001C984F THE )VEST VAN NEEVS November 1, 1929. iVEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society %Vest Vancouver Bible School Useful Recipes LAWSON'S HALL 17th and Waterfront NEXT SUNDAY nt 3.1$ l'.N. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "TH E CORONATION OF JESUS" Date «nd Apple I'ieCHURCH EDIFICE20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Nother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7,30 p.m. SUBJECT, NOVI,NBER 3rd, "EVERLASTING I'UN ISH ill ENT" Line a pie tin with a good pastry and fill with a mixture of chopped dates and apples, sprinkle over one-half teaspoon- ful of cinnamon and one-lialf cupful of sugar, cover with a top crust anti bake about one half hour in a moderately quick nven. If will pay you to see Grigors'tock fiirst. Mr. King will speak over C K lV X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m. Date PuddingWest 3721410 51arine Drire lVEST VAN. JOTTINGS Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p. m.what the fares are. Some people are bashful about asking ques- tions, and seeing nothing on tneir arrival at Ambleside to en- lighten them as to where or how to go farther, they stroll around uiitil tile iiext fei'rv and return to the city not much impressed with )Vest Vancouver. Consideration might well be given to a more convenient situ- ated wharf in Vancouver--one convenient to the foot of Gran- ville Street. If that is out of the question, why not a landing place in Stan- ley Park and buses to the busi- ness district. Consider the dir- ection in which the business dis- trict is growing. I have wondered why the bus operations were not extended throughout the municipality when the P.G.E. Railway stop- ped running, instead of a private concern being licensed to com- pete with the Municipal trans- portation system. Perhaps it was felt that, inasmuch as the municipal transportation system is operated at a loss, to extend its scope would increase the loss. In the ordinary way of business one would expect to see the bus operations extended, both for their own earnings and as feed- ers to the ferries. However, the West Vancouver system is not run that way, there being an an- nual deficit (due apparently to insufficient traffic or low set- tlers fares) to be made.up out of municipal taxation. Last year for instance, the whole of the system's charges for interest and sinking fund were levied in tax- ation, $16,712.98; nothing was set aside for depreciation esti- mat;ed at $10,272.28 (no deprec- iation fund exists); instead, earnings to the extent of $ 10,- 590.40 were used to buy an eng- ine for one of the boats. Reason enough for not extend- ing the system perhaps; but no reason for not building up thetraffic from the city l Reason aiso for some hard thinking byWest Vancouver taxpayers to help solve it's transportation problem. Mix four ounces of butter with twelve ounces of grated bread- ci umbs, add one pound of stoned and finely chopped dates, six ounces of sugar, one well-beaten egg, one gill of milk and two heaping tablespoonfuls of flour sifted with two small teaspoon- fuls of baking-powder; steam for three hours and serve with a sauce. St. Stephen's Church Unite] Church &Iinistei E A Henry D D Trinity 23 (Nov. 3rd). 8.00 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7.15 p. m. -- Evensong, An- them, ")Vhat Are These in )Vhite Robes" (Stainer). There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, on Sunday at 3 p. m. The monthly meeting of the Diocesan Board of the EUomen's Auxilary will be held next Tues- day at St. Mary's Church, Sap- perton. The 'frail Rangers are holding tlieir monthly supper in the Par- ish Hall tonight. TRANSPORTATION --The I'resent Systein By A. G. Harvey Transportation used to mean the conveyance of prisoner» in iron and chains to some place they did not want to go; now it means the conveyance of our best citizens in ease and comfort to some place they do want to go. Thus meanings change. For a large number of )Vest Vancou- ver folk transportation now means a daily trip by bus and ferry to Vancouver and return; what it may mean in the future will be the subject of a later article. The Municipal transportation system is "nae sae bawd." Some of the boats are getting old; most of the buses are a little shaky and a little noisy, and sometimes a little hard on the passengers'ear bumpers; but where else can one get such a boat ride for 8 7, 10 cents or a bus ride for 3 cents? Time schedules are well kept and the men are careful and courteous. l understand accidents have been few, with no loss of life ever. The great dangers are of collision to the boats in fog and of buses overturning by collision or run- ning into the ditch. I have wondered why the boat trip to EVest Vancouver is not advertised in tourist circulars or in the Vancouver papers with the object of boosting the traf- fic and reducing the annual de- fiicit. The tourists (and Vancou- ver people) thus attracted would help the traffic on boats and bus- es at hours when they have few passengers. For such a short boat trip, it is really beautiful; AVest Vancouver people may get used to it, travelling frequently, but they will miss it if a bridge supersedes the ferries. It is well worth a little advertising. A reduction of the single and return fares would also probably help with traffic from the city. Thirty cents return and 20 cents single is a bit steep. Another suggestion: why not try a sum- mer afternoon trip for tourists around the harbors One wonders too, why there are no notices regarding the bus- es at Ambleside (nor at Vancou- ver). There is nothing to tell the visitor where buses go or Sunday School 10 a. m. 5Iorning Service 11.15 a. m.. Evening Service 7.15 p.m. Anniversary Sunday, Nov. 3rd. Rev. Dr, E. A. Henry, the min- ister will preach. Morning topic, "A Purchased Church." ilIorning solo, Mrs. Colin Mac- Lean, the recitation and aria from St. Paul, "I will sing of Thy Great Mercies,"--Mendelsohn. Anthem, "0 Be Joyful in the Lord." Evening topic, "Pushing the King's Business." Evening duet, "The Lord is My Shepherd," Mrs. H. A. Eager and Miss J. Durbin. Anthem, "The Radiant Morn." Anthem, "0 Come to my Heart Lord Jesus." Solo by Mr. R. Froud. Brown Bread with Dates One egg, one-half cupful of molasses,one cupful of sweet milk, one of sour milk, butter the size of an egg, one-half tea- spoonful of salt, one rounding teaspoonful of soda,one cupful of white flour, one and one-half cupfuls of Graham flour,one cup- ful of corn-meal and one cupful of stoned and chopped dates. Steam for three hours or bake.Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone AVest 252R. Sponge Cake Pudding 3 cups milk 2 eggs &/1, cup shredded cocoanut Lemon or vanilla extract Slices of sponge cake. Cut the cake, which should not be very fresh, in thin slices and arrange in a glass dish, sprinkle with the cocoanut. Heat the milk to a boiling point, mix the eggs and sugar thoroughly and add a tablespoon of cold milk. Pour slowly into the boiling milk and stir until the mixture thick- ens. Pour while hot over the sliced cake and serve with whip- ped cream or jelly. Sunday. Nov. 3rd 10 a. m.--Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 11 a. m.--Morning Worship. Five minute address to child- ren. Pastor will preach, subject "The Travail of the Soul." The regular monthly commun- inn service will be observed at the close. 7.15 p. m.--Song Service. 7.30 p. m.--Evening worship. Subject "God's Search for ™ Lost )Vorld." If you are not attending regu- larly elsewhere come and wor- ship with us. Tuesday, 8 p. m., Young Peoples meeting. Illustrated lec- ture by the Pastor, entitled "Some wonders of the world." Wednesday, 7.30 p. m., prayer and praise, Friday, C. G. I. T., 7 p. m. Last ~veek Hallowe'en had the right of way. Both the C.G.I.T. and the Young People's Association spent enjoyable evenings in the Hall where ghostly figures told for- tunes and prophesied coming fate. The usual apple and other games were followed and an up- to date cafe supplied refresh- ments. Date CakeThe newly decorated hall had no small share in adding to the attractiveness of the occasion. One cupful of sugar, one-half eggs, one-half cupful of milk, a eggs, one-hal fcupful of milk, a pinch of salt, one and three- fourths cupfuls of flour sifted r~ith one-half teaspoonful of soda .".nd one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and one cupful of stoned dates chopped fine. At the Communion service on Sunday last seven new names were added to the church roll. The Annual Thanksgiving shower and Tea in aid of the Girls'edemptive Home in )Vest Burnaby was held on Wednesday afternoon at the Home. A num- ber of the ladies of the United Church did their share in seek- ing to support this very fine kind of Christian work. St. Anthony's Church Date Cream PiePastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. Line a deep tin with rich crust .".nd bake. Then fill with one and one-half cupfuls of stoned and chopped dates mixed with sweet- ened and whipped cream suffici- ent to fill the pastry. Cover the top with a meringue, brown slightly in the oven, and when cold dot with bits of bright red jelly, or the jelly may be cut in stars or other fancy shapes. Reports that the Early Clos- ing By-law is not being observed by all stores of the city were received by the North Vanco»- ver City Police Commission at its r ieeting Tuesday afterrioon. The commission ordered that notice be sent to all firms affected, stat- ing that it is the intention of the police to strictly enforce the by-law. Our Church will observe Aim istice Day with special services next Sunday. As the years pass we are in danger of forgetting the costly sacrifices made by the young men of the Dominion dur- ing the tragic years from 1914 to 1918. I et us not forget the words on so many cenotaphs'They shall be held in everlast- ing remembrance." No man or boy ever passes the cenotaph on Trafalgar Square in London without lifting his hat. AVould it not be possible to cul- tivate that custom in Ca@ada. DUNDARAVE SCHOOL Class I.eaders Grade 1B-- 1. Courtinay Gray 2. Dick Beard, 3. Douglas Leggatt. Grade 1A-- 1. Raymond Lycett. Grade 2B- ].. Olive Robbins, 2. Alma Skerton, 3. Billy Huggins. Grade 2A-- 1. Ruth McLeod. Grade 3B-- 1. Elsie Robbins, 2. Marshall Burbridge, 3. Frances Devlin. Grade 3A-- 1. Dona Cave, 2. Martha von Zuben, 3. Dale Ericksen. Grade 4B-- 1. Evan Savory, 2. Ichy Hoshino, 3. Patsy Morton. HOLLYBURN Barber ShopWest Vari Ne~s Published Every Friday IN N Ei~lORIAili 16th 4 Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, ProprietorIn loving memory of SophiaElizabeth Garland, who passed away suddenly on the 31st dayof October, 1927. Sadly missed by her husband and family. Business and Editorial Office.'361 Marine Drive Phone West 363 Next Monday evenoig theYoung People have as their sub- ject a Thanksgiving and. Armis- tice message, "The five kernels of corn" dealing with the Puri- tan Pilgrim," Thanksgi~~ing will be dramatized and the "Paris Pact will be discussed. Tulameen, $12 ton Have you tried the Famous Established on North Shore 20 Years.Mail hddreaa: P. O. Boz 101, Hollyburn, B. C. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON (funeral Itreftnrs Newcastle Drumheller COAL Publishers H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVB SVest 363 West 412L Mrs. Abbott, wife of MickeyAbbott of the Richfield Gas Sta- tion, Marine and 15th, left the hospital yesterday and with her riewly born daughter is spending a week with her mother„Mrs. G. A. Stock of Lynn Valley, before returning to her horne b,ere. It will give you all the Heat you want It s Clean too North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B D WHITE Ngr Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 $ L00 a year by mail or carrier, News. stands 6c per copy. Hobb Coal L Transfer (Bob Black) Phone West 17. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION There's nothing just as comfortable as a GOOD SWEATER. We have a big variety--Pull-over and Cardigan--for i~Iisses, Children, Women a»d ilIen, Prices to suit every purse. HOSIERY for every member of the family at Money Savin/, Values.