West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Oct 1929, p. 6

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001C982D THE iYEST VAN NEWS October 11, 1929. FRIDAY - SATURDAY. MONDAY SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES Dutch i~laid llayonnaise nr Sand ivich Spread, 3! z nz jar........ lac 8 oz jnr......................., .. 25c 16 oz. jnr............. 43c Cncna; ltowntree's, ' lb. tin.... 23c Wax Pnper, 40 sheets ... 2 for lac I'ork nnd Beans, llnyal City, 2s ...................................... 2 tins 23c IVnlnuts: Shelled, i@hite pieces per lb .................................... 35c Snap Hand Cleaner, per tin.... 19c i~lolnsses ....................... 2 tins 2.ic large tins, per tin.................. 22» Red Sockeye Salmnn, finest qual- ity, ! q lb. tins ...................... 23c 1 lb. tins ............................. 42c Sunkist Oranges, Sweet and juicy .................... 3 dozen 6;ic Desiccated Cocoanut, iier lb. 19c Puffed IVheat, Quaker, per pkt. 14c Icing Sugar .. .. 3 ll)s. 23c Tnke advantage of these C.O.D. SI'ECI A I,S C.t".. Butter: Finest Quality 1 lb...... toc; 3 lbs...... $ 1.2S 'hateau Cheese, ! g lb. pkts.... 22c B. k K. Rnllcd Oats, 1 lb. sack 15c ~ilalkin's Best Ten, 1 lb........... 53c Braid's Best Coffee, per tin.... 53c I'els-iWnptha Soap, ...2 bars 15c ~ Shaker Salt, per carton ..... 10c ~ Sandwich Biscuits, assorted, per lb................................................ 2oc ;V. I. & .~e.Ivei y Effective Sunday, Oct. 13th. Our Delivery men will leave your milk during the day instead of during the night as at present. A.;I. RIDLEY R SOW'. Phone West 456 "Prices Consistently Loiv" FREE DELIVERY i„i".III Si".i.',lA",::l l". ',i"„il T&vo Stores in )Vest Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 blarine Drive 21st and illarine Drive Q'est 16 IVest 405 1)EPUTY CHIEI" RUINS REVOI.VER CONTESTI 1: B.SON% I-S D. S. Heaslip, 15th and Duchess is leaving on his boat on Sunday with a party of friends for a huntiiig and fishing trip up the Fraser River. 5V. Dickinson, 14th and Esqui- malt, returned here on Tuesday evening from Calgary, where he has been spending the last few ill o lit liS. The appoiiitment, of John Lasv- son as postmaster at Hollyburn was confirmed this week by the Federal authorities. Alr. and Mrs. Alan B. Steven- son of EVest Bay, represented the Vancouver Scottish Society at the liincheon today given by the St. Andrews and Caledonian So- ciety at tlie Hotel Vancouver i» honor of Sir Harry Lauder. Alr. Cue and family of Van- couver, have taken the AVinder cottage on East Beach, taking possession last Saturday. AIrs. Jack I~nowles with her son, who has been visiting in 4 ictoria, returned to her home at 10th and Kings on EVednes- day. The St. Stephen's camp of Trail Rangers have re-organized foi'he season with the following officers--Grand Chief, )Vill Al- bin; sub-chief, IVill Parker; tally Jim Conway; Cache, Jim Blox- ham. f A daughter was born on AVed- nesday to Mr. and Mrs. Fegan at their home at 10th and Esplan- ade. R. G. Haley, 20th and Fulton, lias returned from a business trip to Victoria. Bliss Molly Edwards and Miss Lena Rivers were with the party of members from the Grouse Mountain Ski Club who made the club's annual climb up the Camel peak over the week end. The party went over Grouse Dam, Little Goat and Crow» mountains to reach the Camel, coming back the same way. A magnificent view was obtained from the Camel peak, the Rockies being clearly visible. Alterations in Roberts Meat Store have now been completed. New display cases have been in- stalled, and a division has been erected to make space for an of- fice in the rear. A refrigerating plant has been installed in the window of the store. Mr». Roberts, 27th an(1 Otta- wa, has moved to 2257 Marine Di ive. Library hlakes Special Offer to New 51embers 3lr. and illrs. James Holt, Mar- ine Drive at Ambleside, purchas- ed a house on Marine Drive be- tween 10th and 11th Streets, moving in yesterday. Mrs. Cullington, Radcliffe av- enue, )Vest Bay, is taking up residence at the Ritz Hotel, Van- couver, for a few weeks whilst alterations are being made to her house here. The Hollyburn Public Library &vhich is located in Gemmill's Drug Store, is making a special offer to new members of a 50c rate from now until the end of the year. Many new volumes have been added to the library recently and new subscribers can be sure of getting. good reading. HIG PUAII'KIN ON DISPLAYL1BERALS ELECT ~ AT GREENWOOD'S STORE NEHRU OFFICERS North Vancouver city police f'orce team avon the challenge shield during the annual revolver shoot at the Scenic Highway Gun club range, Saturday. AVest Van- couver police team won a silver cup, being second. Deputy Chief Constable George Gauld of the city force won the grand aggregate. the challenge trophy for the deliberate shoot at ten yards, and the deliberate shoot at 20 yards. Other prize winners are: Ten yards deliberate, Constable Al Shannon, city force, second; Constable William Aylward, dis- trict force, third. 20 yards deliberate, Constable J. Young, city force, second, Constable Al Shannon. city force third. Special shoot for chief con- stables: Chief Constable Peter Stewart, city, first. Chief Coii- stable 4V. lV. Hemmingway, dis- trict, second. CHIEF CON- STABLE JOSEPH SQUIRES, WEST VANCOUVER, third. 20 yards snap-shooting: CON- STABLE THOMAS SNEL- GROVE, )VEST VANCOUVER, won the G. J. Fowler trophy. Constable Walter Bowling, city force, second, Constable A. F. Page, district force, third. JACK HANKS )YELL KNO)VN AIECHANIC IN CHARGE OF REPAIR SHOP HERE Jack Banks who is probably one of the best known auto me- cnanics on the North Shore is now in charge of the Repair Shop of the Marine Motors, 22nd and Marine. Mr. Banks, who was formerly in charge of the Repair Shop of the Lonsdale Motors in North Vancouver, lives at Sandy Cove. He was for seven years instruc- tor in Automobile EVork, both theoretical and practical, at the Central Technical School in Tor- onto. He is a war veteran hav- ing been connected with the me- chanical Transport during the war. Needs No Premiums. GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS SAM~, 1 (g& wANT Y00 TO COMB TO My PARD T~ogROW Hl GHT- ~~~( o ~ HAFTA ~ 0 ': U BRING PRESBiT ..'-~'lou HO,BuT iF YOU ~ YOU MIGHT'ET A ig))SEcoNp PLATE ov )CE CR~~-" C='. =-,-p= For one job, always comes back a second time. He finds it pays to use the best. .w a Iay~q-I~ ;,I@i CAI I'.A&0 " ~ ~:-& Co. - j& Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 The builder ~vho uses CAPILAKO'S ) UMB]~:R At the annual meeting of the IVest Vancouver Liberal Associ- ation held at the "Clachan" last Monday night the following of- ficers were elected for the en- suing year: President, P. T. Masterman; vice-president, Airs. E. Gamage; Secretary Treasurer Illajor A. M. Lester. The appoin'.- ing of the executive was left until the next meeting. 140iiIE OIL DISTRIBUTORS WILL BRING NET YORK RADIO PROGRAbl TO H. C. Home Oil Distributors, Ltd., will make radio history in AVest- ern Canada on the evening of Saturday, October 12th, when a national broadcast from New York city will be brought direct to British Columbia. This broad- cast will be given over Vancou- ver Station CKWX for the full hour from 7 to 8 p.m. (Pacific time) and is the first national program ever broadcast from a western Canadian station. The broadcast will be sponsored by the Home Gas Distributors in all parts of British Columbia. The program offered will be of un- usual interest as the head-liners are the Two Black Crows, Moran and Mack, nationally known as fun-producers. In addition will l)e given the many metropolitan features of the Paramount Hour a radio broadcast of unusually high standard. Home Oil Distributors, Ltd., are providing this radio treat for British Columbia 1 i s t e n e r s through arrangements with the Columbia Broadcasting Chain. The program wil lbe given at the Columbia studio in New York City and transferred hy wire to Los Angeles at which point it will again be transferred to Coast wires leading direct to the studio of CKYVX. DIiss Violet McNair, 15th and Esquimalt, has grown in her garden a huge pumpkin weigh- ing 381bs. It is on display in one of the windows of Greenwood's Grocery, Marine Drive at Amble- side. 511LK QUILL BE DELIVERED IN DAYTIAIE STARTING SUNDAY The Ridley illilk Company gives notice that starting next Sunday the 13th inst., milk will be de- livered to their customers during the day instead of during the night as at present. Customers should leave their bottles out so that delivery will not be delayed. 5IISCELI ANEOUS SHOWER A very pleasant afternoon was spent on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. 4V. R. Ham- ilton, 22nd and Argyle, when she ~vith Mrs. G. H. Faulkner and Mrs. J. A, Davis entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Nell Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Burns, wh~.& for many years resided in )Vest Vancouver. The rooms were beautifully decorated with aut- umn flowers and, as the bride- gi'oom is on the staff of Shelly Ltd., the presents which were many and varied were presented in a miniature Shelly delivery Nagon, on which the 4X sign was prominently displayed. Little Doreen Thompson pulled the wagon in and the guests, whn numbered about thirty, followed fi om the dining room, taking the bride-to-be entirely by surprise. After the unwrapping of the lovely gifts, dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses and many good wishes were extended to Miss Burns, whose wedding takes place early in November. P.T.A. ACTIVITIES The October meeting of the p. T.A. was held on Tuesday the 8th instant and in spite of the heavy rain more than 40 people were present. After the read- ing of the minutes a short mus- ical program was enjoyed. Miss Margaret Wilson and Mr. A. J. Addy were the vocalists, with Miss Freda Herrin at the piano. The president introduced the speaker of the evening, Mr. C. J. Brown, Principal of the South Burnaby High School, whose subject was "The Changes in the High School Curriculum." He pointed out that these changes are really an outcome of the Junior High School movement recently instituted in this prov- ince, and that the whole move- ment is one to broaden and lib- eralise education. Students ent- ei ing High School under this new system &vill have a much wider choice of subjects and the, only compulsory ones wilI be m English, Social Studies anti ~ Physical education. He went on to deal with the objection: which have been raised to these changes and the interesting dis- cussion which followed showed a keen appreciation of the speak- er and a lively interest in present day educational problems. Call at the UNION GAS STATION (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and hlarine lVest 212 SERVICE