001C9859 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 15, 1929. e taste lingers ~vhen ypu buy it from Jegeries The very best qualit only. Smith 's ~ rocery A. HARVEY SblITH, I'roprietor. DUNDARA VE „".":„".;"„"„HOLLYBURN I I„I Tulameen, $12 ton Have you tried the Famous Once a customer, always a customer . EFFERIES'UPERIOR,7 EATS Government Inspected Only. 17th nnd Marine Phone: IVest 46 24th and Marine I'hone: IVest 469 Newcastle Drumheller COALFor Friday and Saturday (Two Stores for vour service) Hollyburn Store gest 3 d II kinds of AmblesideStare gest 303 c ~»'~ ft will give you nil the IIeat you want. It's Clean too. Lamb Beef Pork I'ork i% loins, Quaker, 2s, .................................... 3 tins 35c Crab bleat, per tin ............ 29c Curtis Itipe Olives, tin ............ 25c Libby's Queen Olives, 8 oz. jar 18c i&lolnsses-- 1&'ss, pcr tin .... 12c 2&/ss, per tin........,... 19c Corn Starch,............ 2 pkts for 25c Sunkist Oranges ........... 2 doz. llc B. C. Gran. Sugar ....... 10 lbs. 52c ! ivith ever& order for 1 lb. Tea, Red h~ Iyhite, per lb ........... 56c Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. sealer Slc Peaches, Slices or halves, 2s ............................... ....... 2 tins 4 5c bleat Balls, Hedlund's, 1s, per tin .......,....,..............,................ 25c Sardines, Norwegian.... 2 tins 29c Peanut Butter, 10 oz. per jar 18c Snap, Hand Cleaner, per tin ... 19c Fruit Cookies.................... 2 lbs. 41c Jonathan Apples, per box.... $ 1.98 hiurra)'s blarmalade, 4 lb. tin 55c Corned Beef, per tin ............... 19c Hobb Coal L Transfer (Hob Black) Phone IVest 17. NORTH VAN. HIGH SCHOOL INVADES I.OCAI. HIGH SCHOOI. S ERV ICE Everything for the Building. On Tuesday, November 12th, the boys'nd girls'asketball teams from the North Van. EIigh School invaded the local High School at the Inglewood School gymnasium. The local girls'eam was de- cisively defeated, the score being 18-5. In the first half, the West Van. girls managed to hold the visitors to a 3-3 tie, but were outplayed in the last half of the game. Both teams featured open play, but the visitors managed to find the basket more often than the locals. There were no high scorers o» either team, and the points were well divided amongst all players. SUMMARY: North Van.--Dempsey (4), Maddison (4), Stewart (2), Bradley (1), Deacon (7), Band, Druisseau. Total 18. West Van.--Murray, Dawson, FIerrin, Dorchester, McRum (2), Morrison (1), M. Dawson (2), Kearns, Johnson, Montgomery. Total 5. Referee, Mr. J. R. Mitchell, (EV. V. H. S.) The boys'ame was well con- tested and very exciting. West Van. emerged at the large end of a 19-16 score. Stevenson, the centre for the visitors, sank the first counter. The local boys evened matters up, and slowly forged ahead to lead 9-7 at half- time. At this time, Captain Bob Fiddes ()Vest Van.) changed three players, and North Van. again took the lead. After. five minutes playing, the original West Van. team was again in- serted and the local boys over- came a small lead, and gradually forged ahead to finish with 19 points to the visitors'6. Hunter, playing left fonvard, was the star for the North Van. ouintette, netting 9 points. Masterman was high scorer for the locals, sinking 9 counters. SU3IKIARY: North Van:--Hambly, Hunter (9), Stevenson (7), Humphries, G. Hunter, Goldie. Total 16. West Van.:--Johnston (4), Mci&Iillan, Masterman (9), Gard- iner (2), Fiddes (4), Lettne', Parker, Smith. Total, 19. Referee, ihlr. Siddons, (N.V.H. S.). DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER amatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Heaver Hoard -- Shingles ~es& Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and blarine LIMITED Phone IVest 115 Residence Phoae: %Vest 368L. RELIABILITY SASH . 70 )efl:s e::er iea:s.. Everything Good to Eat Intelligent Phone Service Quick, Reliable Delivery Phone %Vest 190 The Government Stamp is Your Guarantee of Quality NORTH VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVES HOLD ANNUAL BIEETING HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th Er, hIarine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor The annual meeting of the North Vancouver Conservative Association was held last night in the lower K. P. hall. Officers were elected for the ensuing year and reports of the past year' activities of the Association were received. 'ERE'S the rare saga of Timo- ~ - thy Tite--the man with a derby. In addition to his derby he has another dassic inhibition...and, well why tell you all about it now? THIS YARD'S LUMBER FRICES for NOVEilBER A total of $73,120 has beensiibscribed by Vancouver, Vic- toria and New westminster to- wards the building of western headquarters of the Canadian In- stitute for the Blind. Vancouver alone has contrib- uted $41,120 and the committee in charge of the campaign ex- pects the total to exceed $75,000 before the end of the week when the drive for funds closes. BUY FROM THE Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization iii B.C. B.C. Electric Railway Co. Lcd. Hastings at Carral t Vancouver, B.C. Timothy brings you a pleasant fifteen minutes reading--it will bring a smile or two to you- and the coupon brings you your copy of the book. Without obligation you may send me my copy of "Timothy Tite." Numebfaterial for 100 ft. fence, ...................................$13.00 1" Rough boards, per hI.... 8.00 1" Dressed boards, per M. 11.00 2x4, any lengths, per M. 11.00 Shiplap, good grade, per bI 11.00 1x6 Drop siding, per hI ... 13.00 1x3 and 1x4 Flooring, long lengths, hI............ 13.00 1x3, 4 and 6" V-joint, long lengths, hI............ 13.004" Gutter, per ft..........07 1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100 1x2 Fir D.D. clear, 100 ft..50'k" V-joint,long lengths per hI..................... 11.00 1x6 T. Q G. Flooring, per bI............................. 13.004" Shiplap, good, per M 12.00 Wall Shingles, per h1.. 1.25 No. 1 XXX Shingles, hI... 3.50 Sectional Garages, 10x16 delivered ...................... 45.00 Gyproc, Piaster Board, Fir Ven- eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Papers, etc. SA SH, DOORS AND FR Abi ES The reason, some young coupl- &s don't live on a budget is be- cause it's so much easier to live on her old man. British Columbia Electric Railway CoLittle Louise was lost on the street and was brought into the police station. The officers tried i» every way to learn her name. Finally one of the officers said: "AVhat name does your mother call your father?" ")Vhy," said Louise, very in- nocently, "she don't call him any name; she likes him." Mushroom SauceTO SET BREAD AVEIGHT :i!i, lb. Fresh Mushrooms (About 3 Cupfuls) 1 Tablespoon Butter 1i,.'i. Cupful Cream Salt and Pepper Brush the mushrooms, peel Caps, and scrape the stems. Melt the butter in a frying-pan; add the mushrooms (stems and caps) and saute until a golden browii. Add the cream, cover,and cook slowly for about 10 minutes. Remove the cover and con- tine cooking gently for about 10 minutes longer, until the cream has darkened and thickened somewhat. At the end of this time there should be sufficient sauce to generously serve 8 per- sons. If the sauce has been cooked over too hot a fire, so that there has been excessive evaporation, it may be necessary to add a little more cream, since there should be enough to make the slices of toast quite moist. Season with salt and pepper just before serving. Establishment of the standard weight of bread in Vancouver at 16 ounces or multiples of 16 ounces for loaves of all kinds, ap- pointment of an additional food inspector to the staff of Dr. F. T. Underhill, medical health officer, recision of the paragraph in the present bread bylaw which de- fines fancy bread according to sugar content, and appointment of a weighing officer in the city license department, who will be required to check up on the weight of all package goods sold in Vancouver, were all recom- mended Wednesday by a special committee appointed by the city council to investigate the bread situation in the city. If these recommendations are approved by council, it will be illegal for bakers to sell wrapped biead of less weight than un- cs rapped bread. There is no contempt like that felt for each other by two of those people who know it all. NORTH VAN. 13. OF T. I'ROPOSES TRANSI'ORTATION IN V ESTIGATION Above prices are for orders of 2,000 feet or more. Less than that amount, cartage from Van- couver must be added. AMBLESIDE Lumber Co. Lt]. AIarine Drive at 16th Phone Ivest 199 We give Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders Mr. and Mrs. MacAulay were given a surprise party EVednes- day night at their home at 16th and Esquimalt. A number of West Vancouver and Vancouver people attended, and a very en- joyable evening was spent. At a meeting of the North Vancouver Board of Trade last week it is reported that the transportation committee of the board was asked to make a report of the transportation facil- ities of the whole of the North Shore with any proposals for the betterment of such services. In the discussion it was stated that there was an agitation in EVest Vancouver for better transportation and it is suggested that any change that could be made would affect not only North Vancouver City and District but also West Vancouver. As far as we can learn no approach has yet been made to the West Vancouver Board of Trade or to the YVest Vancouver Municipal Council regarding this investigation, and naturally before the views of )Vest Vancouver can be obtained, one or both of these bodies will have to be approached. As far as our own transportation problems are concerned, they will, of course have to be dealt with locally,and it would be most unwise for our North Vancouver friends to endeavor to dis- cuss or alter our arrangements without an invitation from the people of AVest Vancouver asking for ther assistance.