West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Oct 1929, p. 8

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001C982D Red Arrow Soda Biscuits, pkg ISc Red 4 White Pineapple, large tin ...................... ............ ..... 35 c Red 4 White Grape Fruit, tin 29c Red 4 White Aspaargus, sn&all tin 19c: large tin........................ 32c Red A WhiteSpinach, large tin 21c Red E-. AVhite Matches 2 bo~es 23c Red P. White Tea, per lb........ 56c Red E- White Coffee, per lb.... 56c Fancy Sandwich Biscuits, lb. 26e Sugar, B. C. Gran......... 10 lbs. 59c For Friday and Saturday Seedless Raisins, new .... 2 lbs. 22c Currants, Finest Australian, 2 ibs. 25c Lobster: Serv-us, new pack, 4s, per tin ............................ 23c &s per tin ............................ 41c B. C. Sockeye Salmon, large tin 43c Tomato Soup, per tin ................ 11c Peas: Serv-us, small tender peas per tin ..................................... 2lc Pumpkin: Serv-us, large tin.... 15c Smith s ~ rocery A. H ARVEY ShllTH, I'roprietor. DUNDARAVE „.„;,";„"„", HOLLYBURN 24th and hlarinc 17th and hlnrinc l'hone: West 469 Phone: IVest 46 Store Closes at 6 P. 5I., and All Day Sundays. THE WEST VAN NEWS Council Notes The engineer reported to the council on R. Orr s claim of $ 100 for rock deposited on 771-1-6, that complainant paid for the rock complained of when he bought the lot, as the rock was already on that ground when he became its owner. The clerk was instructed to so reply to com- plai»ant's letter of September 16th. Ranger N.'Pearson advised the council that Pollough Pogue de- sired to take over the telephone at the "look-out" on Hollyburn Ridge, instead of having it dis- connected during the winter. The council replied that they had no objection to this being done. They also directed a letter be sent to R. J. Verne asking what action is being taken with'e- gard to a telephone line to the ski camp. October 11, 1929. Once a customer, always a customer. . EFFE (I ES'UPER IO 4 . Yi EATS Government Inspected Only. Hollyburn Store Pest 3 m~l:I] Ambleside Store gest 303 Lamb Beef Pork SERVICE Everything for the Buildings SUPERIOR means onlv the finest of quality That is the kind of meat you find here. A full line of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon, Ham, Butter, Lard, Eggs, I resh and Smoked Fish, Etc. ) Two Stores for your service ) Ro'berts'etter eats e o o o e o e o e e o o o e e e o e e o o e Fresh Vegetables and Fish Daily Local Eggs Phone West 190 R. P. Blower and eleven other residents petitioned the council for a street light at 17th and Fulton. Their petition was ord- ered placed on the light file. George )Vood and Thomas Greer petitioned the council for a street light at the corner of 19th and Fulton. Their petition was ordered placed on the light file. R. J. Kyte applied to the coun- cil for a permit to make an ad- dition to his house at 1651 24th Street. Referred to the building inspector. A letter was received by the council from Messrs. J. K. Mac- Rae and Duncan advising that their client EVilfred Hoyle will hold the corporation responsible for damages allegedly suffered by him last August in tripping over a loose plank at 14th Street. Referred to the solicitor to reply. One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY 1578 hl A RINE DRIVE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY OF NORTH SHORE ELECTS OFFICERS~A& EVith customary ceremony, the new officers of the St. Andrews and Caledonian Society were in- stalled Wednesday evening in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver. Past Presidents )Vm. S. Mitchell and William McNeish were the installing officers and the cere- mony was witnessed by many representatives of nearby Cale- donian societies. The feature was an address by Capt. Ian Mackenzie, honor- arv president, on "Scotland Yet." Illustrative songs were provided by 3Iiss Nellie McLeod and Geo. McInnes. Refreshments were served and dancing followed. The newly-installed officers are: Honorary president, Capt- Ian Mackenzie; honorary vice- president, D. G. Tate; president, Alexander Sutherland; first vice- president, Eric R. Thomson; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. James EVardlaw; secretary, Miss L. W. McCready; treasurer, william S. Mitchell; trustees, Dugald Camp- bell, James Mitchell, Mrs. J. P. Young, Mrs. A. Stewart, Miss Jean Walker; chaplain, Rev. A. Q. K. Herdman; physician, Dr. I.. C. Graham; piper, John Fal- coner; standard bearers, Alexe Nicoll, George Firth; sword bear- er, William G. Lamberton; War- den, J. C. Kirkness; bard William S. &Iitchell; pianist, Mrs. J. Mc- Leane Get your Winter's Supply MacLEOD RIVER HARD COAL is Good Coal teston Cartage WEST 230 hlOVING and TRANSFER R. C. Mills wrote the council in reference to a culvert east of 12th Street on Mathers Avenue, which he said was in a condition dangerous to motor traffic. Re- ferred to the engineer for his attention and report. Daily Trips to City GARDEN MANURE Richards, Akroyd and Gallwrote the council on behalf of certain of their clients, enclosing a petition from them asking that Forest Lane be opened from lots 1 to 7 inclusive in block 18, D. L. 890 and 811 ~ Referred to the engineer to report cost. BUY GOODS MADE IN CANADA GIVE MORE PEOPLE RK BRlNG BEfT 'IN SUGGESTS ANOTHER ENGINEER TO SETTLE BOUNDARY DISPUTE There has been some dispute as to the boundaries of Frederick Buscombe's property on D.L. 811 -8-1, 2, and 8. The council on Monday night received a report from the engineer in which he recommended a special survey to be made to settle the questions in dispute. His report was re- ferred to the solicitor for advice. BUY FROM THE Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organiz ation in B.C. hiaterial for 100 ft. fence, delivered.....................$13.00 1" Rough boards, per M ... 8.00 1" Dressed boards, per M. 11.00 2x4, any lengths, per M..... 11.00 Shiplap, good grade, per M 11.00 1x6 Drop siding, per M.... 13.00 1x3 and 1x4 Flooring, long lengths, M............ 13.00 1x3, 4 and 6" V-joint, long lengths, M............. 13.00 4" Gutter, per ft.............07 1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100 1x2 Fir D.D. clear, 100 ft..504" V-joint,long lengths per M...................... 11.00 1x6 T. tII„- G. Flooring, per hl............................... 13.00 'h Shiplap, good, per M 12.00 Wall Shingles, per M.. 1.25 No. 1 XXX Shingles, M... 3.50 Sectional Garages, 10x16 delivered ........................ 45.00 Gyproc, Plaster Board, Fir Ven- eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Papers, etc. Board of Trade IVants Strip Tickets on Ferry A letter from the West Van- couver Board of Trade was re- ceived by the council containing a resolution recommending the ac[option of the strip ticket sys- tem and the substitution of a straight 10 cent fare in place of the present 80 cent fare. Laid over for further consideration. Ne~ s Item.--Tramp arrested for making home brew. Pleads not guilty because he has no home. CONSULT Dr. Willard Coates We give Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders HERBAI- HEALER 4VE Have made important alterations to our Store, and are now able to display our Meats for your. choice to greater advantage. See our Window and Cases for ideas for dinner. Only Best Government Ispected Meats kept. PLAY OPENING GAAIES On Saturday last. the teams comprising the recently-organiz- ed North Shore Juveile Football Association played the opening games of the season. Home Oil United (formerly Northern Lights, last year"s pro- vincial champions of the second division of the juvenile league) defeated West Vancouver 10-0 at Mahon Park in an afternoon game. In second division, .Capilano beat Kingsley School 8-1, Blue- birds defeated White Wings 4-1, and West Vancouver defeated West Vancouver All-Blacks 2-0. In third division, Bluebirds de- feated Kingsley School 8-2, and West Vancouver and North Van- couver Rrangers player a 2-2 draw. tw Burton L. Kurth is the new director of the North Vancouver Choral Society. Cicero the Cynic says: "The only mark of modern science on some peo- ple is their vaccination mark." ~ aaaa ~ a ~ aaaaaaaaa ~ Hoiv ABOUT YOUR FURNACE? The winter is upon us, and with the approach of the rainy season the problem of heating comes once again before the householder. Some of us have furnaces needing repairs, and others are thinking of putting in a new furnace. The Burrard Sheet Metal Works whose adver- tisement will have been noticed in the West Van News invite the custom of our residents. This is a North Shore concern, with a reputatin for doing a first class job at a reasonable price. Their shop at 229 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, is, it is clamed the largest and best equipped o» the North Shore, and they are ready to handle the smallest or the largest jobs. Phone North 845. W. E. Davis applied to the council for a lane to be opened and a culvert put in on his prop- erty, Lot 8, Block 4, D. L. 554. Referred to engineer to report cost. aaaaa ~ ~ aaaa ~ aaaaaaas no wonder thecandle feels so cheB;i 4'~ 6 I THE reason the candle feels so cheap is because it's so expensive. Confronted with electric light, it has developed an inferiority complex. The fact is, electric lighting is not only superior but actually cheapc:r than the candle light of not so many years ago. To be exact, electric light is 136 times cheaper than candle light. An ordinary 3-cent, 9-inch candle burns for 7 hours. A 40-watt lamp gives 40 times as much light and gives it for 20 hours at the same cost--3 cents.e Of course, there's the cost of the lamp itself, but a 40-watt lamp of the highest quality costs only 27c and is warranted to burn for a thousand hours and more. Light is cheap... in fact, the smallest item onthe family budget. May are trttd yott aa attttttittg attd tatanttbat tttdtftta little boaif lt s callrd "Titaotby T'tr." Tbr ratspatt rattl brittg it to yatsr tttail baa. DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Hoard Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver. um ver Co. 15th and Marine LIAIITED Phone %est 115 Residence Phone: %Vest 368L. RELIABILITY A 16. BLES ID E Lumber Co. Ltil. Marine Drive at 16th Phone West 199 Branch of Excelsior Lumber 4 Shingle Co. Ltd. 1291 hlarine Drive, corner 13th (Upper Suite). Success follows the use of Herbal Remedies in:-- STObiACH, LIVER and ALL DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, CHEST and LUNG TROUBLES, NERVOUS DISORDERS FE&IALE TROUBLES, GALL STONES, etc., IblPAIRED VITALITY IN ANY FORM, Hours of Consultation--7 to 9 p.m. hlONDAY, TUESDAY and THURSDAY NIGHTS, or by appointment. Phone AVest 272. B. C. Electric (Dept. 303) Carrall Street, Vancouver, B. C. Yea; aend me without obugation a copy of Timothy Tite. Name Address g"„I British Columbia Electric Rv. Ca Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa