001C968F January 11, 1929. Granger's Gr0cery Saturday - Monday SPECIALS Nabob Coffee. '4 lb. tins .. 32c Granulated Sugar ... 10 lbs. 63c Burford Brand Peas 2 tinjt 23c Red Arrow Soda Crackers large I kt .................. 20c Tomatoes (large tins) 2 for 23c Finest New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. $ 1.2H Prices Consistently Low l'rompt Delivery Marine & 21st Phone West 405 NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th S: ilIarine. IVest 224 Wm. Sagar The IUest Van JeN'eller Watches, Clock and Sewellery Repairing 1522 5farine Drive Scottish Society Next Friday's i~leeting Is Postponed The regular meeting of the IVest Vancouver Scottish Society which should be held next Fri- day has been postponed owing to that being the eve of the munici- pal elections and because of the Naomi Chapter Dance being held on that night. Announcement of the time of meeting will be made later.. BURNS'UPPER The fifth annual Burns Supper will be held on Saturday, Janu- ary 26th in the Inglewood School. The program will be ready for print next week and should prove very'njoyable. Accomodat ion for 250 has been arranged for and friends are asked to please make their reservations early from any of the members of the Society. The state is only safe in pro- portion to ihe watchfulness of its citizens. COL. SA VORY CANDIDATE FOR POLICE COiDIIS- SIONER CONFINED TO HOGTIE Colonel 4V. K. Savory who is a candidate for Police Commission er is sick and will have to remain at his home at 27th and Otta~a for some time. Hence he irill be unable to attend any public meet- ings or to meet the electors be- fore polling day. Mrs. Savory and her son are making splendid progress to- wards recovery, and it is hoped by their friends that the whole family will soon be back to norm- al health. "l)ARRI E" FACTIOUS MOVIE DOG IN )VEST VANCOUVER Once in a while West Vancou- ver has a visitor worthy of very special mention. Such visitors are not always men and women. Just now "Barrie" the famous movie dog i~ with us. Barrie and Rin Tin Tin are world fam- ous. Their stunts before the camera and the intelligence showri by them has endeared them to thousands of people. "Barrie's" owner, Buck Holly, is also here--a visitor at the home of stir. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, 2450 Bellevue. "Buck" is quite a famous person himself. A boxer of ability, he has met in the squared circle many of the leading exponents of the mit game. His chief interest how- ever, lies in animals and young folk. He has done a lot of good work amongst the youngsters in his home state of California and it is hoped that he can be per- suaded to remain in West Van- couver and arrange gymnasium work and physical culture classes for our youiiger people. If any of our readers are specially int- terested in this we shall be glad to arrange a meeting with Mr. Holly. Five puppies sired by the fam- ous Barrie are to be given away at a dance which is being held in the Hollyburn Pavilion on Sat- urday, February 2nd. Chances in the drawing for these puppies will be given with each ticket purchased for the dance. During the evening the movie dog will go through a number of stunts for the entertainment of the dancers. The "Personality Kiddies" who have just completed an engage- ment at the Capitol Theatre will also be present that evening anti will put on ~ program which in itself will make the evening' enjoyment one long to be re- membered. There were 243 births, 104 deaths and 97 marriages record- ed in the three North Shore mun- icipalities last year, reports George S. Shepherd, district reg- istrar of vittrl statistics. am )aign ..I.eee:ings All candidates are invited to take part in the t)&ese meetings 5EXT MO&DAY January 14th, at Sp.m. HO.!.Y 3U 9 PAVlj.ION NEXT F (I )AY .Ianuary 1Sth, at Sp.m. AMB. ESIDE HALL 14th and Marine THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondence Editor EVest Van News, Dear Sir,--IVill you be kind enough to grant me space to make a few comments on the let- ter entitled "Opposed to Scrap- ping Ferries" in your issue of 4th instant. This letter to me spells Sec- tionalism which has been one of the Somethings AVrong With West Vancouver. The inference that the IVhytecli ff dwellers wish their road fixed to their sat- isfaction by the sacrifice of our ferries is unfair, and here let me state without further delay that I have no interest in IVhyte- cliff other than that it is part of )Vest Vancouver and worthy of consideration along with my home roost at Dundarave and that of the writer of the article referred to. But the subject in hand is transportation and we all want the best possible for the greatest number. One paragraph of the letter referred to says it is an insult to the intelligence of the tax- payers to ask them to lay aside their ferries to enrich another municipality . Further on anoth- er paragraph advocates laying aside our ferries, in these words, "An arrangement with such a firm would ensure rea] transpor- tation"--meaning the Union S.S. Co., which is mentioned in the previous sentence. Then it is said in a short time we could load our cars at Dun- darave and Ambleside. And it asks "where are our men of vi- sion?" If that is a fonvard move I lack vision, because Time is one of the essentials of good service and no autoist would gain time shipping his car at West Vancou- ver. I heard recently another statement that a certain U.S.A. city uses many ferries. But no American city does or ever will stand for a transportation sys- tem which uses fifty minutes for approximately five or six miles, and that is the time it takes me from 26th and Marine to Van- couver dock, and I am still two blocks from a street car. It is said the expense of the undertaking would be a burden for years. EVhat expense? The proposal is to take off the ferries and use our roads--roads which we already have. It is pointed out that slight accidents are un- derstandable, I presume this re- fers to foggy weather. At the risk of being considered a cal- amity howler I'l make this com- parison. In foggy weather there is always the danger of a boat- load of 100 to 200 people com- ing to grief hut in a car accident the number would be a small fraction of tliat. Again there is no comparison in comfort or in time saved go- ing by bus a»d by our antiquated three way system and I would still be in favor of scrapping the lot in favor of Progress, but this article happily suggests a break- water. So here we have two ready-made breakwaters and the only loss I was willing to admit is now entirely eliminated--not even our wharves need be count- ed as loss. Yours truly, T. DICK. Home Made CRi:. Have you tried the kind we make? You will find it delicious. IVhole IVhcat «nd White. Mrs. Draper's 2435 iIAltINE Dl(IVE Next Dundarave EIalL NQTE prroNct west ada (OUNDARAVE HOME BAKERY) LT.-COL. A. 8. POiVLEY IS LAID AT REST ~lang Former Comrades-rn Arms Attend ~lilitary Funeral Last honors to one of the out- standing military figures of Van- couver were paid at 2 o'lock last ~Ionday in the T. Edwards Co. chapel to Lieut.-Col. A. Bruce Powley, regimental recruiter and commander, when representa- tives of several military units of the city gathered for his funeral services. The larger number of those at- tending were members of the 7th and 30th Battalions, with which Col. Powley had been associate I during the Great War. Present also were members of the ~Ias- onic order and Col. M. H. Tris- tram, re~resenting the Toc H Society. The ceremony was unusual in the fact that the military men present, with few exceptions, wore their medals and decora- tions pinned upon their civilian clothes, but not uniforms. On the coffin lay the sword and hat of the dead officer, and the Union Jack. Rev. A. Harding Priest offici- ated. Interment, which was in the Returned Soldiers'lot, Mountain View Cemetery, was made more solemn with the sounding of the "Last Post" by a bugler of the Royal Canadian iAIounted Police. The pallbearers were Lieut.- Col. A. L. lV. Saunders, 51ajor B. H. Harrison, Captains C. J. Arch- er and H. SVare, Lieutenants J. T. AVatt and Aubrey Clarke. SPECIALS FOR Saturday and Monday Brown Sugar........ 2 lbs. 12c Pork 4 Beans {Libbys)... 11c Vinegar, per bottle .... ISc Corned Beef. per tin ...20c Quick Quaker Oats ......... 20c Gold X Bartlett Pears, tin... 20c Have you tried our Home ~lade Cakes ". I"; i'A.Y i",'l„"li„.,'7 Phone West 318R3. West Bay PROIIPTDELIVERY . piro I)racI:ic WI ...e ) You Consultation Free. Roberta A.. Vass D.C„Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACfOR Phone IVetst 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver t 1( for Reeve for 192,9 &vill be held ifr the HOLLYBURN THEATRE Next .....II;.I SC Ry, 7:...I at 8 p.m. A cordia1 invitation is extended to A11 Candidates to address the meeting. .'.x-.(eeve Syc ney ~~is)y Candidate for Reeve, 192,9 ~Vill hold a PUBLIC MEE'I'Ib'G in the HOLLYBURil THEATRE at 8 p.m. ..I ex: Vec nese ay, '.. i: ~ All carididates are invited to Address th e 5 I ee ting. A:. i;. o.ic V:ee.ii-ig in support of the candidature of