West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jan 1929, p. 5

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001C9682 January 4, 1929. Granger's Grocery Saturday - Monday SPECIALS Nabob I'ea, lb. pkts....... 60c Pineapple, large tins, 2 for 23c Seedless Raisins, per lb. 10c Corn Brooms, 6 string... 43c Navel Oranges, per dos. 19c Finest New Zealand Butter . 3 Ibs. $ l.2& Prices Consistently Low I'rompt Delivery Marine & 21st Phone West 405 NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th S: 41arine. AUest 224 Wm. Sagar The IVest Van Jeiveller Watches, Clock and Jewellery Repairing 1522 Marine Drive llOLLY BU RN Barber Shop 15th 6: hfarine EX I'ERT SElt VICE E. hlARSH, Proprietor B. OF T. A &I ENDIIENTS REFERRED TO INCOIIING COUNCIL Suggestions for amendments to the present Zoning By-law from the EVest Vancouver Board of Trade came before the council at their meeting on Friday night. The letter was referred to the incoming council, and copies of the suggest ions, if available, were ordered sent to the mem- bers of the present council ~ A letter of thanks was also sent to the Secretary of the Board. LEGION TO I'URCHASE I'ROPERTY FOR AIEET- ING HOUSE The EVest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion wrote the council asking on what terms they ivould sell to them tax sale lot 1 - K - 775 E. part, it being the intention of the branch to build a meeting house thereon in the form of a small residence in the event of their acquiring the property. No socials or smokers would be held in the bu ilding. A sketch of the proposed build- ing was enclosed. The council -agreetl to sell the property for $5 for the purpose only men- tioned in the branch's letter. PI EIIISCITE TO BE TAKEN TO AillALGAIIATE WATER SYSTE iIS OF iVEST VAN. At the council meeting on Fri- day evening, it was decided to take a plebiscite at the munici- pal elections this month on a proposal to amalgamate the four systems which supply water to West Vancouver. These are; (1) The Why tecliff or Nelson Creek System. (2) The Cypress Creek System purchased from I". Caulfeild (3) The IVest Bay System. ( I) The Brothers Creek System which ~erves the district from 31st Street east to the Capilano. Carresp Ferries Out of Date.. The Editor West Van News. Dear Sir:--AVe have read a great deal recently regarding discontinuance of the P. G. E. and we have heard much about our ferry system. Ex-Reeve 3lorgan has put for- ward the b'st proposition to date. He advocates, in effect, that the ferries be discontinued (except at certain hours) and the municipal busses be run to North Vancouver to connect with that city's ferries. The best part of his suggestion is that we take the ferries off. He does not go far enough. We should take the ferries and bus- ses off entirely for the whole system is so antiquated it is no ivonder certain people ask "What is wrong s«it h West Vancou- VE. r'? IVe should have a bus service from the most IVesterly point where lives &. AVest Vancouver resident, to the City via the Sec- ond Narrows bridge, until our dreams for the First Narrows are realized. There is no doubt a transportation company could be found to contract for a fifteen minute (as a minimum) service and at a rate which will not ex- ced the bus, ferry and street car combined rates. Compare our antiquated system of changing at Ambleside and again at Van- couver where there are two blocks at least to walk to the nearest street cars, with a com- fortable ride from any point on ~larine Drive to somewhere up- toivn. Of course there are many things to consider. It may be asked what will we do with our ferries, our busses and our wharves. IVe all knoiv cities where a comparatively few years ago horse cars were used, the time came when they were a detri- ment to progress so they were got rid of and something up-to- date put in their place--the elec- tric car. The writer in fact comes from a town where horse cars were scrapped for cable cars and the latter for electric and as is to be expected motor busses are very much in evidence now, because as time went on the horse car became a back number, so also with the cable system. But the changes were made b;-- cause modern conditions demand- ed them. So modern conditions demand that ive bring our trans- portation up to date and it can- not be done by buying new fer- ries or patching iup old ones. They have outlived their usefur- ness. Let the ferries and busses be sold though it may mean a certain loss yet if retained they would be a greater loss through retarding progress. )Vhat about our wharves? There's a lot of money invested in them? Already the majority have forgotten that some $40,- 000 is sunk in Dundarave wharf and very soon as we ride to and from town on the soft cushions of a bus we ivould forget about Ambleside wharf. Are ive to re- main a backwoods town because we have a couple of wharves on our hands? It may be said our system is a paying proposition, but is it not true that svhen the annual statement shows a profit the $40,000 invested in the Dundar- ave EVharf is not taken into con- sideration? No business can be said to pay if they do not take into consideration money invest- ed in buildings. The P. G. E. need not be con- sidered «long with our transpor- tation problem. If the train ser- vice is reirrstated we will be it few trains each day to the good. If the roadbed is made into rt highway we will be a road to the good. If we are paid cash for breach of contract ive ivill have money to jingle--or repair bridges. Finally, the ivriter who has THE WEST VAN NEWS W. TURNBULL OF AVEST VAN. LU~IBER CO. JOINED BY C. il. ASTBURY ondence used our ferries since the days of the "Sea Foam'sees less dan- ger in foggy weath e r in bus rid- ing than in boat riding notwith- standing the fact that the whole community has such justifiable faith in our captains and crews. Yours truly, T. DICK. Opposed to Scrapping Ferries. Editor IUest Van News Sir:--hluch is being said through your correspondence column in reference to our ferry system. It may sound very fine to suggest transportation by bus to North Vancouver, and ditch- ing of our own ferry service. It is, hoivever, in my opinion an insult to the intelligence of the taxpayers in this municipality to ask that we lay aside our own service and eririch the ferry ser- vice of anotner municipality. One can realise, of course, why one of our boats tries to knock a chunk of Stanley Park into the bay, while another tries to run down the North Vancou- ver ferry. These things coupled with the placing of the "Big Al- ley Cat" in Ambleside wharf ivould indicate that things were happening to the taste of those who want our transportation sys- tem abandoned. There then might be a better chance of get- ting the road to EVhytecliff fixed to the satisfaction of those int- erested. The fact that the ex- pense of such an undertaking would be a burden upon the mun- icipality for years to come would evidently not avorry the AUhyte- cliff dwellers. It is very evident that our ferry transportation could be im- proved upon. Not, however, ivhile it remains an old woman' home. What West Vancouver needs is a ferry system, run by business men such as the Union Steamship Company. An ar- rangement with such a firm would ensure real transportation. They have real business ideas, They can see into the future. With a real system of transpor- tation West Vancouver will grotv without any high pressure sell- ing stunts. It would only be a short time before we could load our cars at Dundarave and Am- bleside. Where are our men of vision? Can ive not inject some real red blood into our council? As to the P. G. E. tragedy, it might be better if the rails were taken up and if the government has no use for them, they might b used for re-enforcing a break- water which might be built on our splendid beaches. As to those who buy lots be- yond the borders of civilization (at a very fancy price) why should the whole municipality be called upon to expend heavy sums of money to bolster uptheir real estate values? AUe have many beautiful beaches and summer resorts in our midst such as )Vest Bay, Dundarave, Hollyburn and Ambleside. If these plac s were developed ninety per. cent. of the residents of West Vancouver could hearti- ly enjoy them right at home. What we need is not so much an "Alley Cat" placed in our hall window, as a real live council, ivho will manifest breadth of vision, real vigor and a business- like grasp of things which make progress. IVake up, residents of West Van.! Get behind some live ivires for the 1929 Council. Let us think ahead. We have had enough of pottering along on a tivo by four basis. Yours truly, BLAIR BABCOCK. i4lrs. T. Sorenson of IVest Bay and Shaughrressy, has gone to California for the winter, being «ccomparried by her son Clarence ivho is returning to his college studies. C. ~I. Astbury who for some years has b~en associated with Cedars Lumber Company of North Vancouver, has joined forces with W. Turnbull of the West Vancouver Lumber Co.. Ltd.. In future the business o: the IVest Vancouver Lumber Co. will be guidod by the two part- ners. 3lr. Turnbull has created for himself an nonviable position inthe local business fraternity andhis success testifies to the regard in which he is held bythe people of the district and tothe business acumen he has dis- played in building up his busi- ness to its present importanc».Ilr. Astbury, like 31r. Turnbull, is a man of sterling worth andhas an intimate knowledge of lumber and building supplies. Hehas a wide acquaintance among-st builders and he has the happyfacility of making and keeping business friends. AUith this com- bination, and with the big devel- opment in building expected in )Vest Vancouver this year we may expect to hear of a big in- crease in the firm's turnover. Dinner Party illr. and ~lrs. J. ~[. Stratton, Marrne Drrve at Amblesrde gave a dinner party on New Year' Day. The guests were ~lr. and Mrs. J. U. Holt, bliss Phyllis Neill, Captain W. Weir, i&liss Clarence Littley, Jim Sowden, illiss Marie Sowden, Jim Reid, Miss Hazel Stratton, Jack and Bill Stratton. SPECIALS FOR Saturday and Monday 6 lbs. Granulated Sugar. 39c strawberries. per tin .. 22c Sunlight Soap, cartoii 20 2 in 1 Shoe Polish. Ensign Peas No 4 s 2 tins 29c Ormond's Dainty Biscuits 2-lb. Tin inc '..'..'..S'..'.'A.Y 'i"ii" ',' Phone AVest 318R3. %Vest Bay PROIIPT DELIVERY THE SP Study the ariaommica chart. You will sec how the spine con- "ccts every part of the body~is is the keynote to health. Chiropractic Will Hc]p You. Coltsu I ta'/on Free Roberta A. Vass D.C„Ph.C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone West 383 Nczt to Stratton Bakery Marine Dr»e, Amblesrde also at Vancouver BLUEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES The Annual S"'WA CDSI- P Ml'ETING wrll be held at 8 P Ill NEXT THURSDAY, (January 10th) in the Auditorium of THE NET INGLEWOOD SCHOOL Play a game of 3 tables for 1 your pleasure c Q """ " ' 14th Street I I1 11 Right at the Railway Crossing COURSE OF IASTRUCTIOX IN WOOD FINISHING and FRENCH FOLISHING Enroll Now. Two Evenings per Week for Three h!onths. Teach you how to make and apply your own stains such as ~~ter, acid, spirit, fume and oil stains. hiix colors and fillets, etc., etc. Awarm light place to work in and you may work on your oaw pieces. I supply everything. W. CARLEV, 2152 hlARINE DRIVEPHONE, WEST 71Y which is good, clean, hot, long-lasting Coal. Our Coal is shipped in carload lots direct from the mine to WEST VANCOUVER. That ensures you quick service atLowest Price. Special for the opening-- Egg Coal per ton $11.50 West Van Coal Supply Office: 1458 hlarine Drive )'hone, West 37? A.NNOLlNC:EMENT DEAR HOUSEHOLDRR-- We have opened a Coal Business right here in AVest Vancouver. We are handling the Famous Newcastle Drumheller