West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 7

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001C987A gr Ie.4 ~~dpi n Ak/c~N'~~AfC'. etc&&s !«Hoiiyburn . Ridge-The Winter. Sports'round g Mrs."Qara Wilsonls 'Pianofor'te Recital Tonight Tonight music lovers will have assures a delightful evening and an opportunity of enjoying an a first class Program. evening'sIentertainment a)little --'Miss reda Herrin and MissIIilda (Wilson,'he assisting art-'ifferentto ithe'rd'nary. Th ists are two of )West tVancouver's two-piano recital by'rs.l Clara most, promising pianists."-- 9?i]sonr,assisted'gaby .Mss.'Freda Price of admission for adults Herrin 'nd Miss,"Hi]da gWi]son will be 35 cents,'hildren 25 cts. will make ~ a'trong! appea]&ito The i recital wiQ .be «he]d( at music lovers.'he recognized-'a= -"Dundarave Hall tonight starting bility of Mrs. Wilson as well as at 8;15,p.m. The following is that I of! her younger confreres !'he program: 1.'WHELPLEY,.........-"----...........................,....................... Minuet ~=-=== 1st Piano............................. Josie Leylandig 2nd'Piano..............................."..Joyce Herrin « 2. DEBUSSY ................----......................................... "Arabesque" Josie Leyland 3. $ (a) BACH'...:......................................................Prelude in)B.'Fist (j (b) I CHOPIN d.................................................................. Nocturne Joyce Herrin 'I Winner of Certificate B."C. Musical)Festival 1929. 4.'OSKOWSKIj ............................................................Spanish Dance .! 1st Piano'............-.....................Kitty.Wilson ii~-~ 'nd Piano...................................Mrs. Wilsonir' (i) 5. ii (a) I CHOPIN ................................................................Nocturne in G (b)! STOJOWSKI ................-.-.--....-.............. "By the Brookside"'ildat Wilson/ 6. GORNO ...,.............................................................................. Burlesca 1st Piano....;............................Joyce Herrin 2nd Piano.'...........................'deeda t Herrin ,7, ! CHOPIN ..................................................Scherzo in B Flat Minor Hilda g Wilson 1$ S. SAINT SAENS ....................;................................. Dance Macabre One of the most prevalent superstitions during the i middle ages twas '! belief that once a l year on Hallowe'en the /cad of the Church-yards rose for one, wild hideous carnival in which Old'King Death acted as Master of Ceremonies. The com- position opens with twelve strokes indicating the arrival of Midnight struck by the impatient hand of Death;)he then tunes up his violin and from theiritombsithe skeletons appear. The rattling of their bones-is heard as they"begin their,un- canny dance. The dance becomes more wild and ,weird till the cock crows announcing the arrival of i dawn, and the ghostly rerelers hurry back to their tombs. 1st Piano......."...........................Iiitty .wilson i 2nd Piano..................................Mrs. Wilsoni'. 1GLINKA................Recollections of a Summer Night in Madrid La Jota Punto Moruno ';. Sequidillas Manchegas 1st Piano................................Freda Herrin Joyce 'Herrin 2nd Piano................................Josie Leyland Hilda IVilson I Thrifty ' I Scotchman asked an avia- tor tc take himself and ivife up in) an airplane and was aghast when . told it would cost $25. Fina]]y tIIthe aviator saidihe would com- promise. If the Scotchman would „promise)! not ito make a 1 single sound during the course of the trip, no,matter how frightened~ he got, hh would charge him only $10 at the end of the trip; The Scotchman! promised! and the three of them clambered in. The II! aviator took t them through'llil" sorts of-nose dives and tail spins!i ~! and'as surprised ito )hear no sound from the passengers. .&When they reached terra'irma andi the aviator extended~ his'4 hand'to congratulate him upon) I his'nerve in not making a sound,'he Scotchman replied: =-,.= !i "Wee]; my'mon, ye almost hadip! me when the.auld woman fell out g but I stuck it out." "t Eternity -- The chi]d~ said ii to i the sage: "How )long 'is eternity?" Said the sage: "There is a'mountain!l~ far away in the li land of i the Moon.'ade of I flint i is that mountain, m're hard than steel.'And every hundred years comesi a:little bird and sharpens his bill thereon. TheJi does the mountain+ rest until another hundred years i! ~ has passed. And when the moun- tain has I been i comp]ete]y,worn% away, not even one second of eternity.has been consumed."-- Ani Old Fable . Mother's Fault Betty!had been at the circus, and coming home she disobeyedl(l her. mother, who told'er nct to ) run ahead of her. "Why, Betty, I'm ashamed of you," saidi her mother. "The I!t dogs tttndt sealstand horses 'and) elephants do,whatever they are told to do." "I think they! must! be! better ti"ained than I am," said Betty. Heard in Smoking Room of Train' An American couple were sail- ing from New York to Eng]and!! on an English) ship flying the British flag and'after the boat had got outside the 3-mile limit the wife presented! hubby with!!! a son. Considerable contioversy a- rose on the boat as to the nation- Ii 'lityof the youngster, some i' /t ciniming the baby to be Ameri- i can and some English. An Irish- man who was listening to the conversation said they were both wrong, as it was a seagu]]. Today's Thought There are not many happines- ses so complete as those that are snatched under the shadow of tne sword.--Rudyard Kipling. CANADIAN LEGION, tWEST VANCOUVER, is giving their s; i ~ t + ~ t S '% i & ~ & ~ (t] $ ~ & ~ && & ~ ~ & lett & t L» ~ es4 (final of series) at the CLACHAN HOTEI. at 8.30 p. m. SATURDAY, «DECEilIHER 14th, Refreshments'ood Prizes. Admission 50c '"December 13, 1929. THE VfEST VAN NEWS '= =.= )i «Programme of School Children' Whimsical Review, I ~ Concert iNext We(Ines)ay. on da- . 0 Canada. Trial Scene from Pickwick Pap- s," Sr. G vorking on a farm. Just about toe," Grade 3, PJ.S' 10. Folk Dances (Swedish Folkdinner-time they were called to '" '. „Dances'K]appdans," "Rhein- dine off a ]arge basin of broth. 3. Playlet, '%airy Prisoner," ]ander," '~o]ska," Grade 8 The farmer', wife"had on]y "Gra«1 'P J S . 11. Sketch, "The Boys'ebat- one spoon, so she gave Pat a 4. Drill,'"Holly Drill, Grade 1, I,ing C]ub Sr Grade p JS- fork. 12. Folk Dance (Italian) "Tar- , Poor Pat was getting n«h'ng 5. Playlet, "Naughty Nick and ante]la," Grades 5 and 6, P.J.S. while Mike nearly got it all Pretty po]l,"„Grade 2, P.J.S. 13. Choruses (Part Songs), ")Vhen it was about a third empty,! 6 Eng]ish Fo]k 'Dances,'Bo 'The'Rose's Age," "The Bird of Pat said: "Arrah, now, M'ke, you 'pee " "Gathering peascods," God," "Shepherds Rejoice," Sr. dig a bit and I'l shove]." d'Sweet Kate," Grades 4 and 5, Grade, H. S.'p JS ~ = - 14. God save the King. A Natural-Horn Trader'.I . ~- 7. Choruses (British . Folk Cohen olders a s]ice of choco- Songs), "0, No John," "Come A bus will leave Ambleside at ]ate cake in a lunch stand, but 0'er the Stream, Charlie," "Bells 7.10 p. m. and another) bus will sends it back, cancel]ing the ord- of Aberdovey "r Sr.'Grade, P.J.S. start from the corner of 25th and orders a piece of apple 8. Pantomime, Grades 2, 3, 4,'nd Marine Drive at 7.25 to take pie instead. He eats it, gets up 5, H. S. passengers to the Inglewood and is'about to ]eave.~vhen the 9 'Play, Proposal Scene and 'chool. , waiter accosts him: "Say„you haven't paid for ': "'hat pie yet." '-'Vot'?", replies Cohen indig- na,nt]y. "Didn't )I'Igif you the chawclate cake for it?' "But you didn't pay for that, either." "And vy shou]d&I '? I Did ) I eat lt.&ply i7 CL"ASSIFIED ADS EASY % ASHI tt G MACHINE for.= quick sale. Cheap.)Phone West 225. TO RENT--Four i Room Suite, Hot water heated. Apply Hollyburn Block. 16th and Marine Drive, West 359R. No one will expect expensive presents y this year, so buy her a nice box of chocolates at the Ambleside Tea Rooms.-- FOUND--Pair Ladies Leather Gloves ~lnear 25th and Marine on November 29th. Apply Mr. Putman, Dundar- ave Post Office. LOST--'Last Monday, between Miss Durbin's school and 22nd and Fulton child's brown leather glove,!lined. =-- Phone West 4478. Stop and Shop in West Vancouver- )Buy him a small box of cigars or a can of tobacco at the Amblesid Tea Rooms. PAINTING, DECORATING,FREN CH Polishing, Carley„Phone West 71Y UPHOLSTERER, ! Lino and Carpets= laid. Furniture repaired. First class carpenter. Terms reasonable. W. "K. Ellis, Phone West 87. LOST--On 13th Street last 'riday, Brown male puppy about 6 months old. Slightly lame in one hind leg. Phone West 635L. AVANTED--&Iarried Couple to occupy furnished camp and devote part time to work of house and flower garden. (Or bachelor for garden work.) Mrs. E. E. Devlin, Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay, Phone West -- 69Xl. $ GARDEN BARROIVS:Strong, Light, unpainted;, price $4.50, delivered subject to approvaL Phone North 364R. HEMSTITCHING--Plain..! vrhite.. 5c = yard; silk! and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and'arine. 'hono West 144. COMFORTABLE ROO51 with Board for two friends. Phone,.West 339 Fortune Cup Inn. FOUNDATION CEMENT iVORK- Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing 'and land clearing. Phone T. Barnott = residence phone, West 290R. FIt FOR PLUMBING ) REPAIRS--Phone West 241R. SCHWEPPES LMIONADE, ', CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. AVANTED: Land 'learing; IVood Sawing with machine. 'arge or small jobs. J. Glover. Phone West 214K. RANGES FOR SALE:A & Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction ~ ~ ~ guaranteed. Free delivery. t Phone Highland 3650. ~«WEBB'S SHOE i REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. SERVING WANTED -- Ladies' and ,„Children's work. Ii Mrs. Bloxham, -- 'iI Phone West 226. NURSING--Experienced, Sick 'hild- ,i ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont., Ross- ' ~ ~ ~ ~land, B.C., Trail, B.C. Hospital. Miss Humphreys, Phone West 252R. COIV MAA'(JURE--Big Load $4. Hobb Coal & Transfer. West 17. R. P. CLARK 5 CO. ESTATES LTD. ALTAMONT--One acre with. four . room summer cottage. Light, water, $ 1500, clear title. DUNDARAVE -- Semi-w'aterfront, lovely rose garden, cosy home, four rooms; - full ! plumbing; fireplace; $~750. 'asty terms. AMBLESIDE: 'elightful outlook. 'Landscape garden, four rooms, full $l plumbing, fireplace, concrete base- :i! ment.'ood buy at &2850 on terms. 'OUSE BARGAINS--Several oppor- „ tunities available just now. R. P.'LARE 8: CO. ESTATES LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 7484 Local Representative ~'. J. ARCHER,"AVest 225. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained, Reek Gardens. Lily aed t Ornamental: Peels, Lawns, Rustic Work, Pen&inc, 'Concrete 'Paths, ri Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, : Landscape and General Gardening. ~R. J. Kyte, Phone~West 411. Danger Ahead «1 Choco]ate Bar -- 'What am 1 dcse specks in die here oatmeal?"..Dusky Man:"Keep youh coat buttoned. Dem dark specs in dat w ~ ~ ! dar oatmeal am dese here things they calls calories." , -== Rastus No. 1 informed Rastus 'No. 2 of'a very fine'bunch of girls with fine big blue eyes who . . hadI just comeito townjto give a show in the local theatre. Ras- tus No. 1'having mentioned sev- 1)eralttimes during the converse: tion !the Ibig.)blue i eyes&of the II&gir]s caused Rastus No. 2 to en- quire,where they got them? "'Rastus No. 1 thought they must have had them given to them by ~ ~ ~ their Ma's and Pa's but he was quite sure they picked their own noses. 1'GEO. "HA.Y ~ Real Estate and Insurance ~ Notary i Public , 'PHONE WEST 21 1405 Marine Drive ~! Office Phone West 21 or, Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X If you!pay your telephone «bill "'by the 18th of the'onth B. C. TELEPHONE CO1VIPANY '„'t'u'i~an 'Save 6in.e Ii)oiler