West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Nov 1929, p. 3

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001C9872 November 29, 1929. THE VILEST VAN NEWS W. 8. THOIIIAS CHORAL = SOCIETY PRESIDENT IN HOSPITAL ~Qgk Sootloss Coal from $10 The Famous BIcLeod River Hard Coal '512 50 a ton for Nut and $13.50 a ton for Egg. Wesion Cartage %EST 230 hIOVING anII TRANSFER -'Daily Trips'to. City ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR The Christmas Bazaar to be held in the Parish Hall of St. Stephen's Church next Friday is under the auspices of the Wom- an's Auvi]iary. 'Fancy Work, Home Cooking, Novelties ard Candy will be displayed in pro- fusion. Afternoon tea will, be served for which a charge of 25 cents wi]] be made, though ad- ~ission to the bazaar is free. This annual activity of St. Stephen's Church creates con- siderable interest not only a- mongst the I members of the Church but with its affiliations and friends. A big crowd is ex- pected. Last Wednesday W. B. Thom- as, president of the West Van- couver Choral Society, had to re- turn to Shaughnessy Mi]itary Hosital for treatment for an ail- ment contracted overseas in war days. His many friends sympa- thise with him and hope that he - will make a speedy recovery. His lillness was specially dis- appointing to Nr. Thomas, com- ing as it did on the eve of the Choral Society concert which was such a pronounced success last night; and for which Mr. Thomas had worked so hard. Not a little of the success of the con- cert was due to his efforts. I. E. Allan was informed that !lthe rocks on 556-A-3-1 and l2, would be removed as rapidly as required by the municipal work- men. Dr. A. C. Nash reported to the council a clear bill of health for t]ie municipality during the month of October. The offer of A. E. Ames and Co. to sell $1000 Dominion of I'Canada 5&/i bonds due 1st Nov- ember, 1932, at par for sinking fund purposes was accepted. ~rl '4~4~ ~~'s 1 '.. - .. ?~. r. r'-h HI gNe 'Are'Giving +'Ai32!00 Box'FacelPowder i =' &'= ': ~ 50cPnrseSizeFlacon0iigmePerfIime r =i+ ts' i, With Every Purchase in This Greatilntroductory Sale Saturt ay,", 5 one ay, ~'l'uesday and Hive( ~estl ay Ak. ----"- Qi Carle,. Master French Perfumer, Introdu'ces bis'ew Biiares "Ii'"'!'t:PP:: l'lP. '- ii, ' jJ t li iI iJ alLl P==h d, i300 . 'et.His $2.00 Box II Ili Bottle of Narcissus i II $ g and SOc Bottle ,. ORIGME PERFUME Total,Value IIi 'OW'ONLY I l I .'""re a~~i 8«~~ l 3 'h Ig I'~ Mail Orders--Add, l2c i)i DIRECT FROM FRANCE comes this ", A SUPER SMOOTH FACE ( 'I deligbtfulWfragrance. = Luxurious. l, ~ POWDER ': I" Superbly delicate.'Like the fr'agrance IQ& The supreme achievement yv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-. I'III~ of fresh cut flowers. =- = "NI~ of master cosmeticians-' Parisian blend that clings lI, 'acked~in beautiful gift box Ih'&,ll The Reason For This Amazing Offer ....................................... &'a .: Bring This 'ertificate and:Mons.'Carle wishing to introduce his world- i famous 'eauty requisite to I the Canadian lady, is using this method of getting his de- lightful preparations direct to you. Ail we , ask is'that you pay a small service charge PERFUME with the $2.GO: of 98c I to hei+ pay the local advertisinI" ', Boz Face powder i n your.'ampaign,salesladies,, express. etc. Yak~ 'avorite shade, and'he SO&'., advantage of this'liberal offer, it's an un-: bottle of ORIGME PER- III usual chance to save) Limit three to ia customer. a ~ ~ a ~ ~ a ~ a a ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ a ~ ~ ~ a.~ ~ ~ +ra a ~ ~ ~ i~= I . "= GEO. HAY BUILDING Garner Marine and 14th FAST DE&LIVERY Phone KVest 323 NO ORDER TOO SMALL ~+ ~ cQ -- .'-I I .~ "pi'E R S 0 6 A L'S Engineer Duncan attended the last meeting lof the Board of 8 School Trustees and submitted The School Trustees instructed A n t the secretary to write the Pare Association thanking „I d t, them for the gift of pictures to t $846.00. This was discussed at the schools. all concerned. some length and it was ultimate- , I r o] th t I . D canibe The ladies of the Duncan Colin ihIacLean ,H son Chapter, I.O.D.E., collect 'ick at his home 9 @21.60 this vear for the PoPPy ine, for the past t th hol fro t of this school 'Day Re]ief Fund in " still far fro according to'he plan prepared satisfactory progress. bv Mr. Gibson. t R. Parkin, H. I&o]thammer and Boss Long spent the week end M«. S. Cullington who ~has leer shooting in the district a- b«»iving in Vancouver for the d port A]berni. Parkin shot &past few weeks whi]st repairs g e 4 av o]d weighing 2pp lbs were completec] to her house on while Kolthammei brought down Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay, wi]lual training centre:--W. A. Fol= a deer not quite 80 laige. take up i esidence hei e againvest $47 80 . J H Paterson eer no qui e so ar ge. next week. $40 20 The latter was accepted. 5Iiss Evelyn Cullin, 17th and Duchess, who has been quite il] Several cases of infraction of Information will lbe obtained Iit the Infants'ospital inIVan- the motor laws were called at as toithe cost of insta]ling light couver,,where she is a nurse in the police court last wednesday units in twenty class rooms of t;a;„;„g, is now much better. ir but were stood over till next Pauline Johnson and, Hol]yburn + + + week. The complaints were for Schools in accordance with sPeci- iqIr and Mrs. Edwards, 25th Parking and running without fications drawn up by the North- and 'Ne]son, have taken".. the 'lights; . evn Electric Co. Cooke house on Marine Drive be- tween 25th and 26th Streets. Dr. AV. T. Rush,, 23rd . and A volleyball and basketball will Bellevue, returned on the Em- be purchased for the use of phys- Next Tuesday the Cubs «St, press of Asia last week from a pica] training classes on the,re- Stephen s Church are going to;visit ito Japan, China, iandI the quest of Mv. Condon, physical eall at the houses of EVestIVan- Philippine Islands. ~ "'training instructor. couver residents for old toys and ll'ooks. These will be turned over to to the Boy„Scouts central organ-ization l in Vancouver who dis-the Boa).d of Schoo]t Tlustees ti~bute them among t'e pool inthat cinders were not obtalnab e Gleater Vancouvel. The old toys e,fi,ec]l uplby the Scout lyburn Schoo] grounds. Mr. El- genera y venova e e ore eing gai had discussed with Mr. Dun- can and the Ellis-Cotton Co. the 'question f dvessi th surface Ec] 81ack anc] Alf Searle weve ofIthis,p]ayground and theluse out aftel- decl- aiound Abelnlover the iveek end. Each return- was foundithat,whilst this ma- ,, terial cost much more than cind:'rs only about ha]f the quantity Mrs. Sidney Gisby, Nelson and ill would be required 'It was decid-. Ottawa, who recently returned l lii ed to lay a small section with the to her home from hosPital, where lI pea'; granite in order I to test its she underwent 'n oPeration, is suitabi]ity foi'he puipose. "&now able toIbe'out: andt aroundagain. 'Mrs. C. Poisson,'0th and Bel- i)lcvue, was hostess to a party, of ] Ill '~ ~ hev friends a few,days ago. 'A- mong those present were Dr. andI) Iiiirs. F. Dorchester, iifi. and:Mrs. l " '~ . f, Aubrey Clarke, EIrs. 'Lestock O k.k Ill I -, ii Reed, irir. and iEIis..Hugh Lang, 'Mr. ancli Mrs. Hawtin andi Mr. ,' and Mrs.'Sanderson. I ~ 'Enjoy a happy evening. Go to llrf', i ' 'he St. Andrew's'Dance tonight ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,, in the Ho]]yburn Pavilion. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. D. AllanI of l ',)Vest Bay, will take up residence ttheair Radcliffe Avenue home ),Il 'l IOI O I a y jS )I il iiext,week after severali weeksiil s Mrs. H. Thackery, 2267iIngle- I II.,wood~Avenue, is indisposec] and "I V l( COuVer 'lVOman e,WaS SummOned case was dismissed. I'hone Seymour 1046. og) G Hg li ENTERTAIN IN( HONOR y ',': 'F BIRTHDAY Mv.and Mvs. F. Paton enter- tainecl at their. home at 15th and THE Esquimalt last Saturdav eveningon the occasion of Mv. Patoli's "birthday. A feature greatly,en-'I Il 'I i&I ~ ) II joyed by the guests was the dis- play oflsome article which had~lI to represent the title of some " novel or book, some of these be- 'ing really strIking in their orig- LIMITED inality.'The ladies prize for solv- ing the puzzles was won by Mi s. For I'eoPle Who Are George Herring, the gentlenmn's Particular by VtIv. Clarence Wedley. THIRD ST, anII S'I'. DAVIDS Music, singing and dancingfeatured the vest of the evening. p]ione North 1310 'iolin playing of Mv. Nick IVi]- liamson and the vocal solos of )Vest Van; Representative 1'vs. Williamson and, Mvs. Her- F. RIVERS ring weve greatly appreciated as,, - Phone West'1(lI, Ill was a beautifullyrendered Piano solo by ]I'Irs. J. Sutherlanc], !.-