West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 4

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001C987A u Iii The man svho prides himself on~ his le]everness makes sure that the new fence is made of Ci]~ikiaae,'-s" I'm:: bea'& L ~ ~ Tw HE WANTS IT TO)'I'AST. ITHE«WEST,VAN NEWS i "December 13, 1929.' uAKS HECOMI BAHI HTuuL IN uDOl'n Hollyburn Ridge, the Lions tournament, under the patroccage ---- -- -- -- ~ = = -- .-- . 'I'iaIIcl at Grouse Mountain, chalet of Reeve Vinson, at the Ingle- Mr. and Mrs. John JohiIson]I IIW. Slater ~of Fort William I,,the evergreen trees, mantled . - S ' -- ". and son Le InaldIof Rush City& Ontario,'has taken Charles Hay,'.svith snoiv, nlake the laildsc; wood gyin on atul.day evelllllg, Minnesota, who ale SPeilding the llouse at 14th and DuchessDecember 21st, in aid of the winter,visiting re]atives all!9] = u u =, . il!i $ 2442 ]Vfarine DriveVisitors at the chalet over theV't t th l l t tl . Elks Chr'stmas Cheer Fund. The friends on .,the 'Pacific" Coast, Mrs'Gibson„who has beeni oc- I It (Barrow'c )gi s I son, w o as een oc-Associationi'have women's encl iispent the, past; two:w]eeksivisit- Iicupying a house on Fast Beach, ~il I Merce] 75c. Expert operatormen s,teams! in.~ theisVancouver II g theii cousin Mrs Giaftand District League,'nd on De- andt family at Point Atkinson.ceillbel 1 st an oppol tunlty Avlll They will 'pend Christmas ]wltll . 4: I'4 8 . I ( ='Is. Jol son s s stei, M s. Cal.'Da Id Dewar, 221d and B'n action encl at thi. same time Bussing at Sedrio Woo]]ey, after „~ ]fh' ~ ]d, t 'I I~A1]-~.irlei,yit~ suppoit a woithy'fund. The plo-,which they will motoi south as & Xm~~ t;~tf],~ & pdllllii]g$ gram will consist of 8 games.' far as the MexIcan'bbuorder.visit- I,Ga„1bier is,u„d They had.gone]i)I.p]uuu vuuc ocduc ]cpu, . large tcu cc-out is hoPed -for, ~ fur- ing Pou1ts of mterest en] route luck, returning on Sunday. ev~en- t n f d ther data'Is of the games wi]] be'I beforei returning toitlieir ihome ';»g cvith a d~,, = =- =, /Go]ng Out of Business]]iMi'S. ROSS'5 CL'3r II announcecl in the )Vest Van News ccc'Idinnesota, inithe spring. 'u ui]]iu = I -- - hi & S' f. dll]Ever thin Sacri ice~1415 1]urine Drive i"'c&ex .wee' = " * *-"& * The little soi1 of Mr.'and Mrs.'Mrs.'d. Black accompanied La Compte, 17th and Watei front, I Speciale over Xmas,«prices Consistent]y Low = 4! Ii by her sons David and .Victor,'s sick anc] confined to his home. i,~~~ = $1.95 and'52.95]i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( I,']left onI Wednesday. onI theI SS; ~ &«. + +&(-:.= = I!, regular $3.50 and $5,values '!"FREE)DELIVERY "Aor«g]" «».'Sydney Au - 'Buy your Christmas Gifts from", ' =A]so t 1 tra]]a.i where she;evil]] visit 'hec'the West Vancouver stores.'hey ] p.'4, 'I I]b 'other ancl sister, returning have a-"big selection of things to'I UI~U ., U i&.I, U '.„'] U..J ~ll Z., &a,&w,!U&I., 'i here in the spring. 'It is sixteell li choose'iiiifromicii andi]preasonab]e, I Pure Thread Silk Hose,'i years i since 'Mr.'i and']'Mrs. Ed.'rices. ~= ~ -- = ~' 4181 per pair; 3 pairs $2.75Black ari'Ivedi in &West gVancou- == * t* + I Pearl Necklaces ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GREENWOOD Si QROCERY& QRANQER S QROCERY I'I 9ivel f1'om Australia'. =- Mai]~ youc I Christmas .paice]s]I ',, g.75 va]ue for $1'.00]I'442AIarine Drive]I'st and Marine Drive '., I "I ~ . just as soon as youIcan and re-~ West 16 ~ ---- ~+West-405, A";Vancouver woman, .while 'lieve, the mail'copg'cation. = -- ', i ii gpgvbIIIII)gi/iii]]1I Vs!Idriving 'er Icar 'along 'neith 'Roadilast'Friday morning, skid- IEGION 1VHIST DRIVE) I t 1540 Marine Dr]ve~I!" cled, over the bank "onithe southiiIII!I], ~, ~,(-.,~,,) 5,, ]~C,!,A, ~S I](goth] StoreS)II 'ideiiof the iroad 'and idropped some fifteen feet„the car finish-'ii!B C. Gran.'ugar............ 10 lbs. 59c 'lace churriec,'uc ]5............ 49c,Ii illg with its back against a tree.'he ii Canadiani| Legion, 1West",Il, TomorrOWC.G.'range Pekoe Tea lb.'...... 59c Bleached.'ultanas 2 lbs 31c 'he aZle,WaS bent and ithe run: AVanCOuVer branch,iS putting. on)IIIning gear smashed,'ibutiluckily a whist';~rive tomorrowt(Satur- 'rs.'raper,will'sellL,IVi d Roso P"stry Flo"r, 10 lbs..$5c 'Ilixed Peel, Ib ......................... 25c 'he drive esca ed in u ~ day) I eveninfp at'the'Clachan." tSeedless 'Raisins............ 2]]su. 22c I ~..ii + 7+iiii „uu Play will. commence at 8 30 p. m. i +31]LORVeSI]iQ u 4 2 5 uu '"' S]cu]]up 1]Vu]uucs per ]5 35u ] M $ E ]~ 1 C ll 17th i diplf promptly '] but,'n order to avoid iSt"ff& Olives,'~rg49 b~ttl~s.... 42c 'AIIIIond 'Paste Yz] lb.'acket... 25c 'uCheSS"lhaSt reCOVered'uffiCi- g unneCeSSaryjdelay,~playerS're " Il flOIIle„-a&aae ~area IEmpress Jelly Powders. 4 pkts 23c = l ently to return to.her home fromm asked to take their places as soon'!, i' kr ~~ ~n ~~Tub] Rm i I ' 1 ut sic um ( ANDV: - the&Vancouver Genera] IIospiiac,'i] after 8 o'lock as puss]b]e ~This.;, p KQrc'tuVCu])]per, pkt ................................. 20c Xmas Mixed.;.................. 2 lbs.'3 I Where She haS been a patient fOr is the Anal Of the SerieS Of fOurI'Table Figs,'rom, per,j pkt.".... 20c Assorted Creams .................. 28c l,the paSt"thi'ee WeekS.=- ! itcruubu~ries, pur ]]i 30c Xmas Plum) Puddings ............ 59c, "' -'- -- aggregate. prize of a bridge lamp I Boiled Cider, bottle .................... 25c Xmas, i Crackers, xmuu i Scuu]ciusu,. ' J' ing't I an Qocdon'w]]] be awarded at the conc]us]on]] .'!! ~ E ]. h p] plied'a.serious accident last Sat- "D 1 .....,......,................ 2 15. 25 F yBuxuu iO,h ]ut,ti 1 9 " . h.. -- OfiPa y nIIsliuuumuuc p(uuuc C]uu]]cr ~ tj Oiuuzeu, Table Apples, New suu- ",y . '"g . e vo1 "18 on concert by local artists while the2]]iu. 25u uuu'u Nues. = ~:-= 1 4" "e- aP'a"oi"""ge 'v"e""t"-e scores are~be]inncg counted]to de- XmasICal es,]decorated iofII ragged iend')of a'cece'[of wire cide the iv]nner of the lamp. The]I ',plain from. '60cto$60O]k n,, ting. it]badly. He~was; takenftoj iggys pla'ave al b d' Mincemeat..... = 30c lb.';I the" North'vancouver Geneial')gled, I and there will])be jrefresh= ' ! ~ lipHospita] for, treatment befo1'e w ' . Almond Paste,itheirea ..Iments. Ezcitement «is ~running, = ~tuff " -- 50c lb. ! II@&!it]i v Proceeding toihis hoine. uWhi]eel high ~]the series draws~to a II,thought that, the sight i of,the .~pectedjto be on'ganditomorrewp E ryth]„g Our OwnMake.-',Q+~g+,I+]I,P+++~~.-,I eye, willi be Permanently affect= evening. Admission S0'cents.~ Ii g :,RPggggARY„BEAUTY 'S raper 8Mis.'tuart Cameron returned]I, =- ~ H E O)ENto her home at Caulfeild on Mon-' -- == -- = 'NEVI'SEMPRE~ ." S OPP, SGO'LDEN4"DA"ps . b~ lIEQ'A'NS „. p = -- Mrs.'ownsend wishes to an:; 'ext cu Dr~a'tore.'Dun&»»u nounce to her customers that she, ~ p]cuuu i&«ut 255 =- is 'pening today= (Friday)g aiii iC 'oS]-] -- = gp~ ~ f' &&&&]qi Qg+TIQILL I',I An extra upper level bus leav- ]]beauty shop in:the Barrow Blocky &q DCi~ & ~", cJr)y~g 'AyituH]cS- -- 'I I], 'ng Ambleside dockimillibe put ii at 2442 ']]far].ne Drive. =Mrs.'I, L&&i'cfi -- I„. -] ~ -- 'I 'ii, on from Tuesday 16th~December 'To1vnsencl has had a long ex~eri-'UED, DIES'IN HOSPITALto 24th instant,tbothi dates in- "ence in Vancouver,1Edmonton, Ii elusive. ==--= ~ and other, cities, and assures her --. Mrs.'eorge Jeffries,,ww]iffce of a'"I "+4'~' ' ~ + + .+ -«patrons of satisfactory work. ranche1. near Sc]uamish, is dead ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c1t4c«ii ~ '&~~~~ . "'" 9N", I~ The high schoo]'gir]s played a The price for merce]a is 75 cents, as, the'esult]of'being trapped~ii ~~ u ~ ~ ~ ~~ practice game'at basketba]]i]ast Iiand they are guaranteed. ='- aloiie 'inside 'her iblazing ihhoocme'.week with the North Vancouver == -- .. I]iw]th her clothmg in flames.h' h ]c I t N th Van 'iPOPPY DAY RELIEF = = = It isibe]]cued the fire staited]IIARR You &OIHe To STAND ii] I Do] iv cia HE ~ I! 18' « oo 811 9 a or ] an-~,+DUD. HlHQ LEGS oR -- = ~~~&T' j ~ ',i ']l) couvei', losing by a small margin. Iii COMMITTEE TO gggETIt .when she attempted ]to light, the'AIR'Tyou P, ", . - '- '~, „T~The game was in the nature of a ~ '- -- =. ~ ~, Nkitchen stove,e'ith coal oil.'-~ ~ ~ ~ Ii ]Iiitry-out to decide the tpersonne]ii The joint committee from the Noticing smoke suddenly burstHcpi ~, f & " "t ) "ii ~~ ' ugc]I I i i]of the team for the'approaching Canadian Legioni andithe Dun- fromi the house ithe'hired nian'i ~ , ", +'r~; ii season. =: ~ can Lawson u'Chapter .whichii rushedi to iescue Mrs. Jeffries,4'pf. ", 'I, handles the affairs of the Poppy but foundithe doors locked. He ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Day Relief Fundi is meeting.to- smashed a'window and ass]stud]]I ~RF '"~l~ on') 'ightI(Friday) at 8 p. m."in the her to safety.-- ! Legion rooms, ferrybuilding. 'It , 4i She collapsed iminediatelj aft~I'-' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ',-'I is requested&that every member ) er being rescued,'uffering acute- '"=-&I'! = -- ==-,'I-'make'a point of'being.present, ply from& severe burns) on& arms'I'p" - p'=~I+'g.' ili as several'atters &connected]'nd:body, her garments being al=4 '~j" with i relief,will I be up for i dis= ii most completely destroyed c bc-' -"l c T~ ' cussion. -- ~ fore the flames were eztinguish: CHORAL SOCIETY INVITES; She,i~as) rushedi in ~a tug to= NET@ yIEMgERS 'BI'itannia Beach; where she wasiI~!I TONIGHT 'I, . ~ = --= =- Ii placed on&board a Union Steam-F,.;d,y D„,-mb„18th'. "A'special invitation is issued by II»c'p""&»«nd.taken]to'Vance"= the Society to members old and.,overs General'hosPital,'here she'" ! 'I new to J oln ill ] time to take pai.t succumbed at 1 1 .40 '. m.'on-"lIIt.l -1~! I]i DUNDARAVE HALL in the reheacsu]s of the ctppy ! s't 8.30 p. m.' &,teresting.works to be undertak- Her. husbandIwas half a mileui I) Assisting Artists:, «I en foi'he Spring concert. - A- from the house when he saw thevi- , I ]I~ -- - ]4,,I mongst other efforts the Society ]]blaze. He assisted to get his 1v]fe-- w;»„. ur,stuju,„uk', S,5'u] 'are taking uP Elgar'S "Banner Of „mOVed,tO the,tug,then returned44 ~!itu7u]iip. = == 't.'George." - . = ~ -- encl found his home destroyed.'--'The Society extends an invite= 'He and'his tcvo young sons areOIJ&[! p I]] 0', ~ I IIII g'4 ( " ' ' D A mj ' ',l]ti toalolnits members,:agsscsociate I]being sheltered by neighbors. = members andi their friends to a „Social evening at the Dundarave 9 Toboggan slides a11d ski jumps]IIFt. Pemberton Ave. Phone North o I Adalts 35c Children] 25c", ll, Hall,'Monday, December 30th, at 're in good condition for a" com-'II8 15 p m 'mencement of winter sports.= ----