West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Oct 1929, p. 5

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001C983B October 18, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS CHANGE OF %&A P ERSON'A LS Causes all kinds of indis- positions -- Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, etc. FOR COUGHS- Riker's Syrup of Tar 50c FOR COI DS- Riker's Cascara Bromide and Quinine Tablets, 25c FOR SORE THROAT~ Antiseptics in convenient 25c bottles. her. Joe hfurch, manager of Jefferies, Ambleside, Meat Mar- ket, was away from the store for a few days this week, on holi- day. Mr. Jefferies tended the store in his absence. 0 0 0 Mrs. F. Brackenridge, Radcliff Avenue, West Bay, was a lunch- eon hostess last Tuesday. 0 ~ 0 her. and hIrs. 4V. G. Caslor, 2166 Argyle, have moved to Vancouver. ~ ~ 0 H. B. Southam of the High School staff has been granted permission to attend the Univer- sity of B. C. on the afternoon of October 30th for the purpose of receiving his degree. a The tenth annual Hallowe'en dance organized and arranged by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E., will be held in Holly- burn Pavilion on Friday, Novem- ber 1st. Admission 75 cents. a 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kyte and family, 24th and Mathers, moved on Friday to a house at 23rd and Kings. 0 0 0 Postage stamps can now be purchased at the Lesage Drug Co. here, authority to sell same having this week been received from the post office department. ~ 0 0 hfr. Rhodes, 13th and Duchess, underwent an operation on one of his hands last Tuesday at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, returning the same day. 0 e Engagament Mr. Joseph Hudson announces the engagement of his only daughter, Donna Alfreda, to Mr. Lloyd Clements, son of Nr. and Mrs. L. N. Clements. The wed- ding will take place Saturday, October 19th. G. Dorman, assistant manual training instructor, has taken hfrs. 4V. Gourlay's house at 23rd and Bellevue, and will move over from the city wth his wife and family at the beginning of next month. hIrs. Taylor and family, 17th and Gordon, left on Sunday for Oakland, California, where they will in future reside. ~ 0 0 Mrs. J. E. Fitchett and son of Harrop, B. C., are the guests of hfrs. Fitchett's brother and sist- er-in-law, hfr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, 16th and hIarine Drive. 0 ~ ~ Mr. and hIrs. H. E. Douet and children have moved from 12th and Jefferson to a house at 2670 Bellevue Avenue. a 0 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Procter and family, 30th and Waterfront, moved on Monday to Kitsilano. a a hirs. Heaton of Vancouver, is a guest at the Clachan hotel. 0 0 0 The cadets have started their training for the winter. Those from the high school had their first practice last Friday even- ii:g, the public schools contingent beginning last Monday. 0 0 0 Grade II of the high school put on a concert of their own talent last Friday at Inglewood School for the Students'ssocia- tion. It is intended to stage a debate today. e 0 The L.O.L. held their regular meeting last Tuesday evening in St. Stephen's parish hall, when they received a surprise visit from the L.O.B.A. A very enjoy- able social evening with music was enjoyed by the members of the two lodges followed by re- freshments. Mr. Barbour, 17th and Fulton, is a patient at St. Paul's hospital where he is undergoing treat- ment for one of his eyes. 0 a e Nr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, 16th and Marine Drive, entertained their friends at a party at their home on Wednesday, 9th Octoh- er, the occasion being Mr. Tite's birthday. A most enjoyable eve- ning was spent in music, games and dancing after which refresh- ments were served. The guests were: Mrs. J. E. Fitchett, Bert Fitchett, Nr. and Mrs. H. A. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, Mr. and Mrs. G. LeShore, hfr. and Mrs. E. Pearce, and Miss Grace Tite. FAST DELIVERY No Order la Too Small Phone AVest 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E, ltEID, Manager New Building--Corner Marine and 14th MEE'I'Ib'G OF ')oarc oI';race ON On MONDAY Next at 8 p.m. Canadian I~ion Rooms Ferry Building .,alC 1..18 ( . rOC uC:S GAS, OIL, GltEASES, ETC. can now be obtained at 7 "('Y'S MISS JOYCE HERRINAiVARDED CERTIFICATE Miss Joyce Herrin, daughter of Mr. and Nrs. AV. Herrin, 14th and Haywood, has received a cer- tificate from the B. C. Festival Committee for having taken sec- ond place in the Intermediate Piano Class under 19. Miss Her- rin is a pupil of Mrs. Clara EVil- son, the well known pianoforte teacher. S! RV C i S'I'AI"II 16th and hlarine I'hone West 130 General Auto Repairing P4-Hour Towing Service. Nrs. J. D. Tait who left here some months ago for an extended visit to the old land sent a de- lightful memento of Scotland to Dr. Roberta Vass this week. This was a supply of heather gather- ed in and sent direct from Ar- gyleshire. Nrs. Grigor, of Grigors Dry Goods, another Scotswoman, showed us a boxful of this same heather which through a coinci- dence had been received by her from Argyle friends just a couple of days ago. There is evidently close con- nection between Argyleshire and IVest Vancouver. A serious auto accident occur- red on Sunday afternoon on the Capilano Road when a car con- taining five members of the crew of the Aorangi went over the embankment at the hairpin turn just north of the Suspen- sion bridge. After a fall of thir- ty feet, during which it turned Gver several times, the car finish- ccl upside down against the base of a big tree. One of the occu- pants was seriously hurt, and he ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ was taken to St. Paul's hospital, the others only receiving minor bruises. ENTERTAINS SCHOOL FRIENDS Miss Lulu Ray entertained a number of her school friends last Friday at a party in Dundarave Hall. The hall was attractively dec- orated with autumn leaves and flowers. The hostess and her aunts, Mrs. AV. R. AVhite, Mrs. J. Finley, Nrs. K. F. Rahy and hIrs. hI. Bacash received the guests. The evening was spent in games, music and dancing, fol- lowed by dainty refreshments. Several prizes were given, being won by Laura Barnot t, Alma Lloyd, Herbert Ray and Jack Rahy. The invited guests were: Miss- es Hattie Young, Pat Davidson, Jean Ray, Louise Brady, hIar- garet Seabloom, Betty hIorrison, Phyllis Ray, Ethel Lloyd, Laura Barnott, Lily Ray, Alma Llyod, Daisy Montgomery, Annie Rid- ley, Muriel Dawson, Irene Mc- Crum, and hIasters Ross Forres- ter, hfalcolm Stevens, Jack Ray, Stan Boshier, Glen McCulloch, Victor Ray, Albert Brady, Dick Watkins, Herbert Ray, Maurice A nderson, Tom Timbrell, Nor- nian hioore, Ralph Paterson, Ian Hamilton. IIOME OIL CO. I'ROVIDE SUNDAY RADIO CONCERTS IF Your are not using Newcastle Drumheller The Home Oil Distributors Ltd. will be responsible for two Sunday evening concerts on Oc- tober 20th and 27th. These con- ct-rts, which will be broadcast over CK4VX, will be on the air from 9 to 10 p.m. and will be under the direction of Calvin IVinter. Both concerts have a varied programme and any who tune in on them next Sunday evening and the following Sun- clay are assured of u pleasant hour's entertainment. COAL You are NOT Using the Best "Most Heat for Least Money." Hobb Coal 5 Transfer (Bob Black) Phone IVest 17. Two men can admire the same shirt and be friends; but 'tis different when they admire the same skirt. hUTO PI.UNGES OVER HEATHER FROM ARGYLE EMBANKiWIENT ON IN lVEST VAN.CAPILANO ROAD OMIT WORD "OBEY" IN MARRIAGE RITES I'rotestant Episcopal Church Prayer Book is Revised 3HOIDG1PPHS A GOOD The new prayer book of the Protestant Episcopal Church, re- vised for the first time since 1892 was announced for publication Wednesday, in New York. Rati- fied a year ago, as a result of fifteen years'ork of the com- mittee on revision, the book is now issued with the approval of the custodian of the standard Book of Common Prayer. While retaining the language of the earlier versions, the new edition includes numerous chang- es made to conform with present day usage and thought. Changes in the marriage ser- vice, long discussed, reflect a changed social point of view. The word "obey" is omitted from the woman's promise, which is now phrased exactly like the man', and the man, in the giving of the ring, no longer says: "with all my worldly gods I thee endow." In the service for the visita- tion of the sick many changes rr.ake it practically a new form. Phrases linking the patient's ill- ness with the wrath of God are absent, such as "be not angry at us forever," "God's visitation," 'This thy fatherly correction." hiore latitude is given the min- ister in his choice of prayers and exhortations. Provision is made for the anointing of the sick or the laying on of hands, with prayer, where the patient desir- es it. The Holy Communion office has been rearranged and modern English employed instead of ar- chaic phrases. The Fire Prevention Commit- tee of Vancouver for the sixth year in succession has instituted an essay competition open to all high school and grade 8 public school scholars on the North Shore. The subject as before will be "fire prevention," but the prize this year will be $5 in gold and a diploma. All essays must be in by 15th November. pg ~ s c I IS A CO'NSTAiNT JOY. 5V~ Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their development I'hone Seymour 1046 and make an appointment THE ;--"'; E'ng "~~~,--,g Sttt(Ao V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings Street, West, Phone Seymour 1046. TRY OUR NEW llllV I e W zeal; p I e J III & i & s i s i J made by new process. Splendid corrective and High Food Value PHOAE WEST 27 And our Delirery man will ealL S 'TTON'S B. 'Y AMBLRSIDE BII.I.IARDS at CHETS'4th, near Ferry Landing. Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. Tenth Annual -A..i, )Vi il:Al:i HOLLYBURN PAVILION FRIDA Y, NOYEAI BER 1st MASQUERAOE, PRIZES, REFRESHMENTS ORCHESTRA "Th» Arcadians" Admission 75c. Complete Your Home with a lw1and Piano Ave are exclusive agents (or Steinway, Haintsman, Francis Bacon and XVhaelock Grands trom 657 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. !) 725. J.W. KELLY PIANO CO. t lMITKD "The Homr of (hr Grand'I'uno"