West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 6

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001C987A 6 THE hWEST ~VAN NEWS!" IDecember 13, 1929. r XMAS ~ROCER~ES alIHI FRU~TS, '-' -'"-'"' /o n ro .-'o Is I,~pQ;,'HES'iVVARIETY A.T SKI] D'S STORE I! TAXATION ™provementsj:may lbe )levied ,without any~warning to taxpay-"Truth is stranger than) fic-.'rs.'Taxpayers should therefore I p CLEANESLEIGHS FOR THE KIDDIES I~;I tion ".If sonieone tvere to write( notIbe careless'about,the o'ver-"."best seller" shaving an)intri- )assessment:)of their I improve-PllONC %VCSt 2 8 III cate plot laid in a ivonderful sub- ittents,al,though Ith,ey" have not i I REIpAIREDEH hp& rh f IEI '~ ii urb of a ivonderful,western city Il been taxed hitherto.'=~ O.hdg O & hd ~ --- Free DC]]VCZS aiid, were.to relate that. the.tax 'As:stated'above, a tax on':im-rate jun1ped ln one year by an in- p ovements merel'hifts a,porcrease of 35'jo to second place in, tion of the taxes from unimprov- ', -- '~ = 'lgg~fge ~ass Ii the I province„ that,ivouldi prob- ]ted]E]andsl to]improved t]ands; it It I "'"'™~K %/MME ~~~ = ~~~~ .~ ~ ably, be regarded as fiction,'ike does not'affect]the totaltof thelI'SEE'UT grpND()~s FOR SpEGIALS = the rest of the story. 'Some taxes levied by the municipality. 'III I "readers niight shudder a'little at The p oblem of rediicing or keep- » INT st~[I 'I I+QSIII,it; some might think it must be ingtdownftaxation stilltremains." I,",some suburb",to enjoyi( v)! such]( 'If, as stated on a slip accompany isih ssd Marine Am"Es"dsg EI; I i, I)I a, distinction; but 'ost ivould It ing,the, tax notices, .this year's]] &CUSTOM I TAIL()Rprobably give little or no thought taxes were much higher becauseI]tO jt. = -- = gs=)llaSt year'SIWere tOO lOW it may, Phone INest 20But it's not fiction; strange as»Elbe thattherte,will be little if any, t'iI. may seem, it's a fact. West increase next year. -Let's hope so)O. I V -It S «Vancouver s tax 1'a'te In 1926 wss I]anyhow/One.woti]dihave;to'be'5mills; in 1929 itis,61 nii]]s--. more "in 'the 'know,":regarding, 'hTT.,TTA,T,A M~IV d Ii,~Hearth Brooms, 75c and $1,00., Stocking Darners 65c,. f", the~ expendituresiandiIliab l t',, ~~J~J"an 'increase 'of'I over. one-thirds'i. ures an,[ ia i i iesI'elt Novelties at various Prices 'Ii (35%)t. Leavjng outtpf co id fncurred]]this year in border]to'ancy Pin Cushions $1.00.. Bulrushes, 4 for $1 00' eration Greenwood'a town which predict any thing definite aslto&(I,'Gifts for all ages and to suit all tastes.]H =, is]in the hands]of a receiver-g]E hat. Itmaybetoothat someof idih ]FsrrytL'tWesttVancouver'ax rate is, the the sinking fund'suiplus'can be " 'ecolldhighest in Blltlsh Colum= used to relieve~ taxatlon~ next i&Iessinger Block, Corner 16th and Marine, Ambleside p I" --" s," someone i says, -"but ~~ ., p on.tw& ring, &n- ~ Thursday, Fx'iday„an O' E 'I and0 ARDE G'"„'w,']',,„'t.',--",„'„,"„,.t,„,„]d,„,l„',"- „if ™Provements (buildings,etc )p ne.ss,,trade'and amusementbwil]IIve1'e taxed".'Iftonly a quarter, of ~I',,be canied on chiefly in:the city. il11trthe value of'impiovements hadl]]IThe local'mprovement system]jpraduato!» ~~dress'os u. '. ~""nn soho» « ~endseope A«h'««~«andi]I been]]taxed tthjs year t the ratemay be,used to someI]]wou]d have been 49 mills-- qiuet'l hapsbut th,at'againiis mere]y a "st " l ] I~ liia high rate. If half of the,value,]method'of;appropriation of tax&Iaking Xmas i~Vreaths ing. Almost all of the broad- Ii of improvements had been taxed ation,'here is some hope in the~]eaved] evergreens, are benefitedll'(the'legal'maximum)]'the rate]( proposal that the government re-, ~ =-- h 1 sI,nuw We hadl planned to) continue Iiby pruning lightly., Theprunings ',wouldfhaveibeen 41 miljs=-still lieve 'the municipalities"of the "+ i a «Friday ]anduiteahi hrate--4millshi her I] co t f d I]IEVIth ~the artiC]ea On the tLangu- ta]ten. f1 Om the p]ante Can be ef- q g . g 'i S" O I e upatipni ii "V mii e, Saturday. uo]y.: fIthan the rate of the City.of)Vance assistance thantat present Ib tage of'the Flowers, but it occur- ficiently,used&in w~eath-making i couver '(Anyone can work these that proposal~is )by no meansiIied to us that oiving to the near= andi thus a double purpose~ma&rvtI figure out for himself from the II new and nothing,has come of~it ness" of,i Christmas II and 'New be served Fir and.'cedar are also assessed values; land,'$3I14499r477, so fai. 'AnotherIhope I and 1 one ]I - zhssSeS 1 I 'Ot$Years, sonic of our readers might good,'but.we prefer to use thecal ™pzpvements'$»015»15)'ore substantial, is of the form-jnterested fute the making] pf ]1 clippings from] the garden be- 'oiv. let's see how that,would I] ation I of a metropolitan] district It i Wi INIwssT vlcc+YE! II Ch t th ' g ver cause one is more apt to be con- affect the, taxpayers. The own-,which would take over certain of I tSerVatiVe When One'S OWn garden AS-'f . VaCant 'land'~ WOuld I:1 Of 'he funCtiOnS- nOW permOrmed t&'W. I have .ome delightful%ate -.shrubs are under the shears~ course,pay less taxes andi the btyhet"Inmiui cipay]tend]spread]]i,,l fruttt'humus'ss Euw's" Sspoo'Eitl"bright red berries hanging iii the After you!shave secured'tthe oivners of improvedtlands i(]and i the'cost over, the whole areatso i I, s"d,w a o Lot f o indow &or "dowoi~vay. seems to clippings,] take'a'piece of fairly, with buildings),,would pay, more. )that aIlarge portion] would falli) "q15pp-'endforth a ue]come to all. 'he&/ heavy wire, andI shape into a A.vacant tlot worth $500,whfch on,theycity'sjbusinessEidistiict I 'otherivisw Lots from 3100.d beI'ries ]seem Itoi reflect a circle the desired size. Twist the( this year paid F30.50 taxes ivouldll, which lbenefltsi so much from„warm]glow to the chill outside eiids=of theI wire around each ".ave paid )24.50 if a quarter, of metro~pc]]tan growth., "Rother, or tie securely,with string. the value of the improvements,IWhile holly is the best choice II Cut 'the evergreensI into shor. I'in the muncipality had been tax- y He,Was particu]az -- " ]severs very dssirshis.f r vreaths, asi it retains. its lengths and'I then group into ed]or)20.50 if half of the value A Sunday, Schoo] teacher ask- HI cothsgs sod Bungs uwsfresh'appearance even after be- ibunches pointjngIthe tips al]tin]]]iof improvements had been taxed.'fed the boys and girls of his class =~ Il comingthoroughly d, ried,I there one direction, thus avoiding,un- ]]On,the'other hand'antimprpvediI toihold up]thejzihands jf ~they 'it:;,are many of our garden and for- even edges. Take fine wire, No. property within a land":va]ue Iof „ivished to go to heaven., A]]Ithe ' ] ffsI gVpr est evergreens that makeifrom I 20 or 22 is suitable, and bind the $500 and Ibuildings va]ued at childrenIhe]d up their handsex-,'heTstandpojnt 'of iappearance, cuttings.toithe circle of heavy, vq'2000 (total va]ue 32500),whjchIE cept one cross-]ookfiig ]itt]e bpywreaths almost as good asithe wire. The fine.]binding twjre'5 this year a]so paid 330.50]taxes = ",We]], Tpmmy 'ure]y, ypu i'443 Mazmeholly, although not quite so last- shouldtbe worked down into the,,would,'f improvements had been,ivant to go to cheaven,'said theII clusters of evergreens so that it taxed one quarter, have paid )49 ]teacher v+ = .~ ~ = I,, 'sphone,West 340IIwill be hidden. After you have --an increase of 62/u; or if im: Tommy gazed around scornfu]- . Evenings, tWest'Wti, the wreath Ibuiltiup,toIthe size I pzovements had]been taxed'one ly at the rest of the class. '-'Not Bea]]Bst~aatie; Financial+p N S Dp'l'I =Ij: i you wish, the red berries may bbeesl ha]f,'$61 50:an increase of over ivith that lot," he muttered ~ig]I a.nil& Insurance Ageiitadded, that is if you (are not 100%:double ]the I.present&tax. ,I '1'using holly Thelberries.of the If the buildings .were]of jess,t Bat and Sing,tNOW ShpWlno cotoneaster, mountain asht andI'alue the increase in taxes wou]dII Mother: "But, 'Bobby, surely~~Pyracantha are Iluite suitable If 'be less., but if of more value the vou didlsomething else but eat'hsKisg sf hffrth+ '. ! these are not available cranber- Ilitcrease in taxes wou]d be more at the school .treat." w-ries may be used.'f these latter The quest]oui of,vhethez,m- Bobby: "Yes, mummie.'fter. i II,i~ag$tQR0I Q, ] are I used i th ey, wi 1 l 'I t need ', to I be prpvemen Is shpu ]d, b: Iaxee Idf jima tea I we sang a ' ymn ca ]]ed "Westrung on threadI or'fifinneet'string,b g p„e a„dim not go,„g tp d s il Can Sing, Fu]]'ThoughEWe'Be." '";"". fj '™~]I ]E.':,.tvhezeas the clusters of the other c„ss,t here It may be;„teozest W(i%other]earned'later that the~LE & ~,; i]berries may,be worked into the fiig hpivevei tp npte that 33 Iif 'hymn! selected had]beenI".Wea r wreath without this extra work the]61tcjty a„.d d;sti.;ct mi,„';c;- ]Iaiid Sinful ThoughiWe Be.")hA'ery Pretty wreath js]ob- palities in British],Columbia tax~Ef QOMEII 'aine by using both red and white improvements In't some plac.es ' "GREASING, OILING~ beriies (snowberries do,very the tax is levied only for,schon]]".Q+NGER well)I in alternate'grouPings in pu17Eoses'and in]one,place it isthe same wreath. Tiedj,with a levied on half the. value of im-'Icumin Next Evssk I, bolv of silver or biight red ri'o: provements eEsceeding I $10,000,,The Newbon this cheery greeting is a de: I but in 23 places'(including dVan-. I'i .. i "- ~-HERIII --,f '; 'lightful adtlition to the Clu'ist- couvez and,Victoria)lit is ]evicts tzs'h'ctl]ECrgt Arjtg~g]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PRIVATE LIFEI ii mas festivities. 'It 'might also onl'half'he ttota]I value Iof all I! "'U~D hII~& &~I~IH '] Buzzard Sheet,Meta]I PR V+ . ','prove to be just the right gift taxable improvements--the legal,]for that kindly neighbor. I Th 't . i one k Corner of 14th and Mar' =;, 229 Lonsdale Ave,'North Vancouvermxjmum. a r i] nON' 1TH,i'I It takes about three pounds of within the discretion of the mun-„" '" III - .; Phone North 846= ~ I'/HE /HO~,I hOlly Or. Other greenS tO make a ieipal",COunCil andliS,uSually de: ]& ~Service pg'the t;me~ = &p Res. North 918Yj wreath using a ten inch, circle cided each spring when, the tax ~'= =--- .IKU;IKL':, R&.l~:DUG'-J."IO&h'IE 'I in this column.SEENDAY NEXT 15th The questtons should he addressed 'o i"; FIR"BUSH~'WOOD $7 ~ 50, S quqpzql/I the writer in care of the Editor. TheS p m shqrit I]I . answer witt appear In an eartr Issue or '".-- ', rurr. vu,rr a vuvsII a' rsonai replt Is destred a stataped, I, VEEC hSVC the feinpuS MCLEOD'RIVa~'fiA delightful progr anline li self-addressed envelope should be enclosed. I' =:-- .. -- =" " -~ I, I I Il] & "CgOpKguEcphone your orders for COKEAll V isitlng Artists ~ s'1 sr csEEssuos. ', uy your Christmas Gifts from i, =- ---- ~-- -- =--+ ~++0', -- „-- -- z-the AVest Vancouver stores. They '5LQilt,&arIag~ELKS'EIEER PE]No 'aVe a big selection of things to OVING ---d TBANSFBB. 'ai]y Trips to (;ity. I ',1 'I'uel and Building SuPPlies. H Ii Give Liberally. 'hoose from and, reasonable yrICeSu