West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Oct 1929, p. 2

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001C982D THE WEST VAN NEWS October 11. 1929. .!I ew .'. anne .:iresses 1410 hlarine Drive See Our Windoiv Display ;i I,"t i~i"„li„i'.i$ iVest 372 WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, HollyLurn This Society is a Branch Of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. SUBJECT, OCTOBER 13th, "Are Sin, Discase, and Death Real?" Sunday School at 10 00 a m Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p.m. 14th and Duchess SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICE Sunday, Octuber 13th, at 7.30 p. m. Speaker--hl R. S. P. hlI LLER Trinity 20 (October 13th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Rible Class. 11.15 a. m.--5Iorning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong, United Church IIIinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11.15 a. m. Evening Service 7.16 p. m. Special Singing by Quartette of the"Girl's Corner Club. Don't hfiss This Treat No Collection. All Welcome. IlIASOiVIC DANCE The dance given by King David Lodge, A.F. 8: A3I., last Friday evening in the Hollyburn Pavil- ion was a most successful affair, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all those xvho attended. There was not a dull moment at any time, and the orchestra kept the dancers on their toes through- out the evening. Just before the intermission for supper a very interesting sleight-of-hand per- formance was given bv one of the members of the orchestra, some of his card tricks being par- ticularly clever. SCHOOL LUNCH ROOiiIS TO OPEN AIONDAY The school trustees at their meeting last night decided that the lunch rooms at Inglewood, Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn schools be opened from next Monday. The following will have charge at the three schools: ~ Inglewood--Mrs. Allen Pauline Johnson--Mrs. Carley Hollyburn--Mrs. Harris. Cream Tapioca Pudding 3 teaspoonfuls tapioca 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoonfuls prepared cocoa- nut. 4 cups milk 4 eggs % tablespoon vanilla Soak tapioca over night in cold water. Put m&lk, tapioca and sugar in a double boiler and cook until the tapioca is clear, then add the prepared cocoanut and cook for ten minutes longer. Beat the yolks of the eggs with a little milk and add to the boiling mixture, removing it from th fire as soon as it thickens. Add the vanilla and pour over the stiffly-beaten whites, to which has b en added two tablespoons oi powdered sugar. West Van Nems Published Every Friday Business and Editorial Office. 1361 Marine Drive Phone iVest 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. Publishers H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE YVest 363 West 412L $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News. stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Tuesday's meeting of the '6'o- men's Auxiliary was well attend- ed and an interesting report on the last diocesan board meeting was given by the local represen- tative, 5Irs. E. J. Pearce. The feature of this week's A. Y.P.A. meeting divas an address by the Rev. G. H. Dowker of St. Paul's Church on the Reforma- tion. The members will begin badminton in the parish hall next iveek. Juvenile Football Playing their first game of the season last Saturday at Ingle- ivood school against the North Vancouver Rangers the local Di- vision Three team secured a draw, the score being two all. The team from goal out was:-- G. Masterman, AVard, Mason, Hamilton, Keefe, F. Masterman, Farmer, Fiddes, Timbrell, Tea- roe, and Mills. Tomorrow after- noon the boys will play in North Vancouver. KEEP-FIT CLASSES Sunday, October 13th The minister will preach morn- iiig and evening. 11.16 a. m.--Topic--"The Call of the world." Morning anthem:"Sun of My Soul." Solo: "Beyond the Dawn," Mrs. Harrison. 7.15 p. m.--Topic--Last of the series on "EVhy?" -- "EVhy Are You iVot a Christian?" Evening anthem: "From the Rising of the Sun." Sunday School at 10 o'lock. Last Monday evening the Young People's Society had a large attendance when a very interesting address was given by Mr. S. F. Ricketts of the Chinese work in the city on "The AVork Among the Chinese in Canada by the United Church." Next Monday evening the pro- gram is "The Value of Total Ab- stinence." It is e~~cted that the- subject will be discussed by a teacher, a business man and a minister. It is a live topic today and should prove of great value. The Church Hall of the United Church is being painted and dec- orated and turned into an at- tractive rallying centre for the meetings of the various organiz- ations. There is still room for several men or youths who are iio longer at school in the "Keep-fit" class which meets every Thursday night at 8 p. m. in the Inglewood School auditorium. Any desir- ous of becoming members should come to the auditorium on Thursday a little before 8 o'lock in order that their names may be enrolled. Any further partic- ulars can be obtained by phoning Captain Lovegrove at West 412L. Last night following the P. T. the class played an interesting game of basketball. DTesdames McLean and Shie- field Shiefield are conducting a Junior class for choir work every Saturday morning from 10 to 11 o'lock. Already some 25 of the girls and boys of the United Church are in attendance and receiving valuable instruction in vocal music. It is expected that at least 40 will soon be taking the course. Ladies "Keep-Fit" Class Several ladies, both married and single, have signified their intention of joining this class, which will be held every Thurs- day evening in the Inglewood School auditorium either before or after the men's class. No out- fit except rubber-heeled shoes is necessary,and nothing of a stren- uous nature will be attempted. Captain Lovegrove requests that any others interested phone their names in to him as soon as pos-sible at West 412L, as it is aec- essaig to have at least ten names before the class can be started. The fee charged is $ 1 a month as in the case of the men's class. Another Record.--Did you hear about the man who did his half-hour morning exercises in five minutesl Fourteen were present at the inaugural meeting of the Liter- ary Club last Thursday, Dr. Henry, who was elected presid- ent gave an address on Carlyle and his great book "Sartor Re- sartus." The Club is entirely undenom- inational, and all who are inter- ested in literature are cordially invited. Mrs. H. G. Selwood who is secretary would be glad to get the names of any who have such interest. There are no fees or formal business. The basis of membership is purely a concern for literature. The regular monthly meeting of the EVomen's Missionary Aux- liiary will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 15th, at 2.15 in the Church Hall. The special speaker, Mrs. Reid, will talk on the next chapter in the study book, "Drums in the Darkness" a story of the United Missions in Africa. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies. Established on North Shore 20 Years. HARRON BROS. 8c WILLIAMSON giinecal 5fcectocs North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 HURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, higr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 for Ladies. hlisies «nd Children. The I.atest Season's Shades. I'riced very reasonably from $ 1.9;i ~est Vancoaave|'ible School (ecipes at hlr. John Lawson's office 17th and waterfront NEXT SUNDAY at 3 I, M. Loader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "How God &Inde Daniel to Understand. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys Residence, 13th and Haywood, Phone )Vest 252R. Sunday, October 13th, Special Anniversary services, 10 a. m.--Bible School. 11 a. m.--Morning worship. Preacher Rev. 4V. L. McKay, B.A., pastor of West Point Grey Baptist Church. Special singing. 7.16 p. m.--Song Service. 7.30 p. m.--Evening worship. Pastor will preach, subject "The Two Gifts." A cordial invitation to all. 8 p. m. -- Tuesday -- Young People's meeting; topic, Hymns and their History 7.30 p. m., Wednesday--Pray- er meeting. Friday--C.G.I.T.--7 p. m. iVATER BOARD V SUBMITS REPORT Holiday Punch Use the juice from 6 lemons and 6 oranges, the grated rind 3 oranges and 3 lemons, and the juice from 2 cans sliced pi»e- ;ipple. Add 1 quart tea and 2 cupfuls sugar, the latter having been added to the tea and heated in it until completelv dissolved. Then add enough plain phos phate-water to make a gallon. Just before serving add 4 quarts ginger ale (stirring well until it foams), ice-cubes, and a garnish of banana slices. Dlint Julep Squeeze the juice from 10 lem- one and strain. Add the leaves from 2 bunches mint, slightly bruised, and 3 cupfuls sugar and 1 cupful ivater. Bring to a boil. Cover and let stand for 30 min- utes. Strain, and add 6 pints ginger ale. Stir, chill with cracked ice, or ice-cubes made in the electric refrigerator, and garnish with fresh mint. Grape-Juice Frappe Combine 3 pints grape-juice, :i/j. cupful lime-juice, 2 cupfuls orange-juice, 2i/i cupfuls sugar made into a syrup with ~fj. cupful avater and 4 pints ginger ale. Add ice-cubes, flavored with lem- on, and garnish with Malaga grapes which have been halved and seeded. Tropical I.ime Punch Squeeze the juice from 12 limes. Combine with the juicefiom 2 cans sliced pineapple. Add 2 cupfuls sugar dissolved in 2 cupfuls green tea, and 2 pintssoda-water and 1 cupful grated pineapple. Chill, and garnish with fresh mint-leaves and mar- aschino chen ies. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the administration board of the Greater Vancouver Water District held on Tuesday, 3rd September, was received bythe council on Monday might. A- mong other matters was a re- port of the chief commissioner summarizing the results of ex- ploratory investigations in Capil- ano and Seymour watersheds, which had been carried on over a period of three and a half yearsto determine the possibilities for future water storage. The re- port showed that the site at Cap- ilano First Canyon had been found satisfactory and suitable for a dam which would createactive storage of 47,100 acre-feet niaking possible stream flow reg- ulation on Capilano of 200 mil- lion gallons per day. At Sey- mour canyon site a dam could be constructed creating active stor- age of 55,000 acre-feet, which,arith storage at Burwell Lake and Lock Lomond, ivould bringstream flow regulation on Sey-mour up to approximately 220,- 000,000 gallons per day. Presentwater consumption of the district indicated that Capilano canyon dam would not be required be- fore 1940 and the Seymour ca»- yon not before many years later.In order, however, to ensure con- trol of the catchment areas a- bove these damsites to the endthat the natural purity of this magnificent water supply might be preserved from contamination and to provide i'll so far as the resources of the district would from time to time permit, for protection of the forest cover from further destruction by fiie and to make possible the re-for- restration of appropriate parts of the area the chief commission- er recommended the purchase of all the area not now in control of the district, above the canyons in both watersheds when and as the land may be obtained at rea- sonable prices. He reported hav- ing already secured at favorable prices the major portions of the areas which are the keys to the situation in each case. The council ordered the min- utes filed. Raspberry Cups Squeeze and strain the juicefrom 12 lemons and 4 oranges. Dissolve 2i/-. cupfuls sugar in 1quart hot raspberry-juice. Add 1 quart raspberries which havebeen crushed, 4 oranges cut in cubes, and 4 quarts ginger ale.Stir well. Chill with cracked iceor ice-cubes flavored with orangeor colored with orange-colored extract. Loganberry Paradise Boil for 10 minutes 2 cupfulssugai and 2 cupfuls water ChillAdd 4 cupfuls loganberry-juice,'li cupful lemon-juice, 2 cupfuls orange-juice, and 2 cupfuls icedwater. Mix well. Chill. Jellied Cream 1 pint thick cream &/j, cup cold water 1/g Cup boiling Water 1 teaspoon gelatine 2i3 cup powdered sugar '/& tablespoon vanilla Soak the gelatine in cold watei until soft then add boiling ~~ ater 4Vhen it is dissolvecombine it with the cream whicnhas been whipped until very stif.Add the sugar gradually anlastly the vanilla. Pour into awet mold and chill thoroughlyJam or a cupful of fresh berriesniake a pleasing addition to this. Floating Island 4 cups milk 1 cup sugar 4 eggs i/. tablespoon lemon extractHeat milk to the boiling point.Separate the eggs and beativhites very stiff, adding one-third of the sugar. Drop thebeaten whites a spoonful at atime into the boiling milk. Takeout carefully with a skimmerand arrange in a glass dish. Thento the hot milk add the beatenyolks and the rest of the sugarand the lemons. Cook until thickstirring constantly and poul ~vhile hot over the whites. I et it get thoroughly chilled and just before serviiig dot it with spoon- fuls of bright colored jelly. hlr. King will speak over C K W X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 730 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.SO a.m. Benediction, 7.SO p. m. YVeek Days--Mass 8 a.m.