001C984F QRy ALL +Ic~~ l ~l ~ 'U The SUFRElllE SOOTLESS COAL The Aristocrat of Coals You will be approached to buy a cheap Lignite Coal at Gait Prices. There is a vast difference between a Bituminous and a Lignite Coal. Lignite contains a large percentage of moisture, hence a great deal less heat. s »TL/ LACK A / sAL If you want a Lignite; then buy our B-B Tulameen It is the best by Test, and we will prove it. A guarantee as to wheth- er you obtain our coal can be had by asking for a Evans, Coleman & Evans receipt. Blake your delivery man produce one. Also offer Balkan Sootless Lump Well ington Anthracite Oil Coke Carbon Briquets LTIX ..„ THE KVEST VAN NEREUS LEGION TO HOI.D REGULAR L.O.B.A. IVHIST DRIVE DIONTHLY hlEETING The L.O.B.A. gave a whist drive on Friclay evening at the home of Mrs. kruger, 10th and Alari»e Drive. A very pleasant evening was spent, and refresh- ments were served. The prize winners were as fol- loivs: 1st Ladies'. AIrs. Duckworth. 2nd Ladies': bliss Marjorie Harron. Consolation: Mrs. Oscar Brit- ton. 1st Gentleman': Vic Ferguson 2nd Gentleman': E. Alarsh. Consolation: EV. T. Atwood. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Britton, 51r. and Mrs. Marsh, AIr. and AIrs. 4V. T. At- wood, Airs, G. Duckworth, Mrs. W. Carley, i~lrs. F. Rivers, Mrs. Bob Black, F. J. 51oore, Vic Ferguson, Jim Ferguson, bliss Marjorie Harron, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones. The Dundarave Ladies Choir'n(lerthe direction of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, make its first public appearance this season, in the A ud itorium, In glewood High School, on )Vednesday, Novem- ber 20th, when they will present a gipsy concert, in costume. This promises to be a most de- lightful and vivid affair, and will consist of two short cantatas in- terspersed with Gipsy solos, du- ets and quartettes, both old and new. The choir will be assisted by an orchestra conducted by i~Irs. Knight-Hodge. The )Vest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion is hold- ing their regular moiithly meet- ing next iAIonday evening, 4th November, at 8 p. m. in the Legi- on rooms, ferry building. At this meeting it is hoped that arrange- n ents will be made for the an- nual Christmas raffle, also for the annual church parade next Sunday week to St. Stephen's Church, as &veil as the parade tn the Armistice Day service at the illemorial Arch on Monday iveek. Every member is requested to at- tend. A special meeting will be held tpnight in the Legion rooms at 8 p. m. when it is expected that arrangements will be made look- ing to the completion of the meeting house. How's Your Suit $'ou can get a Tailor-made 'ght Van from $30.00, up. Maybe the old suit just needs Claning and Pressing. Bring it to us. M. WILLIAMS IGth and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone IVest 20On Tuesday last after the reg- ular practice the Dundarave Ladies Choir held their monthly social evening, to which friends of the members were invited. A most enjoyable evening was spent, the soloists being Mrs. KV. R. Clarke, Robert Froude, Tom Turner and Gordon Gray. R. D. Brewis gave one of his amusing i ecitations. The Dundarave Ladies Quartette also contribut- ed to the evening's amusement. The next practice is on Tues- day next, November 5th, and all members are requested to attend. Cleaning, I'ressing, leep»ring GORDON ROBSON Barrister Q Solicitor gVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 hfarine Drive. Phone %Vest 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. Several men from West Van- couver attended the re-union of the 47th Battalion held last Sat- ur dal ill New West mi ilstei a- mong them being hlajor A. S. Mills, Rev. A. H. Priest, AV. R. Simpson, E. )Veedon. The ad- dress at the service in Holy Trin- ity Cathedral for the laying of the battalion colors was given by the Rev. A. H .Priest. Major Dlills was in charge of the pro- gramme following the re-union dinner in the armories. Upwards of five hundred men were pres- ent at the celebration. MASQUERADE DANCE TONIGHT BY I 0 D E The committee in charge of the hlasquerade Dance tonight in the Hollyburn Pavilion under the auspices of the Duncan Larson chapter, I. O. D. E., announce that they anticipate a large gathering, better costumes, and more fun than ever before. Ev- erything is in readiness.. To the list of judges they are pleased to be able to add the names of Miss Currie, North Vancouver, and Captain Ian Alackenzie, BI.P. P. The committee has gone to considerable trouble to make this one of the outstanding events of the season, and there is no ques- tion but that the pavilion ivill be filled to capacity. This annu- al masquerade is an event eager- ly anticipated by a great number of IVest Vancouver people and it also attracts a large number of outside residents. Io ygrn "&catre IIEALTH OFFICER FOR NORTH VAN. CITY AND DISTRICT PROPOSED Thursday, Friday and Saturday cc HOneymOO and 'The Bushrangers' story of the Australian Bush. Appointment of a full time medical health officer to have jurisdiction in the city and dis- trict, was considered at the joint meeting of the city and district councils in the District Municipal Hall Tuesday evening. Members of the council said the appointment of one individu- al who ivould devote his full time to maintaining a high standard of health in the two municipal- ities would be an investment in the interests of residents of both areas. A special committee will soon be appointed to ascertain the views of the city and district school boards and then place a scheme before the councils for final consideration. The special committee will ask West Vancouver Municipal Cou»- cil officials if they wish to par- ticipate in the scheme. Figures submitted showed that at present medical supervision in the two municipalities is cost- ing $2760 annually, and the op- i»ion prevailed that if one man were appointed to look after the health of the two municipalities ro greater expenditure would be iiivolved and greater efficiency v ould result. DESSERT SONG AT LONSDALE THEATRE Monday, Tuesday, AVednesday CHARLIE CHASE in Modern Love" aIld The Bellamy Trial CHORUS OF 100 IN SCREEN OPERETTA The most remarkable chorus ever assembled for a musical pro- duction appears in the EVarner Brothers Vitaphone production. "The Desert Song," the first talking and singing operetta ever shown on the motion pic- ture screen, and a screen play ivhich marks a new milestone in the upward progress of the sound film. EVith the possible exception of New York City, nowhere else but in Hollywood could such an array of singers be obtained for chorus work. The roster includ- es former stars of comic opera and musical comedy, both men and women, as well as many sol- oists who are well known to radio audiences of Los Angeles broadcasting stations. A num- ber, indeed, have made regular appearances over KF4VB, the AVarner Brothers radio station i» Hollywood. One hundred singers comprise the chorus of "The Desert Song" and were rehearsed for three weeks prior to the beginning of actual production of the picture by Ernest G. Grooney, the well- known English conductor, who was assisted by william Mc- Gann. As a result of the super- ior quality of their voices, these singers render the most magnifi- cent chorus work ever heard in America, and impart additional thrills to the production. Sig- mund Romberg's complete score is played by the Vitaphone Sym- phony Orchestra. The exceptional all-star cast of "The Desert Song" includes John Boles, Louise Fazenda, Car- lotta King, Johnny Arthur, John Miljan, Myrna Loy, Marie AVells, Jack Pratt, Edward Martinde!, Otto Housman, Robert E. Guz- man, Del Elliott and many others and was produced under the dir- ection of Roy Del Ruth. The Desert Song is now play- ing at Lonsdale Theatre, North Vancouver. ouses & .ots IN %VEST VANCOUVERK. J. Butt wrote the Board asking for the use of the audi- torium of Inglewood School for tennis practice. Permission was refused. I have some delightful Water- front homes as love as $3,000, and Vacant AVaterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $ 100.Certainly Not RentalsAbie Budne took his eight- @ear-old nephew to a show the other day and purchased only nne ticket. "You will have to have a tick- et for the boy," said the door- keeper. "Meester," answered Abie, "I giff you my void as a gentleman, he vont look!" Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. V. Savory 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agentrts 8 i~rafts Sto.re (The Misses Lauia and Pauline Edmond) Messinger Block, Cor. 16th and Marine, Ambleside, Oj ienS TO Orro (Saturday) AVith a large assortment of UNPAINTED FURNITURE (Small Pieces) LAMP STANDS, ETC. Decorate these to suit your own taste. Lessons given free. Hand Painted Silk Scarves. Novelty Dresser Sets. DECORATIVE ART WORK SUPPLIES--Clays, Paints, Brushes, etc., can be obtained here. Ee SOHO I Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214YThat means SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOAIER November 1, 1929. E DUNDARAVE LADIES'HOIR The Longer Evenings bring lots TO GIVE GIPSY CONCERT PARTIES SOCIALS and DANCES EsT. I888 't~1'. FOR GAL I GOAL Phone &D. BLACK %Vest 68 What better service can you get? ARINE OTORS 22nd and Alarine Phone AVest 456 First Class Alechanics. The very best repair equipment. and a real desire to give service. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone Nest 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies.