West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jan 1929, p. 6

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001C9682 THE WEST VAN NEWS 4 3~ i ~kJ 3 !, ~~K~" TIIE REXALL STORE ~ ', ~ LSO.X A. AIr. and i~Irs. Alexander Smith and son, of Cumberland, Van- couver Island, spent the holidays on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson aiid Mr. «nd Mrs. JohnHarte. Dlr. Smith who is abrother of 5?rs. Lawson and Mrs. Harte, left on Tuesday to return to Cumberland. John Braun, of Spring Lake, A)ta., was ill )Vest Vaneouver on Saturday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. 4V. Hooper, 17th andMarine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stainsby, par-ents of Dr. F. Stainsby, were in )Vest Vancouver on New Year' Day, the guests of Mr. and DIrs. EV. 5I. Thompson, 20th and Es- quimalt. Francis Nickawa, the wellknown Indian entertainer, diedon New Year's Eve in Kerrisda]e.She was well known here, havinggiven two entertainments duringthe past two yeais in HollyburnTheatre under the auspices ofSt. Stephen's Church choir. Iiss M. i~Iulcahy, who spentNew Yeai s with hei brothei inlaw and sister, Mr. and DIrs. E.A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon, lefthere on Tuesday to return toPenticton. 4V. Hilton, 14th and Clyde, isleaving tomorrow to visit hismother, who lives in England. AIr. and Mrs. O. A. Johnstonand familv of Field, were theguests for the New Year of Mr.and Mrs. J. Johnson, 15th andDuchess. Mr. O. A. Johnston isa brother of Mr. J. Johnson. Mrs. )Vilson of Vancouver hastaken a house at 24th and Ingle- wood. J. S. Hall, who used to resideat 25th and Bellevue, but whonow lives in Burnaby, was in)Vest Vancouver on Monday re- newing old «cquaintance. Miss Marjorie Crickmay ent- ertained a number of her yoiingfriends on New Year's Eve ather home at 21st and Gordon. Dancing was indulged in. andthe young people had a tl.or- oughly good time. G. Vance backed his car on Tuesday evening into the air andwater stand of the Ambleside Service Station. knocking it over. The stand was put in place andwas ready for seiarice again on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black spentNew Year's up the coast at Se- chelt. Mr. Black returned home on Wednesday, but Mrs. Black is staying at Sechelt for a few days longer. The weather thereis very mild. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rivers gavea social evening on New Yeai snight at their home at 25th and Marine Drive. The evening was very pleasantly spent at cards, and dainty refreshments were served. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George Currie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Carley, the Misses Isabel andEva Black. Bert Ridley, who has been spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rid- ley of Caulfeild, left on NewYear's Day to resume his studiesat the dental college in Portland, Oregon. The &Vest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion is givingan entertainment for ex-servicemen's children tonight (Friday)from 7 to 9 p. m. in Dundarave Hall. A good musical entertain- ment has been provided and candy and toys will be distribut- ed to the kiddies. Mothers andtheir children are invited. Miss Ida Rathje left here on Tuesday night to return to Se- attle, after spending the holidayswith her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cripps,23rd and Marine, have as their guests Mr. E. Hume of Manor, Sask., Mrs. J. Cunningham of Carlyle, Sask., and Mrs. H. Reid of Scott, B. C., cousins of Mrs. Cripps. Two Vancouver hikers had a very nasty auto accident on NewYear's Day, although miracu- lously escapiag without any in-jury. They drove a brand newcar up to the top of 22nd Street, where they left it while enjoy- ing a hike up to Hollyburn Ridge. While driving the car down 22ndStreet to return to Vancouver, they lost control on the steep descent, and, striking a large rock at the corner of Mathers Ave., plunged into the ditch. Thecar was very badly smashed up,and is said to be completely wrecked. HOLLYBURN RAINFALL December 1928THE BURRARD Ji/I').K, %. I)S December inch6 ...... .237......85 8....... 1.20 9 ......52 10.......15 1 1 .. ..... .29 12........03 20........35 21.......10 22......33 23 .....07 24 .....55 25......21 26.... 27.......09 28.--......86 29 ....74 30.......01 31.........27 COL g WfATHKQ CuarAiNJ ago SuNKfrs WB, LAuNORR. AY PRICES THAT HANG PoLJCS Po'ADER !: ~ l'I'l8 .)UITRFd lLalmdf'y Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 410L Total rainfall.... 7.08 inches Figures for December 1927;-- Rainfall, 4.57 innches; snowfall, 20.4 inches; days with rain, 12. Totals for 1928;--Rainfall, 58.18 inches; snowfall 0.75 inch; days with rain or snow, 164. Totals for 1927;--Rainfall, 67.61 inches; snowfall, 32.2 inch- es; days witli rain or snow, 195. Totals for 1926;--Rainfall, 62.51 inches; snowfall, 4.9 inch- es; days with rain or snow, 182.For comparisons it is usual totake the equivalent depth of wat-ter as a tenth of the depth ofthe fresh-fallen snow. Mr. E. B. Shearman reports a deficiency in his total of rain and equivalent snow for 1928 of 171/2 per cent.as compared with his average at Kitsilano Observatory. Miss F. M. Cooke and Mr. J. A. Cook, both of Victoria, were the guests over the holidays oftheir brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hunt, 23rd and Kings. They left on NewYear's Day to return to their home in the Capital City. Mrs. F. Johnson and child, who formerly resided here, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt. HhRRON BROS- R WILLIAMSON jfiineral Birerlors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 131 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Children's Party Mrs. R. W. Haslam gave a New Year's party on Tuesday afternoon at her home at 23rd and Haywood, in honor of her little daugh( er Cynthia. The small guests spent a very pleas- ant afternoon playing gamEs, fol- lowing which a feast of good things dear to childish hearts, was served. Those present were Freddy and Dorothy Smith, Bet- ty and Patsy Meraw, John and Tamela Little, Jean Vernon and David Casson. Death oi J. H. McNeill The death occurred on Mondayat his home in Vancouver of J.H. McNeill in his 52nd year. The cause of dea'.h was acute pneu- monia following influenza. The deceased, who had also resided in )Vest Bay, is survived by hiswife, and a son David and daugh-ter Nora. Funeral services wereheld on Thursday from Center Ec Hanna's chapel in the city toOcean View Burial Park. COLONEL SAVORY SICK )Vill Be Home for Some Time. P. T. A. GENERAL MEETING POSTPONED ONE AVEEK/fan ra" CgQ ~g i! rom our t'alms' ~~ your I tdien ~~ The regular monthly generalmeeting of the Parent Teachers'ssociationwhich should be heldnext Tuesday, the 8th instant,has been postponed until Tues- day, the 15th.. It will he heldin the Pauline Johnson School. The executive will, however,meet next I'uesday, the 8th in-stant, at 8 p.m. at the Ingle-wood School. Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet MetalFurnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, SkylightsTar and Gravel Roofs, GeneralRepairs of all kinds. Burrard Shee t Metal 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver Colonel EV. K. Savory, real es- tate man and president of the Board of Trade, is sick at his home, 27th and Ottawa, and will be obliged to remain at his house for some weeks. His office on Marine Drive is closed during his illness but telephonic communi- cations, EVest 143, will be given him. Mrs. Savory and one of her young sons is also sick but are making as good recovery as can be expected. It will, however, be some weeks before their home can be openerl to visitors. The many friends of the fam- ily will be sorry to learn of these misfortunes, which have all come at once, and will hope that before long the Colonel and his family will be out and about again and able to take their accustomed place in the life of the commun- ity. -- your oaily supply of rich, wholesome rni lir is protected al! the a'ay b!I"the Dairy u'.'th the Highest Score." V~aszn VALLEY MILK 9 Quarts for $ 1.pp ag. rf Phone North 122 P 'I'I „ lie II The writing of a prescription is important but it must be dispensedproperly and accurately to insure its full efficiency. We are prescrip-tion specialists. SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS $ 1.75 Hot Water Bottles, guar- i 25c Peroxide ......................,....... 19canteed ............................... $ 1.34 20c Fountain Pen Ink.............. $ 1.00 Hot Water Bottle attach- 65c Liquid I'etrolntum, 16 os..... 49cments.................................... 89c 35c Mentholine Balm................ 23c10c Baby Bottles........... 4 for 25c 60c Califig ........................ 43c$ 1.00 Pure Cod Liver Oil............ 84c 35c Dr. Scholl's Foot Powder.. 26c25c Rikers hlilk of hlagnesia 19c 50c Bronchi il Salve .................... 39c i 25c Absorbent Cotton ..-. - 19c $200 Hot ~Vater Bottles, guar- $ 1.35 2rii lb. tin Budweiser hifalt anteed ............................, $ 1,59.........„................................... $ 1.19 50c AVhite Pine and Tar............ 38cOvaltine.................... '»c. 75c, $ 1.25 $ 1.00 Cod Liver Oil Emulsion.. 8~c $ 1.75 Fountain Syringe ........ $ 1.38 25c A. B. Sc. C. Tablets........... 16c50c Pinex ................-""" "--....... 43c 35c Baby's Cough Syrup ............ 23c25c C. B. Q. Cold tablets........ 19c 25c Analgesic Balm .............. 16c $ 1.50 Bayers Aspirin, 100 tnb- $ 1.00 Armand's Face Powder.. 84clets ......,...., ............. $ 1.39 50c Milk of hfagnesia.............. 3Sc II i~'.esage ii.~rug Store G. E. REID, illanager New Building--Corner hlarine and 14th.FAST DELIVERY NO Of&DER IS TOO ShIALLWEST 323 Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. IN DIVI DUA L ATTENTION DAY AND NIGIIT SCHOOLiVIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PEIOiNE SEYhlOUR 9135 Januaiy 4, 1929. This Week Specials Okanngan Tomatoes, large 2 foi 2ic Choice Green Peas........ 2 for 25c Aylmer Soups, all kinds....., 10c Corn Flakes, per pkt..-."..... 10c Shredded IVheat, pkt.-- "....... 10c Cheese, Chateau and Kraft 23c Whole KVheat, Pineapple, Date Biscuits. A real treat l b .......... 30c IMARI l~E GROCERY 22nd and Marine J. A I.LISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 PROhl f T DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans ,l „VA.. Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Orders promptly and efficiently executed, 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and Mood Prompt Delivery. GOOD BREAD is always enjoyable. Everybody likes "STRATTON'S BREAD" There's a reason! It's pure and wholesome. You et full value when youbuy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. STRATTON'S BAKERY IVEST 27 And our Delivery hfan will call. lh VI0 3HOTOGlpPHS ivyPorn er THE Eing Studio V. V. VINSOiV, Prop. 311 Hastings St., 3V., Phone Seymour 1016