West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Oct 1929, p. 2

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001C983B THE WEST VAN NEWS AQ 9 g ( GHILDREN Underwear--ilIedium and Iieavyweight. Bargain Prices l" ", l"I„"I ('S;l ('( I"I"„II"„I ',ls DEVEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The hlo ther Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston hlassachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. SUBJECT, OCTOBER 20th, "DOCTRINE OF ATON EAI ENT" 1410 Marine Drive ~ 0 1t ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ -l ~ - ~ i ~ t.tl. ~ 1-l ~ f ~ 0& fAt ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ .Rbgl 4 ~ ~ l I ~ ~ I ~i .RecipesUsefu iVest 372 Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone West 252R. Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p.m. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. DATE RECIPES Among the most nutritious of foods is the date, which forms the principal article of food of a large proportion of the inhabi- tants of some of the tropical countries. A delicious fruit and not expensive. Date and Raisin Pie Take an equal amount of ston- ed dates and seedless raisins. Place in saucepan with sufficient water to prevent burning, and stir until well cooked. Add one- fourth cup of sugar. Then line a pie tin with a good pastry and fill with mixture. Cover with top crust and bake in regular way. Date Cream Stone and chop one cupful of dates and add them to one pint of slightly sweetened whipped cream, whip all together until solid, flavoring with any desired extract. Serve very cold. Date Bread A delicious variation in the bread line is made by adding dates. Stone the dates and cut across in three or four pieces, allow a cupful for a small loaf of bread, kneading them into the dough before putting it into the pans to rise the last time. Let 1ise and bake as usual. Date Buns AVhen making bread save out three cupfuls of the raised dough mix with it one and one-half cup- fuls of white sugar, one-half cup- ful of butter, two eggs, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one-fourth of a teaspoonful each of extract cf cinnamon and nutmeg, and two cupfuls of stoned and chop- ped dates. Add flour to mold and set to rise. EVhen light, mold and make into buns, let rise until very light, bake quickly, and as soon as taken from the oven glaze with a mixture of two table spoonfuls of white sugar dissolv- ed in three of sweet skim-milk. Date Gems Two cupfuls of sweet milk, one well-beaten egg, one large spoon- ful of butter, one teaspoonful of baking-powder, a little salt, three cupfuls of flour and one cupful of stoned and chopped dates. beat well and bake in gem-pans ir a hot oven. THB West Van Nexus Published Every Friday Business and Editorial Offico: 1361 Marino Drive Phone IVest 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Publishers H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE )Vest 368 AVest 412L IGLOO a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc per copy. 0 AD V ERTI SING RATES ON APPLICATION Sunday, October 20th, 10 a. m.--Bible School, Classes for all ages. ll a. m.--AIorning worship. Pastor will preach, subject "A Great Discovery." Five IIinute address to child- ren. 7.16 p. m.--Song service. 7.30 p. m.--Evening worship. Subject, "All At It." A cordial invitation to all. Tuesday, B.Y.P.U., 8 p. m. wednesday, Prayer and Praise 7.30 p. m. Friday, C.G.I.T., 7 p. m. Last Sunday was Anniversary Day in )Vest Vancouver Paptist Church, Rev. AV. L. McKay of West Point Grey preached to a capacity house in the morning. The pastor, Rev. H. P. Hum- phreys preached in the evening. It is seven years since the work was started in West Vancouver and 5 years since the Church was organized. A duet was rendered by Miss D. and SIiss W. Brealey and the newly organized choir under the leadership of Mr. Faulkner sang beth morning and evening. B.Y.P.S. Discuss Hymns. "Hymns--Their History" was the topic at the Baptist Young People's Society on Tuesday eve- ning last; Miss H. Stevenson, presiding. Such favorites as "Nearer AIy God to Thee;" "A- bide with Me," "The God of Ab- raham Praise," "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "Jesus Wondrous Sav- iour," were illustrated and sung. The history of each hymn and how the inspiration came to the writer was given. A profitable time was spent by those who attended. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Service 11.16 a. m. Evening Service 7.16 p. m. Sunday, October 20th, 1929 Dr. Henry will preach. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Topic "Transfor- mation of Incompleteness." IiIorning Anthem--"Thine 0 Lord, Is the Greatness.'uartette--"Our Soul Waiteth for the Lord." Mesdames )Vatt and Shef field, Messrs. Kinloch and Davie. 7.15 p.m. -- "Omitting the weightier Things." Evening Anthem--"Hark, hark AIy Soul." Solos--AIrs. C. McLean and AIiss J. Durbin. Solo--Mrs. H. A. Eager. Last )Ionday a very interest- ing evening was spent by the Young People's Society in dis- cussing the problem of Total Ab- stinance. Addresses were given by Mr. Patterson of the High School, from the teacher's stand- point--Dr. Nash from the view- point of the doctor--Mr. Geo. Hay from the standpoint of the business man--Dr. Henry from the viewpoint of the minister. Next Monday evening Dr. Hen- ry will give a talk on the Jenolan Caves of New South Wales, il- lustrated with views. On Tuesday the long looked for opening meeting of the Men' Club will take place at 7 o'lock, when we meet around the table for supper. After some neces- sary business the address will be given by Dr. L. S. Klinck, President of the University of B. C., on "Vacation Gleanings in the Field of Education." Date Custard To one quart of milk add one cupful of sugar, a small piece of butter and, when boiling, thick- en with corn-starch and flavor with a teaspoonful of almond ex- tract. Add two cupfuls of stoned oates and set on ice until served. Sunday, October 27th, will be the regular quarterly Commun- ion Service. A fine thing is being done for the Junior members of the com- munity by the recently organized junior choir under Mesdames McLean and Sheffield. The class meets each Saturday morning from 10 to 11 and is for the ages from 8 to 15. Ore cupful of butter, two cup- fuls of sugar, one cupful of sweet milk, three cupfuls of fiour sifted with three teaspoonfuls cf baking powder and the whites of six eggs beaten very stiff. Bake in layers and when cool spread with the following filling: Boil one cupful of sugar with three tablespoonfuls of water un- til it will thread, then pour it slowly over the beaten whites of two eggs, beat well, add one-half teaspoonful of vanilla and two- thirds of a cupful of stoned and finely chopped dates. Ice the top with plain white frosting. Established on North Shore 20 Years. FUI.I. GOSPEI. SIISSION 25th and Marine Drive. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School, 3 p. m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 3 p. m. Service 8 p. m. Friday, 8 p. m. Special hIeeting A special meeting will be con- ducted by Bro. and Sis. Collings of North Vancouver (D.V.) on Tuesday, October 22nd at 8 p. m. Come and hear the Word of Life. "I am the living bread which came down from Heaven: if any nian eat of this bread, he shall ljve for ever."--John 6, 51. Everybody welcome. HhRRON BROS. R WILLIhMSON )funeral lirettors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. IVHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 Some Special Offerings for this week. Have you seen our all wool FLANNEL DRESSES for Ladies and Chi]dren +~I95 to $4.75 All iVew Stock October 18, 1929. Personals%Vest Vancouver Sible School iMis. F. Bowers, who has been the guest of Airs. S. Cross, 15th and Esquimalt, left here on IVed- nesdai to retui n to he& home at Cherry Creek, 8, C. Miss 3Iay Harrison, 17th an(1 Ilaywood, returned on Saturday to her home from the North Vancouver General Hospital, where she underwent treatment for a few days. e David Dewar, 23rd and Belle- vue returned home on Sundav from Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, where he has been looking after his farming interests during har- vest operations. He reports a poor wheat crop this year in that section of Saskatchewan, the av- erage not being more than 14 bushels to the acre. Around Re- gina, however, and surrounding district, the average is even v orse, there having been a lack of rain generally throughout the province. LAWSON'S HALL 17th and AVaterfront NEXT SUNDAY at 3.16 I'. hl. Loader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "DELI V ERANCE OF ISRAL"L" Mr. King will speak over C K IV X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 21 (October 20th).» m --IIoly Communion. 10 a. m.--Children's Service. 11.15 a. m.--AIorning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. Anthem"0 Gladsome Light" (Sullivan). The third Sunday of October is kept as Children's Day throughout the Anglican com- munion in Canada. There will be a corporate communion at 8 a. m. for the teachers and confirmed boys and girls and special service for children at 10 a. m. while the sermons and music at the other services of the day will be in keeping with the occasion. 4V. J. Hawes, of Vancouver, moved on Tuesday into the Ed- wards house at 23rd and Belle- vue. George Reid, manager of the Lesage Drug Store, and Harry Normand, went down to Stevea- ton very early on Tuesday morn- ing to be ready for the opening of the pheasant shooting. The place was crowded with hunters, but they managed to get two birds, and were back here by noon the same day. Mr. Caverley, who has been spending the summer at 27th and iAIarine Drive, returned to Vancouver on Tuesday. The very late and warm aut- umn we are enjoying has had a very favorable effect on West Vancouver gardens, where roses and other flowers are still bloom- ing, and second crops of some kinds of fruit are making their appearance. The raspberry canes are blooming in the garden of Mrs. Lennox, 22nd and Bellevue, and i~Iiss J. ilIcEwen, 13th and Duchess, has a second crop of raspberries in her garden. There is Divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, on Sunday at 3 p. m. The A.Y.P.A. will hold a Hal- lowe'en social in the Parish Hall next Tuesday night. A Hallowe'en tea and shower will be held in the Parish Hall, October 29th, at 3 o'lock, when articles for the forthcoming ba- zaar will be gratefully received. The Trail Rangers have made a good start with their season' programme and the boys have begun work for. several badges. A musical evening will be held next wednesday, October 23rd, under the auspices of the guild of St. Francis'hurch at the home of Mr. and Miss Chappell, Caulfeild. The artists, all from Vancouver, will include AIr. and Mrs. AV. Hudson, Mr. North AVest Mr. EVilbur Grant and Mr. Eric Vale. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.80 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. . piro sraci:ic Will HELP YOU! Good progress is being made with the new post office build- ing at Hollyburn. Most of the new fixtures have been built and set in place, and it is hoped to open there over the week end.Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone IVest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver C C3 Get your IVinter's Supply hlacLEOD RIVER IIARD COAI. is Good Coal teston Cartage lVEST 230 MOVING and TRANSFER Daily Trips to City GARDEN MANURE Miscellaneous Shower A miscellaneous shower wa g;iven Monday evening at th home of &Irs. F. Knight-Hodge, 13th and Duchess, by the staff of the B. C. Telephone Co. here to Miss Donna Hudson, whose wedding takes place tomorrow A most enjoyable evening was spent at music and games, and a handsome mantle clock with double chimes was presented the bride-to-be by her fellow mem- bers of telephone staff here. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed at the conclusion of the even- ing. Those present were Miss Donna Hudson, DIrs. M. H. All- work, Mrs. Mathieson, Mrs. L. Bartlett, AIrs. Jack AIcihIillan, Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. J. Stark and the Misses M. Somerville, G. Knight-Hodge, O. Bryan, Elsie Ilarrison, Hilda EVoolston, Phyl- lis Bell, iAIarjorie Barnott, Phyl- lis Neal, Doris Taylor, AIarjorie Jackson, Ruth Hill. A North Vancouver autoist who was driving up 13th Street between Clyde and Duchess on Saturday afternoon, was in col- lision with the car of i~Irs. M. E. LaChance, who was proceeding down the street. The front of the North Vancouver car was smashed, and Mrs. LaChance's car had the front axle bent, the mudguard crumpled, and the steering gear put out of action. Fortunately none of the occu- pants of the two cars were in- jured.