West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Nov 1929, p. 6

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001C9872 »ovember 29, 1929. t ej G THE I%EST iVAN NEWS'LKS XMAS CHEER'FUND+ SONIC FEATURES.OI'ANCENEXT FRIDAY = =-- f GARIBALDI'PARKThe home of Mrs. H. L. Salter, Next Friday, the West:Vancou- Thai meeting, of the 'ALiteraryg! '. I . ver Elks ivill entertain their Societ on November '2Ist,,was'j ' i gppANEn] Driv was'ast Sat- )If I " Th occasion was ': '. ~I, many. friends at',the annual 'ddressed'as)announeed[byy Mr. Il i 'PRESSEDCheer Fund D~nce at t"'ay of t~l'ss Ifertha-«tt P"ul:::'..:, Hollyburnil avilion. This is oiie'i'ilantern slide,vieivsi of (Gari-; . REpAIREDsouse The young guests, Peggy ,„, of the events of the year not only Itlaldi Park,were lent for,the'oc-Barkei', Joan and Eva Burton i" ii for real l unalloyed joy i but also h casion 1'y i the ]3 iC.'Viountain-Mar ole ', Bill Barker, Willie ress or Coat Gibson band Bevan McNeill, had for the fact'hat it is organized eering Club; and Mi.. Fred'perry Have your. Suit, Dress or C ~a happy time ivith games and the t'j i (entirely i to'raise funds i to helpil lent a group of his careful photo- [ sxott for xmas.kind, of refreshments most all l the deservedlv poor and& needy graphic studies of '~Alpine flow-youngsters lot e. The birtMay at Christmas time. -. 'l,ers growing in the Park. It wasilit ':et!. '& 'i There,ivill bibelots'of funi'for 'thusi possiMe"'to iilustrate lthe, Q', gWIL'L'I'A'NS.... was the centre of attraction. II all -- young and old': and theII„l" cc ure a equa e y. j 6th:and Marine, "Amblesidelaughs'qwill I be niany, arndll fre: tVancouver as a.pleasant and in- ) lIf you feel sad and solemn youi fir bl l t b t} o dlt, 1Miss Frances Guinan will soon gorget. yourtrou,bi~. If i„. ethe All Westvancouvei. fi.tends of you feei gay and,jell' Hospi- I i'ancesi Guinan',willi be Pleased'dl many kindred'spirits at'Ous af-»i tea'anti!i'o hear, of the Progress made ini,'air iof the 'Elks;land iwhether'ow»turday, t her adopted profession. tWe miss, you feel l'happy,) oI I glum you ll" '0'at the'rancesi from tlie local enter- iibringsome pleasure to the needy fPeon, 500)ttitcinments iniwhich she'used to i st C ristmas pime'by„. buying, a . ywh Vaencou- delight us with very pietty dane- ticket..ji,~-~ ying the This is'9 T C. Mc- partlof Gwendolyn ini Courage, pays to be generous. Dont I;m;I 0. y)urn it,'atre,I months at the Majestic Theatre, more as souvenirs and! happy re~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~dt f- ~n Eh EE "' ' = =-= ~ ~ jects farther to.th.e'east wiiitb ], !I'vailable., The district to bif'" " . ll itiSS& !licharacter,of.a daughter of the ARE YOU ON, THEy TERS'IST tilsoimanydand'vari diob' oI interest, that a lecturer,who has: ~ . '-, S'.,;,)n are "Whoopee," at the.¹ixon ber 80th, is the last day.to havelI to it can a il, t 'h , your name includedlinjtheiVot- crest through more tha o d' N~ erS'iSt far the"January, eleC- itCcOrurSe; and thia Mr. SelWOOd „R, --. i ieiI lVer,t'yRE REPshIRstl!,,f, at the Sam H. Harris'Theatre„f -- ., fIi 'New. York. In ailetter received tGA'RDENS| arid,(GARDENINGed ' p' '0 ) NOTE:--This & theatre, is now, T Vancouver Boy and is attending 'Lmd pe JA,d, ~t open). Thursday. rl ay, an orner og an arlne I t d'~ she is 'lookmg " " ping V. of C., American Scbool-.of Landscape Arcbitecture- dt d rineI-', -- -=i ~ Gardening. i Member N tio it i,I -„MLS forward& to spending: a vacation,!,'tDR==' .Vancouve~r next summer. ="Thoseof our feathered friendsil fag'house inla coupl'e of who; f 'l$ - ogSes 'tSn tay g w h'i- I to b ghten the ndlwill b more than iepa,.dsby..w"nter days are'~ beginning. fto theI c mpanionship~of l the lbirds!I I IN)WEST,VANCOUVERtflook'to us for their daily feeding. p chilling their thanksI: a -- . ',, thwinter .we,ihad'lonly two = In our garden werhavee fours. il qitafl„whiIe now there areiover 'igroups:of, diigivtiod flees aned'the/;a jn, = Talking ". tWenty that feeditWiee daily insfiberrieeicntthemtprOVe'a .StrOng iitVRERDt tiVateNront Lots f Dmi!the garden.II.The first few morn: attractionjto the quaili,and sob- q&5pp= NOW noise,would send', them away to 'ng to the viburnums the honey-;i. I e woods not to return again Ii suckles and hawthotmes andi the li ttRelital S ) "l& i" II I .'517 ti ' I I Il,'" i'that'day. Later on3they ivouldlf snowberries for, diet variations.'A IA U~ 4 t',, (i i fly away when startled butwou d At present w"'e aire putting:put atdil I i g s i paar i'etui'n within an'hour or so,'but 'little igrain rang. bread jcti mba'~"I A Delightfuly'Fascinating.. h nOW,they. are SO tame,tha hey, Withe, OCCaSiOnally SOme SueMusical Dancin and Talking Pietul'e .will return within a few minutes. scraps." Asqwinter s'ets in this'aWe ihope "lbefore the twinter is will'be liberally increased as the '! 'Ii I ! Qpofiovei to have entirely won their need aria'es.=-,SEE, = ii confidence. ~ tl One of our readers,would" like l I445! 5farine.'Drive,&Our ~old4-friend"Bobsey, the,ito know, what kind of soil'to uselI -- -- Ambl~jde;I The& e ted@',o t e' ~ ., everrand bosses! everybody andi'ight reply, that although «thetI, II .---- -- ~ "t.,143'I iniiip, ~ I': it everything, including the old cat. comPosition of soil is imPortant, aftentionito himi untilthe starts people believe,.'Any fairlyt goodi",i'OMING NEXT 'WEEK to on l the Iback porch. Feline ted manure added,'ill make forpat~ence pei mits of no more,'nd fj reasonable success t with t almosthfon.': Tues. - .,AVed. 'uss demands in to finish his nap,p any variefy of .house pl~„tP The Spectular Universal Product' th,do. '; B R O A' N'A lY." ii ff Several.weeks ago we put,up'etter ivith~ a'ixtures of s'oil (I a feeding house on the comer of sand'and leaf ino d. 5but for quite a,while not a'bird ttoTE--The writer will consider it a pieesnreto ansitycr questions concerning tbe garden)j! would go into it, or even near lists I p'l Q'-] sits 'A'i clothesi line:runs parallell,to ill » R«s«one. shontdthi addrossidt toarced'i'loy'n! DANGER=- ".", ", =-4l,l.,ts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'f a personal reply is desired a stamped,a"d the ib"dsiwo«d Sit On~ ot»S ti, i seii addressed envotop ho id h io d'.andi peer. tnti at thel grain. ilii Qhu$'utpriSe!PiCtureOCthe Yealt/'E i~tcoursetit waslthe venturesome L'lii~Odl and voracious spartowhvho first, IIF,rllit,Treef~sn&&&alS)!darted in to pick up a quick meal; 'eaving an admiring 'udience iii iii chirping and'.twittering oni the i Local Grown APPle Tracer, 'efore the little house,was,very "Large)trees........-~$1.00 l! o ular.=- = . - =- . 3& I '2-Year lOid---------:--- 50c; I 'I 229 Lonsdale Ave, North vancouver,'he ihcuee iS made Of i Cedar::,I I-YeartWhipS:.--.........;.....85C i ~~. phone Notreh.ada~Ashakes ainted'dark brown andri '-Year Bartlett pears $1'00, '-'Res. North 918/ and 1/$4/ Wis about one foot square and one ', Large um. eesf-~lt'I foot high in the centre having a " i'lICuia'ants, large. healthy.==II II 4HJ gI ! ~, ti y ~ Ei sloping V shaped roof One en: ! I .'bushes..................... 25 , tire sidel isi open,iivith a'small't ',i, .........'............... 5 for $100lIaperture at the back so that the Ii Grape!Vines ........... '50ci i ts~ fi tl h 'irds may go straight through if '= Largey Stock of',Shrubs, ',,i!i ithey wish. Any one at all handy t'ai Roses,'rnamentals," Etc~, I i,yERNO Ai NA TA P,fsffSBS'l Of VLf il( 10.88 'ROi5SOll St. !, t],700 Naiine Drive ! Jfthno. $EARLE) Phone,west9,'+cWesttVancouver / ,. l Next door to TheatieiChotce Rockcry Bulbslji i! Ij North Shore Stanch of R.C.pHlLLlpS BROS 'Nurser es4 &™ I