001C9867 November 22, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS Board Of Trade Discuss Important Questions CLASSIFIED ADS Magistrate: "Don't deny any longer that you committed this theft; you have heard three eye- witnesses state that they saw you do it." Accused: "AVhat is the good nf three eye-witnesses? I could bring you millions of people who didn't see me do it." Tailor: "hlarried or single?" Customer: Married." Tailor (to cutter): "One pock- et concealed in lining of vest." Customer:"Eh? EVhat's that? "To hide your change, you know, at night. I'm married my- ~) f." It was visiting day at the jail, and the uplifters were on d~&k. "hly good man," saii) one kindly lady, "I hope that since you have come here ynu have );ad time for meditation end have decided to correct your faults." "That I have, mum," replied the prisoner in heartfelt tones. "Believe me, the next job I au))s, t)iis baby wears gloves." "Doctor: "Your husband must have absolute quiet. Here is a s'eeping draught." EVife: "lVhen shall I give it to him?" Doctor: "You don't give it to him--you take it yourself." A lecturer had been describing snme of the sight& he had seen abroad. "There are some spec- tac)es," he said, "that one never fnrgets." "I wish you ivou)d tell me where I can get a pair," exclaim- ed an old lady in the audience. "l am always forgetting mine." One day Sir AVa)ter Scott met a beggar on the street, and the medicant asked him for silence. Not having a sixpenny piece, the famous novelist gave the man a shilling, saying with a smile, "Now, remember, you owe me sixpence." "Sure enough," said the beg- gar, "and God grant you may live till I pay you." Ef your nose is close to the grind- stone rough, And you hold it down there long enough, In time you'l say there's no such thing As brooks that babble and birds that sing; These three things will your wor)d compose Just you. the stone and your i)arned old nose. Husband: "Your check to the grocery man has just come back from the bank, marked, 'No funds'." AVife: "That's queer. I saw an ad. in the paper only yestei'- day that the bank has a surplus of over $3,000,000." The Silent Partner "Does yo'ake this woman for thy lawfully wedded wife?" ask- ed the colored parson, glancing «t the diminutive, watery-eyed, bow-)egged groom, who stood be- side two hundred and ten pounds of feminine assurance. "Ah takes nothin'," gloomily responded the bridegroom. "Ah's bein'ooked." Pat's job was to guard the en- trance to a road which led to an o)d and unsafe bridge. A large car came along. "IVhat's the matter?" demand- ed the driver, as Pat recngnizei him as his landloid. "Oh, it's yerself, yer honoi," h» said genially. "Yes, it is.' 'Tis all rig):t. then. My ord- ers are to se~ that no traftic I. as through '.j.', ~ ein't's yer- self--'tis a pleasure--go ahead, &.ir." Giving Himself Up "Offisher, you'd bet ter loci me up. Jush hit my wife over the head wish a club." "Did you kill her?" "Don't think sho. Thash why I want to be locked up." Dick (looking up from his »ewspaper): "I say, Jim, w)iat is the Order of the Bath?" Jim: "IVe)), as I have experi- enced it, it's first the wat«r's too hot; then it's too cold; then you're short of a towel; then you step on the soap, and, finally, the telephone rings." Considerate of the Sergeant Stable Sergeant: "D'je ever i ide a horse before'?" Rookie'. "No." Sergeant: "Ah! EIere's j ust the animal for you. He has never been ridden. You can start out together." The AVest Vancouver Board of Trade held its regular month!y meeting last hlonday in the of- fices of Colonel K. O'. Savory. The meeting was one of the most ii;teresting held for some time. The president, 4V. hlcguaker, was in the chair. Iiarry Farr v;as appointed secretary pro tern. During the evening there was brought before the meeting the following matters--House to house mail delivery; Ferry fares; Fire Insurance Bates and the electric light charges. Alai) Delivery A letter was read from the secretary of General hlcRae, M. P., dealing with the suggestions niade hy the Board of Trade re- garding improvements to the mail service. In it General Mc- Rae asked for specific informa- tion and offered, as member for the constituency to assist in every way possible in obtaining the improv«ments desired. After some discussion a resolution was unanimously adopted urging the Postmaster General to initiate a house to house delivery espec- ially in the business area and th« rrore thickly populated resident- ial districts. It was also decided to circulate the fo))owing petition in support of the resolution: Petition for House to House illai) Delivery The following tax-payers and residents of the District of IVest Vancouver respectfully urge up- on the Postmaster General of Canada the necessity for an im- proved method of mail delivery. Failing any more extended area, ive wou)d ask for a limited delivery taking in the whole of hlarine Drive from 10th to 25th Streets inclusive, whereon most of the business houses are locat- ed, and the districts for 2 blocks North and South of that portion nf hfarine Drive mentioned a- bove. And also request that mail co)lection boxes be installed at points convenient for the resi- dents. This petition is made in sup- port of the Board of Trade reso- lution dealing with this matter. This petition is being handled by members of the Board of Trade, who wi)l personally eall for the supporting signatures of our residents. Ferry Fares Dissatisfaction was expressed at the action of the council in refusing to make the change in the Ferry fares as proposed by the Board. It was the unani- mous feeling of the Board that the perforation of the present commutation ticket was but little help in ameliorating the condition, and a further resolu- tion, to be presented to the coun- cil was passed urging that more consideration be given the pro- posal to institute strip tickets and a stranght 10 cent fare in- S2.00 DAY--Woman Wants House- work. Cleaning or other work. Good worker. Phone, Dr. Vass, West 383- FOR SA I.E--Electric Hot Plate. Three Heats, $-I; Round Electric Heater, almost new cost S12.50 sell for $4.00. Apply Gemmill's Drug Store, West 37. COW bIANURF Big Load Sl. Hobb Coal dc Transfer. West 17. G RA II A P HON E FOR S A LE--Victor Orthophonic. Excellent condit ion, 120 good records. $70. Absolute bargain. Ambleside Fish and Chip Store. West 30'. 192$ FORD COUl'E FOR SAI.E--Fiiil price $75, cash. Good tires. Spot light. Electric Windshield Swipe. Excellent running order. Amble- side Fish and Chip Store. %'est 302. I'Olt SAI.E--Kiddie Knop with mat- tress. Good condition. Phone IVest 329L. CHOICE CHRYSANTFI E~l U ~I Roots for sale. Get your selection while they are in bloom. Also a few Peony roots for sale. Very best varieties. Mrs. Rhodes, 1269 Esqui- malt. Phone West 450L. GRAbIAI'HONE ItECORDS -- Snap Seventeen nearly new records by Clara Butt, Kreisler, Hambourg, De Pachmann, Lough, etc. Cost $20, sell $ 10. Elliott, Caulfeild P. O. CO~IFORTABLE I(OO~I with Board for two friends. Phone AVest 339 Fortune Cup Inn. FOUNDATION CE3IENT WORK-- Landscaping and Lawns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and land clearing. Phone T. Barnott residence phone, AVest 290R. THIRD I.E&'ON IVHIST DRIVE VERY SUCCESSFUI FOR I'LUMBING RKPAI~Phone West 241R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAlltS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. SERVING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. The whist drive given at "the Clachan" on Saturday evening by the Canadian Legion, )Vest Vancouver branch, was very suc- cessful. The drive divas the third of the series, and there werc seventeen tables in play. Gener- ally speaking the points won by those who took part were higher than formerly, and the scores of the winners were unusually large. The winners were as fol- )ows: CE&IENT WORK--Rock Walls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing, Grading. Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- son. NURSING--Experienced, Sick Child- ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont., Ross- land, B.C., Trail, B.C. Hospital. Miss Flumphreys, Phone AVest 252R. Ladies 1st Prize--ihIrs. H. G. King. Rayon Silk Bed Spread. 2nd Prize--ihIrs. )V. Farmer, G Silver Plated Teaspoons. Consolation--Miss H. Rivers, Perfume and Face Posvder. Gentlemen 1st Prize--Mr. Norman Rogers Silk Necktie. 2nd Prize--hIr. H. B. Gray, Playing Cards and Case. Consolation--ihIr. F. J. hIoore, Ash Tray. The total top scores of the three drives played now stand as below: hlr. H. B. Gray ....., .......508 hIrs. H. G. King .....504 hIrs. G. Childs .............492 hIr. Colin Turner....492 hIrs. Millard ......492 Miss Millard ................486 htr. Gordon Gray ...........485 iVlrs. Romans ...................482 Mr. R. J. Morris .............481 Mr. 4V. T. Atwood.....481 Mrs. R. P. Blower.....479 hIrs. T. Barnott.....475 Mr, Leslie Smith . ....475 Mr. R. Fiddes . .. 474 Mr. 4V. Car)ey . .. .....470 Mrs. Herring......... 470 hIrs. O'. Carley . ...467 Mr. T. Barnott .... ... 46G Mr. EI. G. King ...............465 hIrs. R. J. hlorris.........464 hlr. Hedley....462 i~Ir. hI. Ross............460 hlrs. 4V. Climie .......455 hlrs. Colin Turner ...453 hIrs. Hartley ..............453 hlrs. N. hloore .... 451 hlrs. ihI. Ross ........449 hlrs. G. Sharman....449 hliss B. Gray ....................445 hliss EI. Rivers ............442 hlrs. Gordon Gray ...............41G The next game evil) be held on Saturday, December 14th, being the last of this series of games for this year. Players should Iiut in some practice between »ow and the next game if they wish to win the Grand Prize. GARDENS DESIGNED. Laid Out and Maintained, Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic Work, Fencing, Concrete Paths. Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying. Landscape and General Gardening. R. J. Kyte, Phone West 411. DEER SEASON IS EXTENDED Deer shooting season in the western district which was scheduled to close on November 30, has been extended by the at- torney-general to December 15, it was announced by the game commissioner. The present deer season has been very dry and few animals were shot. As a result, farmers reported considerable damage to crops. It is on the representa- tions, principally of the farmers, that the season has been extend- ed. The western district includes Vancouver Island and on the mainland all territory west of the Cascade hIountains. A change is also announced in the trapping season for otter. Formerly beaver, muskrat and otter were trapped from hlarch to April 15. By the change the season for otter will open on December 1 and close at the end r,f February. Beaver and musk- rat trapping seasons are unalter- eci. Sandy Ilac Pat was arrested for being in- toxicated. On being brought be- fore the Judge he divas asked by the Court what he was there for. Pat: "Your Honor, I was ar- rested for being intoxicated." Judge: "Pat, where did you buy the liquor?" Pat: "lou honor, I did not buy it. A Scotchman gave it to me." Judge: "Thirty days for per- j ul y. stead of the present punch ticket and 30 cent return. Every member present thought that to adopt this meth- od would produce greater reve- nue for the ferries as mell as be an inducement for more home- makers to settle here. Fire Insurance Rates The high cost of Fire Insur- ance was brought to the atten- tion of the board and it was re- ,o)ved that Colonel Savory be ap- pointed a committee of one, with power to add, to investigate the condition and to report upon what steps could be taken to re- duce the fire insurance rates. Electric I,ight Complaint was voiced by sev- eral members about the rate charged by the B. C. Electric Company for electric light in IVest Vancouver. It was pointed out that this district was paying a higher rate than adjoining places. Further investigation is to be made and the matter will be brought up again at the next regular meeting. Meeting Next wednesday A special meeting of the board will be held next wednesday in Colonel Savory's office to re- receive the petitions regarding mail delivery as it is desired that t)iis be submitted to the Post- master-General as early as pos- sible. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE--Fully modern 5 roomed bungalow near Fraser Ave. Carline and 29th Ave. Built-in Fixtures. Furnace, Fire- place. Rented at $25.00. 4Vould con- sider vacant view lots West Vancou- ver district as part payment. Ap- ply, "Bungalo~," W~st Van New.=. TAXI--Peerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone. Webster North 123-1 GARDEN BARRON S--Strong. Ljght. unpainted; price $4.50, delivered sub/ect to approval. Phone North 364R. IIE51STITCIIING--Plain. white.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. 'I'IIE I'LACE TO EAT--Lunn's Cafe. Public phone West 611 0 SCHWEPPES LEBIOÃADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambi&side Tea Rooms. WANTED -- Imnd Clearing; Ivood Sawing with machine. Large or small jobs. J. Glover. Phone AVest 214 R. RANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. R I CLARK k CO ESTATES LTD BARGAIN SNAI 1IUST BE SOLD at once. Owner left district. Unusual opportunity, Cosy moderate size home, four rooms with full plumbing and fireplace and good lot. All you need is $750 cash and the balance can remain on mort- gage, or pay off to suit your purse. N e Specialise in West Vancouver. Consult us for snaps, and send in your listings. Exchanges arranged. R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St. Seymour 7484 Local Representatii e C. J. ARCHER, West 2&~ GF.O. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public I'HONE lVEST 21 1405 Marme Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone 4V. 32R or W. 204X BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders are hereby invited for the following work: Namely: Ploughing, Grubbing, and Rough Grading for Three Tennis Courts, etc., at Inglewood School, Ing- lewood Avenue, West Vancouver. Plans and Cross Sections may be examined and Form of Tender with Specifications obtained at the office of the municipal Engineer, Hollyburn. The Board res& rves the right to reject any or all tenders. Tenders to be in not later than 5 p. m. on the &th day of November. 1929, at the office of The 3Iunicipal Engines r and marked Tender for "Grading." H B G 4RLAND Secretary School Board. NORTH l %X COUNCIL APPROVES TAX FOR EDUCATION By resolution pas:ed hIonday evening, the North Vancouver City Council event on record as approving of the suggesion rec- ently placed before the Provicial Government of levying a special tax throughout the province for educational purposes, instead of charging the tax burden against land, as at present. The opinion of members of the council is that the levying of the special tax which would permit of land tax reductions, ivi)) ma- terially help a situation that is annually becoming more and more acute throughout the prov- irce through land reverting to the municipalities. It was reported to the council that in the event of the govern- ment deciding in favor of a speci- iil tax, emery dollar that is col- lected wi)) be available for educa- tiona) purposes. as no additional machinery will bc. required to col )t-.ct the tax.