West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Jan 1929, p. 2

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001C9682 bIOVING SALE NOiV ON ,IP( IgOOC S 16C0 &IARIiV E DRIVE blOVING SALE iV OiV ON Had Good Faith Fare (t'o cabbv): "How do you manage to keep yourself dig in this wet weather? Don't you wear a waterproof?ts Cabby: "Na, na, sir; I just tak' salt herrin'n the mornin'fore I come oot, and it keeps me dry a THE I AiV OF LIFE 'Tis a truth, as old as the soul of things-- Whatsoever ye sow, ye must reap. 'Tis the cosmic law that forever springs From the dark and fathomless deep. It is shown in life's puzzles and sorrowings; It is taught by remorse with its secret stings, That whoso grief to another brings In his turn one dav shall weep. From the planting of kindness, blessings will bloom; Plant hatred and curses will gl OW. If today you are harvesting sor- row and gloom, In the past you sowed suffer- ing and woe. From the past doth the present eternally spring. You may sow what you will, but tomorrow will bring You the harvest to teach you what manner of thing Is the seed you have chosen to sow. The Same Size Customer in The Beehive: "Have you pillow eases here?" Mr. Warren: "Yes, sir. EVhat size?" Customer: "I reallv don' know, but I wear a size seven hat." No Time for iiIirth An Ohio man was having a lot of trouble with piloting a one- tent show through the Middle West. He lost a number of val- uable animals by accident and otherwise. Therefore, it was with a sympathetic mien that one of the keepers undertook the task of breaking the news of an- other disaster. He began thus: "Mr. Smith, you remember that laughin'yena in cage nine?" "Remember the laughing hy- ena." demanded the owner ang- rily. ")Vhat the deuce are you driving at?" "Only this, Nr. Smith, he ain't got nothing to laugh at this morning." For the selfish, who heareth the sufferer's cries And hardeneth his heart at the sound, A Nemesis dread in time shall arise Out of the deep profound. whoso soweth in thoughtless- ness, greed or hate, Shall receive his deserts in the years that wait, For the slow and remorseless wheel of Fate Forever turns round and round Another on Sandy At a Scottish watering-place Macpherson was found stretched in a contented mood on the sands puffing his old pipe. "Come on, Mac," said his com- panion, "let's go for a sail." "Na, na," replied Macpherson, "I hae had a guid dinner at the cost of three and saxpence, an"mtakin'a risks." Though the mills of the gods butslowly grind,Yet they grind exceedinglysmall; EVhen the heart in its folly Reems Justice blind, Then the stroke of the sword shall fall ~ The success of the race is the only goal, If ye would succeed, help man- kind as a whole, For all men are the brothers of every soul And each soul is the brother of all. But if ye give mercy, love and light, The same shall return to you, For the standards of right are infinite And the scales of the gods weigh true. By its good and its evil is each life weighed, By thought, motive and deed is each record made; AVith the coin ye pay, shall ye he repaid When your wages at length fall due. Nasty Man.'rs. Crabshaw: "I might have married that man who became a millionaire." Crabshaw: "Forget it, my dear. If he'd married you he would be as poor as I am." One trouble with this world is that there are too many folks who use their horn when they see pedestrians instead of their brake. Husband: "Didn't I telegraph you not to bring your mother with you?" Wife: "That's what she wants to see you about." THE West Van Nexus Published Every Friday H. HODGSON aiid F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: ~Vest 363 West 412L Business and Editorial OHice: 1361 Marine Drire Mail Addreas: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION NAOMI CHAPTER ANNUAL DANCE The Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, is holding its annual dance on Friday, Janu- ary 18th, in ',he Hollyburn Pavil- ion. A good orchestra is being arranged for and refreshments will be served. The annual danc- es arranged for by this organisa- tion have been for years an event in the community, and it is ex- pected that the affair this month will be a very pleasant happen- ing. ,fj l„lg „I I~ on or about 20th inst. to Store Just East of Kiri'ham's BIG SALE NO%V ON EVERYTHING REDUCED A Big Line of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS and AVEARING APPAREL Buy Now and Save January 4, 1929THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUVER I "--.: Useful Recipes . Mest Vancouver Bible SchoolChristian Science Society &' ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ' ~ i ~ &I'i iAmbleside Hall, Marine at 14th Sunday January 6th at 3 p.m. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE ANTI-CHRIST'VERYBODY %ELCObIE Come to the Class on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you. CHUIICH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. &n. Subject January Gth ssGODvs Spinach Ring Heat canned spinach in a ring'- mold. Turn on to a platter. Fill center with canned corn. Gar- nish with luncheon ham, rolled, and egg-halves. th(. iVhipped-Cream Chocolate Roll Cream together 6 egg yol» and 6 tablespoonfuls confection- er's sugar, and add 2 squares chocolate, melted, 1 tablespoon- full p.".stry flour, 1 teaspoonful baking-powder, and 1 teaspoon- ful baking-soda. EVhip 6 egg whites very stiff and add to the mixture. Butter and flour a bak- ing-sheet. Spread the mixture on the sheet and bake for about 7 to 10 minutes in a moderate oven (350 degrees F) . When baked place on a damp cloth and cover with a damp cloth. Filling: AVhip 1 pint cream. Flavor it with vanilla, add pow- dered sugar to taste, and spread on the cake. Roll the cake with the bottom cloth. Cover with chocolate icing. Sprinkle with walnuts. Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting iVednesday at 8 16 p m St. Stephen's Church UnitetI. ChurchEpiphany (January Gth). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion, 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The first anniversary service will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild. The preacher will be the Rev. H. G. King, rector of St. Paul's Church, Vancouver. The EVomen's Auxiliary will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'lock. The monthly meeting of the Church Committee will be held Tuesday night in the Choir ves- try, The A. Y. P. A. will meet Tuesday night in the Parish hall. Last Saturday the juvenile football team defeated Renfrew Baptists at IIollyburn school by 3-1. Tomorrow the juniors will meet the Dundonald United boys at 3 p.m. Sunday Sunday School--10 a. m. Morning Service--1115 a m Evening Service--7.15 p. m. wednesday Mid-week Service--8 p. m. Rev. J. S. Henderson, D.D., will be the preacher at both the morning and evening services next Sunday. Communion will be administ- ered at the morning service. The subject of the sermon on Sunday morning will be "Jesus a Prophet of Hope," and in the evening, "How God Expects Us to Live." Jellied Tomato Salad Dissolve 1Ãi tablespoonful gel- ~ atin and 1 tablespoonful sugar in &/i cupful hot water and stir into 1 can tomato soup, brought to the boiling-point. Add the juice 1 lemon and 1/4 cupful minced i celery. Place stuffed olives in. the botton of a mold. Pour in a portion of the tomato liquid. When partly jellied cover with shrimps, and cover layer of Ishrimps witn tomato jelly. Re- peat, using canned peas in layer between. Chill. Tuna-Salmon Timbale Season 2 cupfuls canned tuna with salt, paprika, pepper and nutmeg, and add 11/s cupful milk and 1/s cupful cream. Add slow- ly 2 beaten egg whites and 1/. tablespoonful butter. Prepare 2 Icupfuls canned salmon in the same way. Grease a fish-mold. Put the tuna into the mold and press down lightly. Then cover the tuna layer with the salmon. Set the mold in a pan of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes'n a slow oven (350 degrees F.). Garnish with pimento and serve with lemon-juice and a sauce if desired. WOIIIEN'S ASSN. AVILL ELECT OFFICERS The regular meeting of the AVomen's Association of the Un- ited Church will be held in the Church Hall on Tuesday next, the 8th instant, at 2.15 p. m. As this meeting is for the election of officers, all members are urg- ently requested to attend. ST. STEPHEN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT The annual entertainment and prize giving for the children of St. Stephen's Sunday School was held in the church hall, that for the juniors taking place on AVed- nesday afternoon, and for the seniors on the following evening. All the children had a splendid time, the seniors putting on a program for their own entertain- ment in the evening, and there were lots of good things to eat. The following are the prize- winners: Class I.--Albert Kendrick Class II.--Kathleen Hampson. Class III.--Wm. Saunders Class IV.--Evelyn Dickinson. Class V.--Fred Jones. Class VI.--Nuriel Howdle. Class VII.--Bert Albin. Class VIII.--Isabel Smith. Class IX.--Wm. Hawkes, Wm. Albin. Class X.--Joyce Dickinson. Class XI.--Ralph Burbridge, M. Martin. Class XII.--Hertha Paulson. Class XIII.--John Moe. Class XIV.--Eileen Body. Class XV.--Dick Brine. Class XVI.--Betty Gourlay. Class XVII.--Pattie Albin. Class XVIII.--Ronald Hawkes. Class XIX.--Kenneth Moe. Class XX.--Joan Thompson, Topsy Sharman. Class XXI.--Victor Black. Class XXII.--Joyce Burbridge. Class XXIII.--Bobbie Ken- drick. Class XXIV.--Joan Sharman. Class XXV.--Doreen Forster. Class XXVI.--Alfred Kent. Baptist Church 15th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. FI. Sunday School. 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.15 p. m. KVeekly prayer service each wednesday at 8.00 p. m. B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 7.30 p. m. All young people invited. W. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the AVomen's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Baptist Church, 15:h and Duchess, on Thursday, January 10th, at 2.15. Miss Jean NeClaren will give an address on Social Service work in Vancouver and California, as she found it, and her experiences whilst working in both places. We hope all members will make a special effort to be present at the first meeting of the new year. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all ladies interested to meet with us. Cranberry Pudding Simmer 1 quart cranberries in 1 cupful water until tender. Strain, put back over the fire, and add 3 cupfuls sugar, stirring until dissolved. Let cool, and add 1/~ cupful orange-juice and 1/.cupful candied orange-peel, chopped fine. Then fold in stiff- ly whipped whites of 3 eggs. Fill, mold so that it overflows, cover with buttered paper, fasten the cover on for security, and freeze, using 1 part salt to 4 parts ice.. Garnish with canned pear-halves. " I Carmel Pineapple-Cake Drain the juice from 4 slices ~ pineapple, cut into pieces, and arrange the fruit in a greased .~ cake-pan. Sprinkle with brown i sugar, and over this pour a g- Iegg sponge cake batter. Bake from 80 to 40 minutes in a mod- erate oven (320 degrees F.). Garnish with puffed raisins and, slices of glazed pineapple. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday Mass 8 30 a m High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. AIOTORISTS RUSH FOR LICENSESj.929 Banana Biscuit Line a round mold with sweet crackers. Fill with commercial vanilla ice-cr.am. Chill. Garnish with banana slices and top with a peach-half. Our Policy for this year is just the same-- PUREST Ingredients and the Best Service Real Home Cooking Mrs. Draper's Hal ol(l, you til'esome boy!" exclaimed mother. "You come home in an awful state at dinner time, and after I cleaned and tidied you iip you run off and have another fight." "But that's not right, mother. It was the same fight. AVe only knocked off for dinner f" 2135 hIARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE! West 386 (DUNDARAVE HOME BAKERY) Applieatioiis for 1929 motor licenses came with a rush when the office at the court house op- ened today. There was no con- gestion and little delay, how- ever, the additional staff install- ed in the temporary offices in the rotunda handling and keep- ing the steady stream of appli- cants on the move. All applieattions for renewals are being dealt with in the up- stairs office, the main office on the ground floor on Howe Street receiving applications for license plates for new cars.