West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Nov 1929, p. 4

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001C9872 TIIE kWEST]VAN NEWS November 29, 1929. LEGION TO HOLD UNITED CHURCH2 = ~~~IIG""fi]" . ]Jtntnt]]tDti".']I] i4 THE NE&Vf ROSE 'EMBLEM~SPECIAL I]IEETING = SALE OFWORK!I]tj -- ~ =- -- -- -~ =:;]I -=-- FOR]WESTiVANCOUVER I i 1The Canadianl Legion, )Vest Next Tuesday the annual sale It t]. I I 'i 4 ' I~ 'O~i't~ 4J'~]~]j,i! The",Shot Silk" Rose,'emblem]I.Vancouver branch, is holding 3 )]of work arrangecl by the ladies II,i' ~~ ~ ., ~ --.=.--:=-- = 2I III". of&West~Vancouver, as&adoptedspe~~~l nieetiiig in the Legi~~ of ] the, United Church, will! be .l! Rm- ~ ~ -- ..... -- ..--...--...............~ bv ]the Agriculturi'ooms, ferry i building, tonig)it foi'mally opened by Dr. El A gr Qr 2 t ] ] cultural Association,was brought(Friday) at 8'. nl.']te main I]enry at 2.8]] p. m, ~ '"""v 5"h'3»&] Mar]»e Mrs.,Townsen&],',who has beenjI t b Dickson and Son in'1824:purpose of the meeting is to re- A'usical! program thaslbeen . b . p . 'e d'ng at 24th'nd 'B "e It" ver "free flowering rose- ~p-.!IF'eivereports, of the donations arranged and]]the members of 'I ~ e s p 'as moved'l into the Sparrowe "color )Coppery rose.I .tlli ee weeks on a" business triwhich }lave been obtailled by the the Won1an's Auxiliary who llave C . louse at 25th and Bellevue flushed and overshot with apri- Il through Alberta II andi Bi itish members for the building fun(l. ari'anged the affair expect a rec~ q],d is ~ ected h n t ~ d cot and]yellow. It" is extremely I~ Columbia is now on his way back " Other questionsirelating to the ord crowd. -- '"' ' '"o = Mr. and™s.s George Reid and f rant having the otto of ros=building fund and several other A'arge collection of beautiful " 'F1 ~ ~j! ~ Mr. and Mrs." S. L. Gilman spent ent =matters &vill also come before the work will 'be displayed) on] the ., A, . * . ~ ednesday in Bellingham,'oing, Th dopt on of a rose emblemmeeting. It is specially request-. various s al s. A'eature this sold hei hous at 14tl d F 1' ~ ) ll )has/]been( the subpectfof'nucp]IIMrs.'rmstrong who recently„gaby motored that every member. niake a year, will be the stall]in charg l ton moved last Tuesda to Lan A ~, ' discussion atheveral meetiags ofpoint of being present. = of members of the newly.organ-,'..".o., - run of l spring l salmondhas lithe Association and various roses1 l~ ley Prairie,where I she,will 'live come into the waters round Fish- 'aughtei.- =-- ~if ei-ma ' ~ ! were prBilly Craig and Rod Webb . ',e, e .ii i'rman S]tCOVe. 4seVera]]anglerSii f 'the «shot si]k wh]eh,]wasspent the week-end on a huntingI!, Mr. and Mrs.'. Bowles of,Vic- Mrs. Norman"Macha 26th' goo I& uck here «t e suggestedlby Mr. Alex. Hender-tlip to Ganlbiel Islalld. They had! tolia have,nmovedllnto'. the Pat-, l hy' last few days, one of them land- ',"g - d t dgood luck, returning on Monday., terson house at 24th and Belle- "" ' "u» a& lling. a, 7-lb. and a'10-1b.,fish in an! and'I Mathers left, on Thursda - ' . ' s» was a op e ~here-with a deer ap ece. -= ='ue. ]I]of last week for. an extended visit hour's'fishing. ! 1, . "Prices Consistently Low", ] Miss Lucy McDougall I 1362 Mrs.'Eastman of West Ba who IFREE] DELIVERY ij Marine Drive,,w]ho sptaine&lt her &]has been ill, is now much better~"ankle, three tvee]cs ago isi notv,. ~ ~ ~ I 4 II I'I/ ' i I & 1i,", able to get around again,without I]C.'Bu]for&]thas&movedi into a) l~lg „g,lz. „g, '.I... i,]& „ III~9... ~d a. a.,L I! 'rutches. ~ ~, house"at 1224'Esq d EdGREEN~OO+'S j GROCER+ GRANGER'S GROCER+,,». ~ Mi's. Ed "Black ',Of gundai'ave. Mi'.'nd Mi's. 'P. 'Peteiso ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ is'leaving next month for avis]t family and]Mrs.'Hystead']]toft»~ 7] to Australia. = -- &shorn I comeffrom "Gull La]&a ]saskatchewan,thaveittaken the]I] 1ilI est 16). - =- ~ est rs. Colin MacLean will'be the iDewar house at 25th and,Be]]e !Ii l]'W.l'lj I( .'5IDIISP-.j CIA, Sg',(Both'Istores)lI', H,'«]IG,".,"8';,","„".,'-t T'„';,"d,'"ylby',e'.-"', ~j,*j=. ii.]]j= C.G. Brand Butters per ]b........ 44c 5 String Brppn&, reg.'50c, fpr ... 33c ' @the High School Teacheis"Asso-., 'Mrs. A. S: Mills, 17th and Marciation.'he!dinner is in honor) ine Drive, undeisvenrt'an4opera-~ Eagle Lobster, Qs, tin ........... 23c foI 75c I!,, Of 'Dr. Keppel,'reSident]Of jthell,t tiOn fOr,appendiCitiStOn]MOndaysts, tin ........................ 33c New Seeson~s jgf]scum~est 2 ]bs 35c, Trustees of the Carnegie Founcl- at St. Paul's hosPital.il]Lunch Tongue, 17'b, tin'............ 32c] = -- . --, ation,,who is]on 'his]]way «homeiII]= ~ ~ .*.Ilji.+Yellow.AVax Beans, ....... 2 tins 39cjhn edl Cl~n&s, tin'................. 18c . '..... 2vt 35 I, I fromI Japan after attending the Mrs.'Vyvyan,,whol has-j]]been~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Molasses, small tins.................;10c ~ ~ ~ ~ ,' Or ges ..................... 2 dozen 39c ~ 43 " ) Confei'ence on Pacific Relations. +v)siting I her 'daughter in)"Holly-No. 3'Peas ................ 2jtins 43c2-Ib&ReadF-cut Macar niilI = ' -- ~ -- I, '~ ~ + +! +' ~ i wood]- fol. ]the,&past year and',1-1 . ontenro&,ob .e fo ........ I I Dr. E. A. Henry&has been ap- '}..a]f, has returned and is occuMixed Pjckles sweet pr spur Toilet Rolls ]sc p& st s Br n p] kes 2 for 25c, and ~ Mrs. Baynes, „who, moved ing a house on&East Beach Tomato Ketchup,'rosse tt'plit Peas, Green Peas, Pearllf ~Blackcvel]'s'er bottle............ 23c 'arley ......................... 2 lbs. 25e,,'; months ago,'.was visiting iniWest . The Young peoples',Society of I MRS- Ft'siINIGHT HOD~GE]1!~ ~~ ~~ -- -- -- -- „==t i,lvVancouver this week. --, tlie ]]West eVancouver Baptist ~ I--'d f th~= =."FQLTRA SPECIAL CaSh ]oi'! C.'O'9:Q li " ===~ e~ e ]te Church'have&purchasedtaip]ano R"b,Ro„'Sbo-,tb',,-se-B'ts,--c,fu]ts ]b 32, "]',b",4 S„']t"„'-.--.-- 2 lb'3', I'rs. Baynes,.»twwfho moved from 'ttractiveness of then ]services S -- ',C „.t,] t „. ht The g. IIlBrown Sugar .................... 4 lbs. 23c jQj~gQ peel,. lb. -- . -- .--.--.. 25c '/here]to]IZamloops some months gandIthe Sunday„Schoolp'omanMeal pl't....;....----- 32c l Cocoenut, per. ]b.'................... ]yc, ! ago,,was visiting iniWest Van- t]]5u = == ' n.embers of the orchestra'are asjII"Fry s Cocos, '8 lb. Pkt........... 5 Empress& Crebepp]e Je]ly, us- -,',I i couver,this week. =; =--:~ = -- H: DE]WOLFE KING PFI follows:--,1st,v]o]ins,]] Mrs. 'F. ~ .................................. 4 lb..tlnTlc )t = = e-,ie e ' -- -GAUL EIL' i! Knight-Hedge;~ Miss Beatrice]jIruandt]VIrs'acey of]&We t kE - ~'g Hodgson,'iss Winnie 'Brealey,Mr.'ames'cIntyre; 2nd&.vio-'--l Bay, have taken the Kerfoot cot- - ]]Iarked by a'large attendance ]]]ins:K Nan R dol h'Mi=:-- ktage at 21st and'Argyle.g; == of friends,'he funeral of'H. De=-']el ~ ~~.& r -- =-=* =*=* '~ &„.. 2 '- & '. Irene'Gracey, Miss Madge Mur: x Rhodes,'Cello.. f'- &I ~Sf'.il]s Mr. and Mrs.'cott'have re- +Wednesday.at his home in'Caul: Mr.'A]an ]]feint re. Fl t: Mr.! feild, ]West iVancouever,'as held~I, Cyril Howarth; Drum andf'ym-V, ', Ik V ' - turned to ttheir home at 1243 i ' i. an c n yie, u e.Duchess Avenue, after spending 'at 2.80 p. m. from',the chapel of ! bal Mrs James McIntyre piano'NCCCS 'NOl!IPR'CmlLllllS "'- " ' = '.: . g jl' Mi ssr Mar~ g~rateMiC]~col tt~tyi eMHoly Trinnity Church'where ser-A.very large crowdlofiwinter .vices'ere &conducted]]&by Rev. ",sports enthusiasts ascended Hol- Harding, Priest. Inteiunent was", 'P e "Y " ~ N )IlybuineRidge on Sunday, for, the in Mountain]View Cemetery:= h'. ! g~~g]g~KESskating. ]'Unfortunately ]due,to~The "deceased„who&had]prae-,'4&, i I,,thej awiwhichlhad set in an&1 ticed law in,Vancouver for manyst,i PUDD.I.I&I~S]lthe sleet which: began.to fall,'he years, is (survived)'y, his ~wife): lri -- ~ ------- -- --i, -- ~~ .,-, ice was lii pool condition.= t aild two daughtels. ' I MhlCe MeatYousl E].,L C]rt]r1E ~, J, 'A stock roo&n is being built on THO]kiAS,JJOQHJNSTONE, !Ii and ALMOND PASTE.I!I] «™ If ~j!l 'k" I'Mi &o]N',To& re~ 'll],; I .i't~hhe.ground . o.t-o e Ma"" = FOUND)UNCONSCIOUS','!I'..lit',"i Training 'bui]ding, and& a'odel](] D NAP Yo&J& ' ! sta ~ 'I] 'll t oom«]s a]so ) betttg constructed lji !LON VANCOUVER STREET I '- &Ho]IIE 5'IADE BREADin'he;uppet'tory, of the build- -- -- ~ ]i] 8 for '28c. - Sc 'Loafiu . The work is being done by, Commissionaire Thomas John- '; I&,.the school manual training class- stone, 1875 HaywoodpAve.,&was]]i; ' gaping Sies. = =--:~y--- ~ -- =- cliscovered at 12.25 this morning ] 2] I ~i SMARTY.-- jH]5=]S A Tte&xup, ~ ~&7, l'~ ~~ = "by 'Constable Mongei. lying]un- ]t .„TORE~Qo] ) ' [ i Rt&ss& ~ " CHORAL SOCIETY,%VILL ~ ) conscious yon~ the road& at Main] "Next to Drug Store, Dun&]arave'+gf:', 1]].P oHE'D, C.PY,'At&D ~, & 'j! G]]]IVE CONCERT IN AID]] and Hastings Streets."He is one Tb&E po] ]cE tu&x]Lt&, i -- OF XMAS CHEER FUND of the Co&ps of Commissionaires,j ~ ---- 8] "o"e. e't 355, . ! 4'/& ~ P ]ND 'P iAr& ~ ': '! i ": '&tvho are acting as 'nt auxiliary+The )Vest'ancouver Chora]tt police force]during. the present i! ! I l5 '" -- -- = ~+~ ' ~-, -- ~I l society is arranging a miscellan- empower shortage. He,was'Jtaken I l HpZ,I,ygURN.--Iteous concert to be held in~Ho]]y- to theiVV&ancouver General Hospi- II, rburn'Theatre oni Tuesday,.De-.]l': tal, suffering from'loss of mern- !I] l Iiceinber 17th,' aid of,theiWest ory and,was unable to give any ' ", ~ rary.,~Mkyd f b tf Fund. Details of the programme receivedjthe severe,wound'from&4 ,,will be announced later. which heiwas suffering.=~ i I Offers a special rate for = , I ', '„, -sc -~ ~. =~- -- -- . I . = &RIEillBERSHIP 53c forAttend The ) '. I the Balance of the yearFine lumber lends itself admirably, j, i, '",e " ']] 'fsg ~. +~ggg~~Q Q . ', Join nou end et tbe fu]] e i'Come in and let us show you.,I'l ',,'t'lI ]f=l ~l&l 1=4& ~ West Vancouver Scottish Society~ claimed'. within seven!I days YIDI NIIGHIX] &&,,Fag]g~l+ ']eve .]aha]]]'Proceed'kto sell'I I I CAl, Ij ANO T'IM„BlEI( CO. 1 TD."' ll DAKIN stoRcHESTRA'" "CARDs 'EFRESHMENTs 'I,, ", '. "ARINE MOTORS 2158 Mari&le Drive,gj, llFt. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 !~ Dancin& 9'till 1. Tickets f75c., 4West;Vancouver l c