West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Oct 1929, p. 8

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001C9844 Smith 's i~rocery A. II ARK EY Shl ITII, I'roprietor. DUNDARAVE „.„'„";„"„, HOLLYBURN 17th nnd hlarino Phone: IVest 46 2-1 th and hlarine I'hone: IYest 469 For Friday an a ur a a'L v,, ~ Christie's Arrotvroot Biscuits, 1 lb. pkg. 3Sc Nabob l'umpkio. pcc iio..... 13c Dates, corp nice, ..... 3 lbs. for 2'.ic Su'ancdou o Cake F'lout, pcr pkp 33c Raisins. Seedless... 2 pkgs. for 25c Cocoanut, per lb.................... 14c Bread and Butter I'ickles, bot. 32c Gsrecn Beans .............. 2 tins 33c ~ Lunch Rolls, ................ 3 for 22c Jelly Beans. per lb................... 18c Jonathan Apples, box............. $ 1.9S Oranges, Juicy Sunkist, 2 dozen .Ilc i hlixed iVuts, per lb........., ...... 24c Cream nf I%heat, pkg.... 20c I'ancake Flour, Aunt Jemima, per pkg........ 20c IVaffle Syrup, large glass jugs, per jug ...................... 35c Both for 49c Sliced I'ineapple, Finest IIaivai- ian: lied k% IVhites per tin.... 27c Herrings, in Tomato Sauce, ......................, ................ 2 tins 35c K ing Oscar Sardincs .... ... 2 tins 29c Regal Salt ..................... 2 for 19c Rosvntret"s Cocoa, !2 lb. tin.... 23c i2 "S '3) 1I'1'I s t c Government Inspected Meats Finest Quality Only HOME CURED HAM AND BACON ONe FACT THAr WK'D UKE'To MEN'AOH IS - YOua ORDER csEfS ATTegT) oN! Deliveries to all parts Ph.one West i.90go+ ~e'f Ir.i E cash for Block 27, D. L. 817, was accepted by the council on the distinct understanding that no improvements by way of roads or otherwise north of the north lire of D. L. 556 are contemplat- ed. Council Notes The municipal solicitor report- ed to the council that the Mc- Kechnie interests frere going to cancel that portion of the sub- division plan of D. L. 558 west part, be)ow the P. G. E. right of way and to file a new plan show- ing the Marine Drive in its prop- er location. The matter was re- ferred to the solicitor and engin- eer. A letter was received by the council on Monday night from Craig, Ladner, Carmichael, Ty- son and Downs representing J. K. Remsen in reference to the fatal auto accident last August at the Sherman bridge. They stated Mr. Remsen's contention, which was that the accident was wholly or partly caused by the )ighting on the highway, the con- struction of the bridge, and the fact that the paved portion of the highway is wider than the bridge, all of which contributed to render the bridge practically invisible and constituting it a trap. The letter was ordered file, a copy of the letter having been handed to the municipal so) icitor. Brown, Fraser 8: Co. wrote the council in reference to the Bar- ton Fire Pump. The matter was referred to the chairman of the fire department and the fire chief. I. J. Boynton's offer of $300 AMBI ESIDE Lumber Co. Ltil. hlarine Drive at 16th I'hone &Vest 199 Branch of Excelsior Lumber E'hingle Co. Ltd. HUNTERS GETTING Si&IALL BAGSBUY FROM THE Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization in B.C. hlaterial for 100 ft. fence, delivered ..........................$13.00I" Rough boards, per hl.... 8.00 1ss Dressed boards, per M. 11.00 2x4, any lengths, per hi..... 11.00 Shiplap, good grade, per I 11.00 1x6 Drop siding, per hI.... 13.00 1x3 and lx4 Flooring, long lengths, M........... 13.00 1x3, 4 and 6" V-joint, long lengths, M............. 13.004" Gutter, per ft.......07 1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100 ft......................................50 1x2 Fir D.D. clear, 100 ft..50 V-joint,long lengths per hI.......................... 11.00 1x6 T. f~Ie G. Flooring, per M............................. 13.00'n" Shiplap, good, per hI.. 12.09 Avail Shingles, per hI.. 1.25 No. 1 XXX Shingles, hI. 3.50 Sectional Garages, lpx16 delivered ........................ 45.00 Gyproc, Plaster Board, Fir Ven- eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Papers, etc. IVe give Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders Pheasant and duck hunters in the Fraser Valley have so far failed to evince any signs of startling success since the sea- son opened on October 15. Re- ports of individual hunters ob- taining their limit are few and far between. The pheasants are none too plentiful and have displayed a ncw line of defense this season. With few exceptions, the birds will not remain long when dogs and sportsmen are known to be ir. the vicinity. As a result, the dogs are given a merry chase when the birds make good speed with their feet, and by the time the pheasant is flushed the ma» with the gun is generally so far in the rear that a shot within reasonable distance is next to im- pc ssible. IVeather conditions have been against duck hunting. The birds are staying we)1 out at the mouth of the Fraser River and in the Boundary Bay and Mud Bay districts. Night f)ights have been practically nil. THE %EST VAN NEWS FEND A I'HOTOGRAI'H FOR CHRISTAIAS Christmas is approaching and t)le problem of Christmas pres- ents of a suitable»ature is once more engaging our attention. It i." indeed a problem to present o»e's relatives and friends with a gift which they wi)) really ap- preciate. So many Christmas gifts are likely to be duplicated, but this cannot be the case with your photo. Thei e is nothing so suitable as the gift of your photo, espec- i11)y in the case of those who are far away from you. The king Studio, 311 Hastings Street Wert. one of the best known f1rms of photographers in Western Canada, is again to the forefront ivith advanced sittings for Christmas photographs. This fir»1 is advising their clients to arrange an appointment now in order to avoid the Christmas rush. The staff of this studio has been augmented and a very busy season is looked forward to, Al) classes of photographic work are attended to, groups, children, singles, enlargements, as well as commercial work. WILL DISCUSS iVATER SUPI'LY SHORTAGE WITH CITY COUNCIL Water supply shortages in cer- tain parts of North Vancouver district will be one of the items the District Council will have placed on the agenda for the next joint meeting of the North 4'ancouver City and District councils, according to a decision i cached wednesday evening. It was reported to the council t)lat Lynn Valley experienced a shortage of water practically all summer and shortage of water on the occasion of three recent fires in Lynn Valley was said to have been a severe handicap to the fire department in fighting the b)aze which destroyed three homes. The council ordered an official report from Fire Chief 4V. 3V. Hemmin~vay with re- spect to the water pressure a- vailable when the three fires took place. Now Showing THEATRE ONS DAL Buddy Roger and Nancy Carroll in CLOSE f-:IAll.V(0)S'Y + Peppy Jazzy Picture NEXT AVEEK BETTY COMPSON in S I'REE'j.'IRL 'I'hu r. Fr i. THE DESERT SONG 7 and 9.10 at night Sat ui day hf a tine e ~ Jp October 25 1929 Lamb Beef Pork Hollyburii store Pest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 c "t "ntputp S ERVICE Everything for the Hui)ding. DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Heaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver . ulll &er Co. 15th and AIarine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L. SASH RE LIABI LITY RECORD ENTRY FOR ANGLICAN RACES Plans for the 1929 annual Anglican road and relay races have been completed and the committee announces that they wil) be run again at Hastings Park through the courtesy of the Vancouver Exhibition Asso- ciation. Owing to the fact that Thanksgiving day falls on the anniversary of Armistice the i ace meet has been set back to 12.30 instead of the morning, as in previous years. Seven events are on the programme as fol- lows: Senior men--Five miles. Intermediate boys, under 18 years--Three miles. Junior boys, under 15 years- One mile. Juvenile boys, under 13 years --One half mile. Tad boys, under 11 years- One-quarter mile. Senior girls relay--Sixty yards Intermediate girls relay, under 18 years--Sixty yards. Full pal ticulars governing these events have been sent out tn all Anglican churches ill Greater Vancouver. From pres- ent indications entries promise to exceed last year's record. The events will be run off in rapid succession, the senior men's race opening the day at 12.30 noon and the Tad boys clos- ing the meet at 2.30 p. m. W. R. Chandler and Ben Moyls will act as race officials to whom entries must be sent not later than Tuesday, November 5. Medals and trophies will be presented at St. Michael's Church on Monday, November 18, at 8 p. m. Further particu- lars may be obtained by tele- phoning Secretary D. W. Le Neveu, Douglas 1181X, between 6 and 7 p.m. The West Vancouver Hospital by-law received its three read- ings at the council meeting on Monday. ~ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI no other do&lnr you spend buys so much &0 ALL dollars look about the same--uubt pusgut them to work for you. Then you see the er- ence. Some of them come back with a load, a real dollar's worth. Others should look shame- faced when they come back with next to nothing, but they don' Here's a dollar that may well look proud of itself- the electrical dollar, for here's what it delivers.s'at ta Minutea The services of a vacuum cleaner for -- 200 1$ ,000 waahing machine for 200 1$ ,000 radiant heater " 600 $ ,000 50-watt lamp 60,000 6-pound iron 'r,$00 percolator 600 f,$00 toaater I $0 6,666 waifie iron " 600 $,000 ironing machine " 1,100 2@27 floor poliaher " 100 30,000 Not bad 1 The dollar you spend for electrical service delivers quite a load -- a real he-dollar's worth. ,pay ter t&fttf @f3 ffff ftffffdff pit tfftdf it klIt't rsfl rff "7 iffdf3tby 7itr." Tbr r+3sp+33 ttrill br "g ft to yfpfdr fftdtfl box. B. C. Electric (Dept. 303) Carrall Street, Vancouver, B. C. Yea; send me without obligation a copy of Timothy Tite. Name hddreaa Af I[ British Colulnbia Electee Ry. Ca ISA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI Once a customer, always a customer. . EFFERIES'UPEI(IOR,P EATS Government Inspected Only. SUPERIOR means only the finest of quality. That isthe kind of meat you fi»d here. A full line of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon Butter, Lard, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked I"lsh, E« )Two Stores for your service)