001C983B THE KVEST VAN NEKVS October 18, 1929. For Friday and Saturday Brooms: 5 string ..... .. 34c Ryvitn Crispbread .................... 27c Prunes: Nabob .......... 2-lb. bug 33c Lux Soap Flukes.......... 3 for 29c Quaker I'ork and Beans, 3 tins 35c Quaker Quick Oats, package 27c Hedlund's hfeat Balls ........... 25c Sugar: Fancy Brown, 2-lb. bug 14c Christie's Macaroons, 2 dozen 25c Corn Flakes: Kellogg's, 3 for 29c Peas: No. 5................... 2 tins 25c Net Sweet Corn, per tin ..... 1lc Nabob Red Plum Jam, tin...... 39c Oranges, Juicy and Sweet, 2 dozen 41c Apples, Kings, per box........... $ 1.3.1 IVhole Wheat Fig Bars, 2 lbs. 35c i 'L I v v1~ 'Nuff Said Phone %Vesi 190 Everything in Meats Lemon Tapioca 4 cups boiling water 1&/4, cups sugar Whites of 4 eggs 1 cup tapioca Juice of 2 lemons Soak tapioca over night in cold ~rater'. Put tapioca, boiling wat- er, sugar and lemon juice into a double boiler and cook until the tapioca is clear. Have the egg whites stiffly beaten and fold into the cooked tapioca just be- fore removing from the fire. This mav be served with cream, but a verv nice sauce is made for i: by adding the grated rind of the lemon to a sauce made as for Snow Pudding. AMBLESID E Lumber Co. Lt&. hlarine Drive at 16th Phone West 199 Branch of Excelsior Lumber E. Shingle Co. Ltd. BUY FROiW THE Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organization in B.C. Material for 100 ft. fence. delivered ......................$ 13.00 1" Rough boards, per M.... 8.00 1" Dressed boards, per M. 11.00 2x4, any lengths, per M.. 11.00 Shiplap, good grade, per M 11.00 1xG Drop siding, per M... 13.00 1x3 and 1x4 Flooring, long lengths, hf............ 13.00 1x3, 4 and G" V-joint, long lengths, M......... 13.004" Gutter, per ft.............07 1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100 ft. ................... ....... .... ... .50 1x2 Fir D.D. clear, 100 ft..504" V-joint,long lengths per M.............................. 11.00 1x6 T. g„G. Flooring, per M................... 13.004" Shiplap, good, per M.. 12.00 IVall Shingles, per hf. 1.26 No. 1 XXX Shingles, hf... 3.60 Sectional Garages, 10x16 delivered ..................... 45.00 Gyproc, Plaster Board, Fir Ven- eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Papers, etc. IVe give Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders HON. NELS LOUGH E ED OPENS U. H. C. AI. CONVENTION (Continued from Pagel) ance, particularly for hospitals, is being provided out of liquor profits, pari-mutuel returns and motor licenses. Old age and mothers'ensions are designed, he said to reduce relief costs to a considerable extent. In thanking the minister for his address, Ald. E. H. Bridg- man of North Vancouver, presi- dent, stated that as municipal officers are part of the govern- ment and are continually seeking relief from financial burdens it behooves them to refrain from carping at the legislature about measures adopted for their bene- fit. He also expressed his apprecia- tion of the work of comptrollers and municipal clerks, engineers, and other officers who carry out the actual work of administra- tion. Speaking on the subject of city pavements Wednesday morning, G. S. Hanes, engineer, Nol&h Vancouver, said that although the day of horse-drawn traffic has passed, many cities are still in the "horse age" with regard to pavements. It is lamentable, he said, that cities are paying large sums an- »ually in trying to perpetuate a tvpe of roadway unsuited to present conditions. Cities are now required to pro- vide wide, durably paved streets designed to meet modern traffic demands. If this type of road- way is constructed properly, said Mr. Hanes, it should last forty or fifty years at least with very little expense for maintenance. A programme of constructing such streets would soon give maximum service with the least annual maintenance cost. This would avoid second-class pave- ments on which annual upkeep costs would equal fixed charges on the higher class of surfacing. Macadam pavements have no real place in modern cities, he said. They should be "relegated to the stone age in which they origin- ated.' Smith 's i~rocery A. HARVEY ShlITH, I'roprietor. DUNDARAVE „.„;,',"„"„", HOLLYBURN 24th and hlarine 17th and hfarinc Phone: West 469 Phone: IVest 46 Store Closes at G P. AI., and All Day Sundays. IVEST VAN. JOTTINGS Hy A. G. Harvey PARIES AND BEACHES "C'm on in, the water 's fine." EVest Vancouver is very fort- unate in its natural situation. Where else is there a suburban municipality having the advant- age of 16 miles of sea frontage on one side and of thousands of acres of mountain park land on the other'? A great asset it is to IVest Vancouver; a great as- set West Vancouver thereby is to Vancouver; both unmeasur- able in mere money. The illunicipality, I am inform- eij has several parks scattered here and there; some on the wat-el'front; some back from the water, such as Memorial, Irwin arid Inglewood Parks; and some undeveloped lands up Cypress Creek and Holivburn Ridge. They vary in size from a strip 33 feet wide at EVest Bay beach to several hundred acres at Pt. Atkinson Naval Reserve. Be- sides these municipal parks thereai e the beaches at Horseshoe Bay and other points in the )Ves-tern portion of the Municipality all of which however, I under-stand are in front of private property. There is a need of more neigh- l.orhood playgrounds; not large grounds necessarily, but level grounds suitable for sports and c~.nvenient to the various centres of population. Inexpensive waysof acquiring such grounds arefor the Municipality to set aside tax sale lands owned by it or to exchange them for lands more suitably located, and to requirethe dedication of parks when owners subdivide their lands. A greater need is more water- front parks and beaches, partic- ularly the latter. Except for the Naval Reserve, there are in WestVan's 16 rriiles of waterfront only four municipal parks and only one of these has a decent sort of beach. Ambleside beach is rough and too close to the Nar- rows, although it has possibili- ties of development by making pools and lagoons. Alta mont Park is steep and bisected by the railway and has a rough shore. Caulfeild is precipitous and dangerous except to good swim- mers, although it has scenic at- tiactions. West Bay Beach, al- though the smallest, is frequent- ed by the most people, because it has a small but safe sandy beach. Sandy beaches are scarce in West Vancouver. The most therefore should be made of them. The municipality might well try to have at least one good municipal beach. I have been told that the Cannery at Sher- man covers a stretch of good beach. Sandy Cove (also private- ly owned) is good but small. The ATunicipal land at West Bay might be enlarged. It might per- haps be possible to exchange Alt- amont Park, which is little used. fer some of these lands, or to sell it and use the money to- wards buying them. Effort should be made to ac- quire for the Municipality the narrow strip of land between the Marine Drive and the sea ex- tending westerly of West Bay, cr at least to prevent it from be- ing built upon. I was under the impression this was public prop- erty until a house went up on it this summer. This is one of the best scenic parts of the Marine Drive and the marine view should be preserved even if it costs something. Pineapple I'udding cup tapioca 1:~'t. cups sugar 3 eggs Juice of 1 lemon 1 can crushed pineapple Pinch of salt. Soak tapioca over night in cold water. Put tapioca, pineapple, lemon juice, sugar and salt in double boiler and cook until tap- ioca is clear, adding a little water if necessary. Fold in stiffly- beaten egg whites when cooked. Lamb Beef Pork Hollybnrn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 c i"ni'. SERVICE Everything for the Building. SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Laniatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Heaver Hoard -- Shingles West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone IVest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 3GSL. ICE LIA 8 I L IT Y HARRY A. FARR BACK AT THE OLD STAND With the same courteous service Come In and have your AUTO TOP DRESSED for the wet weather. It stops leaks and preserves it too QNI Y @).QQ REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS. WE SPECIALIZE ON FORDS WES I'AN'OI'ORS Tem. Phone West 614-0 Between 14th and 15th MARINE DRIVE I Perhaps you don'think you'e lucky I I IFTY Years ago the lad who was cramming for an ex- arnination was compelled to do his study by the light of a flaring oil lamp. If his parents were well-to-do and very up-to-date he might have had gas. And hliss I'runella had to do her hair by candlelight.... with the old-fashioned curling irons that singed where they touched. IVhat a difference today! It's a very rustic home, indeed, that hasn't electric wiring installed. Just the touch of a button and almost anything you need is at hand. Having got it, we should make the most of it. I'lenty of convenience outlets... your studies made easier by the right kind of lamp shades. Clear, eye-saving light; clean, ready heat for your electric curlers or what-not. iVo matter whether it's for work or games, there's always some new reason to be grateful to the men who devoted their lives in making electricity help us live easier. The use of electricity to the best advantage is dealt with in n practical manner in the booklets, "Correct Lighting for Every Room in the House" and "hlodcrnizing the Home." There is a lot in them that will interest you. hfail us u card and wc'll send you u copy of each. iVHAT iVOULI) WE l)O iVITHOUT IT NOiV? Itu&ISH COI,IH%3IH 'r~&TKCRauÃHFCO VANCOUVER VICTORIA 8549 ~aaaaraaaraaaaraaararaaaaaaaaaaaaraaai Needs No Premiums., ~ Once a customer, always a customer. ~ EFFERIES'UPERIOR .7 EATS Government Inspected Only. SUPERIOR means only the finest of quality. That is the kind of meat you find here. A full line of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon Butter, Lard, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked Fish, E« (Two Stores for your service)