West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 1

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001C987A he II P Circulating in $1.00'er year. A W,ceo.y .'Newssaoei. 1 the District of West Vancouver--=Ambleside, FIoliyburn, Cypress Park, Caulfei ld, Whytecliff, Etc. Weston, Dundarave Newsstands'5e per Copy Vol." lV, ElGHT PAGES giHOLrLYBURN iP.O., WEST„VANCOUVER, 'B.C., FRIDAY, DEC. 13th 1929 No. 39 u'4eeveVinson is Retiring To my Friends and Fellow Ratepayers:-- I wish to announce that I have decided not to be a candi- date for the reeveship for the year 1930. The growth and e~~ansion of my personal business requires my undivided attention.' wish to&take this opportunity to thank all;my friends for their support in the past and to assure them'hat my policy of progress was carried out'as far as it was humanly possible to do so. I feel in retiring that I am leaving West ~Vancouver in a ; position to continue to progress, as the major developments, such as the bridge and highway have been accomplished.'he next major. problem facing the municipality is to pro- vide ample water to take care of the urgent needs of the entire ftI district. This matter,will&be presented this coming year and, "I would urge that it receive the unanimous supp"t of all rate- V. V. )VINSON. Feed i the 'Birds EVinter., hasi come with a'.vengeance this. week, andiIithe ground is covered~ with'a deep covering of very heavy snow. For us this means rubber boots and considerable inconvenience in getting around.'ut to the birds who stay with us all winter. , and help brighten the'dull days it means death. All'of these ,,",l non-migratory species have short beaks'and depend for, their sustenance on'he seeds and 'rubs I they, can spick i up on or near the surface of, the ground: It can, be easily seen, there- fore, that with such a snowfall they are entirely, cut off fromlli their Iiaturalifood supply. It is'up to us now to,'supply the ",, deficiency until the snow has melted,"by putting out food for them. Pieces of fat; dry bread,"crumbs; etc., put out daily inly your garden ivill'help your l little feathered'& friends i who.sing and'-chi~p round y'our'house, ~to live,uiitil the'~ground is bare'gain.Nature has failed'them,'andoout of gratitude for, their,, songs and work in keeping down the insect life ivhich destioi s our gardens i we should'nd" ought to feed. our, birds. l The t Big)Concert lNext'~Tuesday t ~l Choral'ociety Will l SingQin"AidI of Xmas I Cheer 'Fund.'Under the auspices of the B. P.'. E. Reeve Vinson is presenting two turkeys to be given holders )& of i lucky tickets 't i the Chorale Society concert next Tuesday at Hollyburn Theatre. The concert is in aid of the Elks', Christ-'as'Cheer'Fund'andithe members)of the'Choir are giving their services free to aid in this worthy, charitable object. The advance sale of tickets has been very gratifying and the theatre willi unquestionably | be, packed I to,the doors; not only'because of the object of the concert, but because'it is a ,&West,Vancouver i Choral I Society concert andt, those,who l at= ii tended the one given a couple, of weeks ago.will~have a ical desire to hear this'aggregation'again.'The Cantata, -"A',Tale )ofi old'apan," is the only number onl the last program'hat will'be repeated and this beautiful music can stand repeating several'imes the way it was interpreted by the choir.'e give beloiv the program for the evening. It willibe a /~ good i performance 'nd,we t think i that everyone, who attends will/put in a pleasant and a profitable evening. Admission 50 cents. The following is the program: CHORAL HYMN--It Came Upon the Midnight Clear....................Sullivan Choir. CHORAL HYMN--Silent Night ...........................................................Gruber Choir. SOLOS AND CHORUS--0,'Come All Ye F&aithful..............--........Novello Soloists: Mesdames 'owieson and Sheffield, Messrs, J. Johnson and J. H. Smith. &~ CHORUS:And the Glory .....................................'..................,...........Messiah 'hoir. RECIT. AND SOLO--Thus Saith the Lord ...';........;.......................,..'.Messiah ; But,who Shall Abide ....................................hIessiah Nr. B. R. Harrison CHORUS--For Unto Us a Child Is Born............,..........,....................Messiah ~i Choir. SOLO--I Know That My Redeemer Liveth........................................hIessiah 'Mrs. Colin MacLeaniti CANTATA--A Tale of Old Japan........................................Coleridge Taylor (From the poem by Alfred Noyes) Soloists: Mesdames Leggatt, Thomas, 'ristram,'Mr. J. Lowden; SOLO--The Blind Ploughmnn....................,...............................,...,.......................,'r. Aubrey Clark. SOLO:Rejoice Greatly .........................;...,.............................;....;.....Messiah Mrs. Colin MacLean. CHORUS--Hallelujah ....................................................................,.... ihIessinh Choir. AIRS. COLIN bl. 5IacLEAN One of the artistes at Xmas Cheer Fund concert given by the 'it%est Vancouver Choral Society at the Hollyburn Theatre next Tuesday night. T NOVEAIBER'UILDING&. PERIIIITS TOTAL $28,750 I.arge Increase Shown i"'hirteen,permits of a total value of $28,750 were issued by the municipal i hall staff during the month of iNovember, being an increase of $13,400 over the I~ figures for last October, and $22,- 550 more'than the total for No- vember 1928. Particulars are as folio&vs: Dwellings ")Vordsworth, R., 17th St. $4,000 iMills F Bay St ')Vhyte---- cliff .............................. 1,000 Coghill, D. G., Bruce,St., AYVhytecli ff .............. 700 Dwyer, . George, Nelson-== Ave, Whyteeliff ...... 1,000 Dorward,"C. A., 12th and'I :Esquimalt ................. -- ... 4,000 S.S.Magoffin Co. 'Ltd., ~- tWest Bay ...................... i 8,500 Lodge L.O.L. No. 2990, 22nd and Marine Drive......... 8,000 Addition Fdington, P. A.,/1th and= Palmerstoni............ 200 Kynock, Miss, West Bay... 300 Harrison, Maj or B. H., 11th and I Marine Drive . 300 Garage Cripps, R. B., 14th" and . &Gordon ..............--........... 500'ppps, -R. -8.,~-24th-and 'Marine Drive...... 150 Mclntyre,':,W; F.,'20th and'll Gordon .............. 100 ,. Miss Dorothy Ellison of Capil: ano, l has been awarded a parch= iment certificate )by the &Royal'I ~ 'Canadian Humane Society. The"'ertificate is to be given for her i~ibravery in rescuing F. 1Wibley from a ivatery grave in the Cap- ilano River last July. Next Friday evening in the K. P. Hall,'orth Vancouver, the thirds& of a series t of monthly (t dances will be given by the Cap- IIiilano Timber Co. Heywood's or- chestra',will provide qthe ) music, ~~ ~~ ~ and!an enjoyable. evening is as- sured.to all who attend.' Tickets may be purchased at the door on ,the evening of the dance. (The i proceeds from this series of mothly dances will go to the North;Vancouver General Hos: pital. ~ r ~ . C / t IIIII'~ I ~&AN+" V. V. VINSON .'lSeven times Reeve of West Vancouver Reeve 'Vinson will not 'Seek 'Re-election, ~The announcement that Reeve Vinson is retiring does notcome'as any great surprise to the legion'of friends of ilL.. Vinson in'YVest Vancouver. It has been known for some time ,I that l his I private business interests have suffered very i con- siderably. fromt the amount of time he has had to spend on I-,-lmunicipal affairs. That'he has decided to retire from muni- cipal office will be a matter of. very sincere regret to a,very'arge number of people. Mr. Vinson's record of municipal service is aiproud one. In the history of the municipality it has never been duplicated and awe doubt very much if it ever.will. Reeve Vinson has done a tremendous amount of goodItoWest,Vancouver and his popularity today is just as great asit ever was. Those who'know him realise that his years of service must have cost him a lot of money-as well as a-lot of energy and thought. His friends believe in him and trust him; his opponents have never taken him any way but, seriously and have ahvays fully estimated the strength and sincerity of his following. Mr. Vinson'is a much'admired man. He is a successful man. He is an enthusiast and he always has been a booster.'for,West Vancouver. The -District has'benefited much for. his)terms of office. He may have made mistakes, some say that he has, but he has tried to "do things," and the one who tries to do things is bound to make mistakes. The only real progress is made bye the aggressive optimist. The man who is afraid of making mistakes rarely makes any.pro- gress. West Vancouver has achieved much in the 17 years of its incorporation and the fact that Mr. Vinson has guided its destinies for seven of those seventeen years speaks volumes for him. ihlEETING TO INVESTIGATE RELIEF CASES The reeve has called a meeting of representatives of all churches, societies and organizations interested in relief work to meet him and the municipal re)iM officers at the municipal hall next Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Each representative is asked to bring a list of those known to him or his organization as being in need of relief. This arrangement appears to be an excellent one, and should result in'all needy cases being attended to, and the elimination of duplication. It is hoped that all organizations and churches interested will make a point of sending a repre- sentative so that the question of relief can be handled in a business way. Such an arrangement reduces waste effort to a minim&&m, and by rendering duplication'impossible, enables assistance to be'given to the needy in proportion to their needs.