West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Dec 1929, p. 8

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001C987A 8 iII THE I WE'ST &VAN& NEWS IH! ioecember 13, 1626 ii! Ith k ~ ~ ~ ~ ! pi» ~IIImfa,,s„i~rocery, III, » ",I& "glg ",I,»".i i . i', 6IdrSiiif&gr -x's'IjtW 11 big pply oI No. 1 b', o g +Edmofttort'.iiiSVYe advise youl to order earlyHave you tried the Famous 24th audi lilariue Newcastle,,i 'I 'iiDUGKs,'lGEEsE an1+cHIcKENs'IPhone: West 499 ii!',--,R End Sp„,-,ia --, & COA~=" I.li, i. EFFERIES",9SU ElltlOI'lit.YEATS', It will give vou all the Iieet you i jl Government Inspected Only.&ii, Hobbi Coolie Transfer,'!l " i, ii Be« "--"I'b" nLS oro IAIYYest 3 I I'eos, Nabob Poor&, per tlu 21c..h i. tmas tviues-- v i ~ -- -- 'ti if, i,pork his rs i,', 4 jiklnds[of,"IilixcdNuts ................ lbs. for 39c Gold B ad, lier bottle ..........:.'43ci/i i 'Ii(Bob Black)III li, I'/ ~ tunblQQGO Stara eSt 303I»' t MeatsBrazil, Wpluuts, Almonds,- Pilberts Yuletide, per bottle ............... 29c,, I, Photic IVest, 17Bleached Sultanas, per lb.....,.. 15c )'inger, Cherry, Port, 26 oz.'bot. ~„Fry's Chocolate Syrup,.l lb. tins 17c Baker's Cooking Chocolate, pkt. 15c --=.= = ===- .--~ j!i, Sno»flake i I'astry Flour, 5-lb. Table Figs, Smyrnnv lb............ 21c I,,,g:,.@~ypsack ......................................... 27c Table Raisins, California, 1-lb. ~ 'Everything, for, the Building.Christie's Biscuits,l per lb........ 38c! Cranberry Sauce, 9 oz. tins........ 18c -"...... ~ Swift's I'ure Lard, per Ib....... Ivc Goldou Bantam Corn, tiu............ 19c .,Ny~&~$~&+ hfyi~yPjyij"Oranges, Sunkist..... 2 dozen 43c! Raisin Gems, Christie's,'er lb. 27c'illson's Health Bran, packet.. 12c 'Apples, Jonathans, box............'8175 "SA DOORS+ ROOFING,, BUILDING PAPE lli =: = -"Lamatco -- IGyproc ' spinster Board&~ ~ » bb ~ Beaver Board' IIShinglesii ,i I 0ieri S» . e:'er-,,'.i,,ei:S&~ -'= .-" ""'.":.-, -„.~West(Vancouver'. umberICo./SPECI~I,~oygCE il, I . 8 -'&~' "'~% I 15th andMarinein,~LIMITEDitt --.== Phone West 115'lu2'z~~&j4','!,ll'lRestdence Phone: IWest 368L. = =All Xntas Poultry at Roberts'etter Meat Store ~sre LOCAL F&RESH'ILLED 'BIRDS))-=-II'l Turkevs, Geese, Ducks andii Chickens..s'a. &i (No j Cold Storage Poiiltry,~ ltandiedithere) I!I I I Assure the success of your~~ ~ q o» CHRISTMAS "I DINNER II Io ~ == ~,:b4@:: 4-':-"j~;"-"'"-~ '„'WE KNOW,'HOW" ) B."t'R. 'HARRISONd~r : &Who will sing at the Xmas Cheer i SPECIAL THIS,WEEK=Saturday only; .- 'und I concert at the Hollyburn&I!Local Pulletts, Extras'.~ ..............'... .40c per dozer' ea re i next Tuesday.@(from Davies'Farm, 11th andi Mather)~ I' G T. ' T;-. OT-.'-. " m. Q r~»Next toij IItiofithe federal;constituency, andIII,. &One'8'YYeSt& IVOI .p ggl "W ggl 4 theannualelectionofofficerste- ;.'7: SA,~/ iiii suited as follows:i . ~= +,- Honorary president -- major"~Backing Business ' ' )General!A'. D'cRae, MP. Ac6 TIVES 'HOLD'ANNUAL = - President--H.'G.'Botham (re-The Fair Accused~"I was not vTgoing thirty miles an hour; not ~, there is anything int the suggestion'that because ' electxic light costs so much in one city, it should notwhen the officer came'up, I was Delegates from the West,Van ' =- --.-™ cost any more in another, then it would be logical toalmost at a standstill; - . = couver, Conservative'Association SecondI(vice I President=W. J. make all lighting rates in every city the same. ~The Magistrate 'I must stopi journeyed to the K. P. hall last~ Thea those municipal plants, such as in Seattle, wherethisrorgyou'll be!backing, intoljI night;tolthe annual meeting of Honorary secretary„= Ewen they charge S~/~ cents a kilowatt hour, and Los Ange-somebody--Ten Do~lars."- -. the North Vancouver District MacLeod i(re-elected). les,'here they charge.S cents,'nd: all over British!iI Conservative ~ Association.= The onorary ~treasurer -- J. T. Columbia,',where they charge 8 to" 1S cents,'bwouldillmeeting was addressed by Gener- &)Watt t! need to make drastic cuts in their rates. Dad says: "The easiest way top l A D McRae MP Hon RI L= - Executive! committee -- J. B.,ibecome fluent is to practice talk- .Mait~and- K C '„dl'E l C'ar Leyland,'.IC.)Crawley,I Colonel 9 The fact is, of course, that electric light rates are not like cameras or safety razors or chevring gum- whose If commen~ing on l'ecent siaxe- ~ e I ~ ~ prices jare standardized foverLthe,whole continent. ~ ~Were this so,,people in(,Vancouver~would pay,the ~ = Auditors--R. T. Johnsoni and!i average oi 7r/s, cents a Idlowatt hourrather than , 4, be would run on the North.shore»ydn Young cents aud 2 cents a lrilowatt hour as at present. ='n the next Igeneral(electionI or Electric light rates are Sued'on the fairest ,basis:.Deeegniger pg jeeS&! i 'I.'»t at all -'=- ==, -": Mrs. David Morgan entertain-= thet cost of f service. If physical conditionsmake'll'here.were about I sixty dele- ed at tea last Saturday afternoon lk I&" gates present from various pa ts"'t er home at,West Bay. T impeded the generation of electricity by, waterpower.'! Largestli Exclusive = .~.]&e„,xm&s g]& &,]~11&& / Organization in S.t,'. HAvE YoU sENT Y0UR DoNATIQN:„ I+ ! Material for 1o0'ft.'ence, ~ 'It i This past week there has been.,a fairly goodI response; to'ur Xmas Cheer Fund. More donations'havelbeenipromisedi!I ~vancouvnn x . " . ~ivrcroma' -, i~iibut & of.'ourse'hese I cannot be acknowledged) until& actually ~ -- - - '~I Ij1". Dressediboards per 51. 11.001 ~%~ op%~ apus et%I op% en% ~ spur ape epCa~~~ cpu ~~ epV Shiplap, good grade, per M 11.00l~ „'. 'Ve appreciate the good feeling which:prompts the sending„,, i 1xg Drop siding, per':lI.... 13.00 Of any dOnatiOn, Whether large Or Small, but We SpeCially. a-preciate the handsome'onation ($26.50) I sent'y i the pupHst! iw "My, lord," i said'ithe, prisoner, "9'",",1x3 4 'rid'I 6 V 'oint -- ~ ' I and I teaeherS Of HOllyburn SChOOl; 'Much Of thiS amOunt, WaS 'i "haVe 9 I tO be tried by a jury Of "Yes, I',vrish It,would liven,upi along lengths, M............ 13.00 mmade up Of niekeLS, dimeS and l quarterS. We 6WOuld &like, tOQ ~WOmen?"'"'Gutter. pe1't'--.--- 07,i thank personally all the, children--and!ythe teachers'f thel',i =- -i'"Be quiet,",,whispei'ed:thisHollyburn School" for this ihelp, but 'of course we'cannotidoiir / counsel.'Ixo'pir'"'D D'cjear"F00 ft'oiii 9/this so this'acknowledgement willihave to suffice. Helping I won ti be quiet! My, lord,'g" V-joint,long lengths = others in this way'ill both g've and reflect happiness., I can't even deceive my own wife ilIs'There are yet'l2 days to Christmas,but don't hold your ililet alone twelve,women.l'I plead»'CheerfuliVisitor --.".Can you'"contributions until'the last minute, send'it along today. No'$ guilty!" ~ -- ~~ tell inc the name of Noah' wife?gp" Ship]ap, good, per M 1z'.o0II i matter how. small the sum it will be 'gratefully received and% = '. 'f Small Boy (brightly)="Joan'.'all Shingles, per M........ 1.25 l it will help to make some youngster, and perhaps some olderNo.' XXX Shingles, M... 3.50 'I I person, a'little.happier at Christmas .: Yesterday's Pubzlick~ Sectional Garages, 10x16 = - ~ I)i 43 00 I Previously acknowledged ..............--.......'.634.26 i There was a young fellow named is A™Truthful Juvenile'yproc,Plaster Board, Fir Ven- A F&riend .................................. 1.00 I =~ Fisher --.-' ', Mother--"Johnny,,what .'xeeer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Mrs. W B. Forster ................... 500]„ 9&Who was fishing for fish i» "s= you doing iii'the pantry?"II SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES ii Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson, Ca.pilano Light- 'ure: =. =, . -= . Johnny--"Oh; just'utting'?l~house keepers r:............................... 'i 5.00 I!I «&When a cod tvith a'grin" few things away.","Above 'prices are for orders Winifred Back ............................ 1.00 unw Pulled the fisherman in:iof 2,000 feet or more. Less than I Tithe ...................--............. 2.00 Notv they'e fishing'the fissurethat amount, cartage from Van- Billy and Mary ...;.----.......... --.......... 2.00 for FI 3h00Ir TeI Ita Ie Ev ideuce 6 Icouver must be added. Pupils and teachers of Hollyburn School.. 2G.50 )i Small Neighbor--Is your new babyMBLESIDE astus--"Here'sl a &telegram from a'boy or girl.Total '..................'76.75 I(i de boss in .A..f.r.ic.a lie says he is send- i Johuny i (disgustedly)--Aw I'uess iip Lt(l ii We wish to make grateful acknowledgment of the foHoiving'I iug us some lious'ails." jI! gifts to be distributed amongst the needy of the district: = i'ircus owner's Wife--"Lions', tails, I puttin', powder on it.,Il Marine Drive at 16thPh,u, tvcst lgg ",I, Mrs. G. C. Byrnell, 15th Street; Seven gars of gam. Rastus? What are you talking aboutvg ".IVhat did your wife say tvhen youl!Ie i 3 ive Pi iim pt A II e uI i ou Io Mrs . 4V . M iIIard, Mathers; C Ioth ing Rastus--."Well,'ead it yourself. It got home last night'?"Out-of-Towu Orders Mrs. W. E. Da,vis, Kings; Clothing. says-plain: 'Just captured two lions. I'"Not a word. I was going to haveC. H; Rodgers, Horseshoe Bay; Clothing. Scudiug details by mail." ii Ii) those two front teeth pulled auyway.".