001C9824 A Wee z.y '.4 ews va hei Newsstands 5c per Copy$1.00 per year. C7rcuiattugiu the District of West l ancouver-- Ambleside, Ho/lyburu, Huston, Dundarave Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Vol. IV EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, OCT-4th. 1929 No. 29 More Than Residents---Be Citizens STRATTON'S 1)AKERY 5I A K IN G N ElV FOR~l OF iVHOI E iVHEAT BREAD Strat ton's Bakery has this week put on the market a new whole wheat bread which is made under a special process and which, it is claimed, has correc- tive properties as &veil as high food value. The new loaf, known as "Stratton's Health Bread," is made from whole ivheat which is ground by stone instead of the usual machine ground product. It is said to be exceptionally good for constipation, but apart en- tirely from these special prop- erties the fact that this is a whole wheat bread made under the most sanitary conditions will ~ make it a favorite. Liberals to Meet Election of Officers The IUest Vancouver Liberal Association will hold a meeting n.xt Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the "Clachan," 25th and waterfront, to arrange for delegates and to elect officers for the ensuing year. An endeavor has been made to advise all old members L~f the Association with a view to getting a good turn out. The executive of the Vancou- ver North Federal Liberal Asso- ciation will meet next Thursday, October 10th, at 8 p. m in the K. P. Hall, North Vancouver. At this meeting the date for the general meeting of the Associa- tion will be arranged. A Typical Scene on Hollyburn Ridge Hollyburn Ski Club iN preparing for a busy winter. Im- provements have been made to the skiing runs and jumps and a larger number of visitors than ever is expected. ~lother Earth is mankind's best provider. She produces everything we wear--everything we eat--ancl everything tha& shelters us. In brief, 4fother Earth has made life possible. So it is with our city and our merchants. Our success is dependent upon their success. ~Ve must support them or they will retrograde. 1Ve are to them what the plow is to the field. In other words, sustain our merchants by BUYING AT HOiblE. The good will of the buying public is the goal of the moclern seller. without it, they cannot exist. Back up your merchants and you prosper with them. By boosting the "Buy at Home" movement you help put your community on the map. EVERYBODY HAS A Ch:RTAIN A~IOUN'I'F CIVIC PRIDE--that sort of pride which helps make a village a town, and a town a metropolitan city. The growth of any community is dependent upon the sup- port given its citizens. If you fail in your co-operation the town either stands still or retrogrades. If you uphold it by sustaining it wholeheartedly you help yourself and the coni- munity. You can help, and help very materially, in improving the conditions in IVest Vancouver by spending your money in IVest Vancouver. THE DOLLAR TFIAT 5 OU SPEND HERE, STAYS HERE AND 3VORKS--whether it goes into civic improvements, via taxes, better schools, roads, churches, streets--or whether it simply goes into more merchandise for your next needs--it circulates at home. EVEST VANCOUVER IS PROGRESSING. That most cit- izens are helping in this progress is evidenced by the growth of our beautiful municipality: but we will progress much more rapidly if every citizen will help the other fellow so that he may better help you. DIVIDE YOUR DOLLARS AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS and others who have the interests of the populace at heart. Help them and they will help you to greater values--for in- creased volume means decreased costs. Remember your neighbor will take better care of you than a stranger. It is to his interest to do so. His future depends on his winning and holding your confidence and friendship- and he's right here to make good any mistakes. BE MORE THAN RESIDENTS--BE CITIZENS. I At the Hack of the Ridge Picture taken by ~Ianley Romans. The Shorthand and Typewrit- ing class at the Night School started the season's work last Tuesday with an enrolment of 20. There is a "speed" class as well as the learners class. Mrs. lV. Reid is the instructor. The woodworking and hlanual 'I'raining class is also getting under way. J. Condon is the teacher in this. One or two more entries for the woodworking class can be accepted if applica- tions are made at once. Those wishing to join should get in touch with Mr. Condon without delay. There were not sufficient ap- plications for the Hook-keeping and Commercial Arithmetic class or for the Dressmaking. Hence these subjects will not be includ- ed in this season's work. HUI LDING PERAIITS TOTAL $ 15,350 Six building permits were is- sued by the municipal hall in September for a total of $ 15,350. Particulars are as follows: Dwellings Edgar, Edmund G., 25th and Lawson ................... $2,000 pollen, J. D. EU., Cypress Park ............................... 3,750 Coney, G. A., 31st and slathers ................ 3,000 Additions &Airs. Pretious, 16th and Esquima) t .................. 700 Allan, D.A., 15th and Ing- lewood ........................ 800 Cameron, Stuart, Caul- feild ........................... 5,000 Garages Edgar, Edmund G., 25th and Lawson ........... 100 $ 15,350 LEGION iIEETING ON illONDAY, OCT. 7th The regular monthly meetinget'he Canadian Legion, )Vest Vancouver branch, will be held on 31onclay, October 7th, in the Legion rooms, Ferry building at 8 p.m. Arrangements will be made at this meeting for the Armistice day parade and for finishing the meeting house. Mr. McN chol, secretary of the provincial command, will be pres- «nt, and will give an address. Every member is particularly re- quested to make a point of at- tending, as this is i~lr. iAIacNic- liol's first official visit to the branch. New blembers Invited The "Keep Fit" class held the initial practice in the gymnasi- um of the Inglewood School last gight. Several who had express- ed their intention of joining were unable to be present for the first practice. Those who were pres- ent, however, Nere put through their paces and thoroughly en- joyed the exercise. It is hoped to have an enrolment of at least twenty for next Thursday night. Volley ball and other games viill, it is hoped, be added to the curriculum in addition to the physical jerks, marching, etc., which make up the regular course. Captain Lovegrove has expressed the intention of de- veloping the members by easy and systematic stages, so that pleasure as ~veil as fitness will be the result of the exercises. The class meets every Thurs- day in the Inglewood School gymnasium at 8 p. m., and any ivho are desirous of joining should present themselves a few minutes before that hour so they can be enrolled without cutting down the full hour alloted to the class. There ivill be a charge of &1 a month for instruction, but there is no equipment or any- thing else necessary to be pur- chased. A pair of rubber-soled shoes is the only requisite. Any further information can be ob- tained from Captain Lovegrove, )Vest 412L. Ladies Class I'roposed Following the organization of the men's class, several requests have been made that a similar class be arranged for ladies. Be- fore such a class can be formed, it will be necessary to have a minimum of ten entries. Any who are interested should get i» touch ivith Captain Lovegrove its quickly a» possible so that, if such a class i» to be formed, the foll course for the season can be completed. There was a poor attendance at the Municipal Hall last hlon- clay morning for the annual tax sale of municipal properties. Less than a dozen transfers werc made't that time. A large number of properties listed &vere hc wever, redeemecl before the sale. The funeral services for Alex. Flarvey, "2ncl and ~larine Drive, who died on wednesday after- iioon, will take place at the United Church on Saturday at 2.30 p. m. NIGHT CLASSES THE "KEEP FIT" CLASS START iVORIC ilET LAST NIGHT School Trustees Meet At the last meeting of the board of school trustees a letter v'as received from the depart- ment of education stating that the department would meet one- third of the cost (the amount not to exceed $ 1,100) of con- structing an extension to the manual training annex. The teachers'adminton club has been granted the use of the lnglewood School gymnasium on wednesday evenings and Satur- ctay afternoons. The )Vest Vancouver School Trustees were officially repre- sented at the opening of the Point Grey Junior High School. Chairman G. D. Elgar and Tru~ tee Mrs. Selwood being present. The Parent-Teachers'ssocia- tion wrote thanking the school trustees for having framed three s«ts of pictures presented to the schools by the Association. The secretary of the Girl Guides asked for the use of a vacant class room in the Ingle- wood School from 4.30 to 6 on wednesday afternoons. This was granted providing it did not in- terfere with school activities. The school lunch rooms will this year be operated by the fol- lowing: Hollyburn--l!rs. Harris, Pauline Johnson--Mrs. Carley. Inglewood--~lrs. Allen. Ilanual training instructor, J. Condon, made representations to the board ivith a view to regu- lating physical training periods in the gymnasium, pointing out that the covered playcourts were not always suitable for this e ork. The trustees arranged that all classes taking physical training under the deriction of Mr. Con- don be given sufficient time ti allow for a clear twenty-five minutes in the gymnasium. Soccer Season Opens Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon the North Shore Junior Football League will open the season's activitie». Two games will be played in lVest Vancouver and a third in North Vancouver. In the first division Home Oil meet )Vest Van. at Mahon Park. Kick-off 3.30. A Second division game wi) l be played at Ambleside Park, when )Vest l an. ivill meet the 5Vest Van. All Blacks. This game is billed to start at 3 o'- clock. The IVest Van third division team ivill tangle with the North l an. Rangers on the Ingleivood School grounds at 2.15. It will be seen that three IVest Vancouver teams get into action tomorrow. From the reports wc have received and the enthusi- a»m of the players they are all going to be well contested games. They'l be worth watching. Turn out tomorrow and give the players your support. A big bunch of spectators will give the boys a good send-off. Let's niake tomorrow a real old time soccer day.