001C984F THE WEST VAN NEEVS November 1, 1929. TO lillPROVE HOLLYBURN SCHOOL GROUNDS The question of tr'eatment of the Hollybuni School grounds by the application of cinders was discussed by the School Trustees with Engineer Duncan. The Chairman of the Grounds Com- mittee and the Chairman of the Board will decide just ivhat ac- tion will be taken. TO SUPERVISE IEASIiETHALL PLAYERS Pri ncipal Patterson and W. ilIitchell of the High School have undertaken supervision of the basketball activities of the AVest Van. Ex-High School Students Associatioin. The Club ivill use the gymnasium on Monday even- ings. "Prices Consistently Losv" FREE DELIVERY i„l"„I) SI."I. ',IA",.';I Two Stores in West Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 51arine Drive 21st and ilIarine Drive West 16 West 405 CASH SPECIALSNO: ER Campbell's Vegetable Soup, ...................................... 3 tins 37c Creamettes .................... 3 pkts. 25c Canned Milk--tall tins ............ 11c Small tins ................................ 6c Eagle Milk ................................ 19c Quick Quaker Oats, New china- ware, large packets................ $5c H. P. Sauce, bottle ................... 28c B. C. Gran. Sugar........ 10 lbs. 59c C. G. Brand Tea, per lb............ 59c Fry's Cocoa, 4 lb. tin............... 25c Dina-Mite, packet ................... 21c BUTTER: the finest obtainable, per lb........................................ 42c Pure Plum Jam........ 4 lb. tin 39c Quaker Corn.............. 2 tins 25c Royal City Brand Pumpkin, 2s ............................. 2 tins 25c 2%s, per tin ............................ 15e at both Stores 1st to 7th Pure Lard, lb ........................ 19c Rinso, new site.................. 2 for 19c Sliced Pineapple.......... 3 tins 2Sc Rice Krispies................ 2 pkts. 25c Popping Corn .................. 2 lbs. 1?c Jameson's Coffee, lb............... 59c Royal City Cut Green Beans, ........................................ 2 tins 35c Chateau Cheese, 9 lb. packet 22c Red Arrow Sodas, packet........ 19c Assorted Biscuits, lb................. 25c No. 1 Jap Rice................ 3 lbs. 22c Windsor Salt, 3Q lb. Sacks........ 10c Iodized Salt, carton.................... 12c King Oscar Sardines.... 2 tins 29c Shelled Walnuts, white meat, lb 35c- Pure Lemon or Vanilla Extract, ............................... 2 oz. bottle 19c Needs No Pre t ums. asc uera4le HOLLYBURN PAVILION Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. "Arcadians" Orchestra Admission 75c. GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS S TNE NExT Tl&E Yov TELL DN ME 1M Boih To lgiQ~P YouR. QOLL-- SMARTY- TH15 lb CI2YiNTs DO1.L SHED C.RY AH THE FLIC.E Fi&D HER AH +~@ t tntRQEST Yo Your Own Home is Your Most Prized Possession ~ ~ I 1+L~l=44 ',;I~IS I CAI .A!IO ". 9 3'.4 CO. l.".D. Ft. Pemberton. Ave. Phone North 305 A'AS" Can helpyou to plan it,and tell you theright kind of lumber to use. Their advice is free. TEN N EAV PHONES EV ERY 5IONTH IN WEST VAN. According fo official figure~ pulilished by the 8. C. Telephone Company there ivere, at the end of October, 951 telephones on the West Vancouver exchange. On January 1st of this year there ivere 850 and on the 1st of'anuary 1928. there were 782. These figures show that there has been nn average of ten net telephones installed in West Vancouver every month of the present year. H. D. Southam of the high school staff received his B.A. de- gree on wednesday afternoon at the convocation of the Univer- sity of B. C. Mr. and Mrs. AV. 5Iayhew have ieturned from )Vhitewood, Sas- katchewan, where they have been spending the summer. They are spending a iveek with Nrs. McGregor, 20th and Argyle, and will then occupy their home at 18th and Bellevue. Nr. Nayhew report that the wheat crop in the Whitewood section of Sas- katchewan was poor, averaging only from 12 to 15 bushels to the aci'e. 5Irs. J. EVicking and daughter have returned from England svhere they have been spending t)ie summer months. AIrs. pintle, 12th and Duchess entertained the members of the Baptist Young Peoples'ociety at a Hallowe'en social last Tues- clay evening. Games, stories, taf- fy and refreshments were enjoy- ed by all. HOLI.YBURN RUINS JUNIOR FOOTBAI,L GAAIE Fined $ 20.00 For driving to the common danger, J. L. DIcDougall of Van- couver was fined $20 ini the AVest Vancouver police court last Wed- nesday. The Junior football game play- ed last Thursday on Hollyburn School grounds between Holly- burn and Pauline Johnson School was won by Hollyburn by a score of 1-0. The )Vest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club is giving a soci- al evening next Saturday even- ing at 8 p.m. at the Fortune Cup Inn. E A Rathje 13th and Gordon who has been sick for a few days has returned to his duties with the ferry staff. Mrs. H. Salter has received a letter from Mrs. 4V. R. Taylor telling of her safe arrival with her children in Berkeley, Cali- fornia, after a pleasant journey and thanking her )Vest Vancou- ver friends for their kindness in making it possible for herself and family to join Mr. Taylor in the south. Mr. Taylor also wrote H. McGowan expressing his thanks to those in West Vancou- ver who were so kind to his wife and children. Mr. and Nrs. Smith of Van- couver rented one of the Gray cottages on the East Beach. The second year high school boys defeated the first year seni- ors at rugby on Thursday after- noon 24th instant on the Ingle- wood School grounds by a score of 6to5. SCOTTISH DANCE ON 29th The EVest Vancouver Scottish Society are holding a St. And- rew's Dance at Hollyburn Pavil- ion on Friday, November 29th. Dakin's Orchestra has been en- gaged. Dancing 9 to 1. Ar- rangements have also been made for a few card tables for friends of the Society who do riot care to dance. Tickets 75c. 3Irs N Allwoik who was chief operator on the local telephone exchange, is now Fraser Valley traffic supervisor. Miss Ms Somerville formerly supervisor nn the North Vancouver ex- change succeeds Mrs. Allwork as chief operator in AVest Van- couver. PIANO RECITAL IN WEST VAN TOAIORROAV H. KV. Lang, 23rd and Mathers has it is reported, purchased a waterfront lot near 31st from J. J. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald moved on wednesday from 24th and Bellevue to a house at 26th and Bellevue. Tomorrow at 8.15 p.m. the pianoforte pupils of Mrs. Clara wilson will give the first of the season's monthly recitals in the home studio at 2367 Marine Drive. Parents as well as children in- terested in music are invited to be present Refreshments will be served after the recital. Mrs. wilson has an enviable reputation as a teacher and the recitals arranged by her always attract a coterie of lovers of good music. Mr. and Nrs. T. AV. Russell, 14th and Esquimalt, who are on a» extended trip to the Old Country, are now visiting the parents of their son-in-law, Bob Black in Ireland, and expect to tour the island before starting in a few weeks'ime on their return journey here. Mis. John Ale~andei, one of the pioneer residents of West Vancouver, with her daughter, is again occupying her home on King's Avenue after being away from the district for a number of years. ARTS AND CRAFTS'ET STORE OPENED TOilIORROAU Tomorrow -- Saturday -- the Misses Edmond of West Bay will open their Arts and Crafts store in the Messinger Block at the corner of 16th and Marine Drive. 'The public is invited to call and inspect the stock. There is a choice selection of unpainted furniture, including lamp stands and other small articles as well as hand painted silk scarves, dresser sets, clay, paints and brushes. Instruction will be given in painting, tinting and mixing of colors. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearce gave a party Monday night at their home at 14th and Marine Drive, when whist and five hundred were played. Those who won prizes were: 1st Gentlemen': J. Y. Mc- Naught. 1st Ladies: Miss Elsie Valen- tine. Consolation: A. F. Gibson. Hidden Prize: Nrs. Valentine. Following cards refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was spent in music. Those present were: J. Y. McNaught, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mulcahy and Miss Kathleen Nul- cahy, Mr. and Nrs. A. F. Gibson, Nrs. Valentine and Miss Elsie Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, Miss Grace Tite, Nr. and Mrs. A. Woodford, Bert Fitchett and Mrs. E. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Simpson and family, 1733 Duchess, have moved into Dr. A. C. Nash's house at 1495 Clyde Ave. This afternoon the scholars of Inglewood School are holding a basketball house tournament in the gymnasium to open the sea- son. Ten teams of boys and eight teams of girls will be seen in action, the object being to have every scholar in the school take part. NORTH VAN. B. OF T. ELECTS OFFICERS Commander and Nrs. A. B. Duncan and family have moved from the Fortune Cup Inn to a house at 27th and Bellevue. A set apiece of eight pic- tures, which are reproductions of the McGinnis set in the U.B.C. library, have been presented by the P. T. A. to Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schools. The framing of these pictures has been done by the board of school trustees. President M E Sowden an nounced the chairmen of stand- ing committees of the North Vancouver Board of Trade for the ensuing year as follows: Commerce and Industry, Robert Chance; agriculture and mining, Colin F. Jackson; transportation T. C. Baird; publicity and infor- mation, E. N. Copping, tourists and settlers, F. AV. Dalton; fin- ance, W. C. Lamberton; legisla- tion and administration, J. W Nahon; membership and griev- ances, Dr. D. J. Nillar;reception and entertainment, Robert Davie harbor and shipping, A. G. Per- ry; public improvements, Charles Cartwright. ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF CALGARY VISITORS A vei y enjoyable ei ening wa~ spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cripps when they entertained at din- r.er in honor of Mr. and Nrs. Charles Hudson of Calgary, Al- berta, their niece and her hus- band who were here on their wedding trip. The invited guests were:-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid, Scott, B. C., Nr. and Nrs. E. Chapman and Allan Chapman, New West- minster, Miss Crewson, Nr. and Nrs. George Bell, the Misses Lauretta and Muriel Bell who have just returned from White- horse, Yukon, where they spent the summer. The evening was spent with cards and music. Mr. and Nrs. Hudson left for their home in Calgary on Sun- day evening. The senior girls'aseball team of Hollyburn School, play- ing on their own ground last Fri- day, defeated the Pauline John- son girls in a hard hitting game by a score of 24 to 10. TO GIVE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Nrs. E. Leyland wrote the School Trustees asking for the use of the Inglewood School aud- itorium on the evening of Tues- day, November 12th, for the pur- pose of holding an illustrated lecture to be given by Nrs. Don. Munday under the auspices of the local association of Girl Guid- es. This was granted. Call at the UNION GAS STATION (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and AIarine West 212 S ERVIC E I I'. S 0 N a I. S