001C984F iWovember 1, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS 'I (S".SC4."& 0" (Al"'A EVER YBOD Y BAITING TO HEAR THIS Now Playing THEATR E ONSDAL -- NORTII VAN-- & gp&CTACUL'R $INGI @pe, "- - ~Sy pQ NAVY BLUE CLOTII COAT for sale. Full length. Srlk l&ned. S&te 34, $5. Phone IVest 4r Y. ROTTED COW MANURE. Big load, $4.00. Hobb Transfer. West 17. LOST--Eastern Star Dance, Gentle- man's white silk wrapper, blue spots, double border about three inches from edge. Full reward. C. J. Archer. West 22o. TRADE for ~lining or Oil Stocks, Building lot on Esquimalt Avenue. good view, paved road, water, light, near school and ferry. Also trade in five tube radio set, banjo and mandolin. Write P. O. Box 1113, Vancouver. SERVING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work mrs. Bloxham. Phone West 226. CENTI ENT IVORK--Rock Walls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing, Grading. Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- sonn. 4 URSI NG--Experrenced Srck Chrld ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont., Ross- land, B.C., Trail, B.C. Hospital. Miss Humphreys, Phone AVest 262R. THE I'LACE TO EAT--Lunn's Cafe. Public phone West 611-0. RANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3660. CEMENT WOI(K--Rock Walls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work. Clearing; Grading. Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- son. Residence phone West 672R. EXPERlENCED Practical Nurse should take care of invalid. Phone Point Grey 30L ENG LIS H BA BY BUG G Y for sale. Good condition, $25. Phone West 260L F l RNISHED 5 Room Modern House to rent. Sleeping porch; fireplace; furnace; piano. Reasonable to good tenant. Phone West 449Y. F'R SAI.E--Ilerald Na. 2.j Fawcett heater. Two hole top. Takes 2 foot stick, $ 10. Apply Albin, 22nd and Mathers. WANTED -- Rowboat, moderate. Phone West 604-0. FOUN D--Grey I'ersian Cat. Jefferies Meat Market, Hollyburn. REWAI4D--Will the person findjng Black Driving Gauntlets in Efolly burn Theatre on Thursday evening last week phone West llX3. I AINTING, DECORATING, FRENCH Polishing. Phone West 71Y. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens. Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns. Rustic Work, Fencing, Concrete Paths. Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening. R. J. Kyte, Phone West 411. )IOUSEWORK WANTED by the day by capable woman. Phone West 344 L. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS--Phoae AVest 241R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundaravo. TAXI--Peerless Sedan. Day or NightService. Phone. Webster North ]234 GARDEN BARROWS--Strong, Light,unpainted; price $-1.60, deliveredsuoject to approval Phone North364R. Lh RGE FROWST BEDROOiI wrth board. Home cooking. Phone Mrs. Atkins. West 21SR. FOR SALE--A Small Quebec heater, brick lined. West Van. Pharmacy,West 87. FOR RENTSix room modern houseat 21st and Waterfront. Reasonable rent. Splendid view. Phone %Vest80L H EMSTITCHING--Plain. white„5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Psarca's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and MaintainecL Rock Gardens, Lily andOrnamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths,Drives, etc, Pruning and Spraying,Landscapo and General Gardening R. J. Kyte. Phone West 172X1. FOR SALE--Large Row Boat suitablefor Evinrude. Boy's Bicycle. Gram- aphone. Bed lounge and small art- Icles of furniture. Applv West 625Y WANTED -- Land Clearing; Wood Sawing with machine. Largo or small jobs. J. Glover. Phone West 214R. SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and ail the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. R. P. CLARK 4 CO. ESTATES LTD. iVATER l)OARD I)UYS NORTH SHORE LAND Purchase of three tracts of North Shore land at a cost of ~3625, the possession of which is necessary for the protection ) of Seymour and Capilano Riverwatersheds, was approved by the board of the Greater Vancouver EVater District IVednesday morn- ] 1lg. East of Capilano River, north of the canyon, 160 acres will be purchased from the Yorkshire Pacific Securities Ltd., for &2000; east of Seymour Creek, on a hill top, 160 acres will be bought from blrs. Abel for $960; and near the old intake at Cap- ilano 95 acres will be acquired rom the District of IVest Van- couver for $665. The work of the board, which is being carried on through the winter, is tending to relieve the unemployment in the city, it was reported. Considerably more than 100 men are at work on two pipe-laying contracts recent- ly awarded by the board, and the plant of the Vancouver Engin- eering IVorks Ltd., to whom a contract has been given for the production of electrically welded pipe, is operating day and night. The pipe is the first of its sort to be made in the city, it is stat- ed. Youthful Logic A doctor who was superin- tendent of the Sunday School in a small village asked one of the boys this question: ")Villie, will you tell me what ive must do in order to get to ~heaven?" Said IVillie, "IVe must die." "Very true," replied the doc- tor, "but tell me what we must do before we die." "EVe must get sick," said EVillie "and send for you." Down with Gems Visiting Doctor--"IIow is it, Sambo, that you and your fam- ily keep so healthy?' Sambo--"IVell, suh, Ah tell you: we'be done bought one of dose sanitary drinkin'ups,and'e all drink outen it." Lost illotion "Run upstairs and wash your face, darling. I think Grandma wants to take you driving with her." "Hadn't we better flnd out for certain, 5lummie? It would be such a pity to wash for nothing." pr S P y ]3 C~l ')C& itoo lfo ~ L» 4 I ~ 701 t ~aJsaal rr Amp akeee algaeg rerrse4a, eheagr sl ~ace ae passe ~ Caw onward rf & LE smelling fumes from the exhaust give the first warning of approaching en- gine trouble and costly repair bills. The engine is suffering from Motor Halitosis, caused by sulphurous corrosives in the gasoline; if this condition is not corrected it will quickly lead to corroded and pitted valves and bearings... and a big bill for repairs. Avoid these troubles by using pure gasoline. d~uranhred pn Smn cmyosiue svlyhIIrueyoun4 C BARGAIN SNAP IUST BE SOLD at once. Owner left district. Unusual opportunity, Cosy moderate site home, four rooms with full plumbing and fireplaco and good lot. All you need is $760 cash and the balance can rema&n on mort gage. or pay off to suit your purse. I % e Specialise in West Vancouver. Consult us for snaps, and send irr your listings. Exchanges arrangecL R. P. CLARh 4 CO. ESTATES LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. TRADE YOUR HOUSE FOR CITY PROPERTY TRADE 7 Room House in Slarpole $4200, clear title, on Waterfront Home up to $6,000. TRADE 6 Room House, 13th Ave. East, near Kingsway, $3~, clear title for West Van. Property. TRADE equity of $ 1300 in 5 Room Bungalo~, St. Catherines St., close Kingsway. Balance, Mortgage of $ 1200, for West Van. cottage. Local Representative, Mr. Sutton Avest 63R2 GILLESPIE, HART 4 CO. (Vancou- ver) Limited, 456 Howe Street, Seymour 93SO ')f&y . ay I'enl:? A Small Cottage, Garage, Cleared Lot All in Garden. Close in. $450 cash. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public PHONE iVEST 21 1406 Marino Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X An old negro had just closed negotiations with a real estate dealer for a small farm and was told to bring his money to the office and get his deed. "Yas„ sah, I'l fetch the money, but I'm gNine to want you'll to gimme a mawgage on dat land and yo'll keep de deed." "Yo, John." the dealer replied, "the land ivill be yours without any incumbrances, and ivhat you want is a deed." "No, sah, what I wants is a maivgage." "Why do you want a mort- gage, John?"" 'Caus'e last piece of land I oivned I had de deed and a ivhite man had de mawgage,'nd de whi te man he took de land--yas, sah, gimme a mawgage."