001C9872 Ihf I Circulating,in tlute $1.00 per year. District of &~W-e.st Vancouver--Ambleside, Hollyburn, 'ypress Park, Caulfei jd, Whytecliff, Etc. Westoyf, Du ndarave Newsstands 5c per Copy M88 No..37 Choral Society Concert is Big Success Bi]]p Boy a sea chants for the male chorus. This proved one of'he most popular items on the program and had to be repeated to satisfy the demands of the audience. The final chorus "Bor- cier Ballad" from poem by Sir EVa]ter Scott proved a fitting cli- max to a very exec]lent program. The whole choir was heard to good advantage in this, "and every member of the choir sang as though it was,their favorite piece. The theatre was crowded for , the concert and thetWest Van- couver Choral Society and its leader, iAIr. Young, renewed the hold they i have on the imagina- 'tion and interest of our,people. If that standard of work is kept up it is ' foregone conclusion that it will take some beating : at the 1930 Festival. "WHITE" CANADA IS HOPE Association Seeks Solution 'f Oriental Problem "An! organization to be known as the White Canada Association was formed today at Hotel Van: eouver for the purpose of taking concerted action'on British Col- )l umbia's Oriental question. &XVith: Eon. 'Vm. "Atkinson, 'minister of Agriculture, sitting --, beside the chairman, and J. %'. Berry, M.L;A.,' silent but inter-, ested I delegate, 'the decision to organize was unanimous. Ald. E. H. Bridgman of North..Vancou- ver, president of: the Union of $ . C. Municipalities, was voted to the chair and is a member oi ,lthe executive of. seven named with power to add to its number. The executive will have as its immediate duties a conference with a prior organization known as the white Canada League, not active in the past three or four ii months, but . which is said to 'ave a membership of 1700. Pos- sible amalgamation, and in the alternative, close eo-operation, is planned. Governments cannot be ex- pected to do very much on their own initiative in solving th ~ l, problem of "silent, penetration"'y the Oriental, several speaker~ agreed.'he white population of the province must be aroused to "a white heat" and make their op- inion so forcefully known that governments will be forced to take action,, it was declared by Mr. Johnson,secretar~ of the White Canada league, and the r.ieeting agreed. A resolution providing for or- ganization was passed unani- mously following a statement by Charles E. Hope, in which he outlined the purposes of the meeting and the circumstances under which it had been conven- ecl. Another resolution, also unan- imous, placed the meeting on rec- ord "as being most strongly in favor of provincial legislation prohibiting Orienta]s from own- ing or leasing land. in B. C., but A thircl resolution'calls upon Athircl resolution calls upon the Dominion government to yre- vent Orientals from voting at Dominion elections as is feared might be provided for if the Do- minion authorities prepare their own voters'ists. At a largely attended meeting of the municipal employees on Monday evening at the munici- pal hall, it was unanimously de- cided to adopt a superannuation scheme in accordance with the provisions of the provincial act. Those present included the staA's of the municipal hall, ferries, police, waterworks and board of works. The following were ap- ~pointed to represent the employ- iees in any negotiations concern- ing superannuation: 4V. EIerrin, Elarrv L. Thompson, Lance S. Garthorne. DONATIONS Reeve V. V. Vinson..................... $5.00 We]l-wisher ....;........................,....,.....2.00 A ROBERT REID President West Van. Scottish Society which has arranged the St. And- rew's Dance at Hollyburn Pavil- ion tonight. T 'T ')lotal i $7esa5 ol'V EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN ip 0 WEST VANCOUVER,'B.C., FRIDAY, NOV. 29th, 1929 l ~ ~ r ST. ANDREW'S DANCE Unanimous Desire for House Mail Dehveryy -- ToNIGHT Monster, Petition', Obt~ed by the Council, is of very little as- Hollyburn Pavilion i']] tonight The concert given in the Holly- sistance as an, inducement for be the scene of much activity. A burn Theatre last night by the I Trade Board hfembers developing the ferry revenue. gay crowd wi]] be on hand for the West Vancouver Choral Socletv ~ . -- --. t th There was some discussion an- St Andrew's Dance organized by was a distinct triumph. In mak-A petition addi-essed 0 e entthehighcostofelectriclight tithe West Vancouver Scottish ing our way out of the hall atPostmaster General as een d th fi 'urance rates. Society. Dancing will be from the finish of it we heard expres-culated 'this past week y Th tt 'll m up'a- 9 to 1 o'lock and Dakin's Or- sions on, a]l sides that it was an t e re insurance ra s. t the meeting next month chestra"ill be, in attendance. the best concert e h d 7 Refreshments. will be served. West V o . Th o d to "SAYS U. B. C. 'IS' -- There will be a few card tab]es OVERCROWDED arranged foi those who wish,to 'gratulat d" ious parts of the district and that OVERCRO ED deed, is everg member, of the ~, mail collection boxes be installed ' h b Tickets can be purchased at choir and orchestra. It was a"at Points convenient for our resi-: Reyresen a»». "., - " the door, so those who have not magnificent performance.dents.. -=- "'I i &a ' a]ready got tickets need not lose - The cantata--'A Ta]e of O]d Ja- The Boarcl of Trade suggests ment'r'eg '"g' th Uni an evening's p]easure and enjoy-,, an--,. is a particular]y difficultthat a start in) house delivery for the overcrowding a e ni- Ilrnent.' iece of music but the choir and /Ibe made by covermg the area vor» y . o 'he committee, in charge has the soloists did full justice to it.,ps Oiromj10th Street to 25th Street President'... M gone to a ]ot of troub]e to assure The cantata so]oists, Mrs. How-for. two blocks rrorth 'and two t the board o g'ov s 'an enjoyeb]e tim for a]] anc] the 'ard Leggatt, Mrs. W. B. Thomas,blocks South of Marine Drive. "ay nig . Scotch;h1ve a,well-earned repu- Miss B. Tristram and Mr. JamesNeedless to say the members of The present buildings at the tation as good hosts and hostess- Lowden, were all in excellent e Board~ circulating the-peti- ~iUniversity site were intended to es. They are determined to make voice and portrayed the storytion found that everyone called accommodate 1500 pup~is, and this one of the high spots in the t most effectively in the spirit and'pon, without exception, was not registration this year totals 1850 history'of. the AVest Vancouver tone of their singing. on]y wi]]ing but anxious, to give Dr. Klinck said. ',With'he pres- Scottish Society. The orchestra'nder the very ; their supporting signatures. In- ent rate of stu(lent increase in ~ Tickets are 75 abl direction of Mrs. Knight:deed'several of those who were view, additional building space'wayfrom home when called uP- should be Providec] for 600 stud- EIOLIDAY MAIL = --- = =- -- sistance. Their performance add-on telePhoned s ying they had ents for nextyear,'he added.' DATES FIXED ed muehIto the evening',pl a-heard of the Petition and wanted 4The board authorised a rium- ure. 'he orchestration arranged , to sign. ~ =, ber of small'loans to studerrts 'sAny parce],worth mai]ing is from the piano score by Miss The number.of signatures on 'rom the trust fund which is et worthy of careful packing," Iis Margaret MeIntyre was particu- the petition is close to 500 and aside for that purpose. To have 'he slogan of a statement issued ]arly noteworthy. It was a mast- it is hopedt,thatlthis, with~the ~tbecome ~e]igible for borrowing, by G H Clarke„V'ancouveryost- Iierpiece and was specially effec- supporging resolution from the'I~ the students must have comp e.- master Mr. Clarke'advises the tive in expressing the pathos and Board of Trade,',will have the ef- !',ed'ne year of UniversitY„-w-; k'~ irisuriqg-;of -.pare'e]i-.arid -u'rges~ tragedy of-the. story.;-- fect. of focussing l the attention~'he board has ]oanecd seveeral'hat addresses be markecl plain: -- Miss McIntyre)also acted as 'Of- the postal authorities on the II thousands, of 'ollars & since, the accompanist for the concert; needs of:West Vancouver. Christmas parce]i~ mails to -- &gr. Yo I h do t the a ounts have been ey i, United States wi]] close incan- mendous amount. of hard( vork S ip ' o ' o ' '- 'ouver:no later than'he first in biinging the choir to ue A'urther resolution.was also '-'g =-=;- -- -- week in December.-- 'igh state of perfection and his drawn up regarding the striy = -- -- -~ = Parcels to reach Newfound]and 'bility is recognized not only by tickets, on the ferry and the a- Miss Eleanor;Chilton,'ho so and the maritime provinces tby ~jthe members of the choir but by doption of a straight tenI cent 'plendidly took the part'of the Christmas should be mailed no everyone who had the pleasure fai-e l This will be submitted.to~I GypsyIQuee»n the Dunda a e 1'iter ithan December 10th, ac- of listening to the concert. the municipal ~council at.,the: Ladles'hoir concel.t, at Ing e- cording to postal authorities. The sea chantles 'Shenandoah'leetlngnext Monday. The reso- .wood School last,week„was un- Decemb r 14 has been set as the II and "Bound fol the Rlo Grande" ution points out that the per- able owing'to s'ckness, to p ay ]ast date for Chiristmas mails to ~isangby the male members of the folatlon of the commutation tlc- the part in the repeat perform- Ontario and Quebec... == choir, with the solo yarts taken ket, as decided'pon iby theIt ance given in the Moose Hall las &Other fina]"tdates set are: bv A. J Addy and Aubrey A. Transportation Committeeei and ~Wednesday. - =--= .Northern British Columbia, De. Clarke respectively, were the 16; Manitoba,'ec. 17; Alberta, opening items on the program. Saskatchewan and Places within They captured the interest of the OPEN YOUR -- '- 'two days 'ave], December 18; audience~ right awav and wereHEART AND t YOUR'PURSEFOR THE M S /i i| Fraser Valley, Kootenay, IOka- euthusiasticallv received. 1 nagan and souther'n Vancouver =- The chorus-"Awake the Dawn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- Less than four,weeks to Chr&stmas and not a smg Island,l December . 20.'etters, with i orchestral accompaniment contribution Ito our Xmas Cheer Fund tthis last wee ~ greeting cards and parcels for yaved,the way for a trio "Or-%hats the matter fol} ? Money m tight. AVe k ow that local delivery should be~mal]edII pbeus ivith His Lute- by Miss ter. only too weil, but is it so tight that you cannot sp~~e ev n I no later than'December 21, it is,qv;~son Mrs. R Howiqso» anda mite to he]p the poor and needy. Isn't it worth a little 'tated.'elf sacrifice to'bring some joy, and happiness--and some', II food and warm clothing=to those who feel the gnawings of hunger and ravages of cold. Don't wait until',the'last days l before Christmas to send in~ your contribution (we: wi]l. ca]ll for jt tif you Eyes," was most insistently en- prefer) let us have it right away. The money will be cored. iAIiss Tristram is one of carefully andI wisely spent 'by an organr'zationl which the newer lights in our firma- has given very careful attention each Christmas for many ment of singers. Her effort last years to this work. The funds wi]] be specially devoted to night endeared her to the heartsthe needy of West Vancouver. Because you are prosper- of the audience. Major A. i~I. ous and happy and contented don"or one minute thin- that i,here are none in Avest Vancouver who do not need assistance. There are and unfortunately, there are many MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ helpless children among the number. ADOPT SUPERANNUA-"Peace onf Earth. Good Wi]1 Toward,'Men." Let it be so this Christmastide. There&isIno better or more efficacious way of expressing good will toward men than|~i I'by helping to make their lot more comfortable and happy. 'To give, is not'a necessity, it is not' duty, it is a privilege. The smallest contribution will be as joyfully and thankfu]]y received as is the larger amount. Donations may be mailed to the West Van News, P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, or can be left at our office and al] donations will'be acknowledged in'the first subsequent I issue of The News.