001C968F Smith s i rocery We Deliver A. HARVEY ShfITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundarare Hall. Phone iVEST 469 cHAiN I(ED AN9 WHITE sToRE SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sunkist Oranges, good size ...;.............................. 3 doz. Sac Smyrna Cooking Fig~, (Mats) 3 lbs. for 25c 1 Tin Serv-us Tomatoes, 24's 2 Pounds hlacaroni. both for 33c Fels Naptha Soap...... 3 cakes 21c Ginger Snaps...... 2 lbs. 33c B. C. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs 59c B. 0 K. Rolled Oats, per sack.... 45c Evergreen Peas .......... 3 tins 37c Eagle hlilk, per tin.... 19c Fry's Cocoa, per tin.................. 24c Wild Rose Pastry Flour, per sack, 10 ibs............ 45c THE iVEST VAN NEKVS ' (Continueti froin Page 1) agreement an(l there is no doubt but that the approval ivill be un- animous. The P. G. E. Directors are paying $ 106,000 towards the construction and the Public EVorks Department are paying $ 140,000 making a gran&i total of $ 246,000 towards this ivork. This ivork is to be commenced early this year. Therefore in asking the Ratepayers of AVest Vancouver to elect me as their Reeve for 1929 their approval will give me the opportunity of carryiiig to completion not only the ivork in hand now, that is, the ivestern portion of Marine Drive, but to get the new ivork started as early as possible on the Bridge:;nd Road that the 1928 Council have made pos- sible." CASH and CARRY i fi'ca)'. f'ar.~eI: D. ROBERTS, Prop. Saturday Specials NEW ZEALAND BUTTER ................,............. 3 lbs. $ 1.33 LOCAL iVEiv LAID EGGS Pullet Extras..... 2 doz. 65c Cottage Ham, sliced. lb .... 35c Ayrshire Ham, slice, lb........ 35c Pork Legs, fores, lb........... 1Sc Pork Butts, lb........................ 2-Ic Boiling Beef, iVo. 1 Steer Beef, lb....... 12c Pot Roast, iVo. 1 Steer Beef per lb........................... 1Sc Spring Lamb, shoulders lb 25c Cambridge Sausages. 2 lbs. 25c iiIONDA Y Sirloin Steak, lb...... 33c Pork Chap, lb...................... 33c TUESDAY 3 lbs Tripe ......................... 25c Fresh Liver, lb.................... 10c WEDiV ESDAY Pork Steak, lb............... 22c Boneless Stewing Beef 2 lbs. 35c THURSDAY Head Cheese ............ 2 for 25c Shoulder Steak, lb........... 20c FRIDAY Eippers ..................... 2 lbs. 25c Loggie Haddie, pe.r lb ....... 17c Free Prizes Three prizes will be given away each week. Drawing ivill take place Friday, January 1Sth. Prizes will be shoivn in win- dow. Tickets given every day with each purchase. Roberts'etter Meats Phone West 190 Deliverr hlorning and Afternoon GOOD EGG The Waterworks Amalgamation J. Duncan, blunicipal Engineer. The present system of ivater supply carried on by smallareas financing its oivn undertaking separately, had manydraivbacks,chief amongst which are: 1. It creates a lot of extra exacting ivork in the tax officecomputing or applying a different levy in each area to meet,the fixed charges (that is interest and sinking fund amounts).2. It creates a lot of extra book-keeping in the Engineer'sDepartment, keeping and allocating ivorkmen's time for menwho may be installing connections or doing repair ivork on sev-eral different ivater systems in the same days. Also materialssuch as pipe for making connections, fittings, stop cocks, etc.,all have to be priced over again after they are purchased andallocated to th earea in ivhich they happen to be installed.3. In some cases ivhere one system draivs water from an-other system it becomes impossible to do justice betiveen them,ivithout an elaborate system of meters to measure the flow ofivater from one area to another. 4. The area system ivas forced upon %Vest Vancouver ata time ivhen the blunicipality had AUaterivorks in the Eastend only, ivhile the settlers in the AVest end had constructedtheir oivn ivaterworks, but, now that the municipality haswaterivorks from Capilano to Hoive Sound and is able andivilling to meet development in any part of the District, theneed for separate financing of small areas has disappeared.The area system (no matter hoiv it is applied) is bound toretard development; somebody alivays»ants to build on apiece of land on the outside of the marked areas and theCouncil is faced ivith the alternative of using funds belongingto a local improvement ivrongfully, or refusing service alto-gether. The area system sooner or later must become unmanag-able, as ive ivill have so many areas and extensions that ad-justments ivill become next to impossible. In short the area system is just as if each of the severalmembers of a family did their own housekeeping and cookingseparately. THE ADVANTAGES OF AbIALGAiiIATION ARE1. That ivaterivorks construction can be set in motionmuch more quickly by the Council than it can by each smallsection on its account. 2. The extensive improvements which must go ahead im-mediately in the Eastern and bIiddle Sections of the Munici-pality ivill be more easily financed by the ivhole blunicipality.These costs ivill not be increased by amalgamation but bybeing spread equally all over the District will be less of aburden or hardship. 3. The Inspector of blunicipalities (who thoroughly und-erstands the situation) recommends it as the best way out ofthe present aii kivard situation. 4. All the progressive municipalities on the loiver main-land have only one ivater system, in fact the ivorking of ivater-works as a local improvement is a bypath ivhich was only be-gun in AVest Vancouver in 1920 arid the circumstances ivhichbrought it into being have passed and gone several years Jaliuary 11, 1929. A .'u ..inc ol'. 7.eats, .'-t&. and all of the very best quality. iVe carry only the best atTivo Stores, the kind you can rely upon. Fresh and Smoked Fish Beef Butter Eggs Veal Smoked Meats pork Delicatessen Poultry, etc. Ham Phone Your Orders. Amb]eside. I'hone iVest 3o3 Hollyhurn. Phone IVest S ivatch Windows for Everyday Specinis I Iv~ -- ~ g -- WS 1929 Is iVest Vancouver's Year A few of the lines we carry in addition to LumberRoofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gypr«Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building iblaterials of all kinds West Vancouver ] umber Co. 15th and blarine LIMITED Phone &Vest 115 Night Phones--AVest 368L and North 1415R '.4.C.. 4'.)UC"..OI&S on a Stoci DRY GOODS -- FANCY GOODS -- NOVELTIES See our selection of Party Prizes. THE NOVELTY DRY GOODS STORE (Next Seeds Grocery) ~ lIl a;,'l.i'$ ~OtR Cut doiin your fuel bill by using our Famous Drumheller Coal Special Egg size per I- OI1 a,,) ] ],50 We deliver large or small quantities promptly West Van Goaj. Suppj.y Office 1458 Marine Drive Phone West 377 MOKEY I'0 LOAN'n First blortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street AUest Phone Sey. 6285 Ton Delivered Phone XUest 17 Hobb Coal 5 Transfer "Bob's Always on the Job" Reeve Vinson has opened cam- paign headquaiters at 1427 Mar- ine Drive. Telephone numbers )Vest 298 and 299. S. Gisby's campaign headquar- ters are a few doors east 1439 Marine Drive. J. B. Leyland had not arrang- ed his campaign headquarters at time of going to press. DANCE AT THE PAVILION, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2nd Would you like to be entertained by THE PERSONALITY KIDDIES who appeared at the Capitol recently and also see the Famous bIovie Dog "BARRIE" and watch it go through some of it's movie stunts, then Gome tn tJie Dance In the Hollyhurn I'avilion on Saturday, February 2nd Chances will be given all ticket holders on the five babystar puppies by Barrie, each of which is worth $ 100. CANDIDATES Reeve Vinson, Ex-Reeve S. Gisbv, and ex-Councillor Leyland will make the con- test for Reeve for 1929. Council Councillors Jackman and EVatt will, we understand, offer themselves for re-elec- tion, and Messrs. AV. Mc- Quaker, D. Morgan and P. Wait are expected by their friends to be candidates. A rumor reaches us that E. J. Crickmay ivill also seek a seat on the council. School Trustees Trustee J. Edington will be a candidate as will Nrs. H. G. Selwood and Messrs. B. R. Harrison and A. E. Young. Trustee R. Fiddes has de- cided not to stand for re- election. Police Commissioner Colonel K. AV Savory is the only candidate definite- ly in the field. SAS -, )00 (S AND . nterior ..'inis.i G-ASS anc G..AZ.[j'I'G OF ALL KINDS Am I&. esic e ." um,ber Co., " tc . hlARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 c A.. c=ca& For Quality and Service Phone Ferguson s Motor Transfer Co. 8 TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE Pembina Sootless Lethbridge Imperial Nanaimo wellington Canmore Briquettes