001C9859 v fl of General Dry Goods To Make Room for Xmas Gifts. Our Store is small and we must have more room for display of Christmas Gifts and Novelties. 20 per cent. Reduction on all lines i". i", i".i"„i I,"S;i ',"( i".i„li."i',is 1410 5Iarine Drive West 372 Under the auspices of THE LADIES OF THE ROYAL I'URPLE AUXII.IARY B.P.O.E. Vancouver No. 1 LONDON BOBBIES TO WEAR TAILLIGHTS AS TRAFFIC AID London traffic policemen are to be equipped with red rear lights. Road-users should now have no difficulty in seeing the constable whose red lamp, fixed to his back, will throw out s warning beam to oncoming traf- fic. Experiments in flash signal- ling with red lights have recent- ly been carried out, and now the police officers on point duty at the foot of Savoy hill embank- ment--the dangerous crossings where the single-deck L. C. C. cars cross the heavy traffic flow along the embankment--are be- ing provided with the red lights for signalling. Despite the pro- vision of white armlets for traf- fic police, motorists at night fre- quently declare that they are unable to see the policeman in his dark uniform or observe his signals, particularly so if he hap- pens to be on duty where lights cast deceptive shadows. Men's Club The next meeting of the Men' Club of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, November 26th, in the church hall at 7 o'lock p. m. The speaker for the evening will be Hon. H. H. Stevens and his subject will be "A Layman's Creed." Special music will be provided and as strong and in- spiring a meeting as the opening one last month is fully expected. The next meeting of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., will be held on December 9th, at the home of Mrs. Bernard Hayes, Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, hIgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 THB West Van Nems Published Every Friday Business and Editorial Office.'361 Marine Drive Phone West 363 Mall Address: P. O. Boz 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Publishers H. HODGSON and P.F.LOVEGROVE West S63 West 412L $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News. stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone AVest 252R. Sunday, Nov. 17th. 10 a. m.--Bible School. Classes for all ages. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic 44Rest Five minute address to child- ren. 7.15 p. m.--Song service. 7.80 p. m.--Evening Worship. 'Topic, "Christ's Curate." A very cordial invitation is ex- tended to All who are not at- tending elsewhere. Monday, 6.80 p. m., YoungPeoples'ally at Grandview Baptist Church. Tuesday, Baptist Associatioii st South Hill Baptist Church, 1.80 p. m. and 6.80 p.m. 7.80 p. m.--Wednesday--Pray er meeting. 7 p. m.--Friday--C. G. I. T. THE CHILDREN'S CHOIR The practice of the West Van- couver Children's Choir takes place on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 o'lock and parerlts are asked to co-operate with the leaders to get the children there ir; good time. This choir is for boys and girls from 8 to 14 years and there is room for more members as it is hoped a standing membership of at least 40 can be attained. The choir is working hard pre- paring for White Gift Sunday when they are making their first appearance as a choir. On this Saturday the boys are asked to get to the hall at a quarter to ten so as a prelimin- ary practise on a Boys chorus can be had. Mrs. Colin MacLean, who is leading the children, asks that mothers who would like their children to join to get in touch with her-either on practice morn- ings at the United Church hall or by phone at her residence. Established on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. WILLIAMSON ffuiieral 1ireftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 1S4 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 on FRIDAY, NOVEAIBER 22nd, at S p. m. in Fortune Cup Inn Good Prizes Refreshments Admission 50 ct.nts. Proceeds for Relief Work THE WEST VAN NEREUS )VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquiinalt, Holly/urn This Society is a Branch of Tho Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston hIassachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. SUBJECT, NOVEMBER 17th, "AIORTALS AND IAI AIORTALS" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testiniony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p.m. S-:.Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.SO a. m. High Mass, 10.SO a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 25 (Nov. 17th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 2 p. m.--Holy Baptism. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. Month- ly Young People's Service. There will be divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 8 p. m. on Sunday. The annual bazaar under the auspices of the Woman's Auxil- iary will be held on Friday, De- cember 6th. Last Saturday a tea was held by the Junior Auxiliary in the P rish Hall. Work books, sew- ii!g, a quilt and other articles made by the girls during the months past for use by the Col- umbia Coast Mission and the Iri- dian Schools were on display and elicited much favorable comment from the parents present. Two clever sketches were given by the girls in a varied programme. Miss Marshallsay of the Dioces- an Board gave a brief address and Mrs. Bernard Hayes, retir- ing junior superintendent, also spoke. Although the senior girls'eam was for ced to take second place in the relay race for the Walkem Cup at the Anglican Road Races he!d in the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day at Hast- iiigs Park, the juvenile boys r.iade up for the loss by winning the W. A. Rundle Cup with the very low score of eighteen points for four places. Among twenty three runners W.H. Parker came first, winning a medal, Harry Phillips came third also winning a medal, Jim Bloxham was sixth, Vincent Bracewell eighth and Pat Douet ninth, The cups and medals will be presented at St. Michael's Sunday School next Monday night. W. A. Elects Officers The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Steph- en's Church was held on Tues- day afternoon in the Parish hall when reports were presented for the past year and officers elected for the ensuing year, as follows: Hon. Pres.--Mrs. A. H. Priest. Pres.--Mrs. E. J. Pearce. Vice Pres.--Mrs. F. Eatock. Sec. Treas.--Mrs. B. Hayes. Jun. Supt.--Mrs. S. L. Jagger. Little Helpers Sec.--Mrs. Bur- ton Forster. Dorcas Sec.--Mrs. H. Atkins. Thankoffering Sec.--Mrs. W. L. Yates. Living Message Sec.--Mrs. J. S. Purchase. Diocesan Board Representa- tives--Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Eat- ock. Substitutes--Mrs. P. Hastings and Mrs. J. J. Rutledge. %Vest Vancouver Bible School LA WSON'S HALL 17th and Waterfront NEX'I'UNDAY at 3.15 I'. hl Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "AN UNFROCIiED I'RI ESTHOOD" Mr. King will speak over C K W X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Armistice Service At the Thanksgiving and Arm- istice service last Sunday morn- ing the names of over 80 men were read who went overseas and who had been directly or indir- ectly connected with the church- es that made the present United. It is the intention to form an Honor Roll to be framed and hung in the church to keep these men's names in remembrance. Junior Choir The attention of those inter- ested in music is still directed to the Saturday morning class in the church hali from 10 to 11 under the leadership of Mesdam- es Colin MacLean and Sheffield. It is for Junior girls and boys. November 15, 1929. LOYALTY ou think of loyalty mostly in relation to your country, or state pr p]ace of residence. Familiarity with it, its meth- ods, its ideals its people, its habit of living, its associations, its interests, breed naturally, a knowledge and love for it, even when they are not entirely satis- factory. It's home. Other places are strange. It holds the life, and usually the only life. you live. It's the place you know and are ready to defend. That's loyalty. But that's a broad loyalty. It's built up of a lot of other lovalt ies. And one of these loyalties is to the business you work with. Now, that's really a very im- portant loyalty, both because a great amount of waking time is spent with that business, and because the result of the work is such a great factor in your life. Loyalty is one of those senti- ments which people possess in varying degrees. Some only have a slight temp- erature of loyalty instead of the high fever of it. But the trouble with loyalty at a slight temperature is that it has little or no urge in it. It is indifference. A slight argument or difficulty cools it to zero or below. It doesn't bring results. A fine loyalty makes you want to boom the game, help to get better results, to co-operate, to make suggestions, to bring about improvement, to think, to plan, and to act. It's really best when it's quiet and working for results. Some will say that your loyal- ty ought to be first for yourself. Sure. And there's the joker. Loyalty!--If you'e a real per- son you don't have to get it. It')I get you.--B. A. Franklin, in Strathmorean. Usefu (ecipes Sauted Tomatoes AVash the tomatoes and re- move the blossom end. If the tomatoes are very ripe it is best to peel them since they may lose their shape in cooking. If tomatoes are firm they are bet- ter if peeled. Cut the tomatoes into thick slices--about &/2 inch thick. Dip each slice in yellow corn-meal, covering it well on both sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Saute in bacon- grease until a golden brown. Anniversary Social The annual social evening in connection with the anniversary was held on Wednesday evening. A large gathering was present i» the newly decorated hall which had a very pretty draw- ing room appearance. Solos were . sung by Mr. B. R. Harrison and Mrs. R. AV, Froud, and recita- tions rendered by Miss C. Dowal. Rev. Mr. Priest of St. Stephen's, brought fraternal greetings and representatives of the various organizations gave short outlines of the many forms of activity carried on in a really busy church. A social half hour brought to a close a very happy evening. A Concert in aid of the Deac- oness work will be given in the church hall on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, by the Kitchen Cabinet band of Kitsilano United Church. Where this concert has been given there has always been a large and very appreciative aud- ience. It is an evening of real healthy fun. The Deaconess work has never been confined to our own church but has been willing to help any worthy cause, Sunday, Nov. 17th, 1929 11.15 a. m.--Rev. E. McGoug- an, N,A., B.D., Chalmers Church 4'ancouver. 5Iorning--Solo "The Lord Is Our Refuge." Mrs. W. Herrin. Anthem, "Incline Thine Ear. '.15p. m.--Rev. Principal W. H, Smith, D.D., Union Theologic- al College, Vancouver. Evening--Anthem, "Turn Thy Face From Thy Sins." 10 a.m.--Sunday School De- partments. Dr. Henry is conducting anni- versaries at his old church in the city (Chalmers) to which he ministered for 10 years including the tragic war years--1914-1918. Monday evening the Younp Peoples'ssociation have for their discussion, French Canada and French Evangelization. iVomen's Auxiliary The Women's Missionary Aux- i!iary will hold their Autumn Thank Offering meeting on Tuesday afternoon, November 19th at 2.15 in the Church hall. The special speaker will be Mrs. (Dr.) Day washington, of Van- couver. All ladies are cordially invited. Tea will be served at the close.