001C9867 November 22, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS West Vancouver Choral Society A Cantata Entitled A ~YEI e II. t& '.MIllll For Solo and Chorus with Orchestral Accompaniment and Miscellaneous Concert SVill be given in HOLLYBURN THEATRE, lVEST VANCOUV ER on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1929 at 8.15 p. m. prompt. AdmLssron 50 Cents. One night when her mother reminded her that it was her bedtime, she said. "It isn't fair. At night you tell me I'm too little to stay up and in the morning you say that I'm too big to stay in bed." You are the fellow who has to decide whether you'I: dot it Gr toss it aside. You are the &~'.!ew who makes up your mind- IVhether you'l lead or N ill linger behind- IVhether you'l try f~" the good that's afar, Or be contented tc stay wher~: you are. Take it or leave it. There's some- something to dol Just think it over. It's all up to you. ln business in West Van. 9 Years C. J. Overington In New Store hlarine Drive at 14th Next Jefferies Meat Store Expert Work--Ladies', Children Gentlemen I'hone West 13$ for appointment :3i.-eac. PIES and CAKES Our Famous Quality kind DELIVERED to your home Phone IVest 27 STRATTON'S BAKERY AM BLESIDE iVILL GIVE ADDRESS TO BIBLE SCHOOL ~Ir. Percy Kiing, the well known Bible Study leader, will address the IVest Vancouver Bible School next Sunday on "4Vhat God Promised Abraham." The public is cordially invited to attend. The meeting will be held in I.awson's Hall on 17th near the IVaterfront and will start at 3.15 p. m. HOLI.YBURiV SKIERS ORGANIZE FOR YEAR J. C. E. IValker has been re- elected president of the Holly- burn Pacific Ski Club. O. B. Om- mundsmen is vice-president and Gordon Billingsley secretary- treasurer. Executive committee members are J. C. Johnson, Neil Thompson, Miss ~iI. Kennedy and i4Iiss Connie EVelch. The sports committee includes J. C. John- ston (captain), F. Hudson and R. A. Fraser. DIiss Connie EVelch Miss Doris Parkes and Gordon Park comprise the house com- mittee. Reeve V. V. Vinson of West Vancouver divas made hon- orary president. President EValker outlined last season's activities in an inter- esting address, pointing out that strong ski teams had been sent to Banff and Revelstoke, while a club representative, Fred Finck- enhagen, had avon the Pacific Coast championship at Portland. On home grounds the Tupper & Steel shield representing the Vancouver club championship, also went to Hollyburn. The financia statement show- ed the club to be in sound con- dition, and it was decided to send a strong representation to the Western Canada ski champion- ships at Revelstoke in February. Lengthening of the ski hill on Hollyburn is among the innova- tions planned this season. Jumps of more than 125 feet will be possible on the new hill. VQTERS'IST 1930 Voters'ist now in course of preparation. See that your name is included if entitled to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None bute registered deed-holders and registered agreement for sale hold- ers are placed on list. IVhere agreement is registered deed holder cannot vote on same property. Agree- ments or deeds must be registered at the Land Reg- istry Office, Vancouver, B.C., on or before 30th Nov- ember, 1929. The List is closed on. Saturday, November 30th. A Corporation the name of ivhich is on the voters'ist shall vote only by its duly authorized agent, whose authority shall be filed with the Clerk of the municipality on or before the thirtieth day of Novem- ber, and who shall be a resident of the Province and a British subject of the full age of twenty-one years; and such agent shall be entitled to vote for the corp- oration from year to year until his appointment as agent is cancelled and the Clerk has notice of the can- cellation. IIollyburn, B. C. 8-11-1929, CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OI" lVEST VANCOUVER On Tuesday, December 3rd, the ladies of the IVest Vancou- ver United Church will hold their annual sale of work in the church hall. Dr. E. A. Henry will formally open the sale at 2.30. A large collection of beaut- iful work will he displayed on the various stalLs and a musical program has been arranged. Re- freshrnents ~ill he served. The members of the IVomen's Assoc- iation suggest that this will be a good opportunity for you to liuy your Christmas graft and help along the ivork of the church at the same time. ELKS X~IAS CHEER DANCE I'ROilISF.S TO BE BIG EVENT Arrangements are going apace for the Elks Christmas Cheer Dance on Friday, December 6th 'n the Hollyburn Pavilion. Danc- ir&g from 9 to 12. Tickets are now on sale and are meeting with a ready re- sponse. This affair means not oiily a pleasant evening with lots of fun and enjoyment for those who attend but it also means a big help to the deserving needy. The Elks do a tremendous a- niount of good in relieving dis- tress and bringing a little sun- shine into the lives of those who feel the pinch of poverty. Es- pecially is this so at Christmas time when they make a special pcint of providing Christmas cheer. Go to the dance if you can, but buy a ticket anyhow. You will get mighty good value for your money either way. EX-HIGH TOURNAAIENT The IVest Van. Ex-High will stage a three-game tournament on Monday evening. The opening game bringing together the IVest Van. Senior Cadets and the North Van. High School boys'eams,is scheduled to start at 7.30 p. m. The intermediate "A" girls'ndboys'eams of the New )Vestminster Adanacs, will op- pose the locals in the other two games. The ExHigh boys and the Adanacs will meet in the final game, to start at about 9.30 p. m. All interested in a fast, clean sport should make it a point to see these basketball games. The small admittance fee of 15c for adults and 10c for students wii! be collected at the door. The Ex- High Association will serve re- freshments for the visiting t~ams, at the close of the tourn- ament. SCHOOI. TRUSTEES INVITE TENDERS FOR TENNIS COURTS The Board of School Trustees is calling for tenders for the ploughing and rough grading of three tennis courts at Inglewood School. Plans and cross-sections can be seen and the form of ten- der with specifications obtained at the office of the municipal engineer. All tenders must be in not later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, 28th November, in the engineer's office at the munici- pal hall. Ari advertisement rela- tive to this appears in this issue. 51other: "Johnny, why are you staring at the minister?" Johnny: "IVaitin'o see him eat his head off like you said he would. At the regular meeting of this society held in the "Clachan" on Friday, 15th inst., Judge J. A. Forin by his lecture entitled "Scottish Pioneers in Ontario" delighted a large audience, who, despite the inclemency of the weather, had turned out to hear this most interesting lecturer. Early in his address, one realiz- ed that this was no ordinary speaker to whom they so eagerly listened, but one with a vivid im- agination. and brilliant mind. His description of the emi- prant ship sailing to a new land --its horrors and hardships-- grim tragedy in the form of death, frequently stalking its decks, took one back into the atmosphere of the last century. He told of the joy of the emi- grants, when at last the welcome sight of the bald peak of Cape Breton heralded the approach of the land of their dreams, and the end of their long martyrdom, little knowing of the hardships yet to be encountered, in the un- accustomed work of cutting down hardwood trees, and try- ing to tear a living from the meagre, although prolific patch- es of soil, left between the stumps. Always master of his subject, this lecturer will long be remembered by those who were privileged to hear him. During the evening, an attrac- tive vocal program was rendered by Miss Tristram, 4Ir. A. Clarke and Mr. Addy and repeated re- quests for encores from an ap- preciative audience, were re- sponded to by the artists, in a delightfully good natured man- ner. Miss Frame and hfiss Stev- en capably accompanied them. During the social hour, Miss Frame delighted everyone by playing a selection of Scottish songs. LADIES OF ROYAL PURPLE TO GIVE MOIST DRIVE The ladies of the Royal Purple Auxiliary to the B. P. O. E., Van- couver No. 1, are holding a whist drive in aid of their relief work tonight (Friday), at 8 o'lock sharp at the Fortune Cup Inn, Dundarave. There will be good prizes an& refreshments. Ad- rnission 50 cents. COURT OF REVISION Reeve Vinson with Councillors Jackman and iAIorgan will con- stitute the court of revision of the voters'ist to be held at the municipal hall on the 10th day of December at 10 a. m. Mrs. Clara Wilson Announces a Two Piano Recital with Solos to be given on FRIDAY, DECEilBER 6th, in the DU'ADARAVE HALL at 8.30 p.m. Assisting Artists: illSS HILDA WILSON, winner of Stojowski Schol- arship. hllSS FREDA HERRlih, pupil of J D A Tripp Adults 35c Children 25c. IVEST VANCOUV ER CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers on IVEDNESDAY, 27th November at 8 p. m. in the Fortune Cup Inn All Conservatives Invited. UNITED CHURCH KVILL JUDGE FORIN GIVES HOLD ANNUAL SALE DEI IGHTFUL ADDRESS- OF IVORK TO SCOTfISH SOCIETY COLD Isn'i ii? That is a question you often hear the last few days. Our supply of remed- ies for Colds, Flu, etc., are ample. IVe also remind you we have been filling Pre- scriptions for West Vancou- verites for the past nine years We call for them and deliver them. We really give the service we talk a- bout. WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service. We Deliver Phone West 37 HOLL YBURiN . ub iic Library (l~ated at Gemmdl s D~g Store) Offers a special rate for IIE&IBERSHIP y0c fur the Balance of the Year Join now and get the fall bene- fit Of it. GAS and OILS BATTERIES RECHARGED REPAIRED RE~TED AMBLESIDE GAS Ec OIL STATION (Billy Craig) &Iarine Drive, Directly opposite Stratton's Bakery Phone 1Vest 6140 SHELL PRODUCTS PHONE WEST 110 FOR Cpal aalu ~ppgf Prompt Delivery. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSF Daily Trips to and from City. hioving Baggage a Specialty. L. M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial Agents Stocks, Bonds, Investments Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Seymour SS94 579 Dunsmuir St. Vancouver BASKETBALL TOURXA ~I ENT The West Vancouver ex-high basketball team is playing the Adanacs of New westminster, last year's champions, in the Inglewood School auditorium next ~Ionday night. The ex-high girls will also play the team of the Adanac girls. The curtain raiser will be lmme between the boys'eams of the IVest Vancouver and Forth Vancouver high schools. The tournament will start promptlv at 7.30 p.m.