West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Oct 1929, p. 2

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001C9844 THE WEST VAN NEWS Qc f obev 25, 1929. Hallowe'en Supplies Firecrackers «nd Novelties. A good selection of things for the party. 1410 hlarine Drive AVest 372 EASTERN STAR DANCE iVELI. ATTENDED Flannel Dresses for Ladies ancj Children. Underwear--Medium and Heavy-- for every member of the family. )VEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn This Society is n Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7,30 p.m. SUMECTi OCTOBER 27thi "PROBATION AFTER DEATH" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p. m. United Church hIinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. %Vest Vancouver Bible School LAiVSON'S HALL 17th and ivaterfront NEXT SUNDAY at 3.16 1'. hl. Leader MR. PERCY KING i)i it ili ~ i i ~ I SOjil E GOOD I Ui&11 KIN RECIPES Pumpkin PiesSubject: "THE SALVAGE 11,'t, C. Cooked pumpkirir/ c. sugarOF ISRAEI." 1 c. rich milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten hlr. King will speak over r/r, tsp. saltC K iV X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7 30 "r. tsp. nutmeg Line pie plate with pastry ancl pour mixture in. Bake in a mocl- St. Stephen's Church The dance given last Friday evening by the Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was a very enjoyable affair. The Hol- lyburn Pavilion, where the dance took place, had been specially decorated for the occasion. There was a good attendance of guests who thoroughly appreciated the music played by the orchestra. Following the interval for sup- per, a number of favors were distributed among the dancers which added greatly to the fun of the evening. "THE DESERT SONG," VITAPHONE'S FIRST OPERETTA COhIING TO LONSDALE THEATRE The wonders of Vitaphone are presented in new guise in "The Desert Song," the brilliant oper- etta which takes its place as the first musical play ever transfer- red to the screen in its entirety. Warner Brothers, pioneers of the talking picture, have taken another step fomvard in the pro- duction of this famous stage play accompanied by all the tuneful melodies of Sigmund Romberg, its composer, played by the Vita- phone Symphony Orchestra, and with a magnificent chorus of one hundred voices. The use of such a large num- ber of people brought up new problems in voice recording, but the difficulties were surmounted with complete and astonishing success, and the result was a Vitaphone production which far excells all previous efforts. "The Riff Song" and all the other inspiring choruses of "The Desert Song" come to the audi- ence in volume as melodious as it is remarkable. The desert set- tings are exceptionally beautiful. Important roles in this epoch- making production are played by John Boles, Carlotta King, Louise Fazenda, Johnny Arthur, John Miljan, hIarie Wells, Jack Pratt, Myrna Loy, Edward Mar- tindel, Otto Hoffman, Robert E. Guzman and Del Elliott. "The Desert Song" was directed by Roy Del Ruth and Harvey Gates made the screen adaptation. It will be the attraction at the Lonsdale Theatre Thursday, Fri- day, Saturday next week. THB West Van 1Vems Published Every Friday Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marina Drive Phone iVest 363 Mail hddreee: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Publishers H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE West 363 )Vest 412L j1.00 a year by mail or carrier, Newa- stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION I'reserved PumpkinTrinity 22 (October 27th) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School ancl Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Matins. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. On Friday Nevember 1st, All Saints'ay there will be a cele- bration of the Holy Communion at 10.30 a. m. G lbs. pumpkin G lbs. white sugar 1 lemon ': oz. ginger root. Cut pumpkin into inch strip~ half-inch thick. Put into a kettle v;ith the sugar ancl let stand 24 hours. Cut the lemon very thin, bruise ginger root and let soak in cold water for the same length of time, then put altogethev. Cook until the pumpkin is trans- pa ver t, and bottle. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Service 11.15 a. m. Ev ning Service 7.15 p. m. Sunday, October 27th, 1929. Dr. Henry will preach. 11.15 a. m.--Holy Communion, hIorning anthem--Jesus Said Unto the People. Solo--hIr. A. J. Addy. 7.15 p.m.--Topic "A Box of Spikenard." Evening anthem--Seek Ye the Lord. Solo, Mr. J. Fiddes. Solo--The Sacred Flame, Mrs. R. Howieson. 10.00 a. m.--Sunday School. A wonderful improvement has been effected in the United Church hall, The walls have been painted a cream white, with a leather colored wainscotting, and a blue stencil. The library has been removed to the former ves- try which has been made into a Sunday School office. The lights have been lowered and made pendent with increased candle power. Pictures, C.G.I.T. and Trail Rangers mottoes adorn the walls. It is a transformed room, the EVomen's Association have drap- ed the windows with becoming curtains. Children's Day was well ob- served last Sunday and the ad- dress in the evening of the Rev. C. H. Shortt, warden of the Ang- lican Theological College, on re- ligious education, was especially appreciated. Preserved Pumpkin Rind Remove the inside of the pumpkin peel the rrnd and cut ir.'to inch squares. Cover with vinegar and let stand for hours. Drain and make a syrup cf the vinegar and brown sugar using three-quarters cup of sug- ar to one of vinegar. Add two teaspoons of clos es tied rn a bag Put the pumpkin in the syrup and boil slowly until it is trans- parent, skimming when neces- sary. If a very sweet product is desired, equal parts of vinegar and sugar may be used. The junior choir which was organized five years ago when the new church was opened, meets as follows:--the girls on Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. and the boys Thursday at 7.30 p. m. in the church. Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry Minister of United Church who was elected Hon. President o. the hIen's Club in West Van- ccuver. The initial meeting was held last Tuesday, there being about 80 men present. One of the groups of the junior auxiliary is now taking an inter- esting course in home nursing. A Hallowe'en Tea and Shower will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, October 29th, at ."i p. m. when articles or goods for the forthcoming bazaar wil lbe gratefully received. Baptist Church Pumpkin Sou fflePastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone AVest 252R. To two cups cooked ancl mash- ed pumpkin, adcl graduallv one cup rich milk. EVhen well blend- ed, add two well-beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste and one tablespoon melted butter. Add lastly the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Pour into buttered dish and bake until firm and brown. To be used as a veget- able. The A.Y.P.A. wil Iplay bad- minton in the Parish Hall on hIonday nights hereafter. Sunday, October 27th. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. Clas- ses for all ages. 11 a. rn. -- Morning worship. Pastor will preach, subject "Spil- "tual Sight." Five minute address to child- ren. 7.15 p. m.--Song service. 7.30 p. m.--Evenirrg worship. Subject "The Poor Man's Mark- ket." A cordial invitation to all. 8. p. m., Tuesday -- Young People's Meeting. 7.30 p. m., Wednesday--Pray- er and praise. 7.30 p. m., Friday--C.G.I.T. Last Monday at the Young People's Association, Dr. Henry gave an addres on the Jenolan Caves of New South Wales illust- rated with mirrorscope views. The wonderful work of Nature in the beautiful and often fan- tastic form which she has sculp- tured out of the rocks through long ages of water action was a delight to behold. A very enjoyable musicale was held at the home of Mr. and Miss Chappell, Caulfeild, pn )Vednes- day night under the auspices of the St. Francis'uild, the num- erous Gilbert & Sullivan items and the Quet from Il Trovator being outstanding numbers in a programme of general excellence. The artists were Mrs. Reginald Band, soprano; Mrs. Nesta Hud- son, contralto; Mr. North West, tenor; hIr. R. W. Hudson, bass; Mr. Donald Campbell, humorist; Mr. Thomas Lyttleton, violinist; and Mr. EVilbur Grant and Mrs. Campbell, accompanists. Squash Pie I&/g c. cooked squash Scant ','. brown sugar lj~ tsp. salt 'r/gtsp. nutmeg &/g tsp. cinammon &/I, tsp. ginger 1 egg '"1, c. vich milk. Next Monday evening a Hal- lowe'en Social will be held. Spooks and fairies will be abroad and a very interesting time is anticipated. I'umpkin iilarmaladeNovember 3rd, is the date ofour Anniversaries of which more in a later issue. Pumpkin marmalade is very much like orange marmalade and is so inexpensive that it is within the reach of every housewife. Cut the pumpkin first into slices and then divide the slices into small pieces. Stew these in a well covered pan with sufficient water to prevent burning. Let the pumpkin simmer till soft erough to be rubbecl through a sieve. Add to every pound nf pulp one-fourth of a pound of the pulp ancl juice of bitter or sweet oianges. Then prepare a syrup with one pound of sugar to a pint of water for each pound of mixed pulp, and boil up till it ad- heres to the spoon. Then add the pulp, and boil the whole for 15 minutes ov less if it reaches the proper thickness cluring that time. St. Anthony's Church 4Ve are looking fonvard to a special Armistice Service on Sun- day 10th November. Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. SVeek Days--Mass 8 a. m. Parents are reminded of the opportunity for musical training afforded by the Junior Choir Class held each Saturday from 10 to 11, under the able leader- ship of Mrs. Colin McLean and hIvs. G. M. Sheffield. All be- tween 8 and 15, both girls ancl boys, are invited to join. Gracious! Farrar: Haven't the Summers a family skeleton?" Mvs. Farrar: "They will have, if she keeps on reducing.' "Say'" yelled the farmer who owned the pond, "Don't you see that sign, 'No Fishing Here'" "I sure do," said the disgusted fisherman. "The fellah that painted that sign knew what he was talking about." At the weekly meeting of the Trail Rangers, Ian Hamilton, Don Stewart, Jack Sheffield and Ronald Irish were the speakers in a debate on the question of "West Vancouver being the most desirable district in Greater Van- couver." hIessrs Brine and Sel- wood acted as Judges while Dr. Henry was the critic. There is material for coming Councillors among the boys. established on North Shore 20 Years. HhRRON BROS. WILLIhMSON funeral Ifrertars QO.. Date Whip Pie Stone dates and acid sufficient v:ater to keep from burning. Stir constantly until cooked soft and dry. Add dessertspoon of sugar and vanilla flavoring. Whip unt.'I cool and flaky. Beat whites of two eggs stiff and add them to the mixture. Line a pie tin with rich date mixture. Cover ivith whipped cream and you will have a delicious pie. Get your ivinter's Supply ilacLEOD RIVER HARD COAl. is Good Coal teston Cartage iVEST 230 hlOVING and TRANSFER North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. iVHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 Daily Trips to City GARDEN MANURE Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie entertained at bridge at her home at West Bay last Friday evening. Mrs. E. J. Pearce, Messinger Block, was a luncheon hostess yesterday, the guest of honor being Mrs. Russell of St. Louis, who is visiting Mrs. Colin Mc- Lean, 19th and Marine Drive. The Capilano Timber Co.'s Social Club is giving a dance to- riight in the Lonsdale Pavilion, North Vancouver. Haywood's orchestra will be in attendance. I. is expected that a large crowd will be present, and all who at- tend are sure of a good time.