West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Oct 1929, p. 4

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001C983B THE WEST VAN NEWS October 18, 1929. Free Delivery Phone West 28 Groceries - arci::are~ The Inclependent Grocer since 1900. Here si»ce 1914. SEE OUR WINDOWS I'OR Sl ECIALS In Hardware, liitchen and I.aultdry Utensils. Windoiv Glass cut to order. THE CANADIAN LEGION, WEST VANCOUVER ls glvlng a V...,S"..:.Ii.V.'. ani S".. A.. on SATURDAY, 19th OCTOBER, at 8.30 p. m. in DUiVDARAVE HALL (Second of series for grand aggregate prize) Good Prizes Refreshments Admittance 50 Cents ARINE 0 7 ORS 22nd and Marine Phone West 456 REMSON ACQUITTED IN ASSIZE COURT "Not Guilty" was the verdict returned at 8 p. m. Monday, aft- er three and a half hours'elib- eration, by an Assize Court jury to charges against James K. Remson, 28-year-old president of Vancouver Lumber Co., which re- sulted from the death at Sher- man, on August 24th of De St. Denis Duchesnay, 34, Vancouver bond salesman. Remson was driving his coupe automobile when it struck the north railing of Sherman bridge and impaled itself for a length of fifty feet. The heavy scantling struck Duchesnay and hurled him out of the end of the car through a jagged tear in the rumble seat. Miss Elizabeth Sib- ernagle, 23, 1386 Nicola Street, who was seated next to the driv- er, escaped unscathed, but her house guest, Miss Helen Dalzeles 24, who was seated on Duches- nay's knees, had both legs brok- en and is still a patient in hospi- tal. The charges, of which Remson has been acquitted, were caus- ing grievious bodily injury toDu- chesnay by an unlawful act, or by doing negligently, or omitting to do an act which it was his duty to do; and, also causing bodily harm to Duchesnay by wanton or furious driving or other wilful misconduct or neg- lect while in charge of a motor car. Taking the witness stand in his own defense, Remson stated that approaching Sherman bridge he was blinded by the lights of a car which passed him. He dim- med his lights, and by the time he switched them on again, he found he was on top of a bush at the end of the bridge. He was not certain whether he then ap- plied the brakes. Mr. Dugald Donaghy, K.C., de- fended and Mr. George Black prosecuted. COLLEEN MOORE'S FAMOUS BOB GONE Turns Curly-Head for Role in "Smiling Irish Eyes'Her First Talking and Singing Picture The most famous hair-cut on the screen -- Colleen Moore's souare-cornered bob -- has given way to long hair for her appear- ance in "Smiling Irish Eyes," her current all-talking and singing First National-Vitaphone special. However, Colleen insists that she is not a traitor to the cause of the bobbed, but is wearing long hair because it is more suit- able for the unsophisticated girl of rural Ireland she is portray- ing. Consequently, she will be seen with her hair dressed with short curls at the back, caught up with a ribbon tied in a bow just over the bangs that pro- vide one of her most individual characterist ics. The story of "Smiling Irish eyes" is essentially a romance and includes several episodes in which Miss Moore sings melodies written especially for the pic- ture. John McCormick is produc- ing this First National-Vita- phone feature, with William A. Seiter directing. Coming to Lonsdale Theatre, North Vancouver next Monday, Tuesday and wednesday. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE JACK BANKS, formerly instructor at the Toronto Technical School (Theoretical and Practical), and lately in charge of the Repair Shop of the Lonsdale Motors, is now in charge of THE REPAIR SHOP of Scbool Board Meeting HOARD OF TRADE MEETING NEXT MONDAY The next regular meeting of the West Vancouver Board of Trade ivill be held next Monday at 8 p. m. in the Ferry Rooms at the foot of 14th Street. There are several m'ltters of special attention to come before the Board and a full attendance is req uested. I'.T.A. WANT CONCERT IN AUDITORIUM At the meeting of the Board « School Trustees on Thursday of 1'.st week a request was made by the Parent Teachers'ssocias- tio» for the use of the Inglewood School auditorium on November 6th or 19th for the purpose of holding a concert,. The Board instructed that the P.T.A. be advised that the aucli- torium would not be available on Tuesday or Thursday evenings as night classes are held on these llights. Permission might be granted though for a Monday, Wednesday or Friday evening but arrangements would have to be made with parties to whom the use of the gymnasium had been granted on these nights each week. EASTERN STAR DANCE TONIGHT The members of the Naomi Chapter, No. 26, Order of the Eastern Star, are holding their annual dance in the Hollyburn Pavilion tonight -- Friday-- Dancing 9 to 1. This affair is always well attended and it is expected that the Pavilion will be comfortably filled tonight. SCOTTISH SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING TONIGHT SCHOOI. TRUSTEES AP PRECIATE LANTERN SLIDES Tonight F»day the annual meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society will be held at the "Clachan." It will be opened at 8 o'lock sharp in order that the business can be completed with the least possible delay to accommodate those who wish to attend the Eastern Star dance. At this meeting officers for the coming year will be elected. An invitation to all of Scot- tish birth or parentage to attend the meeting is extended. A seri- e of lectures and social gather- ings are held throughout the season and a hearty welcome is extended to new members or prospective members. J. Campbell, director of pub- licity, National Parks bra~ch, Department of the Interior, Ot- tawa has been sent a lettel ofthanks and appleclaatlon by theBoard of School Trustees for the loan of colored lantern slides ofwestern National Parks. J. Porter was also thanked forthe slncele lntelest he has taken in the school children of West Vancouver. PRINCIPAL DAVIDSON WOULD CONSERVE PUPILS TDIE In his report to the SchoolTrustees for the month of Sep-tem'ber Principal Davidson ofthe Hollyburn School, statedthat the practice of sending pup-ils to the gymnasium for physic-al training took too much timefrom class room work. Chair-man G. D. Elgar will discuss thematter with Mr. Davidson andendeavor to arrange some satis- factory svay of overcoming this. TENDERS TOO HIGH Three tenders were received by the Board of School Trusteesfor clearing .28 acres adjoining Pauline Johnson School. It was considered that all were too highand it was decided to reject themand to advertise for further ten- ders on the same specifications. The tenders submitted wereas follows:-- E. H. Minions................... $300Vincent Er, Reid.......... $300A. J. Charman ........... $250 EX-HIGH WOULD JOIN BASKETBALL LEAGUE A deputation representing the )Vest Vancouver Ex-High School Students Association waited on the School Trustees on Thursdayo'ast week with a request that they be allowed use of the audi- torium on Monday evening each aveek for basketball practice. It was stated that the Association proposed to enter a team in the league. Permission was granted pro- vided that there be submitted, at the next regular meeting of the Board, a list of membership and the name or names of parties who would be acceptable as re- sponsible for supervision of ac- tivities of the Association. I. O. D. E. Halloive'en Dance November 1st The October meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O.. D. E., was held Monday the 14th at the home of Miss McBain. The regent, Mrs. Small in the chair. After the regular business had been disposed of, the meeting gave its entire attention to the formation of plans for their 10th Annual Hallowe'en Dance, which is to be held Friday, November 1st, at the Holyburn Pavilion. The committee reported having secured the "Arcadians" as the orchestra for the evening so the dancing part of the program is already an assured success. Prizes will be given for the best fancy dress. The most original and the best comic, and there will also be prizes for competi- tions quite new to West Van- couver. The committee in charge of arrangements is com- posed of Mrs. AV. B. Small, Mrs. P .C. Chapman, Mrs. A. E. Young Mrs. W. B. Forster, Miss Villa McLean, and Mrs. R. O. Ogilvie. On account of Thanksgiving Day coming on the 2nd Monday in November the next meeting will be held on wednesday, the 13th at Mrs. W. B. Forsters, Mathers Avenue. A survey of the lighting in Pauline Johnson School, Holly- burn School and the Manual Training Annex is to be made according to instructions of the School Trustees. An estimate of the cost of necessary improve- ments will be submitted. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER LISI i.930vo j.'ERs'l30 uP. A New Suit or Overcoat Made pn the premises by First Class Tailors. The now sample cloths are now here for your choice. M. WILLIAMS ]pth and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILO~ I'hone West 20 Cleaning, I'ressing, Repairing GORDON ROBSON garrgster R Sohcitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. I: p y)lirll Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturda WII LIAil HAINES LION EL BARRYMORE and KARL DANE in "Alias Jimmy Valentine'onday, Tuesday, Wednesday LON CHANEY in "West of Zanzibar" ouses 8t .ots IN WEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant Waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. )f. Savory 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, 4Vest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y WATER RATE NOTICE DELINQUENTS ARE REMINDED that it is my dutyunder By-Law 145, Section 34, to cause the water to be turnedoff at their premises if the rates are not paid at the MunicipalHall by noon on Monday, October 21st, and this action, if taken,will cost the ratepayer $2.00. JAS. OLLASON, Collector. Forms may be obtained at the Municipal Hall. Dated this 11th day of October, 1929. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk.Hollyburn, B. C. Persons desiring,and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for 1930 as Householders, Licence or Poll Tax Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made before aNotary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October, 1929. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies-