001C9824 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 4, 192'.i. "I'rices Consistently Lowsp FREE DKL1VERY I &':B.SONAI S Two Stores in 9'est Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and hlarine Drive 1442 illarine Drive IVest 405 IVest 16 3 lbs. 54Iacaroni, lb. Ontario Cheese, regular 68c............. 59c 2 large pkts. Soda Biscuits, lb. Ginger Snaps, regular 70c.... 59c Large Ryvita Crispbread, large tin Milk .................................. 59c 3 tins Royal City Go)den Ban- tam Corn ......................... 59c 4 Ib. tin Orange DIarmalade for 59c 2 tins Vi-Tone, reg. 70c for.... 59c 6 doz. Spring Clothes Pins, 3 pkts. Reckitt's Blue 2 bot. Eureka Bleach ..... 59c 1 lb. C. G. Tea ................. 59c 1 lb. Broken Pekoe Tea, 3 lbs. Gran. Sugar, reg. value 70c ........................................... 59c lb. Finest quality Butter, 3 pkts. Triangle Free Running Salt, reg. value 70c........... 59c 6 tins Aylmer Soup, (except Chicken), reg. 70c for............ 59c 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar. 59c CHIROPRACTIC IYILI. HELP YOU %el. ves As the nerves control and regu- late all the tissues and organs of the body, it must be evident that any disease could be caused by pressure upon the nerves at various points. Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone )Vest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver 7 tbs. Bread Flour, lb. Lard . 59c 9 tins Sliced Pineapple........... 59e lb. Cbristie's Fancy liiised Bis- cuits, tin Squirrel Peanut Butter ....................................... 59c 1 pkts Rice Krispies 3 small tins r~lilk, reg. 70c....... 59c Tin Corned Beef, 30 oz. jar Siveet Mixed Pickles 59c 3 doz. Sunkist Oranges............ 59c 1 Jelly Powders, o lbs. Bananas, Pkt. Custard Powder ..... 59c 2 doz. Rubber Rings, 1 bottle Certo Pkt. Parowax .............,.................. 59c , 0 tins Royal City Peas.............. 59c lb. Finest quality Butter lb. Baking Soda ................... 59c 10 lb. sack Pastry Flour, Tin Pepper 3 lbs. Pure Lard .. 59c 59c Schoolboy Stuff A monastery is a place of monsters. Marriage is a Sacrament where a priest unites a man and woman in fatal union. The Bible is against bigamy ivhen it says no man can serve two masters. False doctrine is when a doc- tor gives wrong stuff to a man. America was discovered by the Spinach. In 1658 the Pilgrims crossed the ocean, and this was known as Pilgrim's Progress. An appendix is a portion of a book, which nobody yet has dis- covered of any use. An ibex is where you look at the back part of a book to find out anything you want. A grass widow is the wife Gf a vegetarian. Needs No Pre ums. GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS Q 1 5AMMyi I (tt( wANT YoU Yo CQME To Ny PARITY Tceopeow Hl GHT- I ~~~9 e ~ ~FTA 0 '. 'tI BRING f%'ESMT HO, BUT IF YoU ~ 'YOU MlGHT GET A SEcoND PLATE~ ICE CiZ~M- , tdt) 2,. The builder who uses CA].'ILAW O'S LUMBER For one job, always comes back a second time. He finds it pays to use the best. FRmAY- SATURDAY-MONDAY SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES Reeve Vinson, who has been away for over two weeks on a hunting trip, is expected home «t the end of this week. Ronald Priest of Rossland, B. Ces is a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. A start divas niade on Tuesday at the high school at basketball «nd physical training. tB Mr. and ilIrs. A. I-I. Foden have moved into the Baker cottage at 22nd and Bellevue, 51r. I'oden, who has retireil, was formerly assistant superin- tendent of the Commercial Cable Co. in Hazel Hill, Nova Scotia. The )Vest Vancouver Badmin- ton Club started their season on wednesday evening at Dundar- ave hall. R. C. Harrison, 24th and Hay- wood, has returned from an ex- tended trip in the Pacific States. T. Barnott has finished land- scaping and constructing side- walks on the property of J. R. DIacPhail, 23rd and Inglewood. A. Chilton, manager of the Royal Bank here, has returned fi om his annual vacation. F. I. Jackson of Vancouver, has moved into 2878 Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Elliott of Vancouver, have moved into one of the Stevenson cottages at 24th and Haywood. Comptesse Lambert from Van- couver, recently visited the Glen- eagles Golf links as the guest of General R. P. Clark. Captain Edwards, manager of. the municipal transportation system, has returned from his annual vacation, which he spent fishing and hunting. He event up the Cariboo trail as far as the Chilcootin country, and had pret- ty good luck considering the scarcity of game in the district he hunted over. TALKIES AT THE THEATRE LONSDA,LE "IVords and AIusic" a Big Seat- Filler "4Vords and Music," an elabor- ate Fox Movietone musical re- vue, now is playing to capacity audiences at the Lonsdale The- atre. It is a mus.'cal comedy with a collegiate background and intro- duces Lois AIoran in her first singing, talking and dancing role on the audible screen. Tom Patricola, America's pre- mier eccentric dancer, is featur- ed in a dance number of his own creation, "Steppin'long," which bids fair to exceed in popularity his famous "Black Bottom." Edward Royce, foremost Broadway musical stage director staged the musical numbers and ensembles in which the princi- pals and one hundred dancing and singing beauties take part. James Tinling and Frank 31er- lin directed ")Vords and Music." TENDERS CALLED FOR CLEARING SCHOOL GROUNDS hlental Science Mrs. Bridey (at 1 a. m.) --"Oh Jack wake up! I can just feel t) ei e 8 i mouse in the i oom Husband (drowsily) -- "IVell, gust feel theie s a cat too and go to sleep." The Military Institute of Van- couver is holding its annual arm- i'tice ball on I"riday, November 8th at the Hotel Vancouver. 5Ir. and Mrs, O'. R. Simpson and family, 17th and Duchess, are shortly moving into Dr. Nash's house at 1495 Clyde Ave. P. H. Alder of Sherman has purchased a waterfron t lot at "Seaholm," Cypress Park and is »ow having the property im- liroved with a view to building there in the spring. George Archer, son of Captain and Mrs. C. J. Archer, 11th a»d Inglewood, is expected home in a week or two from Lake Louise where he has been spending the summer. K. Sogoff was awarded the contract for extensive clearing and grading for part of the new road system at Gleneagles. 3Irs. R. EV. kV. Reid and three children, left here on Tuesday for San Diego, California, where they expect to reside in future. Mr. Reid will joint them later. Engagement iAIr. and 51rs. H. de 3V. King of Caulfeild announced this week the engagement of their elder daughter, Gladys Agnes, to Mr. Charles Tory Bruce of Halifax, only son of DIr. and AIrs. 4V. H. Bruce of Guysboro, N.Sep and a iiephew of His Honor the Lieu- tenant-Governor of Nova Scotia. The marriage will take place the second week in November in Hal- ifax. Since graduating from the University of British Columbia, IiIiss King has taken her M.A. at Dalhousie, and spent the last year in New York. She is at present visiting her parents. The physician's little boy was endeavoring to entertain a pros- pective patient in his father' offices and as they were looking at the skeleton in the closet, the nervous patient timidly asked: "EVhere did your father get that?" "Oh, he has had that a long time," iluickly answered the little fellow, "That was his first patient." Immaterial Maud: "Have you spoken to father?" Billy: "Yes, I asked him by telephone, and he said: 'I don' know ivho you are, but it's all right.' A youth who had reached the stage at which his voice was changing went into a grocery. In a deep voice he demanded a sack of flour, then his voice changing suddenly to a high pitch, he added "and a pound of butter." "Just a minute, please, said the clerk, "I can't wait on both of you at once." Spirited Action Hearsh: "I thought you had a date with Helen tonight?" Roy: "I did, but when I saw her leave the house with someone else just as I was arriving, I got sore and called it off." Modern Girl. I understand that the girls of your time 'set their caps'or men, grandma?" Grandma: "Yes, child, but not their knee-caps." CROCUSES AND V IOLETS STILL IN BLOOAI HERE Other indications of the ex- ceptionally salubrious climate of )Vest Vancouver are shown bv the numbers of flowers still blooming in our gardens. AVe have seen roses in full bloom, whilst Mrs. George Herring has crocuses and violets in her gar- den. This is certainly a record for October. Mae: "Since you have broken your engagement to Jim because your feelings towards him aren' the same, why do you keep his ring?" Mabel: "Because my feeling toward the ring are still the same as ever!" Unnecessary Advice Telephone Operator: "I have your party. Deposit five cents, please." Souse at Pay Station: "EVhaz- zat?" Operator: "Please deposit your money." Souse: "Listen, girlie, wat I wan's a conversat'n from a fren', not financial advice from a strange laidy." A policeman caught a welsh motorist exceeding the speed limit in his car. "EVhat's yer name?" he de- manded. "Aubrey Lleivellyn Brynmawr of Lewellyn," was the reply. The policeman put his note- book away and eyed the offend- er sternly. "9'ell, don't let me catch you again!" he said severely. A man who shot and wounded a saxophone player one night pleaded that he thought it was a cat. "But you mustn't even shoot a cat," said the magistrate. "I thought this one was very ill," pleaded the man. FLEETEST ARABIAN BEING SOUGHT BY K. A. RAY Ex-Councillor K, A. Ray, now in Palestine, advises friends, savs the Vancouver Sun, that he i=- hot in pursuit of the best pro- curable Arabian steed with which he hopes to return here and watch it burn up the race tracks of the mainland next summer. "I had one," Mr. Ray confides, "that sure would have created some excitement in B. C., but, unfortunately, while I was riding on it one day it was struck by an automobile and I was compelled to shoot it. "But I am going to buy an- other one if I can find another one like it." Mr .Ray who has been away on a holiday trip for over a year is expected back at his home in IVest Vancouver within a few weeks. ~.~1 ~l'1=4% ,;! 8! 1 iy+~ CAl..A&0 ". M3'.& C0. -T~ Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 Tenders are being called for by the Board of School Trustees for the clearing and grading of .28 acres adjoining the play- ground at Pauline Johnson school. Specifications may be obtained from J. Duncan, Muni- cipal Engineer. All tenders are to be in the hands of H. B. Garland, secre- tary of Board of School Trustees Hollyburn P.O, by 5 p.m. on Monday, October 7th. CaH at the UNION GAS STATION (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and ilIarine )Vest 212 S ERVICE I nevi table )Irs. Newlywed: "Now, George dear, if I do all the cooking for a month, what will I get?" George: "You'l get my life insurance and a long black veil.'EVhy do you call that fellow wheelbarrow?" asked the visitor in the office. "Because he's no good unless he is pushed," growled the boss.