West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Oct 1929, p. 5

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001C9844 October 25, 1929. THE NEfiT VAN NrwS "%Vhat History Each Musty Pile PorirayS-" In a language eloquent to those who can interpret their some- what hi~roglyphic characters, .'hese o!d prescription files tell of many a crisis in the lives of the people of th. community, from childhood to old age, and they often bear silent testimony to devoted service in the hour of emergency by physician and pharmacist. IVhile the Prescription Drug- gist must often combine the duties of merchant and profes- sional man in order to maintain his pharmacy. his chief pride is in the w'ork he does back of his rescription counter, surrounded y medicinal agents gathered from all quarters of'he globe to combat disease and promote th» health uf mankind. FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small I'hone IVest 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E. IIEID, Manager New Building--Corner Marine and 14th ilIAN Y DISTRICTS NOSY ENTERIiNG AI'PI.E SHOWY TO Ol'EN ON YOV. 27 ~lore space will be required for the forthcoming apple show at Hastings I'ark, November 27 to 30, as already some large entries have been received from the as- sociations ivithin the province aiid individual entries from growers in washington and Ore- gon. The competition in the district exhibit will again be a feature of the show. At least six dis- tricts of the Okanagan will be represented and it is expected that some of the associations i» IVashingto» and Oregon will ent- er in this section. Entries of chrysanthemums, cyclamen, primulas and ferns are cc ming in rapidly, a»d a very fine display will greet the vision. g +a'h ~ .I vl v NOTICE is hereby given that any person found dis- figuring or destroying pub- lic or private property or interfering with the Street lighting at IIallowe'en or any other time will be prosecuted to the full ex- tent of the law. CIIIEF CONSTABLE OIL .(ic x ie c and ,(ic 1 U 3e "I'artners ln I'ower" S!RV Ci STA'l'Oi 15th and i41arine I'hone IVest 130 i~fr. and bfrs. lfagnus Ross, who have been living for some months at their ranch at 24th and Ottawa, have moved back tn their home at 24th and Haywood. 0 0 0 A daughter was born to .'lfr. and ilfrs. ~ficky Abbot, hfarine Drive at Ambleside, on Iionday «t the North Vancouver Nursing home. Both mother and child are making good progress. 0 0 0 The Ex-High basketball team last week played the team of the Normal School in the Inglewood gymnasium. It was a good game, the visitors winning by a score of 29 to 21. 0 0 0 The infant son of Mr. and ibfrs. J. II. Fletcher, 15th and Gordon, was brought back home on Sun- day from the North Vancouver General Hospital, where he has been undergoing treatment for a broken thigh received in a fall off the verandah steps. 0 A cabin near the forestry look- out on Hollyburn Ridge, was de- stroyed by fire early on Sunday evening. The fire was distinctly visible from Marine Drive. 0 0 Harry Atkins, formerly of IVest Vancouver, but now a resi- dent of williams Lake, was a visitor in the district here last week. He was most enthusiastic about williams Lake, where he stated a large hotel is now in course of construction. 0 0 ~ Naomi Chapter No. 26, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold their annual tea and sale of work and home cooking in the hfasonic Hall on Tuesday, November 12th. In the evening a military whist drive will take place commencing at 8.30. I'IANOFORTE RECITAL HY I'UPILS OF AIRS. CLARA iVILSON ilfrs. Clara wilson announces the first of the monthly piano- forte recitals for the season 1929- 30 to be given by her pupils at her home studio, 2367 5farine Drive on Saturday, November 2nd at 8.15 p. m. AI'I'LE TREE SI'ECIAL E. S. Gamage well known to the people of Vancouver as an horticulturist and grower, adver- tises this iveek a special of 3 «nd 4 year old apple trees, ready to bear, at $ 1.00 each. EVhips 35 cents each. Shrubs, Roses and Ornamentals are offered at reas- onable prices. The Nursery is located on Mar- ine Drive just west of the Capil- ano bridge. I'olice Court Notes At the police court this week George Bushard and P. E. Good- child, both of Vancouver, were fined $ 15 each for driving to the common danger and Henry Max- well of Vancouver was fined $ 10 for having no license in his car. Gonne Here and kl:eat Up The Famous 4fr. and 3frs. Lacompte and family have taken a house at 17th and waterfront. AV. J. wilson, 25th and Marine Drive, has returned from Lake Louise, where he spent the sum- mer . The grand stand oii the pier at Dundarave pier has been remov- ed by the municipal board of works for the winter months. The Pauline Johnson Senior football team defeated the Hol- lyburn Seniors Thursday after- noon, 17th instant, on the Holly- burn grounds by a score of 5 tc 0. Gordon Ashe was the star performer for the victors, scor- ing 4 goals. ~ 0 0 Gertrude Nash, daughter of Dr. and i~frs. A. C. Nash, has recently received a certificate from the B. C. ~fusical Festival, where in the pianofore class this year for children under 11 years, she came second among twenty- eight entrants. She also wo» honors this summer at the Royal Academy examinations. Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge is her teacher. Henry Davison, 24th and Hay- wood, is moving into a house at 1r th and Inglewood. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. EV. Ravenor, who have been residing in Vancouver, have moved into R. C. Procter's house at 30th and waterfront, which they purchased recently. 0 0 0 AU. Carley, 22nd and Marine Drive, was confined to his house at the beginning of the week through sickness. 4 william Russell, who is at present located in Victoria, spent the iveek end here on a visit to his sisters. A mourning dove was seen a» Saturday in the patch of bush beside the creek at 19th and 5Iarine Drive. This is a migra- tory bird which, although found from Southern Canada to Pana- ma, is generally scarce, and very seldom seen in IVest Vancouver. It is a small edition of the pas- senger pigeon, which bird is now extinct. 3fr. Caldwell, who has been re- siding at 11th and Mathers, moved on Saturday to 14th and Ingle wood. A fishing boat with the nets down drifted on Saturday into the waters near the shore at Caulfeild. On being examined it was found to contain the body of an aged fisherman, who had evid- ently died a short time before aihile in the act of putting down his nets. He was later indentified «s David Melville, who resided in Vancouver and was in his 72nd year. Under the circumstances it was decided unnecessary to hold an inquest, the deceased having died from natural causes. 0 4 A. Chilton, who recently won Loth the first and fourth prizes i» the Ambleside Fishing Compe- tition, has refused to take more than one prize, and on account of this sportsmanlike action the fourth prize has been aivarded to J. Don, while the fifth goes to L. Edmonds. P ER$ 05'ALS Correspondence If USHROO~I TESTS Editor, AUest Van News. ~fany thanks for the insertion rr The ibfushrooms. For the benefit of readers, my own two tests are to sprinkle salt on the pink gills and in an hour or two they will turn black if they are the true species. The seconrl proof is when cooking to place a silver article (spoon preferred) in with them and if it remains clear and bright they are mush- rooms. It is a ~vonderful season I hear from several just now, and they are a fine wholesome deli- cac) . i&I. BULKLEY. SCOTTISH SOCI ETY Robt. Reid Re-elected I'resident The Annual General ~hfeefing of the IVest Vancouver Scot'.i.'h Society was held in the Clachan on the 18th inst., at 8 p.m. Despite the popular counter attraction, a fairly large attend- ance favorably received the re- ports on the various activities of the Society during the past year. The election of the officers (or tlie 1929-30 session re~ulte.l as I'ollows:--Hon. President, ~fr. J. Harte; President, ilfr. Robt. keid; Vice-President, ~fr. J. ~fc- Ewan; Secretary, hfrs. Alexand- t r Henderson, Afarine Drive; As- sistant Secretary, i41r. Alexander Henderson; Treasurer and Lib- rarian, i~frs. V. Nightingale. ilfembership Committee, i~fr. J. Fiddes, Mrs. Christie and Mrs. Reid. Dfessrs Chisholm and El- gar were appointed Auditors. A pleasing feature of the meet- ing was a daintily decorated tea table centred with a large bowl of Calendula surrounded by candles set in silver candlesticks. )Irs. Harte and i~fiss Kerr pre- sided at the pouring of the tea and the serving of refreshments. A syllabus of lectures and soci- al entertainment is already be- ing considered and on interesting session is anticipated. 3HOIO GIPPH S z r Forn cI' opOrtt t. l'OR Christmas :3hatagraphs THE + w~c,p ~ r ~ -& ~ s, + jg7+ ~,.„'.;,~ Stt1dlo V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings Street, %est, I hone Seymour 10l6. Cs 6 6 0} Hallowe'en ,'ies ant Ca.~es Stratton's famous "(}ANALITY" kind. Leave your orders for special Pies and Cakes. You get f'ull value when you buy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. I'HONE %VEST 27 And our Delivery man will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY AM BLESIDE BIt.?,lARDS at CHETS'4th, near Ferry Landing. Duncan Larson Chapter I.O.D.E. Tenth Annual HOLLYBURN PAVILION FRIDAY, NOWEilIBER 1st MASQUERADE, PRIZES. REFRESHMENTS ORCHESTRA "The Arcadians" Admission 75c. KVe are exclusive agents for Steinway, Ileintxman, I'rancis Bacon and KVheelock Grand~ from Complete E'oui Hovfe.with a M1ll/ Pl0110 General Auto Repairing 24-Hour Towing Service. IIOLLY BURN Barber Shop 16th 4 Marino EX I EI(T SEIt VICE E. MARS)I, Proprietor Newcastle Drumheller COAL lvlll give you all the Heat you want. It's Clean too. flobb Coal II Transfer (Bob I3hck) Phone IYest 17. CHILDREN'S DANCING CLASS Aftss kathleen Ellis who con ducts a childreii's Dancing Class and Physical Culture in Dundar- «ve IIatl each Saturday morning at 11 a. m. announces that pupils will be accepted for the half term i.e. from now until Christmas. 657 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. !) 725. J.W. KELLY PIANO CO. Llhl IT CD "The EIomr of Ihr GranJ Piano"