V-- 1