West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 5

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001C987A December 13, 1929. "If YOIU are Not Protected by .3; -g.ai y, ..j.'.is~ ~ Rj-ICe P]ione Sey; 499~. GORDONlGRAY 1002I Credit Foncier Building THE COST IS SNALL , All Claims Paid in Vancouver Ill CANADIAN/ LEGION, IVEST iVANCOUVER, li, is giving their '~ ~ir i «r i'l«I I I~,.L,...'., ""....,...,II~,,L,.'. ',l~ (fina] of series) . at the CLACHAN HOTEL at'8.30 p.'m. SATURDAY, DECEi&IHER 14th, )'ood Prizes. Refreshments "Admission 50c l'REVISEDLISTS OF RATEPAYERS-'UY COODS 'ADEINI CANADA ~'According to reports issued by GIYE MQRE PE0PLK, 0RK'q II'he munjcipal clerks pf the three BRING BE~ER TIM .. II, iNpl th'hpre Munjcipa]jties the 1J30 voters'-lists show there will Il be 13,881'atepayers ~'ligible I to ~ ~~For the Real Good» 'g, vote in January."In IWest'ancouver there are "HOME 'ADE)) I 2051 voters listed, this being an'fj~, --, --, I," increase of eight overlthe 1929 lI I ~ i In North Vancouver city there are 4462 voters enlolledt on lthe ,~ SCOTCH SHORTBREAD II 1980llist, not detetions i or'adcli- tions having beenlmade at'he XMAS PUDDINGS,. court of revision Tuesday. Mince'Pies, -- Mince'Meat'.'( In North;Vancouver District (l Cpme tp, I there are '458 voters, of whom-758 are eligible to,vote on aby- e ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ QTR+.'fTONsis I li laws only. There are 5700 voters inl,the District eligible to vote "'BAKER|L'. for the .various candidates fov'pMBLESyDE 'unicipal 'office. This year'- list shows atreduction of 198 as .'Phone West 27 st 'I compared,with the 1929 list. Annual municipal elections i~ ill - be held in the city pn Thursday, i [n business in ivest Van. 9 Years j I Jallcial'y 15, acid- ill'he'Distl'ict ~ ~ ~~ I ~«nd )Vest,Vancouver on Satur-. , ~'C.'J~rOvenngton" ~5--~l n '1 [i -~itssS= Harry 'Davison who ~ has'een /&~ p 'ssociated with the North Shore II Garage and more recently with In New Store, 'I the Dundarave Garage is now at Marine Drive at 14th II g the liest Van Motors, formerly Next Jefferies Meat Store I '~it called the,West Van Garage. An Expert Work--Ladies','hildren Il advertising, notice in i this issue iilvites'his old customers to call i'I Phone West 135 for appointtnent l] pn him 'TORISTS HARRY DAVISON formerly of the North Shore Garage, all&1 the Dunclarave Garage, will be pleased to meet his old customers at the West Van Pil.otors Formerly West Van Garage AT 'ZHE OLD SHELL SIGN, between 14th Er15th, 5larine Dr. I '+„r &1r'i'r iq~ ') ci '1ls Q~"'3L . jj ~ ~ I ~ -III~.II, ~ --, RECHARGING and REPAIRING Leave youl Bac]io and Cav Batteries here for Bill Craig 29x4.40 and 30x4.50 Chains $4.00 pair '~ 'Aiaableside Service Station AT YE OLDE SHELL SIGN ' THF %FEST VAN'NE%'S WEST VAN CHORAL SOCIETY 5 THE LADIES CHOIR CONCERT Select your I Statement of Receipts and Ex- penditures The above Society will com- mence the study and practice of "The Banner of St.'George" and the conductor and members of the executive are anxious that'll who are thinking of becoming ,,new members, and the olci mem- bers who have expressed their intention of rejoining, will enrol «t once so that, there will be no interruption in the work. Mrs. J. T. Watt is convener of the membership committee and P. Chapman acting president in the absence of lV. B. Thomas who is sick. %~as Cards and .: GiftS in CO~fOrt', Our stock of these is complete and varied. Conic in and choose! . yours. Sc and up. You can also select suitable ' gifts for every member of the family at this store:-- BOXED CHOCOLATES PAPETRIES, Special values CO34PACTS, single and double, 75c and up. PERFUhIES LAVENDER AVATER ':BATH SALTS, YARDLEY'S SETS, etc. Proceeds of concert given by the Dundarave Ladies Choir und-'r the direction of mrs. F. X. Hodgson held at Ing]ewood 'chool,AVest Vancouver, Vfed- nesday, November 20th, 1929, to provide Gramaphones for the use of the day schools. Receipts Sale of tickets........$109 10 Cash taken at door....... 36.50 Programs advertising 5.00 $ 150.60SCOTTISH SOCIETY .&Dare iOf. ".rac e, "On MONDAY Next 'rompt Execution of Buying and Selhng Orders. Reliable Information Given at 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. in the Inglewood School Auditorium Also Tissue, Holly Paper, Tags, Seals, Tinsel Cord. The l-egular monthly meeting 'P~. of the West Vancouver Scottish Printing advertising.. 10.71 Society will be helcl in the "Cia Orchestral ihiustc ............ 205 . WEST VAN P'I ~ 'CY chan" on Friday the 20th inst., Newspaper advertising... 3.00 The tor . 0 .. Th ]] b the Hire of Drums ...... --. 1.50 I l, business session anil, as )Vest Van. Supply ............ 2.00 o it~~ Ii hen s quite a number of new members are expected to enro], a good at- $25.16 , Il tendance is requested. Receipts ........$150.60 At 8.15 p.m. Mr. J. Haydn ExPenditure ...... 25.16 Ypung&wi]] give an address on c% J'I ~ 'Through the Heart of Scotland.'alance ..........$125.44 'y ~ ~ This very interesting subject will Ha]f the proceeds goes tp the Il be illustrated by 'antern views S~hools for Gramaphones and and appropriate jmusic will be ha]f to the Lac]ies Choir. rendered. All interested are cor- e',ially invited to attend. Buy your Christmas Gifts from I" III the West Varicouver stores. They I'T. ANDREW'S DAY have a big selection of things to,, GREETINGS choose II from and reasonable ,'N ,I~ilrices. 'romthe St. Andrews Society, Edinburgh Ii %Vest Vancouver L.O.L. No. Brither Scots I Ovel'se 2990 had its regu]ar meeting ]ast Monday in the I. O.'0. F. Hall, 'Canadian Legion Rooms Happ'd. in her gra yauld'Hie]an North -Vancouver. The North Ferry Building -- plaid '=- .Vancouver Lodge was also pres- The Auld Nither sits by the ent. Fp]]owing the transaction Nor]an 'Sea. of routine business .the Grand She ]oes, weel'the lads'that,wi'aster of B. C., R. W.--Brother GORDON ROBSON her hae stayed, A. J. AVi]]iams, took the chair for gI Barrister 8 Solicitor But dreams o'he lads t»t the election of officers for the awa'aunebe.' = year 1930.' Whethel ye ve a'une weel pl. il, Those elected wel-e: - Phone West 403. p whether yer herts be sad,or g7 ' f + J D k i. i;VANCOUVER OFFICE-- g'ay'uld Mither Scotland has thocht ew "'~ -- . =,. ~ Phone Seymour 4199. =o'e sti]] === -- ~ DePuty fVPrshiP 5Iaster -- V.-'n'ay ye belblythe on St. 1, ndrae's Day. -: -- "hap]ain.:W. Rodgers. Recording Secretary~.'O Br t: PHONE WKST 110 = ton. FOR: iAIAINLAND LEAGUE Financial Secretary~. IValter. i,,'g{Yg Rllg ~Oofy SWIEIBIING) GALA& Treasurer--$V.!Atwood. .Marshall' C.'HuE. = =-- 'I Prompt Delivery. raypl Ma]kint will fol-mal]y Fil.st Lectul-er--R.-F- Roolnson... i = = TL =- open the next fixture of the Low- li Second Lecturer~. Ferguson. ii "Immy ThOmSOn S . er Mainland'wimming Leame First Committeeman--F. Frank- i T SF to be!held at, the Crystal&Pool, corner of Beach Ave. and Njco]a Second Committeeman--H. M. D g T d fI,Dady Trips to and from City. Street at eight p. m.'ext Tues- i ~ Bruton. ;ly. = ~ ~ "Third a& Committeeman -- IW. Ii - Moving Baggage a Specialty. I Besides the,various swimming and diving events there wi]] be Fourth-Committeeman --N. Rod- ,l ,.",„d',", g„'gl;,h r„les " " 'Tyle~r--'H. Johnston. '. M!'UVAL and east six B. C. champions Pastmaster --¹ H. Rodgers. Auditors--R. Robinson and, B. J ss ~ MA&+ISON Miss Molly Edwards, I a AVest Ferguson.. 'll Stockbrokers and Financial Vancouver champion i lady diver After the election the officers =:-=- Agents of B. C., ancl a member of I,)Vest and members of Ruth Lodge, L.',I V'ancouver 'A. S.'. iic O.B.A., IVest Vancouver, and the,'to(;kg& Inc]uded in the evening s ent Ladies Auzj]jary pf North Van ertainment wi]l be an exhibition couvel. L,O.L. No. 1840 were ln- BollClSy I trpduced to the lodge of Surva Tigrs yis some ful pas trna ster's jewel was pre; Iii&esticeiitS ing very much out of the ord- sented b) R. W. Brother Harron, ;ii»ary routine of diving. P.G,M. of B. C. to Brother J. ~, Duckworth. Several I addresses Ij'finterest to local swimmels were de]ivered and an e]aborate i the reQuest received by the banquet brought to a close one Secretary of the B. C. Section C. pf the largest Orange meetings Mr V J Dunn from ' Seymo r 8894 Dunsmiiir St, V the city of Ottawa, asking that bocly to forward their fastest I swimming times and names of ~ swimmers and cliving ratings and, r i' '" I" " 'I rc "l" i names, with the intention of in- viting these swimmers ancl c]iv-',-...,,1& .L... U .L, & LJ u,l, evs to compete at the Sports of the IVest Vancouver PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN mittee, and the West Vancouver will be held Next Wednesday, December 18th our local members «nd club now bol(1. It ls hope(l that the rosi(l cuts of West Vancouver will give the club their unstinted support by their presence at the 31ain- land League fixtures held at the ADMISSION 25c. Children Free at 1,30 p.m. performance, Crystal Pool.