001C9824 October 4, 1929. PARTIES CATERED FOR Home-Made Jams SP ECIA LB Saturday and Monday D& I 3fonte Prunes. 2 lb. pkt. 2lc Quakt r I'nrk & Beans IOe Pacific Mtlk, tin 1 lc Certo, per bottle........ ate Bournville Cocoa, '- lb. tin 3ite '..'. I'.S'."A.7 i~ I~ii„"II„". Ig"t'hone IVest 318R3. %Vest Bay I'ROTI PT DE I.I VERY IIAVE YOU TIIIED OUI'IOWIFWIADE CAKEST Mrs Ross's Bakery and I.UNCII I I l5 Marine Drive All Ifome Cooking I'IP~, CAKES, SC()NI&. Ftc. I'if()NE O'EST 302 A mbleside and 1429 i&larine Drive (next to Yates'lumbin~g Shop) NOW Ol'EN FOR lfUSINFDS 1 I a. m. t u l l p. m. I) ai I & Everything fried in Pure Crisco and absolutely clean CHORAL SOCIETY ADDS TO IIEIIBERSHIP Several new members joined the choral society at the prac- tice last PIonday night, but a few more can still be accommodated. There is need specially for a few tenors. The Choir tvill hold their first concert for this season sometime in November when "The Tales of Old Japan" will be given with some miscellaneous numbers in- cluding several sea chanties. J. Haydn Young will act as conductor for the balance of this year. HEPTEilll3ER WARIITH A I.ilOST RECORD The continuous warm ~veather of the past month almost created a record for itself, for it was the second warmest September since weather conditions were first regularly studied here twenty- three years ago, according to 41r. L'. I3. Shearman, Dominion Ilete- orolog i st. The average temperature of September of this year was 59.3 degrees, while the figure for the corresponding month of 1918 v:hich holds the record, was 59.9 degrees. F3right sunshine for the past month, 225 hours, was above the average of the past twenty-three i ears for the corresponding month, 177 hours, ~Ir. Shearman states, but no record was creat- eri. Rainfall for the month totalled 1.77 inches, a figure which con- stitutes a considerable decline from the average for the same period over the twenty-three years, 3.58 inches. Total preci- pitation since January 1 has reached 23.14 inches, which is in deficiency from the average by 10.13 inches. The highest temperature was 771. degrees on September 10, and the lowest on September 26 and 27, with 10 degrees. CARRY SOME HOifE or EAT IT HERE Did You Ifear About the Lady who gave up wearing fur coats because a small boy at the zoo threw nuts at her? Fl $ ,,I;,L,i THEATRE , aQNSDAL, a Now Playing THE TALKING SINGING DANCING MUSICAL REVUE and "The EXTRA! Lion's Roar" lng coF c Will talk to you Fables and News (Silent) hf on.-Tues.-IV ed. N EXT KV EEK IVe olTer you Thur.- I"r I.-Sat. Tll E ht YSTERY DHAhfA "Qn Trial" All Talking AN ALL TALKING TII RILLL'B "The Studio AIurder illystery" AII Talking THE DRAG DANGEROUS CURVES BLACKWATCH DESERT SONG DR. FU MANCHU WHEEL OF LIFE COCOANUTS MADAM X REhf I" hl BRIC If you SI:I'. and IIEAIC lt at Lou&ale-- it'a good A College Comedy Drama De Lu~e THE WEST VAN NE%'8 Correspondence OI3J ECTS TO VACCIiN ATIOiN Editor West Van News Hollyburn P. O. Sir:-- The brief report in your issue of the 2"ith inst., under the head uf "Council Notes" setting forth that the "B.C. Institute of Sani- practic and Naturopathic Prac- titioners" had written the Coun- cil expressing regret at the ac- tion of the Council in going on record as being willing to sup- port any health measures sug- gested by the Provincial Board of Health calls for a little elabor- ation. This body of physicians are t.ot opposed to any measure which would be advantageous to tlie health of any community. The SVest Vancouver Council were reported as having decided to "SUPPORT AN Y MEAS- URES" put forth by the above- mentioned Board. The discus- sion evidently centered around the question of vaccination in the schools. EVhen a council says they are willing to support any measures put before them it may be necessary to call a halt. The qtiestion of vaccination is a very debatable one. The leading scien- tific minds of the whole world are opposed to infecting the blood streams of healthy children with festeringmatter taken from snres on the body of a sick calf. Vaccination does not protect from smallpox. Vaccination does cause many diseases. Vaccina- tion is officially shown as killing four children under five years of age to every one dying of small- pox in England and EVales. The report of the Royal Commission. The Rolleston and Andrews Com- mittees all show that many dis- eases are transmitted by vaccine virus, including syphilis, tuber- culosis, spinal meningitis, sleep- ing sickness, etc. The intelli- gence of the parents is manifest in the tremendous number who refuse to submit their healthy children to this medical supersti- tion. It is of little use for the died in the wool medical man or ill- informed school nurse to tell the nother or father that they do not know what they are talking about when they object to vac- cination. The following statis- tics from the report of the 12th Session of the League of Na- tions Health Commission give the death blow to the claims of the pro vaccinist. Smallpox Death Rate I'er Alillion Persons Living, 1919-1927. England and EVales........ 0.46 Switzerland................. 0.50 Germany .............. 2.1 F gniance . mo a/ Italy ............................... 101.1 Portugal ........................ 386.0 The above shows conclusively that the countries where ther~ i.- least vaccination have the least trouble with smallpox. Germany and France complete- ly vaccinated countries, have FOUR TIMES THE DEATHS FROAI SMALLPOX that Eng- land and Switzerland have, and these two latter countries are the least vaccinated. Ita'.y ivhere vaccination and re-vaccin- ation are carried out with great severity shoivs 200 times more smallpox deaths than England. We submit that no council is Justified in saying they will suo- port "ANY i~IEASURE" if such measure be to enforce disease upon our school children. I feel that in justice to the body of physicians ivho wrott'he council, and to your readers as favell the above explanation is called for. Yours for healthy children, H. NOWELL. Annual Beiolver Shoot illembers of North Shore Re- volver Association will hold their «nnual shoot at ~!ountain High- ivay Gun Club grounds tomorrow (Saturday). Soccor GAill ES PLAYED TOIIORROAV First Di i ision FIome Oil vs. West Van. at Mahon Park, 3.30. Alanager J. Condon. Second Division West Van (White Shirts) vs. West Van All Blacks (Black Shirts). Ambleside Park at 3 p. m. Manager for SVest Van team, l!r. Mitchell; manager for All Blacks, ~lr. B. White. Third Division West Van. (White Shirts) vs. North Van. Rangers at Ingl~~ woo&i High School grounds at 2.15. ~lanager for West Van.. Rev. A. Harding Priest. Your Te.lephone 44 ill save you a trip, many times Phone your Drug wants to 6 EST 37 and they will be de- livered promptly. A call will bring a messenger for your Prescription--we will dispense it and deliver it. This service is for your con- venience. Take advantage of it. Order your favorite magazines and they will be delivered to you as they arnve. The following committees have been chosen: IVest Van., 1st division -- J. Grisdale, B. Ferguson, A. drick. 2nd Division--R. Fiddes, ~Iasterman, G. Ashe. All Blacks--T. Timbrell, ~lax Lennox, A. Edwards. 3rd Division--F. Tearoe. Phil Farmer, ~Iilton Ward. Players Teams for ALL EVHITE TEA~I DIV. 2--as follows:--Fid des, i~tasterman, Ashe, Stevens, Dow- ney, Patterson, Tearoe, Vaugh- an, Keefe, EVood, Timbrell. DIVISION 2, ALL BLACKS- Gardiner, Savory (2), Brown, Parker, Lennox, Larney. Dickin- son, IVatt, Irish, Bell, Edwards. DIVISION 3--Tearoe, Hamil- ton, 31asterman (2), Farmer Fiddes, Ward, Timbrell, i~lason, IlchIillan, McDonald, llills. DIVISION 1;--Grisedale, Traf- ford, Gray, Burns, Irish, Fergii- son, Hamilton, Kendrick, Corn- ish, Grieve, ~lcVean, Clement. The Three I'arts of a Woman' I.ife A number of women were talk- ing one day about woman's work in the world. One woman askedan- old lady present, who was known to be exceptionally clear- headed, how she thought a wo- man should divide her life among the many claims upon it. ~ "That," she answered, "may be harder to answer now than it would have been some years ago; but, except in details, I would divide it as my mother always said she wanted her daughters to do; the first twenty yearsnust be for her own full develop- ment, the next twenty for her family's ivelfare, and the third twenty should be spent in doing good to others." "But," said the other woman, "there are so many ivays of us- ing the latter period, as we see in your own case, that I am a- fraid you put undue value upon it. don't you?" "No," responded the old lady;"the center of her life, and the very best part of it, is spent, as it ) hould be, on her family' ~i elfare." WEST VAN PHARMACy The Store of Service. We Deliver Phone West 37 GAS and OILS 8 e bare installed an EI.FCTRICAL GREASING GUN for greasing autos This is the only one on the North Shore. Bring your car here and have it thoroughly greased ALIBI.ESIDE GAS g OIL STATION (Billy Craig) Marine Drive, Directly opposite Strat ton's Bakery I'hone West 6140 SffELL PRODUCTS IIOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th 4 Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor THE ..A..l. i.( LLiIITED For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS &orth 4 ancouaer Phone North 1310. ~Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone IVest 410L L. M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON Stockbrokers and Financial Agents Stocks, Bonds, InvestmentsThere divas a fearful crash as the train struck the car A fe» seconds later ~Ir. and ~lrs. Pick- ens craivled out of the wreckage. i~Irs. Pickens opened her mouth to say something, but her hus- band stopped her. "Never mind talking," he snapped. "I got my end of the car across. You were driving the back seat and if you let it get hit, don't blame me!" Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. Seymour S&94 579 Dunsmuir St. Vancouver A real man is dependable. His siruple word is as good as his Bible oath. ASTBU(Y .UMSEI Co., I."D. North Vancouver (Successors to Cedars Lumber Yards) YARD: 154 Esplanade West LUDIBER -- SHINGLES -- SASH S: DOORS -- VENEERS GYPROC PLASTER BOARD --BUILDING PAPER AND ROOFING A fesv Odd Lots of Lumber to clear at Special Prices. V-Joint Siding and Flooring .... $ 15.00 Shiplap (good grade) .......... $ 14.00 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, "m10.. $ 14.00 2x3 and 2x6 ................ $ 12.00 PHONES--North 285 - 212 Night, North 1415R