West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 2

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001C987A us C THE WEST VAN NEWS 'December 13, 1929 .l wEsT vANcoUvERil! l ltte«W'est Vancouverg~'t I.IQ~ D! E'. ~ . = ' "'l! Christians]'ScienceI 'ible ]'SChOO1'"See our C ~ - =-=-,l, -- LAWSON,S& H&LL l&- ' The December. meeting ofth"'gs~+I ~ S l«SO y]s&; ! Ivt& „d.,w' I, „e '., Duncan Lawson/Chapter,!I.O D l CHURCH EDIFICE, 'l NEXI i SUNDAV.~ era I I p M' 'Wae he]d'Mop&]ay 'Depe2Q&i«and EsquimalL'Ho]]yburn;,', l ~ i]L:- ~ 10th; at the home of Mrs. Bern- This Socie&v is a Rranc]«of . ii 'I ~ -- . lard'Hayes,"Ra&]c]iffe'Ave.» It" Suitab]e G~ft~ foi ~ -- TI Mot1 Ch h, 'MR. PE~~~'KING ~ the regeilt,I MI's.'SmThe First Church of Christ,,4 ', - . ';I .'Chair. ~every lMelnber of the Ialllil)'. Scientist," in~ Boston 'I ' Subiect: - Massachusett~. Il, ' 4'The Opening Of the " 'AS thiS'S the lt time]Of year ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"Huv from Grigors and Save" Sunday Services 11.So a. m. and "; ] ] S' gn ~ .,whene'Ieveryone 's, trying 'oeven ea rSUBJECT, DECEMBER 15th, F',] l 'r. Ikiiig1, wi114] syeak f over ] 11 '] ]I '11 l -- -- = '. .,'I ]«CK1V Xvjevery Monday «unpin«& i C au" 'F&ind;1 $5 ito «the 'Elks',".God the]Preserver '1 further notice] fromf7 tor,7.30j I Xmas-'Fund; $5jto,the«I.O.D.E 1410 5Iarine Drive leWe]fare «Work ]81 ]to Imperialyy~t 37~ Ilk g&IIOIIyil SAillllreQ"1ICheer to patients in Shaughnes- „tepiieiI S! church]]!,T..e;.o y Meeting!«wednesday Guides Camp deficit. ~ 13SeI.u.'" eeipeS Advent Si(December 15th). -= -- -- =.-- ! Sunday--.Mass,'8.30'a.'m ]rI.A report o »th ti of th 8 a.'.--Hol Communion' w~ I t I']Pl " '] ' 'ss 10 80«a"eLeaguei]of 'Nations,,was'given'0 a; m.--Sunday Schoo]]and«I jiJlllle(, lg 1lirQ I Benediction,",7.80,.p.m Spoilge Cake (made with evap-'ible Class.' Minister, E. A~ henry D.D." ~ ~ -- .== =-s a. m ]I!~ ']as representative.'On h r recom-r I]IWeek "Days--', Mass) 8 i. m. ~~~ '~] a~ r' d milk): -Yoll&s of four eggs 11.15 a. m.--iVIorning 'Piayer. = -- =' ' -- -- - '-.'-' -- =: endation it d id d toora e m' wel]I beaten; one cup of sugar, 7.15 p. m.--.Evensong. = December 15th -1929.', -- -- ~ +"]/p~= =- ~y 'ibooksIon the League~ QLLSL,~IIQfCJ.J. )of. Nations,'ndipiesent them to»Hlone-ha]f«cup o ca ned evapo at- milk (one of. the smallest size 'n 'f Sundayelmorning = the . - ys - -- ~„,the P~r ~,F j C services.',. -- ==-,~ as or, ev.- .. umphireys z bur 11.15 a.'.--To i "Hi h ]|I -. Resid,'3th and!'Byways." ~== = 'Phon W t 252R -':= -- - 'iss.Vi]] M Le n-'th, Morning anthem-- 'How b += -" =~ '- convener.=of.th Ch'ld ,t'ful upon(the mountains.'iiS~olp.'l(Sunday, December 15th]I querade Party,'toibe held i11 theQour sifted with two heaping tea-" There &wi]]! be 'Divine I Service ]I~ ,» spoons of bakiiig yowdei'. Fold . ", Church; Caulfeild, " S 1 b - C h't - ' = -- /gave a'plendid] The choir concert has been put ~... = .. ' (IrePort'of] heri committee's]p]ans "the Lord." l o o y Mr.'onc i e 11'a. m.:.Morning,Worship,, *+with centre pipe, in, a'moderate 't a meriting of the teachers]j&-- - . '„' 'ieacher Rev.'Ne]son Harkness f A fo]]oW]ng Beat smoothtwo cups)'held last week, it was decided'to l! ', „sF..., )piety. of 'owdei'ed 'ugai'ixed with ho d the annual l Christmas &Qn „- ' . ~,7 15, p m ~ong Se v'ce~ t . & 10.00'a! m.--Sunday School. one-thild c&ip of evaporated milk ertainment for the'primary de- -- -,,y . & ' »,7.30 p. m.' Pastor. will preach,«l „eady ave&]ab]e are i be]ng sp]dlliLast Monda, 't the i Young, n n t a d two teaspoons of vani]]a,'.. Partment Friday, December 27th 'PeoPle's Association a very~ int- topic, "No Room'in the'Inn." andi!I for. the main school Friday, cresting evening was spent. The t] A'Pre-Chiistmas Message"fol,I ' 1.', topic was theIndian Work of the i, 1] ~- =--~,-- -- " --.. f, 'was with greatpleasurethatLiglit Gluten Bread: Dissolve y ' 'o y U 't d', Chuichl in 'Canada'n'~i ', = the meeting,welcomed Mrs.'ne%teaspoonof sugar (or one-., the Sunday School has again sent "'l "i'." an~. a " 4F Tuesday, B.Y.P.U.'l]I youn +hippChristmas iemembrances,to the!I address of fascinating linterest Iipeop]e invited.'= of ««arm i water . Break i up i pne Indian girl '] Bertha Hammond; i'was l given 'y Rev. Peter Kelly ~««Wednesday $7 80 I p m., ««we Mrs. A]mes i Preserited «w]th]I compressedvyeast cake and ]et it- l supported&by pupils at Caicross]l)t a mlnistei'f the United Church: meet for prayer.'.- ~ ~ Addiess . el,water. Addj,one Mission School.' -- = = -- ==- Mr.'Ike]]y is a full-blooded Ind'ani 'Fi'iday,'C.".G. I. T,,7 y. m." ='It also afforded the members ry., m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'one-half teaspoon of salt. i st«1'lie'A.YP.A:,wi]] meit Tues- c]ress(which iwas,'a minglingiof ~The."Annua] Meeting lof the )tor]VIrs.'Almasithe]first. regent „,th 1 di ts well]together, day,evening in the Parish'Hall«"i autobiograPhy 'andi information«i. West Vancouver Baptist ]Worn-'f;the Duncan Lawson&C]iaptrit~on Indian |missions iwork'held! a'n's Missionary. Society,was he]&]']i„when it was formed in Iggg, with ]n ( ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ o ~ ~ d b t ]1.'dd! another.cuy & & ' = & splendid I audiences captive. g'It inithe'Church&onj Tuesday, De-„a«Primary, Life Membership cer- ~w t th t' D "5 Iih n 8 =~, «ras a Perfect epic in matter andE;cember 3rd." 'Mrs. IStephensonii tificate. In niaking the presenta- ;t;„,„;th,a 'sppp„- Let ~pi,' i.",,Q" = ] . ', "," -" . I]occupying,the chair]1 There.was 'tion] Mrs. «Waite is]so aJcharter Ise t en orm in o&a.,]oaf andlII .. ". '-'-=- .. " RAW his mother's arms ~vhen she was 'a record" attendance.'ew offic- '.membei';spoke as follow'g,:~„„,-- b k ld', bread'. ~ - " - '. "I'. ot" in.', a'r'iba]'Iwar, andItraced' ers .e]ected'..vMrs. 1Steyhenson,'-'To me 'a'hartered memb r.a.e as one wou any: rea '.l, -I I 1!his life from'that tra ed unti] " .. t,',, '-' e, a;c ar ere mern er,T]ie temperature-at,which&it is]I! The ba»ar .heM. last 'Friday =- '.-... - g y "". Pi'esident's 'Hump»eys»ce'&'as been.'giveil the honor, of ad-afternooniwasivery largely at '"he a 1"ved'na'Methodist Pu]Pit „president; Secretary,'rs. Hib-" dressing youi onibeha]f iof thai]l,.t --.V „ss tended and a substantial sum re- 'He described his fther and his i«bard Treasurer, Mrs:,«Vernon;/Chapt/ver ypu, so dear]yi]pve : must experiment for yourself I] a]ized for their funds by the Wo= f'rm rule as the chief of his tribe Pianist„Mrs. Ritz; 'Librarian, are so intense]y interested-in and l for ever kitchen is different = meii'.st "Auxiliary, ]under@whose describing the stern methds of Mis.'imstiong. g~ve lthetmembers, fee]']]that theauspices it was held.' The paris German Nut Cake: Cream o e ».pr«ti]y dec»a«d»»thI' ' «»dards] «»s people Rev H Humphieys, was the ~forts: inc "org~izing r«]!]evergreens ««and'I]othe evariousi until they were brought down by speciajl preacher at[0]ivet Bap- should«be recbooths were ari'anged in Christ- association withithe white inanand into it &work one and one- rnasIi.co]ors,of red] andi&green. in.]ater years.', -- =,; = -- = -- -- '- -=, y gis urc 's l un ay morn- ~It must begratif in to know! Mrs'. IiW R Yates - 'for many - IIe drew @ pictuie. of the back -- 'hat the'Duncan'Lawsradual] . Add one teacu ful'of --; ",,' 'Il --, - - - - .-- =---=-:=- - =-- &, er is one of the most active chap-ithfu]~member of the ~round and legends andIIitrad W. «A: in!south««Vancouver'and]i»tions]of these;Primitive Peoyle ~Chr]stmas S„nday Schpp] Fest] ff Iwalnut meats.'t throu hi the --...-- . -. ~ h . 4... g ers o ~ rea ei I ancouver,,with food cho er then stir'in'our OP d the bazaar and dur- ' to chmige va]'wi]] be, he]d,Friday evening ~ ~ ~ b well beaten.eggs'(one a a mme) ing,the afternoon musica]Inurn: the life andtchacracterlof these, D b,th 20th~ ~ s ip o oi v iea wor ers.i.Add one fourth cup of flour, and be.', given]by,M-rsr Ja~e~ "bands. Then&her to]d,what the ~ -- =' ~ it is impossib]e to estimate the«]!last fold inhthe stiffly beaten Mclntwy~re. andi Mrs.'~C. p. "Ed- missionaries~ha&] doneland]how o, = - = --, ---- ~ e«work done by,t}ie Chapter in thes whites of the four eggs.'ake 'I .d Th " - h'. h the future was bright *with NEW TEA ROOMS OPENED ', past,lbut you have every reasoniin a sheet or in three layer cake i d.ff 'ent tab]es 'were as follows: prom]se. 'he address xvas a rea]]]] AT DUNDARAVEI!ilto be proud of your protege, and]iPans. Use a moderate oven, bak- ]&Greneral]I Convener,Mrs E. J m,asterpiece in art and quiet elo- -- --..-- -- ~~ Hwe„the members,'hope that youiling the cake'about 40,minutes, -=- = ~" -- ' cIuence '= = ~ The Misses I Neill and]'D'] nIay. live manyeyeai's to see theo'..'a ittle less for ]ayers; &SOI) M, W,E.D '..",,' ~ apprentice announce&in&this'tissue mob]e se]f-sacrificing'xvorktcar-llttle flour is used because the .. "H C k' R A'O t th lt 1' f 4the opening of the'Be]adora Tea -'i God and king, insyir-nuts take! the ]acelof flour in'; ome oo ing, I rs... ~ving o, e™u iy icity. o .-- - -, . - . ec] by your kindly, act.~'Ogi]vie and Mi's. Burton Forster; functionsIthe Choir. concert has!I Rooms t oni Marine Drive near ~ I" Grocery stall,'Mrs. W'-.T.'Atwood!! been]'postponed unt'1 ' arly 25th]IStreet in, the jWilson E-. Surely, the torch was thrown and'Mrs. W. Davies; Afternoon'9date:in;the net year. " i&foore kbui]ding. Lunches ]]and p " y u,'romi e ai ing~hands Tea,"Mr/ 'F Eatock, Miss M B = = -- ==- -=- teas ilwi]]& be served, j,and.. a &wide I Gf 'Duncan'Lawson and we pray„the West Vancouver stores. They A] sIMmrass«G. Phil]i s.,'M s.'. „ II«Th ho',wh' 'h range of irhomei cooking««vi]]abbe ii that his'name maybe,perpetu-'havea big selection of things.tolls '. " . p,," & e c oir gowns,w ic axe how .. '-=--. "'ated~through th I d o ofchoose from& and "reasonaMe '- t, Junior. department, )Ibeen anticipated'. for ~ some&timeMrs: R.'agger, Mrs.'; S."Silva 'have'arrivediandiwillibe in«use 1 White; Girls'ranch, Mrs.','very, shortly, ]possibly next Sun= . 'll The.Young peop]e'sl Associa-, To Mrs. Edgely, another chart-ll', l Bloxham (Collections,'rs. sW. day. = -- s;tionsare]having i only two] moie " 'm . r's g've"'t"e honorMillard and Mrs.'B. Hayes; Ca]= e tendars, Mrs. F. J. Lettner.' Those who have Bible Societv l]days. Next Monday'xvvii»lily]'bel a-+,,yp s ~.,'~ == -=- -- ---- l«co]lectioni boxes are asked~««to !&study of '-'The Other,Wise Man."- vp„]p„'p'«vea,.P ars = 'i,the i]steat ieither toiMr. W.iC.', 'Sunday, December]ggndgwil] ii"u is e very ri ay,i 'f aily ]assistant) l Thompson or,to Mr ~W Herrin. )bc.~White Gifts Sunday and spec- &,= A I corsage bouquet tof roses HhRRON BROS.' = ia] ser'vices wi]l be held at all the,I'and violets also accompanied: the =',,The Sacrament!of, the Lord',i(events]ofitheiday. It,.is hoped ',!]%badge,~presented )by Mrs.: Edg- !li Siipper will be dispensed on. Sun- that Dr. Henry,mayibe able ito ii day morning, January 5th:Ne«v«E]begin a series'of evening studies m Mrs A]mes responded'In a few.Pho W t 363 l g Hllekal EslrfftGL|iil year's Sunday = = ~on» the '"Great Hymns iof thelt: heartfelt words of thanks. (,Church," illustrated «vith lantern 122'est Sixth Street.j ' ' ., =, ' ' noon 'was ac1c1ec]»to vel'y considel-or . mcouver m ors 1 Dr. Henry wi]1 be g]ad to meet 'slides.'mas Sunday,(22nd);wil]"] = -- "~ [o t r- , I! ph ' th«184 l! ( | any «vho are intending,to,unite u e a'study of "As with Gladnessil: ab]y'by aicp„p]e.oflbea„t;f„]]yP. 0.'ox 101, Hollyburn,'B-' .. - ..= -- . 'llI ( I „either by, lettei or profession be= Men of Old." ' -- rendered']o="Vancouver,PmlorsI . I I foretheend of themonth.' =-, = ~ ren e soos y .s; owal 1! l]i 55, Tenth Avenue East, ii'= --,. Th,egu]a-, monthly meeting eggat, iaccpmpanieduby Mrs.'4 -~. I~ On F~~d~y December 20th'e of the Women s Missionaiy Au~ regu ar mon y mee In «McI„tyre H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE]l ------ --, -- eXpeCt ai Viait frOmi a'anppu: i]iary.,Will ibei he]d']]On'ueeday 'ter«the SerVing/Of Itea'and t 418L ~:l!,ver citytgroup«to give our.boys'fternoon; December 17th;" at . t.'" '" t. ' d". 'd, " 'la demonstration ini Trail Rang- 2.15'ni'thefChurch Hall..Mrs.i' -- -- -- = «[ers', work. ~ ~ 'Dr ) Rushi wi]](«be« onei of the 'Nominations~ for.officersiwi]1 speakers The',election]of .offic- ]lbe received at the Jani«ary nieet- December 23rd.wi]]&bedgiven ers'.will! take1 p]ace~ and'ievery ir]g jto be'held at. the hometofADvE Is G o ~],-- z „„- --, „=,& ~ tol preparation) of relief .Xmas member is'askedltoIbe present. Mrs; gVa]ter lGoui.lay, &andt all-= 'PPLICh.TION h"mpers.'ll'ladies cordially invited.',t! membeis aie urged to be present.