001C9872 THE VfEST VAN'NEWS = CLASSIFIED ADS, insurance and other general ex- I'penses and a new engine. In the thirteen years from 1915 to 1928 the BIunicipa]itpy's population increased from 900 to 8200--about nine times, and the ~,value of taxable improvements liinicreased from $570,000 to $2,-- 700,000--..about five times; yet the value of taxable land decreas- ed from $3,600,000 iin 1915 to $2,650,000 in 1926 with a partial trecovery to $3,100,000 in 1928. ~We]], there's one safe item'a- fimong the "dangerous" figures of the financial statement (which is bound in a bright red cover). There is a sinking fund surplus nf '$48,000. That's encouraging. '-It may 'be of interest to knote ~how this comes about. A sinking fund is the method usually adopted by a municipal- ity to repay money borrowed for III public improvements. Each year an instalment of principal, raised ~l by taxation, is paid into the fund 'k the insta]ments being such a- ,Il mounts as will be sufficient, with the estimated;interest on the It investments ~ thereof, . to dis- kl charge the debt at its maturity. By law, the interest must not be estimated at more than 4% per annum capitalized annually and the investments are restrict- ,'ed to government bonds. Now for several years the rate of in- terest on government bonds has ]exceeded 4%;;in some cases it tfhas exceeded 6%.'Then too, the &k interest is usually payable l half yearly instead of yearly as esti- mated,'hus permitting its being compounded twice as often. It is these increased interest earn- liirgs,which cause the surplus in the sinking. fund.'ther: causes 'I are the sale of sinking fund in: ,vestmentslat a,profit, and the " repurchase of the municipality's debentures kbeforeqmaturity at advantageous prices.=- A,sinking fund: surplus )be- longs toto ithe ratepayers and should not be allowed to accumu: kI]ate from year, to year any more k& than a deficit should."I'm wond- Ii ering ~ if our l sinking fund sur: plus tcannot kbe~ users'owards keeping down the & taxes next year. "BROADWAY" COMING TO- LONSDALE THEATRE Elaborate Drama of ¹ight'C]ub~ -~Life to be Shown COST i i/r MILLION, T OMAKE The super-screen version ~t of , the l celebrated Philip Dunning- l George Abbott stage li success "Broadway," islto come to the Lonsdale Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and wednesday,. Glenn Tryon,'Evelyn Brent and Myrna Kennedy are featuredft in; the "cast. It is an'elaborate talking, "singing and musical picture with "an f intense drama of the under- world of hijackers, knight club 'life and bootlegging. The photodrama was directed kiby Dr. Paul Fejos, under the sup- ervision of Carl Laemmle, Jr. It was made on an elaborate scale, and is said to have cost $1,500,- ~k000. Much of the action is laid in a night fc]ub. This interior is said to be the most striking scene p of the year. The decorations and ; the general arrangement and i'lighting of this set have set new standards in cinematography. Against its Ibizarre andi mod- el nistic backgrounds, a chorus of sixty & trained dancers put on a show, that has no equa] l in the II most l gilded New York night club of the present or in the elab- orate cabarets of the past. . 'The famous l Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Los Angeles, under the direction of Gus Arnheim, supp]ied the music for the night club scenes, including both the singing and dancing numbers. Hoivard Jackson made the score and orrangement. This music is ,wonderfu]ly reproduced via movietone. Also, the dramatic dialogue of the ploy cleverly «(lapted by Edward T, Loive, Jr., the scenarist, is exceptionally well h«nd]ed throughout the pic- ture by the princip«ls «nd other members of the cast. FOR SALE--Craig Piano in good con dition, and other furniture. 'Phone West 201L. TAXI--.Peerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, Webster North 123-1 FOR SALE, CHEAP -- Thoroughbred English Setter, 11 months, has been . hunting twice. Wm. J. Hawes, 2145 i Bellevue Ave. FOR EXPERT 'I RADIO AERIAL Work, Phone West 458L. GARDEN BARROW S--Strong, Light, . unpainted; price $4.50, delivered subject to approval. Phone North 364R. WANTED--Married Couple to occupy furnished camp and devote part time to work of house and flower garden. (Or bachelor for garden work.) Mrs. E. E. Devlin, Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay, 'hone West - 69X1. LOST--.Pair Black Rimmed Spectacles'n case. Please phone West 20; evenings West 286L. LOST--In Bus or Ferry, a Vancouver Library book title 'City Land Values'indlyphone Hammett, West 419Y. TAILORESS--AIrs. webb, 2463 hlar- ine Drive. Ladies'ailoring, Alter- ations; Repairs. First Class Work. HEMSTITCHING--.Plain white.. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Paarce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144.= THE PLACE TO EAT--Lunn's Cafe. Public phone West 611-0. SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. ~ )YAA'it TED -- Land Clearing; Wood p Sawing with machine. 'arge orsmall jobs. J. Glover. Phone West 214R. RANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment of used ranges. "Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. COIY IIANURE--Big Load $4. HobbCoal E.. Transfer. West 17. R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. $f BARGAIN! SNAP MUST BE SOLD at once. Owner left kff district. Unusual opportunity, Cosymoderate size home, four rooms with full plumbing and fireplace and good lot. All you need is $750 cashand the balance can remain on mort- gage, or pay off to suit your purse. IVe Specialise in West Vancouver. Consult us for snaps, and send in your listings. Exchanges arranged. I» R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Q Seymour,7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. WORMIAN WANTS DAILY IVORK- Apply "Work," c)o West Van News. r FOR SALE -- Sonora Gramaphone (Cabinet) with records, $20. Phone-~West 147R3. DROPPED, between 25 th and 21st Streets, small brown 'eather case containing $4 worth of notes.'lease phone West 299R. SPRING FLOWERING SHRUBS For Sale--Forsythia, Golden Belle, Ker- ria q Japonica, Cydonia Japonica, Spirea,, red and white, Weigelias, Deutzia, Hydrangea, blue, Coton- easters and Laurel. Mrs. l Selwood. iPhone West 670L. 'OMFORTABLE ROOAI with ~Board for two friends. Phone West 339~ lFortune Cup Inn.- 'FOUNDATION CE&IENT IVORE:- Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and land clearing. Phone T. Barnott residence phone, West 290R. Ik FOR Pl UMBING k REPAIRS--Phone~ West 241R. I WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR: =- BEST:.Dundarave. SEWING WANTED -- Ladies' and i'Children's work. 'hire. B!oxharn, Phone West 22S. $ CEillENT WORK:Rock Walls, Land- lfl caping,'awns, Rockeries, Fencing,Trellis -- work, Clearing, Grading. 'Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- GEO. 'HA Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public ,lPHONE WEST 2I 1405 Marine Drive I'Office Phone, West 21 or Sey. 1260 pResidence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X NURSING--Experienced, Sick Child-= ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont., Ross- iIk land, B.C., Trail, B.C. Hospital. Miss «Humphreys, Phone West 252R. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained, Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental 'ools, Lawns, Rustic Work,, Fencing, Concrete Paths, 'Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, "(Landscape and General Gardening.R.'. Kvte. Phone West 411. CHOICE C H R Y S A N T H E ihl U M Roots for sale. Get your selection while they are in bloom. Also a few 'Peony roots for sale. Very best varieties. Mrs.'hodes, 1269 Esqui- =~ malt..'Phone West 450L. $2.00 'AY--Woman Wants House- work,'leaning or other work. Good worker. Phone, Dr. Vass, West 383. GILLEsPIE,'HART a co. (veal Ltd. New Hall Bldg. 456 Howe Street Seymour 9380 lk'HE WEST VAN. SPECIALISTS REDUCED BY $500.:Pretty 5 room Cottage with enlarge verandah, fire- place, water, light, basement, gar- age, etc., on 200 feet. frontage be- tween Marine Drive and Waterfront at Altamont, with beautiful natural garden. Price was $3150; now $2625for quick action. See our representative for real snaps and send him your listings. Local Representative, &If Mr. Sutton,,West 53R2. November 29, 1929. WEST VAN JOTTINGS IIy A. G. Harvey»~&" &~vie% I AFew Figurest ~Litt]e'Bi]]y was the centre of "Current Assets: Dangerous trees......... $210"It was when he lived in Boston and(]lad crawled out on,,While more or ess mys ry is b d fk thin ice at Franklin park to res-, to be expecte e cue'a playmate who had brien statement of a liIunicipa] Corp- "Tell us, my bov, how you two together form a rather un- were brave enough to risk your ] f t,, f '» d is on page 4 of West Vancouver's'ne of the ladies. statement for last yea ad to,'.,'as the breath]ess 5f One wonders if there isn' 811swer. "He had my skates on." some mistake; but no, it is duly certified by, the Municipal'Aud- Scatch To The End III itor..One may go on to wonder how,.andswhy it is that danger- trees are an asset to theo ough remained Scotch to the ]k,Iunicipa]ity, and wherein lies their value, and, what relation eir danger bears to their valueMiles: "When he felt a heart and ~ what,particu]ar breed oattack coming on he managed to tree these are anyhow. One mayfall in front of a Passenger auto, wonder 'how many qdangerousso the insurance company would lIl trees it takes to be-iworth q2.10 ~ ~ ~ ~ S have to pay, his,widow double ~ d,what the value per tree is;indemnity." and whether there may not'be some more dangerous treesThe class comPos'tion was on somewhere in 'the municipa]itv"Kings," and this is what one which have been over]ooked and'oy.wrote:"The most Powerfu] which shou]d be du]y recorded as n king on earth is Wor-king; the ll ssets in this year's f finnncialaziest, Shir-king; one of the tatement when k it is made upWorst is Smo-king; the wittiest, and likewise duly certified' One that's enough readers can won-s]yest,-min klilg, and, the nolsl del- on to suit themselves lf they think it will~help them,to solve the mystei'y of '-'Current Assets: Dangerous trees $2.10."Watchagotna Packidge.'-', West Vancouver's last financi- „y '] statement contains; much in- t "Wassanaimuvitt." . =- formation of interest to the pub:".Sadickshunery, . fullinniams. ]ic. We I]earn that during 1928~~ ~~ ~ I Wife's i gonna gettaPiecedog an- the ~ municipaiity iisoM" gIP,7pg li gottanaimeferim." worth of lands.which had fa]len k,, to it in previous years owing to Wvo farmers met on the roa l'bortive tax sales, and',that atand pulled up. the end'f i the year it l owned"Si, I'e got a mule with dis- q194,172 worth of these lands. temPer.~ What'd ye give that one . We ]earn&that ~West .Vancou-of yours when'he had it." ver has an investment of Ppg,gppurPen ine. aP. -- tkin the]Second Narrows bridge g „S S; & „' „i t„. 'ike the ~ investments in roads, ll entlne and it killed him." - ',ferrjesrand SChOO]S,- it iS notreV-'i]led mine too 'lddap e P od g 'ritten&,the first~divident, 8% ~r, I Fi --„ lllhas been deciared);ibut,iuniikethem,'t costsknothing tokkeep.There' a foolish young lady ca]]-,It was inheritedl'from'he Dis= Iltiict of NorthaVancouver when', , jVfho of spidei's has such an'ab~,West,Vancouver was iborn&iinhorence = --= = A 1912. I & That she shivers with"dread "'Wh h ] g overhead k ~ ~~ ~~ ~ schools in iWest .Vancouver" laster l orna l y e 'ver = 'ear,was $70,000 and'of this theawrence schoois grant from the provinci- al government was only $18 000Hubby found some holes in his!l Put of a totai tsx rate of 45 miiio,socks. "Youl" haven't mended 'or 1928 near]y 21 mi]]s,wa forthese,'he said to his wife.. i schoo] purposes (inc]uding inter:"Did youi buy thatlcoat youI~ est and'sinking funds, F11,000)'lkiPromised met",she asked.',Less thanJ Spa/o rlf the h,x ie~~ was paid during the year, and asP. I "Well, if you don't give a, wrap schoois expenditures are not readi]y curtai]able nor under the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, fl control of 'the i council& but lhave snowing and s]ecting and I'd like cil somehow or othei., that prob=to buy some chains for my tires.'b]y had something to do wit"I'm sorry--we eeP 'n y the increase of the municipa]ity's "How anno ing! I understood'4~ow annoy g. u s y PPP at the beginning of the year. l this was a chain s ore." 'o q55,000 at the end of the year.- Never break your bread or roi lkture'he councilrhas to meet is F n your souP.=Etiquette hint in & the i interest i and singing funan Lrngiish PaPer. charges for the bonded debt. put of a~tota]ktax levy of $165,000 A private was shaving himself "last year, $105,000 was levied for in)the opent air whenf his ser- this purpose. 'Aside from taxes,'eant came along. the chief items of revenue are Sei geant: & "Do you always provincial li government i grants shave outside?" from liquor profits, motor licence "Of course,'answered the pri- fees, etc, of about $20,000; water ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~vote. "Do you~think I,was fur- rates about $20,000; and trades'lined?"'h iicences;ipolice court fines and I '"] . ~ . mlScellaileous itemS'otalling a- I l Johnny tVimple went to 'the bout @0~f00. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~'dentist to have an aching tooth The feriy system seems to , pulled and when! it,was(out, he break about even on its revenue asked for it. a»d expenditure, Iboth 'being a- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "What are you going toi doitI bout $95,000, leaving the inter- with it?" asked the dentist. est and sinking fund charges for~~ l "I'm gonna 'ake the durn the money invested to be raised thing home and stuff sugar into 'by taxation'($16,700). The cost't and watch it ache," said John- of operating the boats last year ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ l,, ny darkly. was about three times the cost of opelating the 'buses. The bus --. Teacher:"Izzy, give me a sent- fares totalled slightly more than l ence using the word'fficious." the operating cost, The boat Izzy: ."Ven Ikey and Abie fell fares exceeded the operating ~ ~ ~ 'lin de lake, Ikey hollered, 'Oh, cost iby over $20,000, but this fish us out'!" was consumed in office salaries,