001C9844 "Prices Consistent]v Lo&v" FREE DELIVERY I„i"„Iq Si"„I,'. ',Ip",'.:] I" i"„ I„,'. 'S Tsvo Stores in lVest Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and hlarine Drive 1442 Illarine Drive 6'est 405 AVest 16 Brooms, 6 string, only ............ 36c Canned Peas ................ 3 tins 51c ilfincenieat, new season's 2 lbs. 35c Baking Powder, Dr. Price', 12 oz tin 48c Floor EVax, Johnson's, 1 lb. tin 63c Reckitts Blue, packet........,....... 5c Christie's Biscuits-- 1 lb. pkt. assorted............ 35c 2 lbs. Jubilee Snaps .... 35c Cream Sodas, tin .................... 12c EXTRA SPECIAL OFFEI4! 6 ¹ice Glass Tumblers 4 cakes AVitch Haxel Soap All for 45c Sunmaid Raisin Special, 16 oz. pkt. Seedless .................................... lie Nectar .................................. 14c Seeded .............................. 15c Puffed ...................................... 15c 1 Popping Corn ........, 2 lbs. 17c ! Oxo Cubes, tin ........... 10c and 25c Chloride of Lime, tin.......... 12c EXTItA SI ECIAI S Cash or C.O.D. Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin.... 10c I"ine Indian Broken Pekoe Tea, I b. ......,...................................... 4 Sc Roval Crown Soap, bar........ I ', qc Jif Soap Flakes, packet............ 18c C.G. Butter .............. 3 lbs. $ 1.29 B. C. Gran. Sugar .....,..... 5 lbs. 30c Roman Meal, per pkt... 32c Lifebuoy Soap, cake............ 7c Vi-Tone, S oz. tin .........., . 30c 16 oz. tin ........................... 19c i hfalkin's Best Coffee, tin........... 53c Needs No Pre +ms. Poor Hunting A party of cockney sportsmen &vent domn into the country for a day's shooting. They asked the keeper if there mas much game about. "We]]," he replied, "we had one hare some months ago, but so many of you town gentle- men have been shooting at it lately that I fancy it got fright- ened and left the parish." Call at the UNION GAS STATION (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and hlarine %Vest 212 SERVICE I)IBI.E SCHOOL INVITES YOU ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON This is by Mr. gof the School The n office eet and The Salvage of Israe]. the topic to be spoken on Percy King at the meetin West Vancouver Bible next Sunday afternoon meeting is in the Lawso at the foot of 17th Str starts at 3.15 p. m. A cordial invitation is eR to the people of West ver to be present. Alr. an eloquent and int speaker and he has .'pecia] study of the su his discourse. extend- Vancou- King is cresting made a bject of Little Town Girl: "Please, Mr. Farmer, is that pig engaged?" Farmer: "Er, why?" Little Town Girl: "She has a ring through her nose." GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS 'pWIZ, 6O OoVvH ~@&~- INTO THE C.ELLA+ lt'5 AN'iRIH& ME QNI~g jf~~)g~ VI SOhhK SARK POTATOES 9owN WERa QK HAM~%~i ='e vau f(& A4INK I WAS AFRAID Ol THE DARIC. WHEN I WAS 2 Qovg AQEp How Do I lgHow,PoP. ~~q))) l DlD'HT /j~Know YoV ~ p~are You There are plenty of improvements that can be made in the cellar with long wearing lumber from "A'.: .AY" And in other parts of the house, too. LOOK AROUND. ~ ~.I'I+I 1=4% „;iS i k CAl.'..A)0 '..'.5'.4 CO. I.]l'1). Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 FRIDAY - SATURDAY. MONDAY SPEGIALS AT BOTH STORES THE WEST VAN NEWS I I'RSOX&r.S F. J. Jackson of North Vancou- ver is clearing a lot on Travers avenue a»d waterfront, prepar- atory to building there shortly. Eight pictures, which are re- productions of the McGinnis his- torical set in the library of the University of B. C. and which have beeii presented by the P.T. A., are being hung in the corri- dors of the Inglewood school. D. Souter of Hamilton, Oritario, has purchased a lot at 26th aiid Haywood. 31r. and Airs. A. L. Jamieson, 15th and Esquimalt, are moving shortly to Search Narrows, Reid Island. Mrs. J. 3I. Morgan, widow of the late Professor Morgan, has moved from her house on the East Beach to Vancouver. ~ 0 illr. and Airs. Lloyd Clement who were married last Saturday returned this week from a hon- eymoon trip to Seattle and have started liousekeeping in their home on the East Beach. Horace Rhodes, who is employ- e&i in Victoria, is at his home here nursing an injured foot. He has to use crutches. Miss Phyllis Neale who has made her home in West Vancou- ver for some time has been trans- ferred from Vancouver to the local telephone staff. Miss Ruth Hill, Bellevue and 13th, is an- other operator who has been tiansferred from Vancouver to EVest Vancouver. The Richfield Mystery car, which was here last Tuesday aft- ernoon, will return tomorrow- Saturday~vening and will give a programme of music from 7 to 9.30 in front of the Richfield sta- tion--Mickey's Garage--at 15th and Marine. Mr .and Mrs. R. B. Cripps have as their guest their niece and her husband, Mrs. and Mr. Chas. Hudson of Calgary, Alta. Mr. Hudson was C.N.R. agent at Jas- per, Alta., last summer. Mrs. H. A. Eager, 22nd and Fulton, received this week the certificate awarded her by the H. C. Musical Festival. Mrs. Eager, who is a pupil of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, was in the mezzo soprano class. Mrs. W. Tinney, 19th and Waterfront, started for Chicago last wednesday to pay an ex- tended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Leonard. Mrs. Tinney will probably be away until the be- ginning of March. Mr. and Mrs. Bulkley, Dundar- ave, had as visitors last Sunday, Nr. Craig, who is connected with the "Sun," and his bride of a month. Mr. and Mrs. Craig are going to take up residence perm- anently in West Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Hunt moved last week from 15th and Bellevue to a house at 16th and Waterfront. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE Last Friday the first of a series of ten debates for the championship shield be- twen the various classes at Ii glewood school. In this first debate Grade 10 defeated Grade 10 Commercial, the subject be- ing: "Resolved that high school students should study Latin." Grade 10, who took the affirma- tive, were represented by Betty Edwards and Mary O'Donne]i, the losers'eam being Ila Gas and and Joyce Herrin. Octobei 25 1'l29 iVEST VAN. JOTTINGS lay A. G. Harvey V'OLLYHURN RIDGE IIollyburn Peak 4345 f t. high. Black Mountain 3992 ft. high. West Vancouver has within its boundaries two mountain peakse moved into the ]iigher than Grouse Mt. (3974g o at25thand Be]- ft.) In fa t accor]ing to th Provincial Government's new contour map of the North Shorehe swimming tank at Dun- bout half th area of West Vari-'e Piei', was towed on iVed- couver lies at altitudes of 1500 feet or over . As this upper ha]fbour, where it wi]1 remain until f th M l t ]l f years be unsuitable for residen- tial purposes owing to climateMrs. Edwards 21st and Belle- and expense of water supp]y, itsmoved last week to Van- possibi]ities ]ie more in the dir-couver. ection of use as large natural parks or for water supply to theMrs. Sma]]wood of Vancouver areas be]ow.has moved into the Richardson A good dea] has been said re-house at 23rd and Lawson. garding the suitability of Ilo]]y- burn Ridge for park purposes The high school seniors p]ayed and similarly a great deal mighttheir return rugby match with be said regarding the Black the sophmores on Thursday, Mountain area which lies to the 17th instant, at lng]ewood schoo] North West, separated by the defeating them by a score of 8-0. Cypress Creek valley. However, the first thing to do in this con- Mrs. T. B. Turner gave a paity nection as was well pointed out on Saturday evening at hei home by Slunicipa] Engineer Duncan at 2690 slathers Avenue. A in an article in this paper dur- most enjoyable time was spent ing the summer, is to determine in music and dancing and re what, if any, of these high lands freshments were served during will be needed for water supply the evening. Among those pres- purposes, since th t n d Lora]]oyd and soll Jack, Ml. Fairwell, and Mi. Combs a]] of to create a large reservoir y ancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Montgomery, Dr. and Mrs. Gor y e en o Ridge, and a board under the wards, Mr. Leslie Murray. control of the Provincial Govern-V. Mayes of Vancouver has ment has been urged. This, Itaken the Brown house at 21st think, wou]d be a mistake unlessand Bellevue and mill shortly adequate financia] support by thetake possession. government mere assured. Al- though the greater part of theD .H. Beatty, 16th and Mar- high lands are owned either byine Drive, has leased the Stev- thegovernmentor the Municipal-enson bungalow at 22nd and Be]- ity probably some privately omn-]evue. ed land would have to be acquir- ed; and besides there mould beMr. and Mrs. J. B. Foottit have the expense of roads, patro]s,moved from 1147 Keith Road to etc. I doubt whether much fin-a new house at 11th and Esqui- ancial assistance could be expect-ma]t. The Hobb Transfer Co. did ed from the government as thethe moving. park would be too much a Van-e cGUver affair, and there wou]d beThe West Vancouver Scottish little use in having a park boardSociety is giving a dance late in without finances. The GaribaldiNovember. Park Board has been in that pos- ition ever since it was createdMrs. W. Burton-Forster, 17th notwithstanding that Garibaldiand Mathers, is confined to her properly is a provincial park andhome through sickness. one of wonderful possi4i]ities M& suggestion is that if the Mrs. A. F. Conroy, of Minne- Municipality is financially able to apolis, Minn., has been the guest undertake it these highlands of Mrs. Priest at St. Stephen's (not required for water supply) rectory during the past meek. be turned into a MuniciPal Park and be administered by the coun- IRS. J. D. TAIT TO PLACE cil or by a municipal park board.If it is not a wise undertakingAVREATH FOR LEGION for the Municipality (and IHERE, ON CENOTAPH doubt that it is) then why not IN LONDON ENGLAND let the Vancouver Parks Board take over the lands and admiii- e Canadian Legion here re- ister as Part of their Park system ceived a letter by air mail on They have the administrative Tuesday from Mrs. J. D. Tait, machinery, the park reputation who with her husband is holi- (Stanley Park is known the daying in the Old Country, ask- »or]d over) and the money. Van- ing permission to place a wreath «uver people are the great users on their behalf which she very « these lands, why shouldn' kindly offered to supply on the Vancouver assume the financial cenotaph in London, England. and administrative responsibi]i- She stated that she had seen a ties. West Vancouver would lose number of wreaths from other nothing by such an arrangement cities placed on the cenotaph, but, have everything to gain. and would like to place one there mou]d be able to enjoy the park on behalf of the Legion branch ~vithout having the expense of here. A letter was sent toheron it and mou]d benefit from the Wednesday by air mail in reply, «ve]opment of it and the in- thanking her for her kind offer creased traffic to it. and enclosing the card which she requested, the same being in- Not So Queer scribed as follows. "Here's something queer," said the dentist who had been dril"In Alemoriam ling and drilling into a tooth.The Canadian Legion "You said this tooth had never &Vest Vancouver Branch been filled, but I find flakes ofBritish Columbia'old on the point of my drill." This wi]] enab]e Mrs. Tait to "I knew it." moaned the pati- p]ace the wreath on the cenotaph ant. "You'e struck my collar for Armistice Day. button."