West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jan 1929, p. 4

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001C9682 THE WEST VAN NEKVS Januai'y 4, 1929. Q, I&I".II"„,'. (Y VA.. .'S Can not always be judged by the bulk of the goods, but by the quality. Low grade food- stuffs are dear at any price. QUALITY is the first consid- eration in this store. You get the utmost in real value here. i 'PI!,'Il/VOI;li', 8 GROCERY We Deliver %Vest 16 In business in West Van 8 Years C. J. Overington 14th and bIarine ajr ier For appointment PHONE IVEST 135 DECEilBER SETS WARAITH RECORD Rainfall Over 3 Inches Helot Average December just past was warm- er less rainy and in the matter of bright sunshine just about up to the average of Decembers in the past 22 years, according to statistics furnished today by E. B. Shearman, official weather observer. The average temperature of 38.2 degrees compares with a» average of 37.7 for 22 years. The highest point recorded was 48 degrees on the 8th, 22nd and 25th of the month just closed; the lowest 22.5 on the 5th. In precipitation, this Decem- ber set a near record with only 5.34 inches, all rain, compared with a 22-year average of 8.50 inches, which included consider- able snow in most of those years. There was but a trace of snow last month. The whole year 1928 was be- low normal precipitation, with a total of 46.46 inches as compar- ed with a 22-year average of 56.26 inches. The average of bright sun- shine for December in 22 years has been 39 hours. Last Decem- ber was just below the average with 38 hours 54 minutes. . Average relative humidity was 89 points, and the greatest wind velocity recorded was 16 miles from the south on December 18. Mr. and 3Irs. H. E. Innes-Ker, who formerly resided here but who are noir living in Vancouver lost their infant son last Friday. The funeral took place on Mon- day, and interment was made in Ocean View Burial Park. i~Ir. and DIrs. Leyland Entertain 3Ir. and ihTrs. J. B. Leyland gas'e a musical evening at their hope at 28th and Waterfront, on Sunday, when the guests of honor were Messrs. Jones and AUalker of the D'Oyle Carte Op- era Co. The assistings artists were Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Nrs. AV. H. Leggatt, and Aubrey Clarke. DUNCAN IiAIVSOiV CHAPTER ~VILL All'.ET NEXT i&IONDAY The Duncan Lawso» Chapte1 I. O. D. E., will meet at the home of i~Irs. Jaffatu, 25th a»d Kings, next AIo»day afternoon (Ja»uary 7th) at 2.15. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF %TEST VANCOUVER Public Notice Is hereby give» to the Electors of the Alu»icipality of the Co&~- otation of the District of EVest Vancouver, B. C., that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipal Hall, )Vest Vancouver, B.C. ON ~IONDAY the 14th day of January, 1929, at 12 o clock»oon, for the purpose of electi»g per- sons to reprcse»t them as Reeve and Tao Councillors and electi»g three persons to represent them as School Trustees (two for the term of two years; and one for the term of one vear, being the unexpired portion of a term) and one person to represent them as a Commissioner of Police. The i&Iode of Nomination of Candidates Shall He as Follows; The Candidates shall be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elect- ors of the AIunicipality as pro- poser and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Of- ficer at any time between the date of the»otice and 2 p. m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be in the form num- bered 3 i» the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall state the names, residence and occupation or desex.iption of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identi- fy such candidate, and in the event of a Poll being necessarv, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 19th DAY OF JANUARY 1929. between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. of said day at the New Ambleside Hall, Corner of 14th Street and Mar- ine Drive, AVest Vancouver, B.C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov- ern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at the AIunicipal Hall, District of West Vancouver this 3rd day of Jan- uary, 1929. JAS. OLLASON, Returning Officer. Hollyburn, B. C., Jany. 3rd, 1929. CORPORATION OF THE DIS- TRICT OF O'EST VANCOUVER Public notice is hereby given that the opinion of the Municipal Electors will be taken at the An- nual Municipal Election to be held on Saturday the 19th day of January, 1929 on the follow- ing question;-- ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF AiblALGAAIATING 'HE VARIOUS AIUNICIPAL QUATER SYSTEAIS OF iUEST VANCOUVER? AND further take notice that the hours and place for taking the opinion of the Electors on the above question will be the same as arranged for the Annu- al Election. JAS. OLLASON, Returning Officer. I-Iollyburn, B.C., 3-1-1929. I & I'SONAI DIrs. Geo. L. Southwell, 2. rd and Haywood, has moved i»to her new home situated two doors away from her former reside»ce. AIrs. Park has moved into IIrs. Paul's house at 31st an&I Trev- el s. Mrs. Clark retur»ed on Thurs- day, 27th ultimo, to her home at Cypress Park after spending Christmas at Merry Island. Mrs. Dicker, who has been re- siding at 22nd and Kings, has moved into a house at 24th and Inglewood. Miss Flaherty of Caulfeild left on wednesday for a trip to East- ern Canada. Nr. and ~&Trs. Rawkins, who have been living with Mrs. B. 5I. Grady, 24th and EVaterfro»t, left on Saturday to take up res- idence in the citv. Miss AIcKenzie who has been the guest of Mrs. NcDonald, 23rd and Jefferson, left on AVed- nesday, to 1eturn to her home in Golden. 3Irs. Racklyeft, who has been occupying one of the suites in the Hay Block, 14th and AIarine Drive, has moved into the suite above the B. C. Electric Store at 17th and AIarine Drive. Mrs. J. A. Cotton, 23rd and Bellevue, is on a visit to England and is staying at Cambridge. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blaney on Thurs- day evening, 27th ultimo, at their home at 25th and Bellevue. The many friends of Nrs. Hugh A. Hodgson, 24th and Marine, wife of the municipal architect, will regret to learn that her illness will keep her at home for a week or two. The public and high schools will open again for the Easter term next Monday after the Christmas recess. J. A. James of )Vest Bay, s having a large new residence built at Radcliff Avenue, W'est Bay. Ex-High Assn. to hIeet A general meeting of the )Vest Van. Ex-High Association will be held in the Inglewood School on Thursday, January 10th, at 8 p. m. Children's Party Mrs. J. McC. Hill gave a child- ren's party at her home at 15th and Fulton on Thursday, 27th ultimo. Th youngsters had a very enjoyable afternoon at games, and later were given a delicious repast with lots of Christmas dainties. Those in- vited were; Doreen and Audrey Todd, Mary and Ariel Hodgson, Blossom Her.ing, Caroline3Iarsh Mary Bradshaw, Naxie Allen and Jean Simpsn». The dtaw for the tu1key at Roberts Better Meats Store took place on )Ve(lnesday, when Mrs. F. Dorchester, 29th and Nathers held the winning ticket. Little Douglas AVardrop, 15th and I ul- ton, did the ~lrawing. SIr. and 3lrs. H. I ord had an addition to their family o» New Year's Day, a son having been born on that date in St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver. Marjorie, daughter of Mr. 5Irs. F. Paton, 15th and Esqui- malt, had the misfortune to break her arm yesterday after- noon yvhile roller skating on the road near Hollyburn School. The arm was set at once and she is co»valesci»g satisfactorily at her home. James D. Baker, eldest:-on of Mr. H. G. Baker, 22nd and Belle- vue, has bee» appointed general manager of the Alberta Tele- phone System, and deputy min- ister of telephones in succession to R. B. Baxter, who left Ed- monton Tuesday night to take up his new duties with the Calgary Power Co. The concert being arranged by DIrs. F. X. Hodgson and v. hich is to be give» in the auditorium of I»glewood School on I ebru- ary 1st, promises to be one of the most successful ever given in )Vest Vancouver. The adult pupils are practising assiduous- ly a big variety of operatic gems. They will have the assistance of a group of younger people and of an orchestra to be arranged and directed by AIrs. Knight Hodge. Proceeds of the concert will be utilised for purchasing ~ym»as- ium equipment for the high school. Dance on New Year's Ere ilIrs. AV. Burton-Forster and Mrs. YVells Crawford entertain- ed at a dance at Mrs. Burton- Forster's home, 17th and Math- ers, on New Year's Eve. A very enjoyable time was spent, and novelties were distributed among the guests during the evening. Among those present were Major and Nrs. A. S. Mills, Mr. and Nrs. P. C. Chapman, Mr. and DIrs. Morley Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Cruickshanks, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McLean, Nr. and Mrs. Colin 3IcLean, Mr. and ilIrs. Gotxion Robson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Edwards, Mr. and Nrs. K. Burton-Fors ter, Mrs. E. J. Pierce, Mr. and Nrs. 4V. B. Small and Mr. and ATrs. I. Wells Craw- ford. GRIGOR'S DRY GOODS STORE TO REMOVE ON 20th INST. Mrs. J. Grtgor of Grtgor s Dry Goods Store announces that on or about the 20th instant, she will move her business to the store on Marine Drive directly east of Kirkham's. In anticipa- tion of the removal she is having a sale of all her stock and is of- fering reductions on all lines of merchandise carried. NEW MANAGEMENT &SCORN GIFT ggO go&~ 8g Resistance or the lack of it is what de cides whether you will con- tract any of the prevalent dl s cases. Noiv Is the time to take a good Tonic and build up against such n contingency. Give the Children something he sort NO~V self worry and expense later. We have mony reliable tonics on h;nd or will carefully and occur:itely dispense your doc- tor s prescript&on NEST VAN I'HARNACY The Store of Service ~Ve Deliver. I'hone IVest 37 Suits, Coats and Dresses Dry Cleaned $ 1.60 up Quick Service M WILLIAMS 16th 'ind illarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone IVest 20 For Appointment WEST 304 SPECIAL 40c MEAL . I3,1~l&'S CA ".. 1421 Marine Dr&ve at 14th St. 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. Public Phone West 611-0 I: S- 8 C- iS at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTION SliNGING Vancouver Studio. Seymour 101 West Van. Studio: West 173 FRAMMAR Montessori Scliool For Young Children 3 years to 8 years (inclusive) 18th and Esquimalt Are. Re-opens Thursday, January 3rd 1929. THE ,IiI arce, S io) i ~ 1&20 AIarine Drive West Vancouver Ladies E Children's Haircutting i&IARCEL Steam and Finger IVaving Shampooing, Plain Facials, etc. THE AMBLESIDE SERVICE STATION BATTERIES Rentals and Repairs Oil in g and G reasing IVork Guaranteed AGENTS FOR G UTTA PERCHA TIRES Phone West 232. Open from 6.30 a. m. to 10.30 p.m. TED KENNETT and BILL CRAIG, Props. AIRS. IlIARl ING, NU-BONE CORSETIERE Surgical Belts, Binders. AIRS. lVELLER--Art Needlework, IVools. Over 50 years'xperience By appointment only--Free from 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. Lessons in Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, including Montmellick. Next Door to Royal Ha»le Phone West 9 F&r FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fuel and Building Supplies