001C981B ), September 27, 1929. THE WEST VAÃ NEWS ~ t. EX-HIGH TO IIEET NEXT IVEDNESDAY HOUSEWORK ilANTED by the day by capable wf&man. Phone West 231P.. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RFNT--4 Roomed furnished cot- tage. modern; garage, $25 a month.Phone West 604-O. I'AINTING, DECORATING, FRENCH Polishing. Phone West 71Y. The first meeting of the West Vancouver ex-High will be held in the Inglewood School on KVed- nesday, October 2nd, at 8 p. m. All interested in basket ball and badminton are cordially invited to come along and make the meeting a big success. CHICK EN DIN N Elt next Sunday, 6 p. m. at the Clachan, 25th and Wat- erfront.11odern Improvements Clancy stopped his friend Sweeney on the street one day. "I hear you'e moved, Sweeney. How do you like your new place? "Vi'ell, hIike, it costs a lot, but there's a lot goes with it. An'himnew-fangled conveniences are great things. Sure we'e been livin' month there now and the first day we lit the gas range in the kitchen, and it ain' out yet. RFNT--Four-roomed cosy cot- tage at W~t Bay with electric light. ~ater, sink, partly furnished. $6.00 month. Apply P. O. Box 666, Vanf riuver, B. C. F OR I'LUhIBINC REPAIRS--Phone West 241R. $33.00--For ltent, fully furnished 6ve room modern bungalo~. Phone )Vest 8&r.iR. R I . CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD FURNISHED HOhlE with one acre fully cleared. Situated on hill two blocks from bus service. Invigorat- ing air and splendid scenic panor- ama. Everything induded at $2500 on terms. Owner transferred to an- other district. CHILD'S CRIB and Cirl's Bicycle for sale. Phone West 31. F()R RENT--$ 15, newly furnished cot- tage. Cs ntrai. Call 2119 Bel]evue. WEBB S SHOE REPhlltS WEh R BEST-- Dundaravo. WA NTED -- I~nd Clearing; Wood Saw ing with machine. Large or smail jobs. J. Glover. Phone KVest 214 R. The School Trustees have been invited to the opening of the net Point Grey Junior High School. N ANTED-- Boy for tea packing a- bout 17 or 18. Call IVest i26Y. Ol(CH ESTRAI4 hf USIC-- Library of invalid lady musician consisting of Overtures, selections, concert, dram- atic and dance; 742 pieces: to be drawn for. Tickets can be obtained from hf. hf. P. Union, room 307 at 319 Pendir Street West. The Elks Hall, Vancouver. bfr. hfoore grocery store. I)undarave or at bfrs. A. A. Clarke's house on waterfront be- tween 30 and 31st, where music can be seen. It. I'. CLARK 4 CO. ESTATES LTD.The Domestic Science pupils of Grades 8 and 9 presented to i.ach of the school trustees a jar of marmalade made by the pupils during their class instruc- tion. TAXI--Peerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, AVebster North 1234 790 Duasmuir St Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 225. hlisguided Advice "Clif me two pounds of da sal- mon." "1'hat isn't salmon. That'2I ham." "Who asked you vat it vas?" SCH lVEPPES LEhIONADE, ADA DRY GINGERALE and all tho Good Brands of CIgars Ambleside Tea Rooms 5 ROOhl BUNG A LOW, hot water heating, close 16th and Kingsway. full price $ ~3 Trade equity $ 1300 for cottage in West Van. 3 Beautiful Large Lots just North of Drive, Dundarave. Fall price $700 or sell separately at $250 and $300each, easy terms. GILLESI'IF HART Q TODD, LTD„ 415 W Pender St. Seymour 9380 Evenings West 53R2. The School Trustees decided at their meeting last night that starting October 1st, all IVest Vancouver school students are to take their physical education in the Ingleivood school gymnas- ium. GARDFNS DESIGNED, Laid Oat and bfaintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172XI. GARDEN IIARI(OPS--Strong, Light, unpainted; price $ 1.50, delivered subject to approval. Phone North 364R. CA III ENTElt WANTS WORK Alt erations or repairs. Day or contract Reasonable. R. Chalmers, 2145 Bellevue. H EbISTITCIIING--Plain.. whito.. 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Poarce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phono West 144. ltANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. The Greater Need A small boy in the visitor's gallery was watching the pro- ceedings of the Senate Chamber. "Father, who is that gentle- nian?" he asked, pointing to the chaplain. "That, my son, is the chap- lain," replied the father. "Does he pray for the Senat- ors?" asked the boy. "No, my son; when he goes in he looks around and sees the Senators sitting there, and then he prays for the country." ii EST VANCOU& EI( IÃ)AI(D ()F SCHOOL TRUSTFFR I'EN DF.RS for CLEARING AND GIIADINGR. A. SARGENT HEADS CANADIAN CLUB Tenders are invited for Clearing and Grading 28 acres addio&ning the present playground at Pauline John- son School. Spicifications may be obtained from hfr. J. Duncan, hfunicipal Engineer, athis office in the IVest Vancouver Mun- icipal Hall. All tenders must be in the handsof the Secretary of the KVest Vancou- ver Board of School Trustees, Holly-burn P.O.. not later than 6 p.m. on hfonday, October 7th, 1929. .V.oc cl. I".i~Iagistrate R. A. Sargent waselected president of the North Shore Jubilee Canadian Club, at the annual meeting Wednesday night. i~Iayor G. H. 5Iorden is past president. Other officers are: iAIrs. ~I. Vicar, first vice president; F. J. Patterson, second vice president; R. A. Hunter, literary secretary; and J. R. Buroes, secretary- treasurer. Executive: AIrs. Sowden, Reeve J. 51. Fromme, P .Stewart, J. B. Leyland, Mrs. Simpson, E. Crute, H. Smith, G. Brealey, Alderman G. $V. Vance and Rev, 4V. Askey. ...Oj.-.EI |-S FOR RENT--A fem very corn fortable, up-to-date homes. Reasonably priced. Safety First "William," she whispered to her husband, "I think I hear bur- glars. Are you awake?" "No," said William. FOR SALE--A few houses spec- ially priced. Snaps. Newly constructed with every con- venience. I'age Jeff Cloak-room Attendant -- "Did I give you the right coat and hat. sir?" "No, thanks." Dangerous I'rivilege An Easter» judge has ruled that a man has a right to drive his car without any assistance from friend wife in the back seat. He also has a legal right to monkey with a buzz saw or light a match to find a gas leak. PHONE lVEST 21 GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance SEWING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work Mrs. Blozham, Phone KVest 226. CEhlENT WORK--Rock Walls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing, Grading. Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- son. 'I HE PLACE TO EAT--Lunn's Cafe. Publ&c phone West 611-0. High Time Mrs.--"Oh, Harry, I'm worried about the car!" Nr.--"So am I; if we don' trade it in prt.tty soon we'l own the darn thing." BUY COODSMADE IN CANAGA GIVE MORE PEOPlE iRK BRING BEfT ' Notary Public 1405 Marino Drive Office Phone AVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phoae W. 32R or W. 204X IVell-known Slacker Willie--"Pa, what's a para- site?" His Pa--"A parasite, son, is a man who walks through a re- volving door without doing his share of pushing." Winter ScheklulesThe Standard Dimensions Dinner-- Will the spaghetti I ordered be long waiter? EVaiter--The usual length, sir. 0 %0r ~ ~ 0 ~r ......I v ~' fgy=a w 'S Chopped Stuff A henpecked and haggard hus- band asked the butcher: "What kind of meat have you this morning?" "Some steak as tender as a woman's heart," said the butcher"I'l take sausage," said the customer, with a sigh. P/ease note changes carefully from time gahles belongs WESTBOUN D: weekday Servirce Lv. Vancouver ............ Lv. North Vancouver Ar. Caulfeild ............. Ar. Horseshoe Bay . Would Save Her Feet The picture on the screen sliowed a poor old woman, cast off by her cruel children, trudg- ing ivearily along the road. The pathos of it brought tears to the eyes of a well-dressed woman who sat with her little boy in one of the front roavs. The boy heard his mother sob. "Don' I worry. Ma," he said, comforting. ")Vhen I grow up to be a man I won't let you go to the poor- house like that." "IVon't you, dear?" she sai&l. & "IVhat will you do?""I'l get you a taxi," wag the I eply. EASTBOUND: IVeekda) Service PM IPM X 1.10 1.05 1.25 1.35 1.55 AM I AM I Abf I 10.10 8.25 10.25 11.50 8.65 10.55 12.20 l11.2o I A M I A hf I A hl A h11 ,... 6.30 ,'7.45 ... 6..16 7.25 7.-1518.00 ... 7.16 7.SS 8.16 8.25 I I 'sol PiflP 5f'Pif PM~P'M PM~P XIIP 5IIP5l P3f Pif I PM i 4.10 I ~ I i 7.10,,'8.10 2.10 4.25i4.60 6.25 6.10 6.60',7.10 7.2517.50'8.25 9.~A 11.00 2, lp 4.55 5.„"0'6.65'6.40 7.20 7.40'7.55'8.20 8.55~ 9 Ssl lldo)S.', I I I I fi.'1 19.20, ( Lv. Horseshoe Bay .. Lv. Caulfeild ............ Ar. North Vancouver Ar. Vancouver .......... ai20 WESTBOUND: Sundays and Holida) s IA hf; Abf I Ahf I Ahf ~P hf',P hflPhf P M P hl Phli Phi I PM '8 40( 925[f0 &P I2.00II.4013.00 4.20~5.40 6.20~8 0110. 5112.00 o.ls I',.251 0 )10.05I ' 3 4QI 3.40 i I 17.001 I I12.40 Lv. Vancouver .............. Lv. North Vancouver .. Ar. Caulfeild ............... Ar. Horseshoe Bay . EASTI)OUNiD: Sundays and Holidays ~~ AMI AM I AM Ahf P hl'P M'Phl P M'P M Phf1 .. 7.4S, 11O.1O ... 8.00 9.&110.25 10.50i1.25I2.25 4.25 4.50 6.25 7.25 ... 8.25I 9.55I10.55I 11.'-'0 1.5512 55'4.55 5 20 6.65,7.55 ... 8.501 I11.20l 13.20I IS.'OI I .~.oO Phl Phf 8.50 11.00 9.20'11.30 I Lv. Horseshoe Bay .. Lv. Caulfeild Ar. North Vancouver .. Ar. Vancouver ........ A Study in Brown John--"Do you realize that'ou look like Helen Brown?" IIazel (angrily) --"Is that so? IVell, I'l have you to under- stand that I look all right in blue." x denotes Saturday ONI.Y. AM Ahf Ahf Ahll Ahf ] Abf I Abf I PM 'Pbf P M P bf PbliPhI'P hf PM P hf PM Pbf PM' M P M 9.00 i 11.30 6.40 7.00 7.20 8.00 9.25 11.00 12.00 12.40 I.40 3.00 4.2015,00 5.40,6.00 6.20'6.40 7.00 7.20 9.00 10.2511'0....I7.05 7.25 7.45 8.25 9.50 11.25 12.25 1.05i2.05 3.25 4.45i5.25 6.05'6.25 6.15I7.05I7.25I7.45 925 10.50 12.2517401 if0.05 I'2.401 I 3.40I I I 17.00t 17.40l I i 11240 His Uulucky Thirteen The Cadger--"I ain't never 'ad a chance. No matter where I go or wot I svorks at, my un- lucky number bobs up and does me in, some-'ow." The Householder--"IVhat do p ou mean? IVhat's your unlucky number?" The Cadger--"Thirteen, lady. Twelve jurymen an' judge." Phone Seymour 4000 ~ C ~ L C&a~ =--.=. ~adMM~=--= 347 ,i3III'S (",l,&„,.A ..i".9 Seyiycour at Dunaaeuir Phone i%orth Van. N. 705