001C9824 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 4, 1929. SENIOR illATRIC. FEE AGREED UPONSmith's i roeery A. H A K KEY S i~I I T H, I'ropriet or. DUNDARAVE .:„".;"„", HOLLYBURN Agi cement that the& should be a limit to free education, and that fees should be paid after junior matriculation was reach- ed Thursday night by represen- tatives of the Vancouver school board and Vancouver Paren- Teacher Federation. Protest by the Parent-Teachei body against the school board's decision to charge an annual fee of $ 100 for students of 17 years and over, resulted in a re-open- ing of the ivhole question. The first step in its reconsideration divas a round table conference ex- ecutive and a committee of the board, composed of Trustees James Blackwood, Tom Brooks and kV. M. )Voodworth. It. was agreed unanimously, after a thorough canvass of the situation with school officials, tiiat some limit should be set. Attainment of junior matric- ulation was thought the proper time to call a halt to free edii- cation, without setting an age limit. In cases of "soldiering" on the part of students it was suggested that they be dealt with on recommendation of the principal and superintendent. Trustee Blackwood has called a meeting for Monday night of the Lower Mainland branch, B. C. Trustees'ssociation, in order that the members of the Van- couver board may get the views of neighboring trustees on the matter before reaching a final decision. It is expected that definite ac- tion will be taken at a special meeting of the board set for wednesday night, In the meantime, the trustees are holding in abeyance the mat- ter of high school fees for 17- year-old pupils, and they will be received for the present without payment of special charges. For Friday and saturday Golden Meadow Butter, the Best in the World ............ 3 lbs. SL32 Quick Quaker Oats, package.... 27c Grape Nuts ................... 2 pkgs. 29c Walnuts: Shelled, per lb............ 35c Cocoanut: Shredded, per lb.... 15c Smith's Honey, 12 oz. jar....... 25c Lobster: new pack, lINs, per tin 23c 4s, per tin ................,. 41c Asparagus Tips, small tin...... 19c Large tin ................................ 32c Sardines, King Oscar, 2 tins for 29c Pastry Flour.................... 10 lbs. 47c Pilchards, Nabob,.... 2 tins for 25c a~lolasses, large tin .................... 2lc Sliced Pineapple,....... 3 tins for 29c Oranges ............. 3 dozen 31c Rolberts'etter eats No. I Government Inspected Meats. Oua ~Ear &S FINE,ArtD BouND- 'T Y'ought c KEASE 9 H 'EVERY POUND! Finest Quality Dairy Produce. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. One Store Only Next to PIGGLY KVIGGLY 1578 ibIARINE DRIVE Phone West 190 for Swift Service 4V. T. Atwood, plumber and electrician, has opened a store a" 18th and Marine Drive, in the location formerly occupied by the West Van. Investment Co. ilIr. Atwood has a long ei~ri- ence in plumbing and electrical work and will carry stock parts in his new store. BUY FROM THE FIRE DESTROYS PLANT OF NORTH VANCOUVER SAWMILLS, LED. Largest Exclusive Retail Lumber Organiz ation in B.C. A fire broke out late last night at North Vancouver Sawmildls, resulting in the complete de- struction of the plant with a loss of $ 125,000. Intense heat from flames which soared 50 to 60 feet in the air made it impossible for firemen to approach near enough to play tlieir streams on the flames of the mill proper and they concen- tiated their efforts on saving the stock. Hundreds of spectators crowd- ed the open spaces about the mill and required the united efforts of the whole police force to hold them within the fire lines. Material for 100 ft. fence, delivered ......................$13.00 1" Rough boards, per M.... 8.00 1" Dressed boards, per M. 11.00 2x4, any lengths, per M..... 11.00 Shiplap, good grade, per M 11.00 1x6 Drop siding, per M.. 13.00 1x3 and 1x4 Flooring, long lengths, N........... 13.00 1x3, 4 and 6" V-joint, long lengths, M........... 13.00 4" Gutter, per ft............07 1x2 Cedar D.D. clear, 100 . 0 1x2 Fir D.D. clear, 100 ft..50~" V-joint,long lengths per M......................... 11.00 1x6 T. g G. Flooring, per M.......................... 13.004" Shiplap, good, per M. 12.00 Wall Shingles, per M....... 1.26 No. 1 XXX Shingles, M... 3.60 Sectional Garages, 10x16 delivered ...................... 45.00 Gyproc, Plaster Board, Fir Ven- eer, Lamatco, Roofing, Building Papers, etc. A Good Lawyer The jury had acquitted the defendant of horse stealing be- cause of the powerful plea of his lawyer. "Honor bright now, Bill," said the lawyer as the two left the courthouse, "you did steal that horse, didn't you?" "Well, now look here. I'l be honest with you. I always did think I stole that hoss until I heard you make that speech to the jury. Now I'l be dog-gonned if I ain't got my doubts about lt. CONS ULT Dr. %Villard Coates HERSA& HEALER We give Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders 24th and hlarine 17th and Marine I'hone: IVcst 469 I'hone: IVest 46 Store Closes at 6 P. 5I., and All Day Sundays. If we supply you with our hleats Your eats will always be complete. A full line of Cold 5Ieats always kept--Baco»»mg Butter, Lard, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked Fish Etc Hollyburn Store gest 3 d ii Ambleside Store gest 303 c t iaaf ats SERVICE Everything for the Building. DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster Board Beaver Board -- Shingles West Vancouver. umber Co. 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L. RE LIABI LITY For blocks around the roaring flames illuminated the country- side so that a newspaper coulrl be read several hundred yards away from the blazing mill. The absence of wind and the clear flames of seasoned wood burning provided an unusually spectacular blaze. Added to the spectacle of the roaring flames and the crashing of falling tim- bers as the frame fell in were the detonations from explosions in the engine room. Chief william Murphy said the first call came into the station at 12.40 a. m., but so swift was the onslaught of the flames that the mill was doomed before the fire engines reached the scene. It was as yet impossible, he said, to make any guess at the origin of the outbreak. Another fire broke out at the Horne Shingle Mill at Esplanade East, North Vancouver, about 11 a.m. today, but was quickly ex- tinguished by the brigade, very little damage was done. DON'T iVRITE AN- ONYBIOUS LETTERS )Vhy do people write anony- rnous letters to newspapers ~ Accomplishing nothing anrl less than nothing, in the way of spreading their own ideas and theories, nevertheless they con- tinue doing it. As a rule the anonymous letter is thrown into the waste paper basket half read. Once in a long while one of them contains some really useful information. Sometimes they are so amusing that their abusiveness is ignored and the other readers of the paper are allowed to join in the editorial laugh at the absurdity of the nameless critic. Perhaps the "anonymous" let- ter writer is content "to get it off his chest." Very well! but don't send any unsigned com- munications to THE NEAVS. They will not be published. You can use a nom-de-plume if you wish; but we must know who is the writer of every letter ave publish. ~ ~ s ~ s ~ s ~ I ~ a ~ aa ~ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarsa .'Hey, Bill, Miriicefs AT: out van kciaMC" I Once a customer, al&vays a customer. . EFFERIES'UPE(llo&,Y, EA3'S Government Inspected Only. A. M 8LES I D E Lumber t 0. Ltd. Marine Drive at 16th Phone West 199 Branch of Excelsior Lumber tk Shingle Co. Ltd. Sparkling Ale Place the juice from 4 oranges and 2 lemons and from a No. 1 can pineapple and %i cupful mar- aschino cherries over cubes of ice. Stir well. Add 2 quarts sparkling white grape-juice. 1291 hlarine Drive, corner 13th (Upper Suite). Success follows the use of Herbal Remedies in:-- STOMACH, LIVER and ALL DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, CHEST and LUNG TROUBLES, NERVOUS DISORDERS FEMALE TROUBLES, GALL STONES, etc., IMPAIRED VITALITY IN ANY FORM. Hours of Consultation--7 to 9 p. m. illONDAY, TUESDAY and THUItSDAY NIGHTS, or by appointment. Phone IVest 272. e'I 'e', ~HAT'S the idea of the green arebrows?'i asks Bill'a chum as he interrupts him enjoying Caesar's Bellum Britan- rucus. "They'e as passe for indoor wear a galluses or corsets. Get wise, old kid, get wise." "Get wise, yourself, Socrates. It isn't so long since you ate in the kitchen," replied Bill. ~ ~ "Say, why don't you gct Friend Sts to make a few shades. They don't need to cost more than a feiv cents and they do look sort of chic or ultra and all that sort of thing. You'e good at fancy work yourself, you shiek." / lt's as easy as that to have good lighting. You should never,neier let raw I&i,ht str&ke the eye nor reflect hght from a white page. Shade every light and try to bring it over yourshoulder when you study. Use inside-frosted lamps, which diffuse the light. Avoid glare and avoid gloom. Have plenty of light but control it properly. Thus you will save your eyesight. Get your Winter's Supply ilacLEOD RIVER HARD COAI. is Good Coal teston Cartage %VEST 230 iblOVING and TRANSFER Daily Trips to City GARDEN MANURE Pupils of Framar Alontesorri School of IVest Vancouver enjoying outdoor exercises. A letter or postcard v&i]1 bring you our booklet entitled "Correct Lighting for Every Room in the House" Igrrrsg Carrrrrara ErzcrarclbiuwgrCa 1 ~ 1$ ~ CSllkaElaaAkSI ~ IAklAlgggggggggggI