001C984F THE WEST VAN NEWS November 1, 1929. 24th and hfarino I'hone: IVest 469 17th and hlarine I'hone: IVest 46 Golden hleadoiv Butter 3 lbs. $ 1.32 Old Dutch Cleanser. per tin... 9c Red tt'. Ivhite Tea, per lb.. 56c Red & N'hite Coffee, lb. 56c Brown Rice Flakes,.... 2 pkgs. 25c . Pineapple.................. 3 tins 29c Fancy Crosby Corn .. 2 tins 37c Toilet l'aper ...............,... 4 for 25c Serv-us Flour........ 24 lb. Sack $ 1.25 l'eel: Finest IVhole hlixed, lb. 28c For Friday and Saturday Sultanas, Fancy I)leached, lbg 15c Currants--Finest .... 2 lbs. for 25c Shelled Walnuts, lb. ... 35c Shelled Almonds, lb................ 54c Tomato Soup ................ 2 tins 21c Soap: Glycerine N I'umace, 2 cakes 15c hlincemeat ........................ 2 lbs. 33c Biscuits, Christiess Raisin Gems, per lb ...................................... 27c Cooking Onions ..... 8 lbs. for 25c Smith 's i~rocery A. EEARVEY ShlETH, Proprietor. DUNDARAVE „.:„',",",„", HOLLYBURN ~IARBI CGE Or SIISS DONNA HUDSON A quiet lieddlng took place onSaturday evening, 19th ultimo atSt. Stephen's Church, when Don- na Alfredo, only daughter of Mr. Joseph Hudson, became the brideof Mr. Lloyd Clement, eldest sonof Mr. and AIrs. L. Ms Clement,23rd and Haywood, Rev. A.Harding Priest officiated. Given in marriage by her father, thebride &vore an ensemble of mon- et blue and sand satin with a felthat to match, and her bouquet divas of Ophelia roses, lily of thei alley an(l chrysanthemums. Thebride and groom ivere attende(l by ill. and iMrs. Dunbar, at whose honle the Iveddlllg supper was hei(l following the ceremony, covers being laid for fourteen. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Clement spent their honeymoon in Seattle «n(1 have since returned to take up residence on East Beach. Lamb Beef Pork Government Inspected Only. (Two Stores for your service) Hollyburn Store gest 3 g ii Ambleside Stare gest 303 c ut" tt:tn't SERVICE Everything for the Building. The taste lingers when you buy it from Jefferies The very best quality only. Once a customer, always a customer. .EFFERIES'UPP(IOR .FEATS 'h iJ Idg...it , 'Ill I IS Purveyors of Finest Quality Government Inspected BEEF, LAMB, VEAL PORK and POUL I'RY Caj'J West ).90 DAILY DELIVERIKS TO ALL PARTS Next to Piggly SViggly FORTUNE CUP INN DUNDARAVE E. G. GROOihl, Prop. Furnished Heated Suites with or without board. Room for Club Meetings and Card Parties EVedding Parties catered for Ladies Bridge Clubs arranged Phone West 339 johnston--tsttrmenter Miss Fdna Grace, daughter of Mr. and AIrs. E. Johnston of New Westminster, was united in mar- riage with Mr. Cecil H. Parmen- ter at the United Church on wednesday afternoon, 23rd 0"- tober, Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry of- ficiating. The matron of honor was Mrs. G. F. Davis, the groom being suppoi ted by Mr. Basil Hall. The bride's dress was a beige ensemble with hat to match, and she &vore a corsage bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Parmenter left immediately aft- er the ceremony for the South, going by motor. J UNIOR FOOTBALL RESULTS The following were the results of the various games in the jun- ior football league last Saturday: First Division Elks 3, )Vest Vancouver 2. Second Division )Vest Vancouver 10, Kingsley 0. Blue Birds 11, All Blacks0. IVhitewings 1, Capilano 0. Third Division Blue Birds 9, wanderers 0. West Vancouver 5, United 0. St. Johns 1, Kingsley 0. Deserve the AVorst Molly--AVon't you play some- thing more, Professor? The Professor -- It's getting late. I shall disturb the neigh- bors. Molly--Oh, it doesn't matter about them--they poisoned our cat last weekl AMBLESID E Lumber Co. Lttl. hfarine Drive at 16th Phone %Vest 199 Branch of ExceLsior Lumber E; Shingle Co. Ltd. COUNCILLOR JACKi&IAN'S REI'ORT (Continued from Page 1) Hence we have Gross Loss on Reds or their equivalent ...........................................$8,149.15Hence ave have Gross Loss on School Tickets ....... 514.42Hence ive have Gross Loss on Cash Fares.......... 991.65 9,655.22Less, profit accruing from 165,900 at 10c $182.49Less, profit accruing from Blues .......... $ 9.55 192.04 Gross Total loss .....................................................$9,463.18 Less 1928 total loss of .............................. 2,432.18 Leaving gross net total loss of ...........................$7,031.00As only the 10c basic fare (except the blues) would show any profit, namely .11 of a cent per ticket it ~vould be neces-sary to carry 6,327,900 fares to establish the Status, quo ante. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. MOORE JACKMAN, Chairman of Transportation Committee. SASH DOORS ROOFIiVG BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Hoard Heaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Alarine LlllIITED Phone YVest 115 Residence Phone: &Vest 368L. RE I,IA BI LITY ~% ~~~~~~ a% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a% ~~~~~ a% a% ~ 'ty gO & try ly a e,~ Sc L T;. T S'T 5 /g|', A 'Y C TY 7" ~ . ', ' ~ IF there is anything in the suggestion that heeause electric light costs so much in one city, it should not cost any more in another, then it would be logical to make all lighting rates in every city the same. Then those municipal plants, such as in Seattle, where they charge St/& cents a kilowatt hour, and Los Ange- les, where they charge 5 cents, and all over British Columbia, where they charge 8 to 15 cents, would need to make drastic cuts in their rates. The fact is, of course, that electric light rates are not like cameras or safety razors or chewing gum whose prices are standardized over the whole continent. Were this so, people in Vancouver would pay the average of 7t/~ cents a kilowatt hour rather than 4 cents and 2 cents a kilowatt hour as at present. Electric light rates are fixed on the fairest basis- the cost of service. If physical conditions make generating and distributing costs low, the public gets the benefit. In the final analysis, the cost of electric light depends upon the way nature has assisted or impeded the generation of electricity by waterpower. As waterfalls may be cheap or expensive to developg there ls no reason why one city should have the same rates as another. IhtTIsHCoimeM ',"'. Bzcnnclbuwm Co. VANCOUVER " VICTORIA GW 5 29 BUY FROM THE Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization irl 8.6. Material for 100 ft. fence, delivered .........................$ 13.001" Rough boards, per M.... 8.00 1ts Dressed boards, per M. 11.00 2x4, any lengths, per hL.... 11.00 Shiplap, good grade, per M 11.00 1x6 Drop siding, per M.... 13.00 1x3 and 1x4 F 1 ooring, long lengths, hL ............ 13.00 1x3, 4 and 6" V-joint, long lengths, M............. 13.004" Gutter, per ft..............07 1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100 ft. .............. ........ . ........... .50 1x2 Fir D.D. clear, 100 ft..50'k V-joint pong lengths per M........................... 11.00 1x6 T. Q G. Flooring, per M............................... 13.00'k 'hiplap, good, per M.. 12.00 Wall Shingles, per M......... 1.25 No. 1 XXX Shingles, M... 3.50 Sectional Garages, 10x16 delivered .......................... 45.00 Gyproc, Plaster Board, Fir Ven- eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Papers, etc. We give Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders TABLE No. 1 Total Trips 20920x25 78150x2. 847x25 526x20 523,500 9,600 156,300 8,675 10,520 86,134 744,729 Total Operating Cost $44,183,40 810.24 13,191.72 732.17 887.80 3,049.70 $62,855.03 Gross Total Cost $51,774.15 949.44 15,457.07 857.95 1,040.42 3,572.65 $73,651.68 I'er Ticket Centage Sold Red ............. 70.8 20920 Single ........... 1.8 9600 Returns...... 20.9 78150Blues....... 1.2 847 School ........... 14 526 Cash Fares...... 4.9 36134 av. 100. 109,543 Net surplus operating ..... Price Price I'er Trip $2.00 8c .20 20c .80 15c 2.50 10c 1.00 5c 7 ly 7 av. 7 ly7 No. of Tl I ps 523,500 9,600 156,800 8,675 10,520 86,134 744,729 Cash I'roceeds $41,880.00 1,920.00 23,445.00 867.50 526.00 2,581.00 $71,219.50 62,855.03 $ 8,354.47 Loss 2,308.40 361.80 468.70 $3,133.90 Gross Profit Loss $ 9,894.15 $ 1,109.76 10,253.28 185.33 514.42 991.65 $ 11,498.37 $ 11,400.22 3,133.90 8,968.04 $ 8,354.47 $2,482.18 Profit 970.56 7,987.98 9.5 $8,968.04 $73,651.68 71,219.50Net Gross deficit on tickets sold.................... ~ .~....$ 2,482.18 Depreciation not taken into account. 1928 Per Cost per Passenger per trip Total Tickets Centage Operating Total Sold Red 25 trips . 70.3 8.44 9.89 20,920 Single 1 . " 1.3 8.44 9.89 9,600 Returns 2 " 20.9 8.44 9.89 78,150 Blues 25 " 1.2 8.44 9.89 347 School 20 " 1.4 8.44 9.89 526 Cash Fares .. 4.9 8.44 9.89 36,134 Total......................... 100. 145,677 TABLE No. 2 1928 TICKETS SOLD