West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Oct 1929, p. 7

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001C983B October 18, 1929. THE WEST VAN NE%'S CLASSIFIED ADS A Fair Average A Scotchman who was not feeling as well as usual called on his family docor, who looked him over and gave him some pills to be taken at bedtime. A bottle or whiskey was also prescribed for his stomach's sake--a small glass to be taken after each meal. Four days later Sandy called again on the doctor and said that he was feeling no better. "Have you taken the medicine exactly as I instructed?" the doc- tor inquired. "iVell, doctor,'aid Sandy, "I mav be a wee bit ahind wi'he pc:els, but, I'm about six weeks ahead wi'he whuskey." Too hluch Progress Hook Agent to farmer--"You ought to buy an encyclopedia, now that your boy is going to school." Farmer--"Not on your life. Let him walk, the same as I did." Now Showing THEATR = ONSDAL NextWeek o SIYGING TALKING Mon. - Tues. - Wed. COLLEEN MOORE in IS ling Irish Eyes Thur. - Fri. - Sat- Buddy Rogers and Nancy Carroll ln ar .I1 close Har AUTO BARGAIN FOR SALE--1927 Chevrolet Sedan. Driven less than 5,000 miles. Very best condition. $500. You can abso- lutely rely upon this car. See Harry Hodgson. KVest Van News. I'AINTI iG, DECORATING, FRENCH Polishing. Phone West 71Y. k'Olt IDENT--Furnished 5-room mod- ern cottage. Chesterfield suite, Piano. Close to Ferry. $35. West 889 R. MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT--Fire rooms. Electric Range, $30. Phone West 311L2. RESI'ONSIBI.E YOUNG COUPLF would care for house tor winter. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone West 439L1. FUIINITUIIE k OR SALE-- ilagohany Hall Stand, $25. Figured Oak Din- ing Room Suite (sideboard. six chairs, table) $70. Kitchen range, superb Fawcett, $25. Phone West 696L2. Evenings only. LADY--Experienced in store wor k would like position, whole or spare time. Phone ivest 449Y. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS--Phone West 241R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. IIOUSEWOIIK iVANTED by the day by capable woman. Phone ivest 231R. SEWING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone %'est 226. FOR RF iT--I Roomed k vrni~hed bungalow. Every convenience. Phone West 159R2. CF&IENT WORK--Rock Walls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing, Grading. Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- son. NURSING--Experienced. Sick Child- ren's, Toronto, Thessalon, Ont., Ross- land, B.C., Trail. B.C. Hospital. Miss Humphreys, Phone West 252R. THE I'LACE TO EAT--Luna's Cafe. Public phone West 611-0. FOR REiT--Furnished 3 room cot- tage. Good view. $ 12 month. 1&7 Gordon Avenue. Phone West 61R. IIANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment ot used ranges. Com- plete Iy overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. CEMENT WORK-- Itock Walls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Vrel 1 is work. Cleanng; Gradcng. Phone T. Barnott. 23rd and Jeffer- son. Residence phone AVest 672R. LOST--Last Tuesday, Collie dog, Yel- low and ~hite, wearing collar with name "Tim Deck," Vancouver tag. Phone Avest 295R. Thought She was a Banker Lu s'~fe For Sale REMEMBER lf you SEE and HEAR it at Lonsdale-- IT'S GOOD Telephone Operator--"I have your party. Deposit 5 cents. please." Souse at Pay Station--"AVhaz- zat?" Operator -- "Please deposit your money." Souse--"Lissen girlie, wat I wan's a conversash'n from a fren not financial advice from a stranger." Cafe, Con fectioncry, Tobacco including tully equipped Fish and Chip Range Rock Gas Apply at Cate. 1421 Marine Dr. cook their fruits and juices rap- idly and sufficiently. Some mar- malades also were rather too liquid for keeping, and although allowance must be made for the heated condition of the hall, yet the winning jars were clear and firm in all sections. Many competitors did not ad- here to the rule of the commit- tee in supplying regulation jars and jelly glasses. The needlework section was very interesting, but the space provided was not nearly ade- quate for the value of the articl- es shown. Many linen cloths val- ued from $5 to $ 10 were not al- lotted as much space as a plate of potatoes,and ladies who prize their work are not encouraged to develop their talents under such conditions. On the other hand, a fine nice- ly arranged exhibit of needle- ivork draws many visitors, and is an inspiration to the workers of the garden and the field to find a reflection of nature's handi- work in the crafts of home. Many ladies asked for advice on color, and design. As these two headings influence most sec- tions of the prize list, I will en- deavor to explain them simply. COLOR. Many ladies show work in the ordinary primary colors. These colors are good but primitive,and British Col- umbia is rich in all tones an0 shades of color harmony. The fall flowers are excellent lessons in color-blending, petunias, salpi- plossis, and sweet peas give other series of color-harmony, whilst even the pebbles of the beach give still another. There is no need for crude color or clash iri a picturesque spot like EVest Vancouver, wh&~ artists hie from everywhere to seek inspir- ation. Every lady can thus work out her own individual taste and give something new and interest- ing as a result. DESIGN. In choosing de- Mhs Amy iVard who acted as judge of domestic science and women's work at the recent An- nual Show of the iVest Vancou- ver Horticultural and Agricult- ural Association has made an of- ficial report of her findings to the local association. iVe give below the full report. It will be specially interesting reading to our people and the remarks and recommendations of Miss iVard wil lbe well iveighed. signs, do not choose patterns of yesterday, nor styles which are no longer used. In these modern days, utility comes first. De- signs may be beautiful and suit- able without being complicated. Lazy daisy patterns are all right for beginners, but there are hun- dreds of other more beautiful patterns. Formal designs for bed-linen, runners, and towels are more tasteful and pleasing than over-embellishment, and crocheting should be applied with the same ideal in view. The The newest tea-cloths are not heavily laden with more lace than linen, but have an interest- ing edge in crochet, varying in width, which is applied, rather than seivn, to the edge of the lin- en. In this way, the linen is an iiisert for the crochet. Again, crochet may be insert- ed in linen with equal artistry. A note of the committee that "articles defaced by wear are not eligible'was disregarded in cases. In conclusion, may I congratu- late the ladies on their efforts and extend my thanks to the comm'it tee for their cordiality and co-operation. AMY EVARD. Auto Note.--The saturation point in automobile building will not be reached as long as the turnover re- mains as great as at present. The Temptation to Cuss Minister -- "I have brought back the second-hand car you sold me last week. It seems best that I give it up as it is too ob- streperous." Dealer--"What's wrong? Can' you run it?" Minister--"Not and stay in the ministry." iVest Vancouver's Ladies'Vork, 1929 As a general rule, there was fairly good competition in all sections of ladies work, and gen- eral excellence was found in the bread and cake sections. All the home made breads were. of good standard quality, of good crust and nice baking, and if any weakness could be mentioned it was an unevenness in rising the dough. This, however, is not so bad a fault as heavy bread, and with care may easily be rec- tified. In the cake section, many good exhibits could be improved by using a straight sided baking tin, as this ensures a more even- ly baked produce of better ap- pearance. Sponge cake mixture sl:ould not be shown in the layer cake section when a class is al- ready provided. Cookies should be confined to the usual wholesome varieties without icing. For dainties in small leakes, I wish to recom- mend a new class: Afternoon-tea cakes, 1 dozen, 4 varieties. These admit of various fillings and fi- nishe and provide an interesting group. Many exhibits in pastry show- ed an undercooked bottom crust, but the shortbread, oatcakes, plate pancakes, and griddle scones were all of splendid vari- ety. In the bot tied section, the fruits showed good quality in the li:rger varieties. Some of the small fruits showed much ferm- entation, and poor keeping qual- ities. The best bottles were clear, of good color, and firm pack, the latter being secured by evenly-sized specimens, well set before steaming. The majority of the jams were not jammed, and the jellies were not jellied, and since these qual- ities are essential in keeping jams and jellies from mildew and mould, ladies must be sure to iMore to Follow The Vicar (to oldest parishion- er) --"And so you'e 90 today, John?" John (heartily)--"I be that, sir, 90 years today." And lived all your life in the village?" "Not yet, sir." A jlIarket Overlooked Excitedly the manufacturer of the world's greatest insect ex- terminating powder burst into his export office. "Hey," he bellowed, "have we got an agency in Egypt?" "EVhy-er-no, sir." "iVell, why aint we? I seen r movie of them pyramids last night and it says they was cover- ed with millions of hieroglyphics. i11iss Christine Johnson, 13th and Marine Drive, is confined to her home through sickness. I'R Eel I ER iiIACDONALD'S Si'EECH HEARD AT B. C. ELECTRIC OFFICE Traveler: "Did you find a roll con- taining $50 under my pillowT" Pull- man Porter: "Yes, suh; thank you, suh." About twenty people gathered at the local display room of the B. C. Electric Company last Fri- day night to listen in on the speech delivered in New York by Premier Ramsay 31acdonald. The talk came through very clearly and distinctly. TRY OUR NEW Vht &0 e Vf ical: H ~A.TH j.OAj'HE CANADIAN LEGION, iVEST VANCOUVER is giving amade by new proces Splendid corrective and High Food Value. Itf..-.. S'.I': Ii..V.'. ani S." ."A. P I ION E W EST 27 And our Delivery man will call. on SATURDAY, 19th OCTOBER, at 8.30 p. m. in DUNDARAVE HALL (Second of series for grand aggregate prize) Good l'rlzes Refreshments Admittance 50 Cents STRATTON'S BAKERY A%i BLESIDE 3udge of Women's Work at Horticultural Exhibition Sends Report LOST--Reward for information ing to return of 9-toot Gray Dinghy Phone West 698L2. $50.00--Beau titvl Sir Room House, 2966 Marine Drive. Beside Water- front. Large living room. Dining room. Pullman panelled. Large fire- place. Large verandah overlooking w ater. Electric range and water heater. Furnace. Full basement. Garage. Phone Seymour 959L. GARDE f BARROW~trong, Light unpainted; price $4.50, delivered subject to approval. Phone North 364R. HEMSTITCIIING--Plain. white„Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone Avest 144. TAXI--Peerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, Webster North 1234 SCHiVEPPES LEMONADE, ADA DRY GINGERALE and ai] the Good Brands of Cigars Ambleside Tea Rooms. R. P. CLARK L CO. ESTATES LTD. OFFICE FOR RENT in Royal Bank Block. Two single rooms or one double suite. Every convenience and central heat. 31oderate rent. CHEAl'OGTIE--5 rooms. full plumb- ing, fireplace, hot and cold water basins in bedrooms. Good lot. On upper level bus route. $3300, or ofTcr LOT ON ESQUDIALT AVF --West of 11th Street, ~ved road, water, light, phone. Convenient to school and ferry, $2%. lt. P. CLAI&K Z; CO. ESTATES I.TD. 790 Dunsmu.r St Seymour 74S4 Loca I Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 225. For Real Service in . (ea,.'s:a:e See GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public PHONE iVEST 21 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone iv. 3 R or W. 04X BUY GOODSMADE IN CAMAGA vf CWORK PEO'% 'K 'NC 8 R TIN GARDENS DESIGNED'aid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte. Phone West 172X1. iVANTED -- Land Clearing; Sawing with machine. Large or small jobs. J. Glover. Phone West 214R.