001C9867 'November 22,'929. r- p The taste lingers,when,' you&huy, it from il'011 g. Ij'Once a'customer, always a customer. i ~. EFFE.RIESS," I;SUPERIOR~!II.Ill,.EATS ',, G II p ( Two Stores sf or your, service), HollybIlrn) Store@(est'g AmbleSiile Stllre)geSt, 30$ ,', II Cut Meats. =~ S E R3'( I C E I = !Everything for the Building. I l ', '(i(I'.", Ill[le~ ((.:, ' I SASH ~ DOORSiil ROOI&'INGj, BUILDING PAPERLamatco) -- II Gyproc = Plaster Board ~w Beaver BoardlI= ((Shingles =, jWlest iVianeouvir&K» um IPer)C&0."» 15th and"Marine0-: LIMITED e(Phone West 115(l -- ~I Residence Phone: .West 368L.'ll: '!RE L X A'BI LITY.. -: --- aaaaaxaxraaaxaxaaaaaaaaxxxxaaaraaaaaal .;,.',.'s~Ytiux.'6 . e'en iq.,z-it~enou,~ e =[Ci g; wJjI =1' ~ ',S your kitchen bright enough? If aot,:,talM a look at your light. IWhat size limp istthere in'hat ceiling 6&rcnre'? 'A. 100 watr lamp-! Try 150,watts& then yon"l:,l'have enough'light instead of a dim,'eye-str~s~'ng, iasuf5- cient light. &as The & difference in'ost is . one cent for, every, steady q,ten hours of light. Evea'in a month~the difference, between sufBcient and iasufEcient light in your hit" chen will only amount to a few paltry ccats. l(&Use larger, lamPs - for,staff'Ieierst light W4. tike&(asses &'III 2&r »aca»&esrca -- .l Iy 1$ -2P. saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~aaaaaaaaaaaaaaag COUNCIL NOTES(jj: The sanita~ry inspector report: , ed to the council he had investi: The council ~verej advised~)by gated'helcomplaint re&the al- the fire inspector of the forest (!leged')dumping(of 'garbage an(L~branch| inI,Vancouver, of the de- refuse on Lots 19 and 20, Blocl- pai tment of&lands that a meet- W 0, D. L 554 owned by P.'Christie. ing of the North~Shore Water- (~The garbagelcollector, he said, shed'Forest'Protection'Commit: picked up from;.time to time on tee,would be'held'next Tuesdav 'ihis rounds quantities of rags and ilat the Court House at 10.30 a'. m.'(bottles which he packed in sacksl" to review,. forest protection mat- and stoi'ed in a large shed on his ters in: the North Shore,'uring, premises. From'there they,were the past season." He was advisedIIl, t,"ken and sold when a sufficient- that Councilloi Fiddes, chairman &Ily laige,'quantity had'Ibeen'col-'f the fire committee, would(at- &elected.""He¬iced no odor from j tc:nd the meeting. = any, of the material'-in the shed and'ound no evidence of gar The council'received'a'report I'bagelbeing dumPed'ther, thanfrom'he engineer onithe E." T a small Pile of broken bottlesand'nglishbui]ding on'557-5-5. &HeII a s'milar Pile of old rubber, bothI(Ihad found the building unsatis- 'of which'he'had instructed'Mr. 'actolyalthoughl agreeing,with.(Ijlchllstie to take to the dump onlI thespian filed.'he owner's writ- 13th Street. ten reply to his questions by tel-' The sanitary inspector was in-ephone was'lso unsatisfactory. structed i to I keep i an'ye,'n(,theThe matter.was'eferred to, the property in) question~ in&, view( ofsclicitor. possible complaints.== 8 THE«WEST «VAN 'EWS SVlttII 8 g.ygeepg ii, j (~( ti~(P("il A. HARVEY SMITH, Proprietor. DUNDARAVE „.„'pl't,('(„",~ "HOL(LYBURN 24th andI Marine 17th and Marine Phone: West 469 I Dg umheiler 'll II 3,~ Il II"'F s&r s»&&(4'k't('liCI'+t~rcl+~'i It will give yeu all the"Heat yeaI ~ a =- = -- --. ~ -- ~'c) (I,, want It.'si,oleanl te».Crea&a ef .IVI&eat, per pk(-....... 20c Salt, Regal, eccl& ................,..... Sc lte ( Isa e & E I e» c 3ed, per I I& ..... 15 c IIa is Ia, C I&e ic4 S e ed e d 2 .' 3a 25c, ' Hpbb ( C Oal ( & TrallSferRaisins, See&lless .'.....,2..1(&s. Isc Carraa(s Finest ..........., 2 II&s. 25c i'j'j = (Bob Black)tkAlmonds, Shelled,l per lb.......... 54c Cocoanut, shredded, per lb........ 14c0 'Il phone (West 17.'R d &.IVhite Extracts, per boy 18c S 'ces, Nabs, ." y kind, each)l 9c tl P l per lb "" --.----.--- 23c Almond i'aste................. 8 oz. oc Mince&ace(, per II&.-...................... Isc '" k ................... 3i ll&s. 23c I 'offee, Red R white,'er. lb.... 56c Flour: Serv-us,, the ideal Flour lj'ranges, Sunkist......... 2 doz. 41c,i for all, household purposes, CI&ristie snaisin'Gea&s, per II&. 27c 24-ll&. Sack (31.17 I -= = tI IIII' ~ ~ 4 i ~Everyth'ing, Good „toi Eat Intelligent Phon~elServiceill 'Qiiick, I'eliable Delivery., . -r '"PhoNc/ ~est 190jl Margaret McIntyre ', („WILL LEAD ORCHESTRA AT~ 'HORAL! SOCIETY CONCERTThe(Government Stamp is(II ! Those',wlio attend&'the Choral(jlYOur Guarantee Of Qual!ty(a Soc t f 0 t. T'ai f (O!d~I Japan" in'&the Inglewood Schoo BOUNDARY DISpUTE . -- auditorium next Thursday„~vill il =~ -- exceptionally good oi.chestration ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ "UM'HER- !' " . --., arranged'y Miss Margaret McThe engineer rePorted'ot the Intyre. The arrangement of this"&pRIQ(pg 'ouncil( ini connection&, with the '»'musical setting is generally,con- II bounds% disputei between 'thei)((ceded"tolsbe a,n,(joutstandingright-of-way l of Piccadilly. and j'll achievement. ~ ~ ~ : ( meeting had taken place near the -= F. Blow (wrote the council( in ~I"L&arrest (EIIClaSIVe(I|1 property in question on Tuesday. reference to the alleged removal5th November The&'following by private,parties I of the sand ill~(sRetall Lumber- 'I were present: Z. .'W. Hermon, at West Bay beach.'The engineernin», il: B&C.L.S.', John, Elliott, B.C.L.S., 'as instructed~to&have a warn-Ofgalllz atloll,'ll S.L . I( Frederick Buscombe Iand him- ing sign erected and to report.~ ~ ~~ ~ self.~ Material'for 100 ft. fence, ', After the origin and history of III C.'. DOIIvard applied~toithe ,I :..............r..................$13.00I" Reagl& scars& per M. ' ()0 I &(this boundary dispute had(been councils for access at Esquimalt ! ~ ~ 1", Dressed boards, per hI. 11.00 l reviewedi it was l agreedlIby 'all Avenue and 11th Street to D: L.2x4;any lengths, per M.... 11.00 tI parties present that the dispute ~1-51S.E.i/4,'. The matter was re-' could be settled along the follow ferred'to the engineer for his re-1xG Drop siding, per M... 13.00IIIx3i aad Ix4&-Flooring, (I Illg l((les if they.wel'0 acceptable &pol't.ion lengths, M........... 13.00 ", to the council. These were:1x3, 4 and't. 6"-& V-joint,( ' ~ -- = = The Council instructed the en-,"long lengths, M.......... 13.00 l& g 1. That the Whale Of the land I gineer tO repOrt On'he'laCing '-4" Gutter, per ft............ = 07 I~ 'QinI dispute !be L restored" to the ' b d f t'n d t h1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100l) .50 I . '"" foi road Pui&Poses,'whichiI ropert at 25th a d Ottawa 'aslx2 Fii D D: clearloo .ft, .50,ll ] I(&means that no phone or light a,.ked fol. by,Ma„d Garrolv--V.'~ V-joint,long, lengths -- I) poles would have to be moved't P per M........................... 11.00!I I, all,'nd the boundary as existinr ANNUAL MEETING OFper M -- -- 1300„,,!II in 1927 would be restored.Q" Ship]ap, good; per M.. ].2.001 I~ 2. That,, as, Mi Buscombe,s HORTICULTURAL ASSN.Wall Shingles, Per M.;....... 1.25 I fence was protectin trafficfrom'o1'XX Shi gles, M... 3.50li,d: . '. 'here was a 3 good attendance(I Sectional t Garages, 10x16( a'angerOuS bank,.WhiCh~ Would t 'ethel(ClaChan'2 laSt TueSdaydelivered .......................... 45.00lI[I +can~ an il expenditure IIby theGyproc, plaster. Bo~rd, Fir Ven- i, council foi safety and protection night for the annual meeting of , eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building tl. u„;l~, d " '"'Il the West Vancouver Horticultur-papers, etc. -- Ie COunCil & dO nOt Order theI'l ASSOCiatiOn.'hOugh it WaS an!(ISASE, DOORS AND: FRAMES'~ fence movedl back 'immediately, but wait until 'he'oving backAbave prices are 'for erders(j 'I is necessitated b'f 2,000 feet or more. Less than ', - g 'listeningl to President Nyland'sllthat amount, cartage from,Van- v ermain or other. work along address and to 'ecretary Mrs.~ ~ ~ ~couver must be added. -- ~ I y -. ~, 'FordI'give a report andI review I(As municipal engineer he had of the work'for.the, past,twelv"'MIBLESI'DE» I agreed~ to (bring the( foregoing months, the business'of electingterms of settlement to the coun- j(directors for thei coming year"LUIIlarer ~O.'3&tu. cii for approval provided that the&( was proceededl with. The ne(vMarine Drive at 15th ( t(vo surveyors reset the perman- dil'ectors, 'ho'ill meet hl aent marks and monuments'ion t(couple of,lveeksito choose fr mo~ '$Ve give Prompt Attention to II both sides of Piccadilly, destroy among .themselves a'president,= 'll(any erroneous marks which have are as follows: Mrs.&leyte,'iss !I!ST STEPHEN S CHURCH,.-- ~Ibeen'set, and file a plan of Pic- Almas, Mrs; Elgar, Mrs.'arker, CHRISTMAS BAZAAR cadilly boundaries which would Mrs. E. A. 'Ford i and Messrs. I for all time prevent a recurrence Gleed, Gamage,'yland,'c=of any, dispute in the same vicin- Quaker, and Leyland:The annual Christmas Bazaar ity., =-, There,was much discussion a-held under the ausPices of the The question was again l.efe1- bout the adoPtion of a floral em-Women's Auxiliary, of St. Steph- red to the engineei bleml for, the Associations and ilen's Church, will» be held in, the =- -- -- -- ultimately the l Shot Silk HoseChurch hall onIFriday, Decem-, - was adopted as the official emb-ber 6th; Fancy, work, Home,. = ="Ho~~~ Ui N,t"=- -- lem for West Vancouver'ooking,Candy and novelties I 'arber ShOy The proposal to construct a.will be shown in great profusion. community hall was left over un:",'Admission is free, but afternoon il! ' „, til the return of J. Haydn Young';„tea'will be served for which a & MARSH P, „.,t -ho is compiling data and infor-charge of 25 cents will be made. mation regarding this.