001C987A December 18, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS ~ ~ v s s~m sg ese~mmm~~m~ ~~~~em~e v~ as Cards and"'GittsIt 4Ve have a wonderful selec- , -ion of individual Greeting Cards Iti most reasonably priced: PEARI TONiE IVORY SETS (Brush, Mirror and ConIb.) A very acceptable gift'or Mother, Sister or Friend, Priced from ... S6~0 to $ 19.50 See Our Display of Gifts and Curds (l~ FAST DELIVERY, )VEST 323$ No Order Is Too Small L'esage Drug Store " G; E. REID,'Manager Geo. Hay Building --- Corner 14th and tblarine Home Cooking XIIIAS CAKES, XilIAS PUDDINGS and Mincemeat 'lIarmalade It is the abuse of pur. faculties which renders us miserable and wicked.--Rosseau. HOLLYBURN )I Barbers Shop 16th Er, Marine EXPERT SERVICE~~ E. MARSH, Proprietor& THE ~ s ~ yr ~,.L,.h,.L,~ .A. Ii .!t( LIMITED For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS = Phone IVest 410L = . 3'ej.ac.ora , 'J.'ea Rooms, Il (Wi]spn8cMppre's Building) ~i 25th and Marine Drive Phone IVest 157Y The regulax', monthly meeting of the Civi]iantWic]pws and Or- phans Assn. was held at the Y. ,. W.'C, A'. on Friday,with a good 'attendance. 'Mrs. R. F. Murray pi'esided and opened the meeting with a'spiritual reading. Appli- cations for membership were re- ceived. It was decidedi tp hold tlie Annuali Dance"and Whist Drive & on Tuesday, December 17th, iin, the Moose Hall.'The public are invited tp attend. The committee for the dancing being Mrs. Violet Stone, Mrs. Mary Moore,.Mrs. Shank]in, Mrs. J. Kiloh, Mrs. E.'Tongs.'he Whist Drive which wi]] be heidi the same evening in the upstairs hall wi]&]start at 8 p.m. under the convenership of Mr. E. Russell, assisted by Mrs.'A. Parsons, Mrs; Ks Vance, Mrs. J.'Saunders, Mrs. T. Raper, Mrs. J; Mulland. The Annual Children's ~I Christmas banquet has been arranged Ito take place at the Y.,W. C. A'. on December. 27th, at 6l,p.m.' children's concert, games, etc., will be enjoyed and an individual surprise package and spresent will be distributed to each child. A special feature for the evening of the dance,'Dec. 17th, will be the drawing of the Linen Chest aixd contents. "'o..ve '.&e 'rohlem of "Xmas Gifts ',3HOIOGgPHS Phone Sey. 1046 THE S'tQ(Ao r .. I s & Ilt e I'. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings Street, )Vest, Phoae Seymour 1046. XtAS S..'. A..S Watches - Handpainted China Leather Goods - ()rnanxents Ladies'andbags, Etc. ALL AT SPECIAL X&IAS PRICES West Vancouver Jewellery 8z Novelty, Shop (W. Sagar) .1522 iVIarine Drive IUatch and Jewellery-Repairing = = Correspondence seem tp be in evidence in West 'ancouver. Combine with North Vancou- ver and your powers tp demand the best service wi]1 be much en- ,'anced. Remember this. That it is only rarely that doctors can be. found who, successfully for themselves, make a living out of a combined doctor's practice and public health work. iNearly al- ways the practice suffers through the public health work .'and then the:doctor. has to'ne- glect the, public health work tp reconstruct his practise.-- I have np doubt that the De- &partmenta]'ffice in Victoria is flooded 'each year ~vith com- plaints concerning health and school officers whp are failing in their duties for the reason'just given. Our oldest and most respected health officer, Dr. UnderhiL', gave the North Shore the same advice and I ex~ect Dr. Young, our Departmental head in Vic- toria more than concurs. -- If the general public were a- ware of the full protection which can be given and which is their just due, I suggest it would not be necessary 'for me tp write publiclv--I am not job hunting. Amalgamation municipally I, with North Vancouver. Np! But in the case of public health work we can not we]] do better for our money--just as we join with North Vancouver in their hospit- al work because we cannot help it. -- Change your mind in the fut- ure if ypu can -- have e'qual rights of appointment, and if ypu fear the influence of politics anc] contemptible cliques, remember that you can easily get an hon- est anc] good outside doctor who will ei~ect tp be fired if he does not fill the bill. My advice tp all parents is to wake up, speak up, see your councillors and your school heads and ]et AVest Vancouver lead in the movement to dp something and dp the best for our children. G. E. BAYFIELD, i'.D. Editor News: iI wish to say hpw much we have enjoyed i the chats which Mr.'A.'G. Harvey has published in your paper and are sorry this seems to be the last one. He tells us and rightly too, that strict economy should be first if West Van. is to get "strong,'ny more. Now take the School Board item of $70,000 (I believe) This is an enormous sum for a ,place of this size and population. We want education certainly, but surely economy should be exer- cised, ~ especially after putting out $45,000 or $50,000 into a nem school; I take it as Mr. Harvey advises that amalgamation with Vancouver is the only thing tp save us. Public men are tpo apt to spend 10 'cents when they l:ave only 5 (providing it is other pepp]e's money) . People are finding taxation very heavy and if we cannot lower them how are we going to thrive and 'e healthy in pur beautiful munic'.- pa]ity? The coming reeve whoever he is, should be content tp rest on his laurelsiuntil,we get on our feet. iVI. BULKLEY. , WANTS MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER FOR WHOLE OF NORTH SHORE . IVest Van Netvs, = West Vancouver, Dear Sirs:--Kindly insert enclos ed letter as follows: Our Children The greatest force for general good today, for pur children, our homes and ourselves, is Preven- i tipn, spelt ii& capital letters, as put forth in our Public Health Act and in pur school laws. Grasp i't]xis fact or ypu are due tp ex- perience much loss and suffer- lllg. One year we have sma]lppx, then scarlet fever, npw chicken ppx and the flue is ever with us, with skin diseases 'thrown in. There are many others that can come. Constant complaints come into my office, to all of which the same reply is given. "Ypu had the cure in your hands and it was turned down. One good, well paid health officer and school clpctpr for the whole North Shore --that is your remedy!" The fact of the matter is that you cannot get good service if you have npt the money to pay for it and the money does not Tp the Editor of The )Vest Van News. &eax Sir:--Election time in West Vancouver is approaching sp here is s suggestion 9 hz not a Reeve and Gouncli composed of men (or women) who reside, ancl whose business is, in )Vest Vancouver'OLll's tx'i.lly, "RA,TEPAYER" 'P= E R S 0, 6" A L S. .4Va]ter McDonald is quite sick i&IEETING CALLED TO i at his home at 15th and Fuiton, ~ DISCUSS XhIAS RELIEF as the result of a recent accident 'I!~in Vancouver, when a window All societies, organizations and tI,fe]] on the back of his head while churches are invited to he repre- tihe was at work. sented by a committee of their society or organization to meet Thomas is cpnfined tp her -~vith the Reeve and the Municip home at Capi]ano through sick- al relief officer at the ilIunicipHall next wednesday, December 4 18th, at 7.30 p. m. for the pur- iVIr. and igIrs. Scott of: Vancou- Pose of comParing lists for Xmas ver, have moved into a house at Cheer hamPers,, to ensure that 21st and'rgyle. everv needy case in West Van-'ouver will be looked after and Th i. was a lalge attendance to eliminate the Probability of of members at the specia] meet- duphcation. This is very import-' of, the Canadian Legion, ant and interested Parties are The.. IVest.. Vancouver.. repre- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j(i tend. ~ E C'J'h'N Nellie Johnson of Nakusp, B. C., ViIiss E]sie Kai] whose home is are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. in Swift Current, Sask., is~here IA. Harvev Smith, of the Red and visiting at the home of Mr. an tI White 'Chain Store, 24th i and iVIxs. Smith, 15th and Fu]ton. Marine Drive. = Next Sunday afternoon the Mrs. Wa]]ace of Denman Is- North Shore Elks have arranged land, is staying at i the C]achan l a concert to be held in the Lone Hotel. -- =- ==- dale Theatre at 8.15 in aid of the Xmas Cheer Fund. Mr, Bowman has returned to his home at 22nd and Inglewopcl ~ SCHOOL'ONCERT I from his ranch in the Peace Riv- NEXT WEDNESDAY er country and expects tp spendiI'hl.istmaslwith his wife and --. The annual school concert by the pupils ofthe Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schools will he The Pauline Johnson Soccer given i next Wednesday i~ the football team Iplayed the ibpys Ixiglewood School 'uditorium. I,pf ~the Mackenzie School, Van- There will be two performances, cpuver, last Friday at the Ppwell as in previous years, one at 1.30 Street Grounds, losing the match p. m.', and.the second at 7.30 p.m. ~Iby a score of 0 to l. ='Admission is 25 cents and at the afternoon l performance 'children Mrs. Bishop,'hp formerly re- I!will be admitted free. The child- sided at 25th and Bellevue,,was ren under the guidance of the'a visitor for a couple of days;this teachers have been working very week at the home of Mrs. M. hard to make this concert a suc- Bulkley, "Dreamy Nook," 26th cess, and there will undoubtedly and Bellevue. .';i be a large crowd out to see them 'next Wednesday. Last year the Arrangements have been made 'oys and girls put on a very cred- by:Harry FaxT of the West tVanii itable ~performance which was iVIptprs tp handle i the batterv much appreciated by the crowd work for Bill Craig who has pp- of parents and'- friends who ened a business in North Van- thronged the auditorium, and couvel. this year it is hoped to put on $ an even better entertaininent. The auto accident in which trISee~Programi on Page 7. the car belonging tp Mr. George C]arke,'9th and Mathers,,was WHIST DRIVE yN AID damagec] last week was not, it OF XMAS CHEER FUND is claimed caused through the car,missing the road in the foR =iLast )Vednesdav evening Mrs. i and going over the sidewalk. The E. il Gamage anc] Mx's. Alex.accident was caused by cp]]ision Stronge were joint hostesses atwith'another car, the driver of the home pf Mxs. Gamage 'at awhich we understand; has as- ~i~ wgist party in aid pf the xmassumed full l-esppnslbllity.-- Cheel Fund. Six tables were al i ranged and a very happy even- Mx'$. L. Scribnex", 18th and Be]- ing was spent..)Vhen the final levue, whp has been in"Prin«count is made it is thought that Rupert for, the past three wee]&s the fund will be increased $20 by 'i visiting her daughter, Mrs. the good will of these two lady Meuse, returned home last week Ii organizers, and the friends,whp It end. attencled.'pecially interesting prizes were 'Shot Silk" Rose The United Church Choir cpn- bushes, the West Va,ncpuvex em- cert which was tp have been held blem, which were donated by Mr. ~,,tnnight has been postponed until Carnage. These were wpn by January. Rpbt. Reid and Mxs. Nash, other prize winners were )Ixs. Nash;'prclpn Gray, 26th anc] Math- and Miss ViIcC]eery, tied for first, ers, whose Vancouver office is in Mrs. Levland and iAIxs. Grady the Credit Foncier Builcling, is mho carried off the second prizes. advertising ~ this week drawing Mrs. Vinson anc] iVIxs. Lawspn, special attention to burglary in- whp were awarded consolation siirance. prizes. The drawing for a pretty boudoir cushion made by Mrs. Board of Trade 5Ieeting II'Stxpnge,was won by Mrs. Viii- The regular monthly meeting snn. nf the West Vancouver Board of The "News" wishes tp Trade will be held next iVIpnday. 5Ix's. Gamage and, Mrs. Stxpnge for their efforts to swell the , Lepnard Johnston of Rus'h Xmas Cheer Fund. EVe appreci- City, )Iinnespta, was a visitor tp ate the trouble and expense they t]&e West Vancouver High School went tp. They will, however, feel on Tuesday of last week. more than repaid by the success of their encleavprs «nd the prac- Dundarave Ladies Choir to Give tica] help it, gives to the needy Radio Concert this Christmas time.'n Thursday of next week, (December 19th) the Dune]axave A Toast Ladies Choir will give a raclip iVIay you live as long as you concert which wil] be broadcast want tp--and want to as long as over CI&FC from 9 tp 10.80 p. m. you live,