001C9859 TETE WEST VAN NE)VS November 15, 1929. SCOTTISH SOCIETY hlEETING O'ILI. HE AD- DRESSED HY, JUDGE I'ORIiV The regular monthly meeting nf the West Vancouver Scottish Society will be held in the "Cla- chan," tonight, Friday. The meeting opens for busi- ness at 7.45 p. m. and, as a mo- tion of importance is due to be discussed, members are request- ed to be on time. The first lecture of the ses- sion will commence at 8.15 p. m. when Judge Forin ivill speak on "The, Scottish Pioneers in On- tario.' This promises to be a most interesting address and as a special musical programme has been arranged, a large attend- ance is anticipated. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all interested. FIRST AUTO IN iVEST VAN. Editor West Van. News, You have had some mention of "the firs auto i» )Vest Van- ruuver." I woulcl like to say that I vemember that in the year 1909 John Larson had to get out a team to pull an auto out of the ditch at DIavv's Hill (D. L. 555). I believe, though, that AIv. Thompson was the first resident c f West Vancouver to own a car and to bring it here. Mr. Irwin who used to come from North Vancouver drove an auto often before that though. When I divas hauling lumber to build my house at 16th and Es- quimalt, 20 years ago, I met autos coming here but I don' know ivho owned them. JOHiV HARTE. Fine Indian Broken Pekoe Tea per lb..................................... 45c Robin Hood Oats, ivith China- ware, packet ........................ 35c No. 5 sieve Peas.......... 2 tins 25c Fels-Naptha .................. 2 bars 15c Rovimtree's Cocoa, 4 lb............ 25c Raisin Cookies, per lb...............21c Peanut Butter, Squirrel Brand tin ....... ................................ 2 1 c Johnson's Fluid Beef, 16 oz. bt 99c Baking Po~rder, Malkin's Best 12 oC tin ................................ 25c 0 Ores Fancy Golden Bantam Corn, ............................... 2 tins 39c Sauerkraut, per tin................. 15c Oranges, sweet and juicy, ..................... 2 dozen 39c Tillson's Health Bran, pkt.... 12c Christie's Jubilee Snaps, 2 lbs. 33c 4X Cocoanut Macaroons, per pkt ............................................ 25c Ammonia, bottle ....................... 10c Johnson'loor Wax, 1 lb. tin 61c Eureka Bleach, bottle................ 10c EXTRA SPECIAL--Cash or C. O.D. Old Colony Maple Svrup, bottle 42c Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin... 10c i Aylmer Boneless Chicken, tin 39c Sockeye Salmon............. 2 tins 45c Icing Sugar................. 3 lbs. 23c Small EVhite Beans ..... 3 lbs. 25c Oxo Cubes, 4s, tin ....... 10c 10s, tin .................................. 23c Sperry Pancake Flour, packet 16c Pep, ............................... 2 pkts. 25c Needs No Pre ums. GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS & O'@BRED LasT - O - ~hi~TME,QE WAS & ))) A LAWA(rA&&QT A 50YOYQQ $ Cool~'o Sc,HooL-- P// GEei " Voo HAvE SwE'LL DREaw&, AT- WHtc.H DE Do y~ SLEEf OH~ Make your dreams of a beautiful home come true. A:;::,A'.4 "'S Fine lumber lends itself admirably to artistic eaects. Come in and let us shoav you. ~~.I'i+I 1-4A CAII .Alo "Yl)'.4 Co.. D. Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 "Prices Consistently Low" FREE DELIVERY I„I„"I) Sl"„I.:lg'; ".,'I I, I"„II. '. Two Stores in West Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 Illarine Drive 21st and 51arine Drive West 16 West 405 P ~:B.SON%I S A son divas born last month to Mr. and Nrs. R. R. Romans of Novth Vancouver at the North 4 ancouver General Hospital. 51v. Romans is a son of Nvs. Romans 16th and ilIavine Drive, Theve divas a vecorcl cvowcl up at the ski camp on Hollyburn Ridge. So many took the oppor- tunity of spending the holidays tlieve that extra cots had to be put in the large room. There was a light fall of snow on 51onday, but not sufficient for skiing or otllel ivintel sports. hlrs. A. E. Kennett, 11th and Esquimalt, has left for Macleod, Alberta, to join her husband. Leslie Yates, accountant of the Royal Bank at Chilliwack, spent the holidays ~vith his parents, Mr. and DIrs. J. S. Yates, 14th an(1 Marine Drive, returning on BIonday evening. Mrs. Ross of Vancouver, spent Thanksgiving at her summer home at Cypress Park. The EVest Vancouver cadets defeated the Ex-High team last Friday at basketball by a score of 30 to 17. The game was play- ed in the Inglewood gymnasium. The Misses C. and G. B. Farm- er of Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hotel. Nr. a'nd Mrs. Dowling, 27th and Ottawa, moved to the city on Saturday for the winter. Nrs. Rotherham, who former- ly lived in West Vancouver,but i~ now a resident of Victoria, was the guest of Mrs. C. Poisson, 29th and Bellevue, over Thanks- glvmg. The junior boys soccer team c f Hollyburn School defeated the Pauline Johnson boys on Thurs- &lay afternoon, 7th instant, by a score of 2 goals to 1. The match was played on the Pauline John- son grounds. Mrs. Romans, 16th and Marine Drive, and Manley Romans, re- turned last Thursday, 7th inst- ant from a holiday at Saturna Island, where they have a home- stead. Mr. and iAIrs. Utterback of Vancouver spent the holiday with them. There wag al rage attendance of ex-service men at the annual Armistice Service at St. Steph- en's Church last Sunday. After the service they marched to 18th Street, and inspected the new Legion meeting house now under construction. Good progress is being made with the building. An approach from 18th Street has been built, also a porch, and the roof is being put on and shingled. William Russell of Victoria, spe»t the week encl here with his sisters. Mvs. Booth ancl daughter, Al- tamoi!t, have moved into the Cole house at 29th and lllarine Drive. The infant chilcl of 51v. and 5Ivs. Davidson, 17th and Ingle- woocl, is ill with pneumonia. E. Marsh of the Hollybur» Barbers, 15th and Inglewoo(l, had as his guest over the week encl III. Bond of the SS. Niagara, ivhich is now in port fvom the A ntipodes. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Kearns, who have ben residing at 14th and Duchess, have moved into a house at 12th and Duchess. A daughter was born last Fri- clay to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nicol, 20th ancl Fulton, at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Young, 24th ancl Inglewood, entertained a few friends last Saturday eve- n]ng in honor of their daughter. Those present were Miss Irene Gracey, i~Iiss Muriel Bell, Miss )Venonah Young and Messrs. Leslie Robinson, Dick Rushleigh and Jack Arnott. Engagement AIr. and Mrs. J. W. Hope, Cap- ilano, announce the engagement of their oldest daughter, Marion, to Mr. James Byron Moores, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Moores of Vancouver. The ivedding will take place next Friday at 7.30 p. m. in Capilano Church. Mr. E. Goddard, 26th and Waterfront, has just received from the estate of his uncle the late Frederick Vevner, A.R.A., A.R.C.A., of London, England, thirty valuable oil and water-col- or paintings and sketches. Some of these paintings have been on view in the Toronto Art Gallery, the remainder came from his London studio. These pictures will later be loaned to the B. C. Art League, Van- couver. From the Toronto Globe:-- Frederick Arthur Verner, A.R.C.A. Born at Sheridan, Ontario, the son of the Principal and Super- intendent Arthur Coles Verner, I'4.A., of Grammar Schools. Went to England in 1856 and studied at Heatherly's Art School and at the British Museum. Enlisted in the Third West Yorkshire Regi- ment and served for three years. Later joined the British Legion and served as Lieutenant with General Garibaldi in Italy, 1860. Returned to Canada and devoted himself to painting Western life, becoming prominent as an Indi- an, Buffalo and Western Sunset painter. He came West with Lord Lansdown's party in 1873 before the railway had passed Ontario. Elected A.R.C.A. 1880; the O.S.A. 1872; R.B.C. 1905. EVas awarded a Diploma by the Society 1910. Awarded Gold Medal and Diploma at the Pan- American Exposition at Buffalo 1901, Philadelphia Centenary Exhibition. A Gold SIedal at the International Exhibition of Fine Arts. Gold Medal at Buenos Aires 1910. Medal at the Cen- tennial Exhibition Santiago, Chili 1910. I-Ie was a rare violin- ist and owned a priceless Stein- e&. The Dominion Government purchased seven of his pictures He. taught the Princess Louise and tivo of his pictures were pur- chased by her. He was an as- sociate of the Royal Academy, Royal British Colonial Society of Artists, Associate Royal Can- adian Academy, Ontario Society of Artists. AValter Gourlay came from Vancouver Island to spend Thanksgiving with his wife and family at their home at 23rd and Bellevue. Sowing the Seeds OF Success I will be glad to ex- plain to you without obligation a number of successful plans for the creation of Capital. Save for Success GEORGE GRIGOR Seymour 8310 )Vest 372 INSURANCE -- BONDS HOLLYBURN I'UBLIC LIBRARY GIVES BRIDGE A b»cige paitv was g&ven last F& idav evening by the Hollyburn I'ublic Library in aid of the funcls of the library at the home of Nrs, H. A. Eager, 22nd St. The affair was very successful, t.en tables being in play. The fol- lowing iveve the prize-winners: 1st Gentlemen's--G. Gemmill ~ 1st Ladies' Mrs. Burley. Gentlemen's Consolation -- H. 'j'hackeray. Ladies'onsolat&on -- Mrs. J. Elgar. Refreshments ivere served, and clancing was enjoyecl following the cards. 4V. Hawkes, 17th and Esqui- malt, is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital. EIvs. A. S. Mills, 17th and Marine, who has been ill at her home, is now able to be out and around again. Mrs. Draper's NEW STORE Next to Drug Store, Dundarave opENs Next TUESDAY, November 19th. In Celebration IVe are offering our choice Home Cooking at very special prices. For the dhole xveek BIGHEAD, 3 Loaves for 23c Cakes, Pies, Cookies ill eat Pies, Sausage Rolls Orders taken for Xi&IAS CAKES, I UDDINGS 41 INC Ei~I EAT and A Li4ION D PASTE. Phone Ivest 366 i.S Now Showing THEATRE , ~ONSDAL,"Ilcl 'I'. cl '; lIP. 'I I53 in ,'.i 17j' delightfull picture Talking, Singing, Playing Special Comedy "BERTHMARKS" Laurel and Hardy in ihcir First Talking Comedy 2 Good P&ctuies Next AVeeh 'Behind that Curtain'nd THE LAST OF MRS. CHEYNEY